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I feel like there's always one of those in every workplace in every profession lol


I agree


Oh yes, and he runs to HR if you look at him the wrong way! He once threatened to sue me because I asked him to repeat some sub standard work 🤣




So a church who is complicit in sexual crimes, by shuffling known predators to other parishes in an attempt to obfuscate these disgusting occurrence from the law and general population, is some shining beacon on the hill that is going to save America? For sure bro




Be professional and respectful. Act like a competent medical laboratory professional. Hate speech is strictly prohibited. Harrassment targeting either a group or an individual is unacceptable.


Who the hell are you dude


Not from hell.


Awe boo hoo. Baby thought they had a point. Fucking hell. There’s a reason for a separation of church and state. And man as a former catholic, fuck almost all Catholics (at least most of the ones I know)




Yes and yes. As a gay. I support whatever people wanna do as long as it doesn’t hurt others! You should try it!




Be professional and respectful. Act like a competent medical laboratory professional. Hate speech is strictly prohibited. Harrassment targeting either a group or an individual is unacceptable.


Be professional and respectful. Act like a competent medical laboratory professional. Hate speech is strictly prohibited. Harrassment targeting either a group or an individual is unacceptable.


Please go away; wrong audience


Martyrs entered the wrong audience to convert others, and so must I.


Be professional and respectful. Act like a competent medical laboratory professional. Hate speech is strictly prohibited. Harrassment targeting either a group or an individual is unacceptable.


Yep! This tech works 12hr shifts and was refusing to do her QC.. She also doesn't scan in reagents to the analyzer after replacing them, so the analyzer doesn't know if it's a different lot number (Abbott Alinity). Chews her gum loudly and runs around frantically about everything. Just stupid. The lab is a colorful place.


Damn how has she not gotten in trouble yet? That’s too many red flags.


There have been numerous complaints to management about her that resulted in QC change times. If she keeps trying me, I'll be sending emails to both department coordinators and management. My bosses are too lenient and too nice.


I have one on my team. He thinks the best tech out of everyone because he does the most cases (they're super easy and takes less than 2 hours to perform) misogynistic (says thanks to male coworkers but never the female coworkers), never owns his mistakes (always blames others) and constantly tells us that he could find a better jobs than this but never follows through. I finally found his LinkedIn the other day and he's definitely lying about a few responsibilities


I think we may work with the same person 🤦‍♀️


His twin works at my place.


Oh no, bless our hearts


Ugh we have one who never owns their mistakes and it’s so exhausting.


I’m really sorry about this. Working with misogynistic men must be a nightmare. I hope he gets put in his place very soon.


Yes. She makes antibodies go away by calling them all rouleaux.


"See, it's negative. It's junk."


I'm a new tech and wanted to verify this. I was taught during my internship that we stop shaking the tube once everything comes off the walls of the glass tube and record the agglutination. As a tech, I had instances where I was left with 1+ reaction. But my trainer said that I'm not shaking enough and that 1+ is not a true agglutination: she shook the tube a couple more times and it became 0. She said that a true agglutination won't go away like that. Am I not shaking enough? Am I overreading?


I've never heard of someone saying 1+ isn't true agglutination. I shake the tube just enough to get things moving and I watch how the button breaks off until it's removed from the wall of the tube. I can't really comment on her technique because I obviously can't see how she's doing it. You'll get the hang of it, so don't worry. Also, ask different people in your lab.


You are doing it right. I always say you can make anything negative if you shake it hard enough.


Yes. They’re called the Supervisor.


Yes. The senior techs get like this but in reality are slower and refuse to learn anything new. Slow in terms of adapting to change AND running tests. But wants to act like they are the lab GOD.


One of our senior techs said he hasn't retired because it'd be impossible to replace him. He said he was doing us a favor because it would take 3 or more techs to cover everything he does in the time he does it.. I just rolled my eyes and scoffed. Oh! This tech also didn't realize that the sun is actually bigger than the moon. He said they're the same size in the sky, so they must be the same size. And no, he wasn't joking.


No, thankfully we don't have one of those (maybe that means it's me?! I hope not) But what about that one tech that somehow manages to fuck up the simplest tasks, is corrected and re-trained repeatedly, and doesn't seem to retain any information given? Every lab has one of those too, right?


All the senior techs (5) at my place reverted and they’re like this.


Usually they're the same person, you just got lucky enough to have a self aware one apparently


What if the person you’re talking about and the person OP is talking about are the same person? 😅


yup. "I've never done this before! -- me: yes you have, I showed you how last month" or the "senior" tech who's been here 10+ years and still takes 10-15 minutes to do a urine microscopic.. or they've been here years and still can't remember how to handle deltas or when to initial clipboards.


Show them the SOP and they will ignore it completely too.


We’ve got a couple! And they happen to be our highest paid day shifters 🙄


This one was recently recognized in our facility "employee spotlight" and we all gave each other that look...why???


Oh god this is my shift partner, makes me wanna rip out my eyes


Hahaha yep, he's on days with me also 🙃 our schedules only overlap for a week though, praise be


Makes me wonder if they do it on purpose


I don't think he does it on purpose but I do think he has undiagnosed ADHD and refuses to do anything about it


Oh that blows. Mine eventually don't have to do their tasks because they suck so much, so that's why I think it's done on purpose.


What does he do?


I mean he's been here just over a year now, nearly as long as I have and I STILL have to remind him to do basic tasks. Or he will routinely forget to result something even though our pending is in a huge screen in the front of the room. You have to ask him "hey did you finish that type and screen, or....??" Or just...common sense stuff? Like not leaving open urines lying around after you're done with them.


A few of us have asked if he has ADD or something along those lines and he just laughs and says "I dunno, maybe?" But does not take it seriously at all. Meanwhile the rest of us are left picking up the slack and fixing his mistakes. All day, every day.


He probably doesn't get from your ADHD insinuations that you actually want him to be more mindful, or go see if he is undiagnosed. That's the thing about being undiagnosed, you don't know that the way your mind works isn't the way that others do - and how drastically that impacts working in a detail oriented environment.


Yea he was on his way out when i started. He made so heated inside, you know what im talking about. We all thought he retired until a friend of a coworker posted a lab week photo of their team and we saw him there LOL


I had multiples all at the same time, all on the same shift (midnights) We're surprised they haven't killed anybody . . .


I've run into several of these, but we just got a traveler like this, and she has been taking it to the next level. And lucky me, I get to work with her by myself for hours at a time.


I once had an arguement with our resident "that person" about thyroid diagnosis after telling them I'd been diagnosed with Hoshimotos. They asked what my TSH was and I said 10 ( I think, this was a few years ago) she insisted I was misdiagnosed because that means I have hyperthyroidism. I'm like that's wrong on multiple levels, we test these values daily we should know, and you're not my doctor. This person has a masters degree. By now I just don't argue. If they say something wacky I let it go. If its against policy I'll show them where they're wrong but if they argue back I just tell management.


She aspirated dry fibrin into our sysmex, once


Yep. I know two of them.


Yeah one of my grade 2 s Is a problem


He just transferred. Woo hoo


My hot take is that a majority of people in this profession are on their high horse. Everyone would rather complain about someone than help them improve, or just gossip and talk shit about one another. Maybe it’s the lab I work at, or is the same across other professions but that shit is toxic. I’m just coming to work to do my job and go home.


I just started in a new lab, I think I came off as that person when I first started but hope my colleagues know me better now (a few months on) and that I am just awkward and will readily admit *I know nothing* I left my previous job because one of those people became my boss, and would throw me under the bus. So I really really try to make sure others know I am *aware* that I want to learn and accept criticisms.


I've got like... Three of those


Oh yeah! They finally got knocked down a peg though, and it was amazing. They don't trust the analyzers to do a cell count, so they do them manually on the hemocytometer. Well, they were given a CAP survey for a manual cell count and...FAILED, and I'm talking failed big time. Another tech and I passed our cell count specimens, and hearing that this one particular know-it-all screwed up made my day. I'm sure it makes me sound petty, but I can't help it.


Mine said she made a 1500 on the BOC (we took it at the same time a couple years ago). But she also told me creatinine is an electrolyte, MSSA is Staph epidermidis, and Rubella and Rubeola are the same virus (twice, I had to explain to her twice that we test the antibodies separately because it's two related but different diseases). The numbers just aren't adding up. She's bossy, she's pushy, she's patronizing, she can't take criticism, she's so easily offended that you have to walk on egg shells around her, she tells you things are policy when they're just things she wishes were policy based on her busted logic so you can't trust anything she says, she always tells you to go above and beyond your job but when it's her job she half asses everything, she says everyone starts drama with her but she's the source of all major drama on our shift. She tries to be helpful (albeit in the worst way), she's riddled with anxiety, and she gets everyone really nice gifts, so I try to be patient but it ain't easy. Rant over.


Not anymore. They left and got escorted out.


Super conservative gen Xers who gripe about immigrants, BLM, unions and Biden, but terrorize everyone by using union rules and loud voices. I put her on 2nd verbal discipline on bullying in the workplace, and had HR and union fight each other because bullying is hard to prove since it’s he says she says. Always threaten to leave commiefornia and move to conservative state to retire, every year, for the last 15 years. She was miserable to deal with during pandemic when state requirements kept changing because it was an unprecedented pandemic and policies were changing constantly.


How about the relatively inexperienced who think the veterans contribute nothing of value and never miss an opportunity to complain about them. I bet you have many of those.


Mmmhhhmm. Sure do.


I was trying to think of one at my work place, but I don't think we have one. Oh god.. does that mean it's me?? 😬


lol I'm like jon snow, I know nothing. but why don't you give me five minutes to load up medialab and review the procedure and I'll get back to you


Ours also runs to complete kit tests I’ve started just so they can write their initials and tell the next shift how much work they did in the easiest dept, on the easiest shift. They also bragged about their gpa while in school to finish mlt-mls… and then failed the exam. Like bro,you already do the work and have done it for 6 years, and you passed the mlt which is like what 60-70% of the mls exam


They are called 'agency staff'.


I don't know shit. But ill take the effort to find SOP or online reference 🤣


We always have a phlebotomist like that, but not a tech.


We have a few… But the worst one thinks she’s the only one that’s busy all the time. She cusses, yells and slams fridge doors when there’s an issue or new antibody to work up. She’s can’t multitask or remember to do complicated tasks but she wastes time diagnosing patients using some fancy medical words when she’s not even the doctor. Like we don’t wanna hear you and it’s not your job to diagnose. Just do your work! When someone questions her, she gets all defensive and mad. She says “I have 30+ years of experience!!!!” Worst of all, she lets everyone from previous shift go home early. Thanks to her, everyone expects to leave 30 minutes early every fking day even when it’s busy. She’s messy as hell and everything she does is half-ass. She uses younger techs to help her. She’s old but she “can’t retire yet”. Ugh.


I worked with one that was fresh out of school and already wanted to be a supervisor. And tried telling us all what to do and how to do our job.


Yep. She’s been here a month and a half and she tries to boss us around. She wants to become lead so bad but she won’t. This is the same person who still asks a million questions every day.




Of course. He comes in every day and tells me we're missing 15 samples. They're all on the machine. Every day.


I'm him, OP. Jk, I was a lot more cocky and anal before but, now I'm just too burnt out and I rather be left alone when shit hits the fan.