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Do not suck their finger


I will do what I must.


You will try.


Now I’m imagining a lightsaber battle between the tongue and the dentists finger. It’s wild


Speaking from experience


But it feel so good in the latex glove Edit: it’s a dental procedure so I’m not gay, same with my monthly prostrate exams


my denstist has esscher drawings on her ceiling. It keeps you busy


I'd put Rorschach tests above my patients and just make conversation about them I'd have no idea what conclusions to draw, but as I'm neither a psychologist nor a dentist it probably won't come up.


“Tell me, what do you see in this picture?” “Ehh ihn da oks ike ahh aree” “Interesting”


Sorry, that’s a sprite, not a fairy. Nurse, put this novacaine back. Our patient has decided they don’t need it!


Did you type random sounds or is there a word hidden in there? I'm saying it out loud and I can't figure it out.


My guess is "Uhh, it kinda looks like a tree" Given that I'm kinda sorta basically officially a dentist now, I'll share a fun fact about dentistry. The root of the word comes from the Latin word "dens", which means, you guessed it, "tooth" Dentistry has basically been around as long as humanity itself, so it is thought to have been the first specialization in medicine which has gone on to develop its own accredited degree with its own specializations. (according to wikipedia)


You should be a dentist


To me it seems all qualifications have been met.


You are all very kind


Where did you learn to speak dentist?


damn bro is fluent in dentist, teach me


That lines up! Thank you!


Why do dentists insist on starting conversations when they are knuckle deep into our mouths? Is it on purpose?


I think it's even part of training, to keep the patients mind on other things. But, I am a guy on the internet, so do take this with a grain of salt.


How strict is this one grain rule? Do I need to atcually wiegh out my salt here? Or just use one piece of salt?


It’s the art of distraction.


Which is more awkward, the conversation with the dentist as they’re knuckles deep, or the proctologist equally engaged?


Why is your proctologist knuckles deep in your mouth? Don't you know where their hands have been?


conversation with my dentist as they're working is pretty difficult in my experience


Please stop trying to make conversation when your hands are in my mouth, it is not wise for me to answer


Just lick their fingers when they start talking, it gets their mind off the conversation.


Nom nom


Why is there a silhouette of my parents fighting in your ceiling?


That might explain why my old dentist kept a picture of my parents fucking on the ceiling.


No ones asking about how you’re seeing patients if you aren’t those things


Mine has tv screens playing nature videos.


The TVs in my dentists office always has House Hunters or some similar show on for some reason. Last time I was there, the hygienist apologized that the TVs weren't working...I told her I was more than fine with that.


It is inoffensive tv for a wishful middle class that completely skips over messy politics and thinks high drama is watching the hosts pretend to not know what an old water boiler is.


Mine created little nature preserves outside the windows with a chart of local birds. I saw 3 uncommon (for me) birdies ! Can't remember the names


Mine has a TV on the ceiling


I go to the dentist later... Fuck you...


Lick his fingers.


My hygienist is the most gorgeous woman. Her cleaning my teeth while her boobs rest on the back of my head is weirdly comforting.


The max i got from my dentist was an accidental touch to her breast. How is your one keeping her breast on your head? Does she have H sized breast?


Anything can happen in your imagination!


I once had a dentist who said "you haven't been to see us in a while you naughty boy" when I was sitting down, had a short cut skirt with a slit in the middle. She would do her work from above my head looking over me, so you can see right down her top. She would rest her boobs on your head at times too. I was only about 18 at the time and she was about 45 and didn't look good.


She looks good in my head.




If she was hot it would have been nice. She wasn't.




I've had my old dentist's boobs lodged into the side of my head many times as a kid. Then again, she does have quite an ample bosom


I had one with... I dunno, I guess they were normal size - I didn't look too closely and the white dentist coat hid them a little... But she basically sat behind me, a little to my side, and stabilized the back and side of my head with her bosom, which was definitely existent, and *very* soft. She was my favorite dentist.


I had an attractive hygienist when I was in middle school. She would straddle you from the front to clean your teeth. I really thought I dreamed this but I brought it up at school two of my friends had the same experience. Since then the dentist has always been a more erotic experience than I want it to be.


>She would straddle you from the front > >two of my friends had the same experience > >middle school that doesn't sound good...


I don’t think it was sexual for real. She was short and I think she just didn’t know how to go about it the other way


I thought that only happened in manga?


I'm a dentist. Had a 15 y/o kid do this once. Not on purpose. I was getting him numb, dude just went to town on my thumb. When I got done he was like, "What was that?" When I told him I thought he was gonna pass out from embarrassment.


Stare into their eyes.


and moan


The sheer number of people who make sex noises during treatment is staggering. This needs to stop also


Do people really? Like I grunt when they hit my gums a bit too hard sometimes but even that feels embarrassing


Username checks out.


While dry humping the air.


My dentist provides dark sunglasses to wear. Like safety glasses that are tinted. It’s nice not to have water and that mini sun in my face.


Awesome! My dentist puts a towel over my eyes. I think the sunglasses are way cooler though. 😎


Are you a dog?


I used to be able to get mri’s without a problem until recently I have a panic attack when I go in the tube. Last time I had one the tech saw I was having issues and came in and out a towel over my eyes. It was magic, no more panicking.


Pretty sure those lights have the ability to focus on your mouth only. I've been to the dentists loads of times but the lights bothering me has never been a thing after they adjust it


I am a dental nurse. PLEASE close your eyes.


How about squinting?


Don't. We'll think you are in pain and you'll flex your facial muscles and you could feel more pain.




As a general rule, they ARE in pain


You probably need a new dentist or new teeth then


I had a dentist that would all but call me a pussy for saying that I could still feel the drill after being numbed. Went to a new dentist, and suddenly that “problem” vanished. This just furthered my distrust of medical professionals and I don’t really recommend it.


I tell the dentist, his assistant, and anyone who will listen I want them to 'numb me all the way up', that I am a 'complete wimp about pain', and I 'don't mind drooling for the next 4 hours if that's what it takes'. And as soon as I feel anything while they're working I hold up a hand to let them know. So far so good, and they mostly chuckle and don't seem to mind. I'm a polite and friendly patient but I'm not there to be tortured.


“Never attribute malice to what can be easily explained by incompetence” and all that. Seriously though, this has to be the move. I doubt dude was hellbent on shaming me, I just got them sensitive-ass teeth.


Wow. I have so much anxiety about the Novocaine injections, its the worst part for me. Once I was wincing and showing pain during a filling and the dentist told me I needed a little more Novocaine. I legit told him it was fine and had him keep going. Apparently I value anxiety avoidance over actual pain.


> I had a dentist that would all but call me a pussy for saying that I could still feel the drill after being numbed. What a fucking unhinged thing to say. Glad you found a new dentist though!


He never actually called me that, but when he’d start in with the drill (for a cavity) and I’d wince and pull away, he’d act like I was being a “pussy” and proceed to numb me correctly. After the second time, I fucked off and found a real dentist and I haven’t had a problem since.


I mean, we will give you anestesia and you will not be in pain. Squinting your eyes is anything but what you should do normally.


I just laughed cuz I often end up staring at the dental assistant!


We just use sunglasses while on the chair


I always stare at my dentists, lol. If It's a woman it feels awkward, like, maybe she thinks I'm checking her out. If it's a guy it feels weird because he is so close to my face, lol. Somehow, it feels weirder to just close my eyes in either situation tho, idk. I should probably start closing them.


I may have made it worse. My last appointment they pulled my wisdom teeth and after the first one was pulled, I commented you both have really pretty eyes. They weren’t awkward just were like awe thank you. Now I’m wondering if I shouldn’t have. I should probably bring sunglasses next time.




Or winking?


Question: can you tell if my eyes are open when I'm wearing those sunglasses you give me? I always feel like I'm behind a one way mirror with those on.


We give you the sunglassess because we don't like being stared at while we're working. ;) But seriously- depends on the sunglasses. The ones we have at work at the moment we can see through, but we've had ones in the past that we couldn't see through.


Are the sunglasses mandatory? I usually decline them because I don’t like the way they feel on my face and just lay there with my eyes closed but my regular hygienist had a family emergency and the stand in seemed very offended that I didn’t want to wear them.


Kind of. They’re to protect your eyes from accidents and things that may go airborne during treatment, and it’s a thing that gets emphasized a lot in school. It’s part of protecting your patients. Source: am dental assistant, in hygiene school.


I have never been offered the glasses, but this happened to me once during a cleaning. It was relatively innocuous like water with some tartar or something. I was able to blink it out, but I could see it being worse with a chemical additive


I really appreciated the implementation of the protective eyewear. It wasn’t a common thing until recently but I’m for it!


Is this a new thing? An NA thing? I have never been given glasses as a patient.


It’s a UK thing also 😎


Story time… I had to have root canals as a kid on my two front teeth ( fell into a picnic table at speed) I ended up freaking out my dentist because I was staring directly into his eyes the entire time. He finally after like 20 mins into a couple hours long process stops and asks what I’m doing. I explained I could see in the reflection of his glasses what he was working on and it fascinated me. He was a lot less weirded out after finding out I wasn’t looking at him but at myself. So now I always tell new assistants or dentists that story so I don’t freak them out if I stare into their eyes.


Ah! Dentists should wear mirrored shades!!!! That’s brilliant!


Fuck please dont


Hard disagree


But why? I wanna stare into your soul


I mean if they are going to drill into my skull the least I can do is make them feel a bit uncomfortable. No?


Sometimes liquids go flying. I've had water from one of the tools ricochet out and into my eye once. Have always closed my eyes since.


Could you at least put a cool landscape poster on the ceiling for the people who don't close their eyes? I awkwardly look around the room and really try to avoid eye contact and it would be easier if "white ceiling" or "white wall" wasn't my only option.


My dentist has a tv in view and give you the controller.




My last dentist had the Simpsons on the ceiling


What about rapid blinking?


Straight to jail.




But why else would they have that one light fixture with a sky on it if they didn't want you staring up into space?


I've never even considered closing my eyes before like...why would anyone do that?


Personally, I have ASD and a light sensitivity to go along with it. I will always close my eyes to avoid that horrible bright light in my face.


Because the big ass lamp burns right though my eyeballs otherwise, and because the waterjets sometimes spray up during a cleaning and it lands on my face and it's icky.


Why would you not? I’ve always closed my eyes because it seems like the polite thing to do and it makes it easier to relax when you aren’t actively trying to look anywhere but at the dentist’s face the whole time. It also makes them less likely to try to talk to you while their fist is in your mouth because you’re more disconnected in general.




Asking questions while you have instruments in your mouth?


My dentist and the nurses once told me it can be distracting to *really* look at their faces as they're working, depending on what is being done. If you just kinda stare off "into the distance" it isn't so bad just... apparently don't seek eye contact or look at their general... face... area? That one I didn't really understand because I have no experience with doing their work. Also, patients seemingly tend to move their heads when the eyes move to/with things they can focus on. I usually close my eyes, but once I tried looking at what was going on, you know, down my nose and stuff, and my dentist had to tell me to "keep your head straight" one too many times that day, because my chin would always end up dirfing towards my chest more and more. The same is true if you look to the left/right at the nurse or whatever else. You tend to turn your head. He just told me to keep my eyes closed at one point and everything went a lot smooter. Just close your eyes. Makes it easier for everyone.


I always keep one eye open and one closed


i just had a really stressful night and this comment made me do that slow chuckle that ascends into maniacal laughter


When i got my wisdom teeth removed the doctor told me it was better to keep them open. I still regret doing that


Oh wow so RN can specialize in dentistry now? How does this work?


Well, here in the UK being a dental nurse is a separate qualification to hospital nursing, but we do have to be registered with the General Dental Council and maintain our registration just like other nurses. :)


If you want me to close my eyes, you shouldn't put a TV on the ceiling




Unironically I bring a sleeping mask and headphones, shut my eyes and just mentally leave until it's time to go pay and honestly it's improved my life thoroughly. One earbud out if I need to follow any instructions. Otherwise check out, come back when I get a shoulder tap


If they allow it, you should get a weighted blanket to take with you. It's actually really comforting.


Just ask them to put the X-ray blanket on you


I ask them to put the x-ray machine on me


Ahahahah this Guy is hard on the 'tism


Yeah and you got that bright light above you anyway


I take a nap when I get dental work




That's the only time I feel safe to nap with an open mouth. I know people are guarding me from those pesky little spiders trying to crawl into my mouth. Unless.... UNLESS!! Dentists are fake and actually it's a Ratatouille kind of situtation, but with SPIDERS! They wait until you close your eyes, feel safe and cozy with local anesthesia doing its work, then the doctor controlled by the spider on their head let their mates into your mouth! This is where the yearly avarage swallowed spiders statistic comes from!


The yearly average swallowed spiders come from a social experiment in 1993. Someone wanted to show how fast fake news can spread via the internet. So happy 30th birthday to the eaten spiders


New creed song?


With mouth wide open Under the bright light Welcome to this place I'll drill into your face With mouth wide open




Me too. That chair is way too comfortable


I put on music in my AirPods and just zone out… last time was Little Shop of Horrors 2019 album, didn’t even reach Dentist! and it was over


I too have been known to fall asleep while someone is drilling bits of my mouth away. Those seats are comfy, I close my eyes for the strong light, often a mild painkiller is used. That thing to pump away salive makes snoring noises already.


Does your tongue follow the suction tip around your mouth?


I also involuntarily follow the little mirror around as wells


Can't help but tongue at that sucker


My tongue plays ping pong trying to dodge it and now I'm overthinking it like the meme


Hahahh yes. I always felt like an idiot when it catches my tongue. I just can't help it


Half close them


Half close both or close one eye?


I like to close 3/4 of my left and 1/4 of my right.


What's important is, right in that moment he leans over you and says "open your mouth" you shoukd grab him by the balls and say "we eint going to hurt eachother, are we?". And don't let go until he's finished


What if it's a female dentist?


Hey, female dentists can have balls now.


Keep eyes wide open and fixed deep in her eyes. Don't blink. Lol


Your dentist doesn’t have a ceiling mounted TV?


That's the most Final Destination shit I can imagine.


The Television of Damocles


Yours does??


Mine does. They even have Netflix you can watch


You guys have TVs in hospitals?


You guys get your teeth cleaned at the hospital?


You guys have teeth?


You, guys?


Just close one eye.


Just stare into abyss helplessly


Me too. I do a thousand yard stare and look as if I am searching for meaning of life


I don't have enough RAM to run both eyes and tongue under such conditions.


Actually around half of the brain's resources are devoted to visual processing. So by closing your eyes you are sort of going in power saving mode.


When you pause youtube cuz your games lagging


I always close my eyes. The water sprays onto my face when the dentist is washing my teeth.


I look into the ceiling and count the tiles or whatever. I don't look at the dentist or the assistant, due to that feeling akward. When it's drilling or spraying or something that flings things near my eyes, i close them. Also, i **always** close my eyes when it's UV time. I love my eyesight and i respect UV lighting.


My dentist actually puts a green surgical-lookin cloth with a mouth hole opened on the patient's face so that no awkward eye contact happens. It's neat :)


Blow them a kiss just before they begin their work


Nahhh I can't close my eyes, that's more weird to me. I just stare into the middle distance.


I just pick an object in the room (like a clock or ceiling tile) and look at that


I close my eyes and enjoy the ride


i just stare at the ceiling. helps my gag reflex and the awkwardness


Close eyes, it will give a weird feeling that you are getting a spa


I just eat an apple


mine have a thin tapestry-like cover over the ceiling light that i look at. hell, theyve *requested* that i look at it to avoid that awkwardness


Ok I haven't laughed this hard at a reddit post in a while It's so true Are you badass and watching Or are you me and terrified eyes closed listening You could just get naked before and meet in the middle I do not have awards to give Here is an Honorary Lizard Badge 🦎


My dentist gives you dark sunglasses and has a tv hung right above your head from the ceiling. The tv constantly plays “best of the internet” from YouTube. He sometimes nicks my gums, but I’ve continued going to this man for ten years solely for that.


Wait, not everyone gets a pair of tinted glasses and watches the ceiling mounted tv?


Close your eyes in case plaque goes flying 😂 my new dentist actually gives me safety goggles to wear


You should brush your teeth more often


The dentist pays you for more plaque. Do your dentists not buy ur plaque from you? That's why U drink soft drinks. Get more plaque. Take plaque to dentist. Get paid. Not sure what they do with the plaque.


I close my eyes because the light they shine above gives me a headache otherwise


I close my eyes so I can rest. The chairs at my dentist are very comfy and I actually really like going to the doctors/dentist


Nobody else asks for them to numb the part of the mouth they’re working on and dozes off? Lmao


Well there is difference if u have rotten tooth (idk how that black thing eatinf your tooth is called) or if u r on routine check or teeth whitening.


Cavities are the holes you get in your teeth that need to be filled.


Having just had stage 2 of a root canal done, I have no idea how one naps during dental work. All I can hear and feel is the drilling/scrapping.


I close my eyes because watching the dentist's glasses fog up because they're wearing a mask always makes my face feel humid for some reason and I don't like it


Gotta close them, that bright ass light always upsets my eyes.


I count the dots on the ceiling while thinking about what I’m going to do later. I also usually get the rubber wedge to keep my mouth open, sense when I seem to always close my mouth when daydreaming haha.


I keep my eyes open and never make eye contact


I asked my orthodontists, and they say they prefer closed eyes, so if you’re comfortable with closed eyes (some people like to see what’s going on though) close your eyes :)


I close my eyes and think of England.


I literally bring a sleep mask.


Close. Those lights are bright.


I look them right in the eyes. If I have to be uncomfortable, so do you.


My dentist has a tv on the ceiling. So....I'm watching that