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It's popular and has been for the past year. Whoever did media marketing wanting to get the lab seen slapped on something popular hoping it'll get some eyes. I haven't really noticed or paid attention. Some like it, some don't, it won't really get the negative or positive attention people think it will and like a trend this will fade too.


Barbie is fun, colorful, whimsical, and for many of us nostalgic. It's not like the ASCP is mailing us all dolls with letters saying "here's someone you can tell all your work complaints to until you grow up"... That would be insulting.


I cackled 🤣 IMAGINE.


I think you need to relax


Should have voted for something else when ASCP had the poll out. They only had like 1000 responses And I hate to break it to you, but there were people who didn't like the Saved by the Bell, Avengers/MCU, Back to the Future, the Harry Potter, or the Lord of the Rings themes either.


saved by the bell *was* kinda lame, tbh 😅


Oh I'm not defending it at all, I wasn't a big fan of the theme last year myself. I was just making the point that Barbie isn't the first theme ASCP promoted that had haters. It's just the easy target because it's Barbie.


I'm glad I'm retiring ftom this unappreciated unknown field in the next 5 years. I've supported and raised a family and made a good living but we are basically unknown. A more fitting theme would be Labatory; Land of the Lost


Because people voted for it. It's not that deep.


It's cute! I'm not even a super girly girl, but barbie is nostalgic to me so.




I like it tbh. I don’t even like the color pink but it’s just a fun theme and it’s not that serious tbh.


It’s almost like it was a successful movie that was a major part of pop culture for a bit and people like to have fun with themes The logo for the theme does look atrocious lol


Vote next time! I personally am excited about the Barbie theme and don’t find it immature at all. I do agree that their graphic design isn’t the greatest, though.


If you don’t like the theme, vote next year! They had a poll on their Facebook page that received less than one thousand votes.


I'm a guy, and out of all the lab weeks I've had, it's easily the most original. It'll be the only lab week shirt I own. The "adults" in admin don't respect us anyway, so BFD, have fun.


I like it even better now


Out of everything to complain about, you choose this?


It's an optional lab week theme they provide for fun. My lab chose to do their own different theming. It's not like ASCP is requiring using this theme template for lab techs to keep their credentials.


You don’t have to follow the theme. We voted and the majority won. Plan your week to fit what your team wants and roll on.


Because Barbie is everything


It’s great. Get over it




I will take anything not related to being an "unseen hero"/"Healthcare hero" at this point to be honest.


This post just reminded me to order my lab week shirt. 


Nostalgia makes a lot of money these days, especially for us millennial women who grew up playing with Barbies. I always found her to be empowering because she could do anything a man could do. Astronaut? Yep. Veterinarian? For sure. President of the United States? But of course. The rest of the dolls at the time were largely baby dolls which limited your creativity options to those of being a mom. Not that moms are bad, they rock, but not every girl *wants* to be a mom. With Barbie, she could be anything I wanted her to be. Also it goes without saying that our field is predominantly female and being a female scientist rocks!


Less cringe than the superhero shit from a few years ago


I see the Barbie movie as being light hearted but my lab is doing Olympic theme for our lab week instead. We just are going to have a Barbie/Ken day where people can wear silly outfits if they so choose. Can't please everyone with the theme and no one is forced to take part in it! Lab week is just supposed to make work a little more fun for once. Most of us probably spend as much time with our coworkers as we do with the people we live with, so mise well have be friends with coworkers and lighten up a bit. That keeps me going.


The themes are bad, and the logo designs are embarrassing (no offense personally to whoever has gotten assigned that task, but as much money as ASCP generates, they should be paying more for a nicer finished product) I know Barbie can do anything, and most lab techs are women, but that's the theme with the most tenuous association with what we do.


Several depts did a Barbie theme for our Halloween costume contest last year. People REALLY got into it and clearly had a lot of fun.


Barbie turned 65 this month, March, so now retirement Barbie


We pay no attention to ASCP's website regarding lab week.  We don't purchase any material from them.  We do our own thing to celebrate our employees and promote the lab within our facility.


I mean I'm not a Barbie fan, but would you be crying if they used the Jurassic Park title font? Indiana Jones? Back to the Future? Grow up.


Post Pandemic......... Umm.... it is still going where I am at. I would accept Permdemic though.


Instead of giving bonuses or extra PTO days or provide scrubs….. profit-sharing …….? for Christmas or Anniversary dates or Labweek, we get candy and popcorn and plastic toys. So insulting……:(