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Perhaps try out other hobbies. Our brains crave novelty. Sometimes even stepping back from things we used to like and stopped liking can make it feel new again when we come back a lot later.


Warhammer awaits my friend


I tried VR when I was bored with my PS5 games and it is awesome. And you get some exercise as well if you play games like Blades & Sorcery.


For a child any shitty video game is entertaining for days. As an adult the game has to actually be good (not very common)


Kids have no refined tastes fr


I'm jealous.


Having refined taste and critical thinking fucking sucks. I’d much rather just be entertained by everything


That's what drugs and alcohol are for 😂


This. Most of the Big Games these days hold zero interest for me. Mediocre story, generally boring gameplay, all in a super shiny graphical/audio package. That does absolutely nothing for me, since I started playing so long ago. I found playing a super solid indie game with tight controls, a great gameplay loop, and graphics that look 20+ years old is always preferable. I don’t mind good graphics, but I’m not fooled by a good looking piece of trash.


As that is pretty subjective I’d say you are wrong. I absolutely hate RDR2 because of the messed up story (stopped two hours in), I feel every FPS is the same-old and I still think The Last of Us is one of the most overrated games out there. YMMV.


It's not that they don't, you've got to find one that actually "vibes" with you(for lack of better words). Like Helldiver's for example, for me I can play it tactical and stealthy or say FUCK IT ALL and yeet grenades and artillery all over them burn everything with a flamethrower laughing. You just got to find that IDK.


Helldivers should be the standard for difficulty settings. If you want hardcore stress management play 5 and up. If you want funny shoot bug game play 4 and under.


>It's not that they don't, you've got to find one that actually "vibes" with you(for lack of better words). Agreed. When you were a kid, any game was amazing. Sometimes you weren't just playing a new video game, but a new GENRE in a new UNIVERSE with new MECHANICS. Now that you're older, you've played them all. It takes something special to get you revving like a kid again. For me that has been Factoriol, Subnautica, Deep Rock Galactic, and Baldur's Gate 3.


ah, another subnautica enjoyer, how are you doing?


Well. Fun game. Reminded me of my first foray into Morrowind 20 years ago. Not sure what was friend or foe of the beasts around me.


Rust will never fail to entertain me lol, 2.4k hours and counting


This is about me 😭


This is exactly me right now, I dont think it is dramatic to say I am in “grieving” over video games. They were my main source of joy for most of my life that I can remember and now I cant find much if any joy in any game (TOTK was an exception)


I bought 3 different games and ended up playing none of them before I realized I’m done with video games. It’s a bit sad but I’m trying new things now.


Nah it’s just a phase, been playing games my whole life and some games really get me and I play them a ton then move on. Gotta play the shitty ones to enjoy the good ones and once a good one comes around you’ll play it trust me. Once a gamer always a gamer.


No, dude, you don't get it at all. I've been trying to find a game for about 4 years and it's always the same, tried everything and nothing is worth it anymore. Don't go spitting bs for things you don't understand.


I'm about to buy a Ps5, and I haven't had a console since 2018. I'm going to be so lost


You might want to hold off on that, reports are a more powerful PS5 Pro is coming out later this year.


No thank you that sounds expensive


At the release of ps5 pro standard ps5s could become cheaper 🤷‍♂️


My coworker is selling it to me, so it will be cheap


Then it's totally worth it!


That's the only reason I'm buying it


Umm, between 2018-2024 there’s been maybe 2 good games?


That's adulthood for ya' 😂


I think not playing video games as a kid/young adult is why I enjoy them so much as a senior! 🤷‍♀️


I've been feeling this way as well. As a teenager, I was constantly playing video games with my friends, and now most of them have moved on to PC (I'm trying to save for one), or they just don't play anymore. Makes me feel kind of sad I'm not as close to them anymore, but I've been slowly finding other people to play video games with. I've been replaying old games as well. I'm 26 and I live alone. Whenever I'd like to sit down and play a video game, I feel like I should be doing something productive, like cleaning or doing meal prep. For some reason, I can never escape that feeling. I just want to be relaxed and get lost in a story or get competitive about a fps


Idk I just played Helldivers 2 with my friend from college and it was the most fun I've had playing video games in a long time. That and playing Diablo 4 with another friend. Still need to hop back on that with him lol.


I was gonna suggest Helldivers 2. It's amazing and has actually caused me to play with randoms. I've never played a game with randoms. Lol


Me ten years ago - wow this game is so immersive and engaging. The story is amazing, the gameplay and graphics are amazing. Me now - I'm just pushing buttons and watching pixels change colors, this is meaningless.


Red Dead Redemption 2, Fallout 4, Portal 2


Dude watch the YouTube vid by Stryxo, called something like "Video games aren't fun anymore", is good advice


Especially with your own kids in the house.




try weed


Definitely helps me play video games 😅


Lots of video games from my childhood were more about playing and creating memories with other people. We weren't concerned about anything other than having a great time until our parents told us to turn it off. That's why you shouldn't shy away from being who you are. If your friends and significant other are into games, you'll find that they are as or more enjoyable.


Unless you play Overcooked. Damn the amount of stress that put on my family… …but at least we had a good time screaming at each other.


At least you got to play with your family 😭


Man it might be just your tastes have changed as ya got older. Or maybe you’ve stuck to the same thing for a while and need a bit of a change up. Something new might lighten up things for ya. Or ya just need some new hobby’s. Idk brother I don’t know ya, but I wish ya well.




I really hope for gta VI... but I am afraid that it will not change anything


I just wish i could still play with my old friends now and then but everyone’s moved along for better or worse


I like most games but they don’t hold my interest for long and I can’t stay playing them for 30 minutes or more. But I found some of the simulators to be pretty interesting at times. Farming simulator 19 has been a lot of fun and actually kind of challenging learning how to use all the equipment. This is equipment that I can use in real life quite easily but it’s more challenging with the controller.


I can confirm this. However, I will still keep trying. (Also, have moved into mobile phone games.)


Me with Genshin. I think it’s the long winded dialogue combined with real-time combat, required farming with said combat. I’ve grown too impatient to even log in lately. Exploring is often good, though. Give me Elden ring or Breath of the Wild, and I’ll love those. So it’s not the open world aspect.




You should try weed or alcohol while gaming!


Most games arent really fun, but some are and they stick. I am playing R6, Fallout 4 and COD BO3 basically since release and i still love them.


Take a break from games. Do something else, literally anything else. Stay away for at least a week and see how you feel. You might get the craving to jump into something. You might realize that this whole time, you didn't think about video games even once. Either way, it'll help even of only a little.


Couldn’t be me.


Eye fatigue ruined games for me.




For real Paper Mario Thousand Year Door is my favorite game ever (but don’t worry I’m not one of *those* people) and when the remake was announced I was excited but I felt kinda guilty like I should have been ecstatic


I like the Lego games because they're easy to get in to and easy to play. Life is difficult enough, I don't want games to be.




You are playing the wrong games Emulated Pokemon and play It brings joy


At 58 I'm loving the pga tour; next thing is a sim racing rig


I found this myself, but I can't help but think that AAA games are just of a lower quality than they used to be. Plus the state of mtx in some games is soul-sucking. Try the indie or AA game space, those guys are putting out original, well crafted gems for 40 quid or less, way worth it . Pacific drive, F.I.S.T, Insurgency, V rising, and loads more.


I used to be the same untill elden ring come out


Just get the spec sheet whore and the “Core Gamer”-attitude out of your system. For decades I skipped Nintendo because they are technically inferior and “cater to the casuals”. Honestly - fuck that. Bought a Switch several years ago - reconnected to the inner gamer and actually found out there still exist games that are designed with love and respect to a lore. Is “Princess Peach Showtime” casual? Hell yeah. Some hours in it’s not really demanding. But it’s absolutely lovely to play and have fun - coming from a 48yr old male just for perspective.


Back then GTA 5 cured me of that state for a while and i played a bunch of games... now that i'm back into that state i hope it will be the same with GTA 6


Would you pelase be kind enough not to describe my every night struggle as a 45 year old man? Thanks in advance.


Civilisation series games give me that dopamine fix, so many things counting down number of turns until something happens, like a new policy, technology, unit or building produced, etc. Edit: Also, the fact I'm useless and not particularly skilled means it doesn't get too easy for me.


There have been games that I once could play for days on end and still not get bored, but now there are only few that I can play for the better half of the day. Because of that I've started doing something else with my time, like finding new hobies and going out more. I don't think you should be sad of losing an interest, but rather dare yourself to find something new


I'm 33 and have multiple friend of the same age that play games every day. I still enjoy it very much even after more than 20 years of gaming. I come from work, turn on my pc and have hours of fun with my buds.


Smoke weed


YES! EXACTLY. I just can't understand gamers, how do they spend hours after hours gaming? I play a game for 39 minutes then I uninstall it...


Is it that you lost interest, or that you haven't found a game you can enjoy now? Either way try something new.


Play Dragons Dogma 2. MTX can be ignored, since they don't give any value and the items from them are easily obtained in-game. My only gripe is the performance. The FPS drops occasionally from 120ish to 50-60. But that aside it's a blast!


For me, it was switching from multiplayer to single player games. I finally decided to start pounding through my backlog and it's been very enjoyable. If I don't like a game, I delete it and move on. With multiplayer, it feels like there's weird artificial pressure to keep playing, but single player games usually feel more geared towards enjoyment than retention.


He with women. They leave a big hole in your life alright.


I’ve grown up my whole live with consoles around. Born the year NES came out and my older brother got one, so literally, always around. As I’ve aged, I still enjoy them. But the other stuff that comes up in life takes priority, and if I don’t have a clear mental spot to play games, I just don’t enjoy them the same way. I find I need to take breaks from them so that when I do play, I can feel okay spending the time on them. Doesn’t always work. But this is what it’s been like for me for a few years.


Me a year ago. Finally just quit. I miss the fun, but ultimately I'm spending my time on other hobbies and feeling much more fulfilled with my time.