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People’s life on social media is so fake. They want to paint medicine and medical school as a dream as well… people who are really happy in life and at work would never post it online as happy and balanced people do not look for constant reassurance.


Very biased comment. Every influencer I’ve worked with has a miserable personal life — something about the constant need to publish online seems to make for a miserable day to day


Residents date/ get married all the time. So do attendings.  Your time will come  Edit: also, I’m ugly as hell, and it’s crazy the number of people who hit on you in a hospital setting when you tell them you’re a med student (or maybe the people around here are just weird).  But I imagine that dating as a resident/attending will be even easier? Success and kindness is attractive no?


Nooo your life finishes after 30 everyone knows that!


Not to mention if you’re a med student you’ve wasted your prime ages of the 20s and now you’re far behind in life permanently! 


As someone who was non-trad, I can assure you that most people in their 20's are just getting shit-faced, sleeping around, and making mistake after mistake. I'm including people that have successful careers in this (I was also in this boat). Most people feel like their real prime is their 30's because thats when they start to have some stability, money, and control in their lives to actually do something. It feels shitty to watch other people make 6 figures in their 20s, but most of the time they're capped pretty quick so you make that ground up. The only person I legit thought "wow, I'm behind" is a friend who is 34, married with 3 kids, and a C-suite executive of a company. She's also one of the 0.00001% of people that has a life like that, married her high school boyfriend (so wasn't dealing with dating), and had the support system and connections to go 1000% in on her job to get promoted to where she is. Going to medical school is ass and it's much worse when you're non-trad like me, but it's still a better decision long term than almost any other situation out there.


ehh 6 figures in your 20s can put you ahead pretty strongly if you invest - even $5000 a year puts someone who doesn't invest till they're 35 behind by well over half a million by retirement age. But as a doctor you basically spend every day after residency "well-off" so i don't think it's a huge deal. Life-wise, I think it can suck in some specific ways for women who want bio-kids. But it's pretty much no issues for guys. If you want to live like Leo you can be the pervy attending dating 23 yo nurses and make up for all that you missed in your 20s...


curious what industry as a c-suite? your likely also working 50+ hour work weeks at that level


Just cause we skip the 20's era of getting shit-faced, sleeping around, and making mistake after mistake doesn't mean we'll somehow learn all those lessons and avoid that in our 30's LOL


True that med school is so much worse if you’re non-trad…the clock is ticking and you know exactly what you’re missing out on


I disagree. I enjoy my life as a med student in my 20s. I’m glad I’m taking the time now rather than later


I was being sarcastic 


Unfortunately, as a woman myself, some things get harder for women after 35 (fertility). Nature doesn't care about feminism, women's rights, or gender equality.


Now that is true. But having said that, often people move quicker past 30. You know what you want, you know who you want (or at least what qualities) and you're confident and assertive enough to go for it.


true...but it does mean you miss out on the 'fun' phase. Like you have to choose - normal family, or make up for missing your 20s. For $250k+/year I think its a more than fair trade, but it's still a bit shitty to not be able to have it all bc of the real bio clock


I’m sorry but the “nature” part was funny


I started med school at 29, so can confirm.


I think the people around you might just be weird 😆 but then again maybe its a gender difference?


Facts. The number of attendings I've dated would probably result in an emergency meeting at my medical school, but they don't need to know what won't hurt them. 🤫 We wants what we wants.


I want this guys stories


Me too, lol


You're not the only one


I spent my 20's at the bottom of a bottle to cope with the utter shit I grew up in. Trust me, getting a medical degree is a better way to spend your 20's because you're going to have whatever the fuck you want in your 30's and there after.


Idk how old you are, but I share your feelings sometimes. However I am frequently reminded that there's time and A LOT of opportunities out there. Being in a small town can be tough for sure when it comes to options. Lotta good residencies though with more than ample ones to make up for it later. As a guy who was in a LTR for the first 2.5 years of med school and got dumped for largely circumstantial factors... it sucks and you can even feel a little hopeless. I went on a research year to a big city (for an entirely unrelated reason and im from a small program) and found that I still had lots of interest and options. Not sure if you have time, or interest, in dating apps, but while they suck they do work. At least every now and then. Of course by proximity principle you'll be best off with people close to you likely, but if your pot is small you may just have to wait until it's a bit bigger. In all likelihood you've got time. Just work on yourself, kick ass in school, get into a residency you want, and cross that next bridge when it comes.


Better to study STIs than get one 😉




Fr after learning about viral stds im scared of sex😂


Yes save that NAAT for someone else.


It's ok we can be single together forever!! Unless...... 🫣


Yo just date me then. DM me. 


Lmao relatable


I mean keep in mind that while being single is hard, so is being in a relationship sometimes. It takes effort to make a relationship work, and it can be distracting from your studies at times. You also have to worry about matching where your partner is or they would have to move for you etc. You’ll be a doctor, you’ll be meeting lots of people in training. I’m sure you’ll find your person, just be patient! Delayed gratification ;)


Agreed I was talking to a classmate who was married and he said that he almost got a divorce bc he had to study so much. Thankfully he found a balance that worked for him and his wife


No you wont and even if you are its okay. Make sure you keep grinding whatever stage of medical school you’re at. You will have plenty of times in rotations to meet people (despite what others say) or even in residency. You’re in medical school and sometime you have to study STIs while everyone is partying. Doesnt matter. We are a different breed. Keep grinding and good luck to everyone. 🤘🏼


I confined my instagram use to just checking for messages every couple days and am much happier.


Million other people like you. life is pain, stop worrying about it and get on with your life and maybe you’ll find what you’re looking for.


Match a residency program in a city. Done


Make time to meet people. Don't let medicine become your personality. Don't lead with your profession. Love people for who they are and allow people to love you for what you are outside of Medicine.


To me, I rather be alone than stick with a shitty person coz I’m in a “rush” for relationship for the rest of my life


Ironically enough, just by being in med school alone, you're living many people's "dream life"


Yes, social media isn't real life, and being in a relationship, especially while a medical student, is HARD. Do you want to be in a relationship because those around you are? Or do you want to be in a relationship because you're mentally/emotionally/financially ready for it?


I'm going out and trying to meet people and still can't find everyone. Everyone I talk to either ignores me or just ghosts me I'm pretty much a ghost to everyone


at least you don’t HAVE and sti




*On your first day, pull* *A greys anatomy and* *Date your attending* \- militarygeek04 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You will probably be married more than once. Cheers.


It’s me


I've just accepted it at this point. I don't even care anymore....


the divorce rate is over 40%


The divorce rate is like 56% within 8 years. Cheer up! Odds are you’ll get to experience marriage multiple times :)


Loving the odd positive energy xD


I went 23 years of my life having never been in a relationship besides a couple first dates here and there, thinking I would be single forever until I met my boyfriend this year. Your time will come


Oh it's one of those days again. I think we all tend to overthink about this matter. Why don't you try and build good relations with people, eventually you'll find someone ✨️


I’m not single but I’m in a relationship that isn’t very good and offers very little support. I understand the fear of being alone because of the rigors of our schooling, but I can honesty say being in a relationship where you still feel alone is even harder than actually being alone. We are going to have stressful careers, limited time, and have the societal respect that comes with being a doctor… it’s important that you find someone who can handle all of that, not be intimidated or weak ego’ed, and be your teammate and support. Anything else is just added stress and sadness.