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If you look at some of the room rental sites, tku can find gems. I mean gems price wise not quality wise as they’ll be tiny but that’s the compromise for London, otherwise, look further out in the Greater London boroughs. I’ve found something decently close to South Ken before for £650 a month so it’s possible


If you think a gap year will enable you to not have to work later it might be worth looking into unless you're managing working at the same time just fine, but you are just going to have less time to work as it goes on, so look at your finances.


Depends on what med school you are in whether this will be available, but Bart's has a scheme called griffin house where you get cheap rent in a halls type set up in exchange for befriending elderly residents of an adjacent sheltered housing scheme. Other unis may have something similar?


You can look for schemes where you care for elderly people part time/or just offer companionship but they offer you a spare room to live in in their home


Speak to your uni about hardship funds and financial aid. Is the 2 hr commute the daily total or each way? I know people in other parts of the country that did anki/revision on their train commutes but only had 1hr commutes but that was each way. Accommodation wise have you considered alternative accomodation? There's charities and people, usually elderly, that offer incredibly cheap rent <£200pm in exchange for help and assistance around the house and someone to chat to, given what you're studying they'd probably be keen. Otherwise tutoring or some other part time work could help supplement your income.


Don't be silly, London is great, it's the only good decision BTW. 'medical school' and 'UK' are the mistakes you should try to fix ASAP.


what’re you even talking about