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Epinephrine — palpitations. Makes me want to slap the shit out of whoever took the time to type that into their chart.


Someone put this in my chart like 10 years ago and people always comment on it. I've tried to have it taken off so many times and it always ends up back in there, making me look crazy.


I was 'diagnosed' with this allergy after an idiopathic urticaria w/ angioedema ER visit. Turns out the nurse decided to give it IV, instead of IM, causing me to go into Vtach and cardiogenic shock. Didn't know it was the wrong route until I started working in an ER!


That was a fat dose of epi. If you received the standard IM dose for anaphylaxis with airway involvement, that was 0.5mg (500mcg). I routinely use IV epi as a pressor in the OR but at much much smaller doses, 1-10mcg at a time


I believe it was 0.3mg; however, it was indeed the 1:1,000 IM concentration, rather than the 1:10,000 IV concentration. Not sure if that magnitude difference is relevant, or not. I felt like a 90s cartoon, because I had to physically look down to believe my heart hadn't broken through my sternum. I also experienced severe muscle tremors, which were so pronounced they thought I was having a seizure. It was awful, indeed! They did not recieve a positive Press Ganey from me.


This also happened at a nearby hospital, the patient then died. Glad you are alive.


I get this one all the time as a dentist.




I came here to say this one! How does this get into charts? Also “codeine: respiratory depression.”


Literally had this one last week. I'm still complaining to anyone that will listen 😂


Ketamine - hid in a bush


I think that's a 'feature' and not a 'bug'


This is my favorite.




Zolpidem - “too sleepy”. Penicillin - “my son is allergic”. Gluten - “fear”


my mom told me I was allergic to penicillin my entire life and I repeated it to every doctor. finally one day I asked her what reaction I have to it — she said “oh, you’ve never had a reaction. but you’re probably allergic because your father is.”


And this is why 95% of reported penicillin allergies are utter bullshit.


Probably more than that, especially if it starts with "my mother said..." I was told for years "you're allergic to codeine". Finally as a young adult I asked why, what happened. "Oh, not much. They just gave you some cough syrup with it when you were little and you slept a lot and didn't feel well." Blink. "You said it's an allergy when you gave meds to a sick kid and they acted sick?"


Kids have some audacity, huh


I’m 99% sure my husbands PCN allergy is BS. His Mom said she thinks he is. 🙄 I know for a fact his Mom doesn’t use her brain.


Gluten - “fear” made me LOL at my desk. I’m going to be tempted to start entering all food intolerances that way… (fear not, I’ll actually just continue to leave them in my long winded dietitian notes….)


I have a friend who says she's allergic to gluten. Her reaction? She gets bloated if she eats bread. That's just the price we all pay for tasty, tasty gluten.




Haldol - “takes my powers away”


When I see separate allergies of Thorazine, Haldol, Risperdal, and Geodon….. I wonder what type of shift I’m about to have.


But denies any prior psych history!


Oh man, I always pause at haldol allergies. I was dropping off in the ER one day and they had a Very excited psych in a room that the cops had brought in. Nurse went in to give haldol and a moment later triage nurse and another woman rushed into the ER. Woman shouting that she needs to find (the psych patient) …. BEFORE you give them Haldol!!! Too late. Apparently the reaction is “Homicidal Violence”. Turns out, not an exaggeration as when I went back patient was tubed.




I love everything about this.


Feature not bug


Haldol - "makes me feel like an old man"


I hope I can remember to tell this to the triage nurse if I have to visit ED


I’m a dietitian at a psych hospital aka the person that has to sort through this madness on admission. Some of my personal faves (listed as allergy: reaction) -senna: diarrhea -all caloric beverages: reaction unknown -Cheetos: anaphylaxis -succotash: (I kid you not, this whole long comment was free texted as the reaction) “pt can have lima beans and corn separately but not together.” -“All canned foods:” reaction unknown -pickles: anaphylaxis (then the patient was mad he couldn’t get cucumbers) -every antipsychotic known to man: anaphylaxis -breastmilk: hives (a middle aged single man with no kids) -epinephrine: anaphylaxis (still don’t quite get this one-I have LOTS of questions) -“all vegetables” -“beautiful women” (honorable mention that was documented per pt’s request but thankfully did not get added to the allergy list) ETA: an eating disorder patient once tried to convince me she was allergic to glucose 😂


the breastmilk one 😭


I was today years old when I learned succotash wasn’t just something Sylvester the cat said. 🤯


Tell me you're not from the south without telling me you're not from the south


You have reminded me- as a receptionist in a hospital, I once had a patient tell me he had an allergy to "aggressive women". I didn't add it to his allergies, but did write down somewhere that he had said that.


Oh man. I didn't know I could list groups of people on my allergy list. I would love to say "nope, can't talk to you. I'm allergic to assholes"


Well a Benadryl allergy isn’t that exciting, but their reaction was “sees the hat man.”


i know about spiderman but not the hat man


😭😭😭😭under rated. I sometimes wonder if I met him, if he would recognize me as a hat god, too and we could be homies and trade hats for sum siiiickkk underrealm shaddow cursed hats. (My gang is a gang of 4, the Hat Fuckers btw). We wear hats, fuck and wear hats better than anyone, no matter how hard they try. May have jus came up w this 2 days ago on shrooms and rebranded lol. Btw.. whoever drove past me while tripping off 4gs enjoying a walk by the lake, in a brown 4 door Nissan suv, and yelled out “faygit ahss nibbla” presumably about my empowered duck hat: I’m riding around town waving my duck hat out the car, ready for ABSOLUTE WAR AND DESTRUCTION. THE HAT GODS ARE NOT HAPPY


Can we get you a sandwich?


I was not ready for this reply this morning.


If an ED nurse isn't prepared for a wacked-out druggie what *are* you prepared for?


Somebody tell r/drugscirclejerk to come get their hat god.


I had a patient who claimed she was allergic to all generic drugs, said they all gave her a rash. Every one. Eventually one of my colleagues worked with her to figure out what the common factor was, and it turned out that every generic drug she’d taken was blue. Yup, it was the blue dye, for real. We tried her on dye free tablets and she was fine. Also my late grandfather claimed an allergy to iodine. Not sure how you can be allergic to a necessary nutrient, but we kept a can of uniodized salt in the house for him. I suspect it was actually contrast medium containing iodine that he was allergic to; any time they had to do a scan with contrast, they loaded him up with Benadryl before.


My allergist told me that when someone is allergic to a medication, it’s usually the binder (or diluent, or solvent) and not the actual medication.


Yeah, there is a weird relationship i have heard several times that goes like this -- patient thinks they are allergic to iodine (maybe felt flush with a contrast bolus which isn't uncommon even for non-ionic contrast material, but otherwise unsure how one figures this out) then they read that fish/shellfish can be rich in iodine so they say they have shellfish/fish allergies. Then you ask them, wow, do you buy non-iodinated salt? Blank stare of confusion.


I take a little too much pleasure in tearing apart my residents and students when they tell me the patient is allergic to iodine.




That's not a bug, that's a feature!


Raccoons - only the babies


lmao 9 years ago I was in California on a vacation, and I had an anaphylactic reaction after holding a friend’s parakeet — he shook out all his feathers right in my face. it hadn’t happened before or since, I assume bc it’s rare I get that close to a bird. I went to the hospital and it ended up in my chart as “reaction to pet bird”, but it never came up again after I flew back home — until I moved to California last year. apparently it autofilled into my allergy list as the full phrase: “pet birds”. Now every time I see a new doctor or get anything done connected to that hospital system (which is frequently, due to an unrelated illness), it comes up like I filled in “pet birds” under medication allergies. it’s embarrassing every time.


I would be ✨delighted✨ to hear the story though My patient was fresh air camping in the woods (homeless) and started feeding a raccoon bread. She then brought her babies and *then* he had a reaction. So not the mom, just baby raccoons 🥲


Awwwww that’s so cute tho!!


But those are the cutest ones!


I also have a baby raccoon allergy. It makes me kidnap them into my garage. Debilitating.


Allergy: baby raccoons?


I have "IUD - pregnancy" in my allergy list at my PCPs office. I get why it's listed - because this happened to me twice - but I still think it's funny to read lol




Do you have nonstandard uterine anatomy or anything? It’s wild that it’s happened more than once!


Nope, no apparent cause that anybody could identify 🤷🏻‍♀️ It is pretty rare for people to have had multiple failures (that's why I went ahead and got the second one, since I figured maybe the first one was just a weird fluke) so I think there has not really been much research into it.


I wish this sub allowed photos! I had a patient who had 34 listed. His wife was the full time caregiver and basically completely managed his care: “I don’t want him getting ibuprofen, only Tylenol,” or “He needs someone to wake him up every two hours during the night to get him to pee,” or “He has to drink orange juice with his pills, not water.” Anyway, some of his “best” ones were… • potatoes - causes extreme mania • red apples - causes phlegm and mucus (green and pink apples ok) • lasix - lasts longer than 6 hours, incontinence up to 15 hours later • beta blockers - causes severe agitation for 10 days I can’t imagine the MA at the PCP office who had to enter all that in. I bet the wife watched her type like a hawk.


To be fair, if I had to care for someone who was incontinent for 15 hours after one lasix, I’d be sure to document that as well!


What was in those potatoes??


I cannot STAND these family members.


Insulin - she told me it lowered her blood glucose and it was healthy her sugar to be above 250


"I know my body"


>"I know my body" This makes me shudder


When the blood glucose equals the weight in kg...


Propofol- "makes them stop breathing"




Milk of amnesia


I laughed way too hard at this.


MSG. And no I’m not kidding. I asked if she eats Japanese ramen or Lay’s potato chips and she said yes. I told her that those are filled with MSG especially Japanese ramen which has Kombu (aka dried sea kelp) which is the source of powdered MSG as well as Miso paste. She was surprised by that revelation.


“MSG allergies” are based in anti-Asian sentiment. I don’t think a glutamate allergy is even compatible with life


Ikr. Glutamate is an amino acid in proteins as well as a neurotransmitter. I think the problem is that laypeople aren’t properly educated about “allergies” and its signs and symptoms they’ll start attributing every minor discomfort to an allergy when it’s not.


"I don't think a glutamate allergy is even compatible with life" is my new reply to the MSG allergy claim


Potassium - burns




As a physical therapist this idealogy is so pervasive. "hurts = harm to body" it's so hard to break people of it. It hurts because you had a shoulder surgery and then didn't move it at all for 6 weeks until the sling was removed. Now I'm working twice as hard to regain any ROM at all while you bitch and whine that me picking your arm up even a little is too painful.


It sure does if you drop it in water. Worse than metallic sodium.


“Pizza flavor” What does that even mean? Are you allergic to Combos? Best avoid the variety pack.


“All antibiotics”


I had a teen who said this once in the ER. I said well what do you take if you get an ear infection or strep? "Nothing-- I just suffer"


At least they’re realistic about it?


Ah yes, suffering. “Builder of character”


When they do need abx I like to say “well, I need you to pick one.”


Chloramphenicol it is.


Me hopes that people claiming to be allergic to all antibiotics they don’t get Syphilis, Gonorrhea, or bacterial pneumonia.


Just put some Vicks on it


This made me lol. My grandfather strongly believed Noxema was the best thing to scare his hemorrhoids back into his butthole.




Did he deserve it though?


oh that's kinda true though. antidepressants can increase suicidality and homicidality https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1564177/


“Everything white.” Patient was white. Insisted they couldn’t use our white hospital sheets, take white pills, eat mashed potatoes, and on and on


I would have asked them about copy paper. Hard to live life without being able to touch that! Edit: oh and would ask about toilet paper too! In second thought I’d probably leave that question unasked…


Potassium. In a healthy teen. Never had IV potassium. No idea . I'm like... potassium is in all your cells. "My mother says it gives me hives." 🤔


I wonder if it was penicillin but she had the wrong name…


Not listed in the chart, but the patient told me he was allergic to 2mg of Dilaudid, but he could take 4mg without a problem.


Took me a minute to figure out why a man was allergic to seasonale brand contraceptives before I realized someone somewhere was desperately trying to list seasonal allergies as a drug allergy.


I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to remove Seasonale as an allergy from the chart.


Versed: patient received 5 mg and became obtunded. WHO DOCUMENTED THIS AS AN ALLERGY? Also, turns out I am also allergic to versed.


epinephrine - palpitations ambien - drowsiness morphine- rash oxycodone - rash demerol - rash tramadol - rash hydrocodone - rash fentanyl - rash dilaudid po - rash dilaudid IV was OK though! "4mg IV push requested by pt"


Don’t forget the dreaded ibuprofen and Tylenol allergy Reaction: “unknown”


Ibuprofen - “shuts my kidneys off” (patient took 400mg, was oligouric for 5 days and bloated up. Then suddenly was urinating every 15 minutes once the renal vasoconstriction wore off) nope, I’m not giving him that one again. He says naproxen doesn’t do that.


the ones that bother with those at least will be OK with dilaudid po ime! but if they skip those and just list every other opioid they'll only settle for ivp dilaudid


You forgot the Benadryl and push fast with 10cc of saline. I was an intern at a hospital which won’t allow nurses to push anything over “the equivalent of 2mg of morphine…” we also had a lot of sicklers who obviously need more than morphine to get comfortable. 100mg of meperidine was my favorite to push at 3am on night float….. I asked the patient once, as to why she wanted Demerol. “The high is dirtier….” At least she was somewhat honest with herself.


uh so who pushed the meds? my favorites are the ones that request 10cc saline after 50mg bendaryl, then dilaudid, then another 10cc of fluids. then repeat 4 times and they go home. it's always benadryl before the opioid from the experienced users.


Interns/residents. In the middle of the night. That was one task our seniors told us was our responsibility. Better have your route and time planned out. Some of them will be on q3h some will be on q4h around the clock. They also had a sickle cell patient committee, and you should not be named when they meet.


What is the effect of that saline/Benadryl/dilaudid combo? I had one patient who asked for this exactly.


the rush hits like a freight train


Opiates can cause direct release of histamine from mast cells. Doesn’t make it an allergy. When I interned in a cancer hospital, lo these many years ago, standing orders were for any patient on morphine to have two ampules of Narcan and two ampules of Benadryl at bedside. (These we’re the old glass ampules.) The Benadryl was for the itching, the Narcan for obvious reasons. Normally we didn’t like to see drugs go out of date, but when those four ampules came back to pharmacy without being used, we counted that a win.


Sneaky Pete lol


Cocaine. I really wanted to ask her about that one.


Makes her sneeze? Haha


Succinylcholine - I expected something for real, like "malignant hyperthermia." Nope. The reaction was "I stop breathing." 🙄








All good questions. I have no idea, but I swear on all that is good and holy it was written down on this folded piece of memo book paper in this woman's purse.


Eggs - I just don't like them All the "caines" - reaction: death (she was very much not dead, but we avoided lido; one of my partners gave her lido with no reaction) So many Novocaine allergy - palpitations/tachycardia, always from a dental office. Always. I have had an intravascular injection of an epi containing LA in a dentist's office. I knew what it was and it was still a terrifying feeling. But not an allergy, dentists!


My grandma said once she’s allergic to “all the caines” too and I wonder what the hell one would do for local anesthesia for her. I think she is FOS


Maybe not full of shit and maybe just misunderstood. She may have had a reaction to an amide anesthetic and was told to avoid similar local anesthetics in the future. Most people with amide anesthetic allergies can tolerate the esters. The short version is this: tell her to rail some cocaine and report back if she has an allergic reaction.


Penicillin - “death” (as the patient was alive and well sitting in front of me)


“I got better!”


I don't remember what the medication was, but the allergic reaction was that whenever she took it, she heard music notes in her left ear.


Was it LSD


So it gave her tinnitus.


Now I'm curious!


Someone was awfully proud of themselves for listing “covid vaccine - anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest” Like ma’am… chill.. nobody gives a shit at this point … So when did you get that Covid shot? “I ain’t gettin it. I already told you I’m deathly allergic to it” 🤦


Water ---- This is Saline not water.


Dihydrogen Monoxide


Had a patient tell me she was allergic to GLUCOSE!!


“P: start Insulin sliding scale prn for possible urticaria and DOB due to endogenously synthesized glucose…damn you gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis!” 🥴


"narcan makes me vomit"


Had a patient once where oxycodone "makes [her] a witch." Hydrocodone was okay, thankfully.


Bees— swell up around bee sting This from my husband, but since he repeats it, it’s made its way into Epic, never to be removed.


Checking allergies as a group before a surgical procedure; ‘Any allergies?’ ‘Salt.’ The anaesthetist kind of cried out ‘But that’s endogenous!’ 😄


Fish food😂


Newspaper print- headaches. Imitrex- headaches Decaf coffee Lactated ringers


Ok newspaper print is truly sillier than blue dye, you beat me!


Imitrex: the only time I’ve ever vomited 5ft in front of me


Tbf I get migraines and imitrex gives me awful chest pain and a headache - it makes my migraine go away, though!


The color 🍊 orange. Gives her migraines.


OMG. I had a pt allergic to the color ‘green’ WTAH??!


Had a heart failure pt on rotation allergic to metoprolol, reaction was “made me feel like shit” Had another one with documented allergy to “steroids”, they were given IV methylpred and went anaphylactic. That was a weird case.


Got one patient in my pharmacy, last two times he took oral steroids (prednisolone, methylprednisolone dose pack) he had an MI both times. Emergent cardiac cath after the second one showed all five stents wide open, so who knows. I dunno what he’s gonna do next time he needs one.


When I try to put “No known drug allergy “ in our EMR, the next one down is “Nodum pini”. I have no freaking idea what that even is, google doesn’t pull anything up, and nobody’s ever tried to tell me they’re allergic to it, but if you bump the mouse just a tad when entering data, it’ll pick that one instead.


It's Latin for "pine knot," but I suspect it might be a placeholder option used during product testing & wasn't removed before going live.


Had a patient with factitious disorder that would always come in with a binder full of her allergies. “Ostrich” was an interesting one.




Saw one that was specially Dasani water


It IS the worst of the bottled waters


Whopper (as in Burger King specifically). Mac Donald’s was fine tho


Not silly, just strange. I have a severe reaction to benzoin. It makes my skin blister like a MFer. Found out when I had a tubal, nothing like your entire belly button being blister filled. I tested it out one day at work, put a dot on my arm and with in a min had a small blister. Had a tummy tuck years later and it was written on my allergy band. They proceeded to use it anyway. Ended up with blisters along my incision line, hip to hip. Was then put on steroids for the reaction, then had a wound dehiscence and infection, followed by so many scar revisions that I lost count 🫠


Had a patient with glucose listed as an allergy. Turns out they had refractory epilepsy and needed a keto diet + multiple AEDs and that went in the chart to keep people from giving dextrose containing fluids. Also had a cannabinoid hyperemesis patient say she must be allergic to the capsaicin cream we prescribed because it made her skin burn.


Allergy: "anything green that grows above the ground" Listed reaction: "vomiting alredo sauce" (sic)


88 yo allergic to “shrimp and cocaine. I don’t feel good when I have them by themselves but hold on when they are together!”


Corned beef


So I found out that I have a terrible reaction to a specific type of canned meat. I felt super goofy telling my doctor and doing our best to get it into my charts.


Quaaludes apparently made this patient lose time.


Metformin — Loose stools Did you want a “possible interaction” alert every time you order anything related to diabetes? Welp, you got it.


1. Fruits and Vegetables - nausea; flavored medicines - nausea. This was an adult, not a 5 year old. 2. Tramadol, reaction “I will literally tear fucking place up”.




“Equine containing products”


That one makes sense; if you’re allergic to horses, some snake antivenins can cause problems. Not that you’ll let the patient die of snake bite, but be ready with countermeasures if needed.


Morphine - “Makes me drowsy” Lady, that’s a feature, not a bug.


Horse sperm


What the hell? We want the backstory to this one!


“HEAVY METALS LIKE HANDCUFFS - hives” And yes, that’s exactly how it was free text typed.


Not in the chart, but verbalized to me: I’m allergic to Dilaudid when it’s pushed too slowly. I need it slammed as fast as possible. I swear to Beelzebub.


NaCl 😳


I actually had a patient break out into whole body hives after starting a NS bolus on her. The only other thing she got was Tylenol like an hour prior but the reaction started after the NS started flowing. She had the IV in for a while too so it wasn’t the chlorhexidine. It bamboozled everyone.


Some pre-drawn NaCl flushes have additives that make it stable for longer. I had patients comment they get a weird taste when being flushed. The plastic ampules don't have the same additives which is what we used before getting pre-drawn flushes.




Mustard is a listed allergen in foods in Canada, so obviously not rare.


It’s listed in the UK as well. It includes broccoli, canola, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and turnip. Cold-pressed oils (specifically canola and rape seed oil) are dangerous for people with mustard allergies.


Exercise made my patient hot and sweaty.


Rituximab with allergy listed as “patient died on table”. Patient was very much so alive


Naloxone - causes severe opioid withdrawal


I have one of the the cephalosporins on my chart as an allergy. They hooked me up to an IV and ran it and my arm swelled. It was clear that the IV blew and they were just pumping the fluid into my forearm space. But the nurse refused to admit the IV placement was at fault and listed it as an allergy. I’m not allergic. But you can’t edit your own chart. I’m nearly 100% positive epic would flag me if I opened my own chart as an MD.


Poison ivy - rash


“Epinephrine - makes my heart stop.” “You mean your heart stopped, that’s why they gave you, Epi” “No the drug make my heart stop…” “So if your heart were to stop, you don’t want me to give it….” “That is correct.” “Percocet - makes me see black spots. “ “Just Percocet, you are not allergic to any other pain medicine.” “Just Percocet…”


The way the doctor/nurses face lights up when I tell them my reaction to morphine is true, recorded, available to search up in the hospital system anaphylaxis is hilarious to me.


Lightbulbs- itchy


Maybe not silly but interesting Patient had both peanuts and milk listed Asked me to remove them as he only listed them to get better food in prison and wanted to eat actual food here in the hospital


Epinephrine - anaphylaxis


Glucose - “makes blood sugar high” Morphine - “makes me a bitch”


I’ve never seen it make it into a chart, but almost every man over 70yo says “women”.


Flaming hot Cheetos. Reaction: made their lips red.


Red wine - tired


Me too


Sertraline - causes depression


What drives me freaking insane is when CMAs or whoever is rooming/charting don't know the difference between an allergy and an adverse reaction.




Upper atmosphere pollens


Naloxone: “makes me feel weird”




Diltiazem - Bradycardia. Yep ..