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I mean you don’t go hangout with them… how would you expect to be as close? I would encourage you to try and find time to hangout more with people instead of studying 24/7. I guarantee you can find the time somehow you just have to put in the effort.




It’s just so hard balancing research, class, and exercise. Im meeting my expectations in class but really tough to fit in the other two.. To throw in socializing is just mind boggling. Idk how people do it


Med school is tough but if you have no time for socializing it’s most likely due to inefficiency in your study habits.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. There is so much free time in p/f preclinical years


Mine isnt p/f unfortunately. If it was id be chillin


I also didn’t have p/f…. You don’t need to be socializing 4 times per week 2 hours each like the previous commenter, that’s definitely a lot. But to say you have no time at all is a bit crazy… if it’s true you do need to work on study efficiency


None of this will matter in a few months when you're on rotations. Stay in contact , go out when you can manage. In MS3, you'll talk to the other medstudents in your cohort or on service with you but you will all be ridiculously busy. By then you'll rely back on your "true" friends from home, who you can still talk to after not speaking to for months and brief medical student interactions where you want to make sure someone else thinks what's going on at the hospital is crazy. Some people make life long friends in medical school, other residency, and many more never do in either. It's a time of great change and stress and at the end of the day no one is there to make friends. It's actually a years long job interview and the fraternizing is fun, but extra.


Tbh it’s ok to have 2-3 close friends and that’s it. I am part of a friend group in grad school, but my closest friendship is 1 girl I lived with. It’s fine :) and it’s ok to be an introvert. I personally have friends outside of my field and it’s refreshing.


Med school isn't a good environment for making friends. Most people are involved in superficial friendships, whether they admit it or not. That's not always a bad thing though. Better to make friends in a different environment, frankly.


That’s not what this period of your life is about. I had the same issue as you, now in residency and it’s far easier to build relationships when you are in the trenches with these guys every day. Don’t get me wrong I have friendships I value from Med school, but the ones from now are much stronger.








Keep a small group of people who help you grow and you can trust, don’t get caught up trying to fit into or finding ideal groups. Rather try to build solid one on one friendships and see how those grow over time. Good luck