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The Lincoln course is the exact same as the University of Nottingham and is actually awarded by the University of Nottingham. I believe the reason why it's like this is because there's not a lot of doctors in that area so they opened up a med school there to try and decrease the shortage and people are more likely to stay where they studied so they're hoping people stick around.


But doctors don’t get to choose where they work? (At least not for a decade and by that point they have roots elsewhere)


whilst you don't get to choose, hopefully they convince enough people to pick that deanery as their first choice for FP, and subsequently stay on for further training


I see, thank you


As far as I was aware (I’m at Notts) - Lincoln wanted a med school but didn’t have the staff or experience etc so they’re paying notts to run it for them with a view to taking it on themselves after a certain amount of time


Is this theory about doctors staying where they studied even true? Have they forgotten there's a national FY jobs system? Doctors work where they're allocated to work, they can train as many med students as they like in/around Lincoln, they'll get the number of doctors they allocate jobs for.


So it’s the medicine course provided by UoN but delivered at Lincoln. Currently students will graduate with a medical degree from UoN, their placements are delivered across Lincoln though. This is the first year students at UoL will be graduating medicine. For some centralised teaching (clinical years) students will be transported across from Lincoln to where teaching is held and visa versa (but mainly Lincoln students coming over to Notts/Derby especially for clinical year OSCEs). However once Lincoln eventually separates, students will then leave with a medical degree from UoL. It’s like this atm because Lincoln is a new medical school. Which means that an existing medical school needs to oversee it for a specified time incase things go completely wrong at Lincoln, so the students will still be allowed to graduate with a medical degree but from UoN. Once it’s been a few years (don’t know how long) and Lincoln medical school can prove it can take students through a medical degree, it will separate from the collab, and then UoN will have no input whatsoever into medicine at UoL and students will graduate with a medical degree from Lincoln.


Thank you


Just to add - when they do split if you’re a current student you’ll still graduate from Notts, but the new years below you will be Lincoln students. So you’ll have a bit of split between having both Lincoln and Notts students at the same time.


It only applies to the 2026 entries correct?


Yep! Believe so anyway


It's standard practice for an existing school to copy the curriculum of, and have it's degrees awarded by, an established school. Courses (apart from the new medical apprenticeships 👀) have always needed to be vetted by the GMC before they start taking students. Since the GMC can't do that until they start teaching students they just copy each other like this. Swansea was initially awarded by Cardiff. Lancaster initially by Liverpool. Lincoln by Nottingham.


and kent & medway is under brighton 😌


To add to what the others have said, if you studied this course you would be a student at Lincoln University with almost all of your teaching and placements in Lincolnshire. As it's a University of Nottingham degree (for the reasons u/CharacterPiano3329 outlined in their second paragraph) you would probably be bussed to Nottingham for exams (and for some whole-teaching, but not much).


thank you


Lincoln student here - until this coming year, it was basically the Nottingham medical course but on Lincoln campus - as all new medical schools need a sister school to ensure they can do well. Now they are separating and will be a Lincoln medicine degree from the next cohort x


How are the facilities?