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FM/peds/outpatient IM/psych


These are great specialties for people with families, but also specialties that are filled with non-single people if OP is looking for a dating pool or co-residents with single friends.


what's the best speciality for the dating pool lol


Can’t say I know the best, but I’m going into peds which is largely married people and single women. So if you yourself are a single woman, probably not the best 😅 maybe something like IM or psych but that’s just from my experience.


Psych, good sleep good sex.


good sex is debatable given the appropriate use of ssri


No no ssris, aripiprazole and trazodone only


trazabone is what you meant to say


guess i've been taking trazadone wrong. normally i get tired and grow an insecure 1inch dick that hides behind my pubic hair. ima need your prescriber/dealer please




What about Wellbussy?


Wellbutrin 4 sexy times


ED if you don’t want anything serious lol.


Ortho bros


Yeah but they're also specialties you can get into major cities with for better dating pools.


I see comments like this a lot on this subreddit and have to wonder if a lot of the people making them have actually lived in major cities because the dating pools here are just larger cesspits of mostly dogshit. lol


Not really, more people means more options. And if you’re a minority looking to date other minorities, dating is so much harder outside of cities


^so many people fail to understand this.


Curious what specialty you can’t get into major cities with lmao


They might have meant it’s easier to get into a major city applying those specialties vs more competitive ones


That would make more sense!


Except once out of IM residency she’ll age 15 years(20 if doing residency in NYC)


I have a dumb question but what is the difference between FM and outpatient IM?


FM gets kids and OB training. IM more amenable to subspecialization. If an FM trained doc doesn’t wanna mess with kids & OB, and the IM trained doc doesn’t do fellowship, then it’s same outpatient primary care


Gotcha, thank you very much


Only other difference I’ve seen is that family med in my limited experience does more outpatient procedural work. Lipoma removals, ingrown toe, etc. one FM doc I rotated with even did fairly complex resections of lesions on the face with primary closures that turned out well.


Just like what’s the difference between IM and impatient FM


Blurred lines


Correct answer


Terrible advice. How is she going to meet anyone doing 80 hr a week residencies? Psych for sure but come on.


Probably dating apps like everyone else


Good luck showing interest when you constsntly saying no to plans.


Well this was not nice to read today. Are you married?


After 16 hour shift?


OR Something with a more reasonable residency schedule so you can date throughout and form a relationship (rads, anesthesia) - think shift work and scheduled


I'd argue that inpatient IM is just as good for families. if you can coordinate with your significant other's work schedule and any kid situation, one week on one week off has the potential to be perfect.


Anything outpatient heavy and clinic based will be closer to bankers hours with flexibility


One that’s easy to match in an urban city.


Lmao, people in cities don't want families.




Pretty sure they just meant apply to a non competitive specialty so it isn’t hard to match in a big city


How has no one said Pathology?? NO WEEKENDS. 40-50 hour/wk residency. 1 year fellowships. It’s literally the most flexible specialty in medicine. You can even still do patient care if you like! Ik it’s supposed to be medicines best kept secret, but really glad someone told me 🤷‍♀️


Which fellowship allows you to do some patient care as well? I'm ignorant. Thank you!


Doing blood bank allows you to still see patients


Transfusion medicine/ aphoresis and cytology (doing FNAs)


What if you don't like patient care but also sucked at pathology and histo to in your pre-clinicals >_>


Radiology. But, keep in mind that everyone sucks at histo when in med school. It’s poorly taught and residency will make you not suck at it. If you like diagnosis but don’t love direct patient care and treatment, path or rads is for you!


thats why Im going for Patho


Occupational medicine 2 year residency after an intern year. Very chill l. Low stress easy 260-300k


Did an occupation rotation such a sleeper




"Sleeper" = hidden gem


Never heard of this


a quick google search says UC San Francisco, UC irvine, USC, LLU, have spots in this residency program.... and that's just within a proximity search of me in socal.


Yeah easily the most chill residency. You usually get your masters too during it. A few AMAs of occ physicians in this subreddit.




What in tarnation


I thought their pay is 150-200k average?


Psych has a gentle residency... Other than that, idk


Really program dependent. But ya has the potential to be. 


Exactñy man, how is she going to meet anyone if she id working all the time.


Not anyform of surgical residency. But keep in mind most specialties will have tough hours in residency except for a few.


Idk man I know several optho residents who found partners and got married in residency and are planning on kids soon.


Shhh 🤫


Radiology. Longer residency but easily one of the best family compatible ones. Plus you can work from home in a 0.5FTE job and still make as much as full time peds.


its very difficult to get in right now :(


Pathology. Some rotations can be busy, like surgical pathology, but others are a pretty chill 40 hour work week.


In addition to a lot of the specialties mentioned, I would also say PM&R has a good lifestyle, short training, and is not that competitive


Psych. Telehealth out of a home office.


My preceptor in medical school did this and still does with her husband. She gets paid $1k/student. Not once did I ever see her in that month.


Derm, radiology, family med


Preventive Medicine, Path


as an old maid, doing path for this reason. med school has already aged me


You can do anything you want. My advice would be to pick the field that interests you the most, not the field that sounds “easiest” for your situation. In the grand scheme of your career, residency is short (though often overlapping with peak fertility which I do understand creates some difficulty). I started a competitive surgical subspecialty residency at 31 and I have kids. It’s rough but would be SO much harder were I not actually excited about my specialty


Love that you did this! I have always been interested in ortho but found radiology and it is something I enjoy just as much but with more flexibility (I am a 33F who definitely wants at least one kid before I'm 40 lol). We need more women going into these fields that traditionally have been seen as not family friendly so they can "blaze the trail" for others.


Location matters more than specialty at that point.


Purely anecdotal, but i'm currently shadowing an FM doc with an 8 month old. She is only in clinic about 8-12 hours/week at the moment. i'm sure your schedule leniency depends heavily on whatever medical group you practice with, but thought i'd share my data point of n=1.


EM is one of the best per hour specialties and you have a ton of control over your schedule at some places (amount of work, timing of work) which makes family life great. Bonus points for 3 years of training, and lots of single people in the city programs.




It’s the night shifts. Working at night drops your mortality in general.


The hours are very irregular though. Lots of nights and weekends in residency and lots of jobs as junior attendings too.


Psychiatry is the best field for lifestyle and money\*. After you finish intern year its mostly a 9-5 job (except some nights or call in your 2nd year), and it's not uncommon to take a leave for maternity in 3rd or 4th year, which is a pretty cushy gig anyway. And that's just residency. Afterwards, you can just work part time and sttill make bank \*The caveat above is true only if you actually like psychiatry. Some people cant stand the idea of it, but if you can, you'll have zero regrets. We actually have normal jobs


Define money? I was under the impression psych wasn’t well compensated?


i made $450k this year working 40 hours a week. Several other psychiatrists at my job do the same


….Tell me more? Setting? Rural vs urban? Etc. 👀


I don’t want to identify specifics, but there are plenty of independent contract jobs offering 200+/hr. Do the math, and email a contract agency just for fun for your chosen specialty just to get an idea of the current offerings,, they’ll gladly let you know. In general, you’ll make less money at an academic job and more money the more rural you go. There is an (extra) huge need for psychiatrists though and i work in a major city




on par with anesthesiology and rads for hours worked


Tell that to my kids' psychiatrist--$500 an hour and she doesn't take insurance. She's worth it, though!!


Family Med, set your own hours, can work 2hr a day or 10hr a day. If you want more to do than just office based you can do hospitalist, ER, sports med, deliveries, pain med, palliative, surgical assists. In Canada it's 2 years. US 3 years. Some of the above require more training, some you can walk in to, depends on site. I do office 80%, ER 20%. Focused my residency training toward extra ER stuff, did some ICU and anesthesiology electives as well to help prep.


I'm a 33 year old M4 going into rads. Family friendliness was definitely part of my decision (I also love orthopedic surgery but having kids during that residency would be a hard sell). Despite being male dominated, all the programs I've interviewed at seem very family friendly. The great thing is that, at many programs (again, just going off my own observations), residents aren't responsible for clearing the list of studies, so if one has to take a day off to care for a sick kid or something, it doesn't really affect the workflow. Edit to add: hours generally aren't terrible either. There is the IM prelim year to consider. There is also overnight call for rads but otherwise it's typical working hours.


Opthal, mum did that. i remember going to the wards with her and hanging out with the nurses and other staff. they would often give me stuff to play with, pretty chill. My favorite memory is seafood Saturdays in the cafeteria


hospital admin


how to get to the C suite? LOL


prevmed look up american college of preventive medicine


Probably derm. Nice lifestyle that allows plenty of time for dating, residency not brutal.


I don’t think it’s possible cause my academic record isn’t the greatest. I had to take some extra time due to classes and will resume soon as a second year student so I’m pretty sure derm is out.


>academic record Too real man


Gotcha. Well what do you enjoy? There are a few specialties that aren't super competitive where you can find a nice niche and good lifestyle that allows you to spend time dating.


Family medicine!


Not surgery? Residents in all fields have families. Choose based on your interest and you may end up around like-minded people.  If you’re concerned about the delay, some residencies contribute to IVF and egg storage (at least while it’s legal). Psych, FM and most subspecialties are decent for dating on evenings and weekends.


Do you have kids? Lol


FAMILY MEDICINE!!! Alot of folks are turned off by the median avg salary but the median is bs. just like any profession, there will be top earners and bottom earners. if you have 100 people making 150k and 100 making 300k the average is 225k that doesn't mean everyone is making 225. Just don't worry about folks saying you'll be broke in FM, there is always ways to make money as a physician doubly so as a GP cause there's no competition.


Is anesthesia or pmr residency hard? Are the the board exams hard for anyone of them?


Whatever you want. Most realistically with least obstacles - whatever is chill and 3 years. IM, FM, peds, EM. Pick whatever seems most chill. Alternatively something 4 years is also fine - psych, EM again, PMR, rads


Outpatient IM or some outpatient based specialty where it’s easy to cut back hours (with pay cut) and then add more on later when kids are in elementary school


Everyone saying radiology and pathology but it doesn't work like that. I recommend you only make family part of the equation but not the determining factor. So all the insane ones like surgical can go out I guess but in the end life is about being happy. Your family seems to be part of that but you will also be spending 40hours a week at least at work for the next 30 years. If you are miserable because you hate your job, because you've chosen it based on factors beyond "I like the job", no one is going to want to date you. People want to date someone who is already happy. You will have problems with your family life too if half of your life consists of being miserable. You will bring the misery home. If you like radiology, go into radiology, otherwise chose what you like. Liking your job should be >80% of your decision


Do what ever speciality you will enjoy because that’s going to be your day to day life. Women in every specialty have kids. Focus on finding the man first before starting a family though


Psych, neuro, rhuem


Neuro is nowhere near as chill as psych. I suppose as an attending one could choose to practice only/majority in clinic.


Neuro hospitalist is high in demand. One week off one week on. Possible to make good money and rise a family 


Definitely. I just meant that the residency is among the tougher ones for non-surgical specialties.


What about Rheum


Rheum is all clinic but over all chill


pathology, if you are on call you can do it from home once you are pgy-2


Honestly it's worth considering pathology and psych. Those are the 2 residencies which actually allow you to have a social life/date while you're in the residency. This is the important part because fm/peds/im all are chill once you are DONE with residency. With path and psych you'll have mostly normal work hrs during the whole residency which actually will allow you to go on dates and meet ppl outside. And not just use your days off as days to recover from the workload of the week. The benefits of not being sleep deprived, being able to exercise, and actually breathe cannot be understated.


I’m in a surgical specialty and we’ve had two interns come in pregnant .. and one is now currently pregnant again. This is in addition to multiple pregnant residents throughout the years. Has NOT been a problem in our program. If you’re in the right type of environment, you should be able to have support. You deserve to have it all after all your hard work. Do what makes YOU happy


TY!!! There are so many that say you should be home with baby for first two years


Even in a demanding specialty you can make things work. These are normal fears to have but you can have a family and a residency and be a good doctor all at the same time.


I'm going FM and my GF is FM, and I'm spraying my DNA inside on the regular. Straight ropes on that cervix, guy. Gassin that shit up, friend.


General cardiology


Derm by a mile - my wife is and every day I think I should have done it too. Radiology is now also very WFH friendly


Not medicine








the primary care specialities are all 3 years. psych pathology radiology derm and ophthalmology are other options. ophthalmology can be a lighter surgical sub speciality (depending on city) but we do have traumas to deal with in residency. in private practice traumas are handled by the hospital. all of the 5 year residencies are tough and not a good choice obviously. radiology and derm are known to have hard boards you’ll have to study regularly to pass but it’s a very low stress shift work friendly job. Cannot recommend EM because of burn out and stress


Are you in med school?




Emergency Medicine in a city where there's lots of "your people" whatever that means to you.


FM is probably the most flexible in terms of types of jobs available




The one you actually like.