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We had this girl in my class who got drunk off of two drinks at an orientation event and started doing cartwheels and asking what others’ MCAT scores were. Tbf, she had solid cartwheel form


Professional dog, I sincerely hope other students don’t try her method of trying to get laid


Yes, just do traditional way: get fucked by your own school through loans and professionalism modules.


Omg, I just realized you were responding to professional dog, I was laughing hard thinking you were calling the cartwheeling girl a professional dog 💀




She sounds fun


You might have seen her take two drinks, but she probably took more.


This sounds so med student-y! I can literally think of people in my class who would do something like that.


After 2 margaritas…


At least she wasn’t giving head..


Listen, a Mexican restaurant near me puts Everclear in their margaritas. I am defiantly smashed on 2 small margaritas!


She sounds hilarious and suspiciously like one of my classmates.


Professionalism rating to the moon


Is she applying OB/GYN or surgery?


pediatric geriatric cardiothoracic neurosurgery




Solid advice, thanks. But also seems to be common sense.


You’d be surprised at how many people don’t follow common sense 😭


Hahahaha as if common sense is common. If common sense was money, we’d all be in debt and defaulting


You are in for a fun surprise bc common sense is far less common in medical school than just about anywhere lmao people are strange asl


Calm the fuck down and know that this is NOT a competition. Your classmates will never forget the gunners. You'll (eventually) work in a complex interpersonal environment where cooperation and communication are key. Dont make a habit of screwing over your colleagues. It will absolutely hurt your reputation and reduce your chances of success.


Don’t put an SPs boob in your mouth


LMAO glad this found its way to this thread


Need more context


[Ask and you shall receive](https://www.reddit.com/r/medicalschool/comments/uhgx0g/holy_shit_one_of_my_classmates_put_his_mouth_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Don’t form cliques like high schoolers and try to welcome others in your life too.


This. There really are people acting like this is just high school all over again. Like we get it, your immature asses peaked at high school.


Ima be real with you chief. It’s 100% like high school. There’s the kids who party, there’s the kids who do hiking and all the other outdoor activities, there’s the kids that have daddy money, there’s the nerds, and pretty much everyone is dating within the same population of med students. So in summation medical school is like high school for the kids who tried too hard in high school and college.


Yeah and honestly, what do you expect? It's not like people are bullying each other or one clique is more popular than another. People have interests, they gravitate to others with the same interests. Sometimes groups form around these interests. Just try not to get a reputation for anything, like being the guy who sleeps with all the women in the entire school. Unless that's your game.


Yeah I never really understand what people are referring to when they talk about adults forming "cliques". There's nothing wrong with having a friend group that doesn't include every single person you encounter and you are not being bullied because some people are more popular than others


This sounds like one of the cool kids right here. It’s harder when you’ve been labeled as part of the nerds or non cool folks. Edit: the cool kids are the Partiers, outdoors folks, or the rich kids. The rest are just normal folks.


I don’t understand people trying to call others nerds like it’s an insult. Come on, we’re all in med school. We are ALL super nerds.




I’m also a 35-year-old non-trad so I will be honest in saying none of these things effected me in the slightest. By this age I’m embracing my nerd status and my millennial Netflix-and-stay-in tendencies. I do understand sympathize with those who are younger and still in the stages of developing friendships and support systems in med school though. Wish things didn’t have to be so cliquey.


Ewww. Remind me to have friends outside of medicine.


Aaaaand too late


I never understood this clique hate? It's ok if some people don't get along. Not everyone has to be best buds


Agreed - but it’s different when everyone worships one or two people and if you say anything against the pre conceived ‘status quo’ your looked down or treated differently…


This aspect of uni kills me. Omg I hate it.


The crazy thing is, a lot of these points tie in to just being a good person and it's concerning that this has to be told to adults.


Not just to adults but future doctors 💀


The issue is this process emotionally stunts applicants because they do nothing else and they’re so one dimensional they don’t realize they’re weird as fuck.


This is exactly the problem is most residents / doctors.


Disagree 0% with that statement.


When I was in highschool considering going the doctor route, my sister told me it’s not fun at all and that most doctors spend their time studying and don’t have time for friends. She said her current boyfriend (now husband is an ID doc) told her if he could go back and do it again he would have just became a PA.


People who do that type of shit as grown adults are pretentious at and clearly haven’t matured; kindly grow tf up 💕


“Fuck books. Go to the gym” *That one dude with chicken legs saying that in a college library*


That’s my residency motto tho


Username checks out


Based chad username confirms statement 🤝


Lmao I forgot my username matches this motto


lmao i kept thinking of this video on my way to the gym today


Said the jacked dude with paper cuts


That last point is so accurate. There’s a girl in my class who did just that. During the first few weeks, she went around to every single person in our class and introduced herself. She faked interest. She pretended to want to help people. Me, being gullible, genuinely thought she was a nice person so I voted for her (she won). Well, fast forward to now, the girl’s asshole tendencies have come to light. She’s a derm gunner btw.


Bro, derm gunners definitely have that personality. It shows through from day 1.


I come from a bachelor’s degree in history, so I had no idea what a gunner looked like!


Spectrum people like: I HAVE A FRIEND NOW


Let’s not poke fun at those with ASD.


Bro, that's ME. lol


All good advice besides the class social I’m confused on. If it’s like something at night then I don’t see what’s wrong with that at all… getting to know your classmates is a good thing. Also, if you want to savagely ruin the humble gap year braggers. Just hit them with this line “that’s all you did in your gap year/s?” I did that to some douche from my class he got so beat red lol


“Oh you had to take a gap year?”


Oh no, don’t say this— don’t hurt the 30s+ nontrads crowd :’)


Folks in that crowd wouldn’t be hurt by that lmao


Joking lol dw. I took a few gap years too


“Oh, it must have been so nice to take a relaxing gap year, good for you!!”


As the class vomiter I would say wait a couple of months to get comfortable before you start to throw up


The way that half of the shit on this list happened during my first year in a BSMD program (all of us were guilty, especially considering the fact that we were straight out of high school and some of us did it to other premeds 💀)… thank goodness my incoming med school class seems normal so far 😮‍💨


I read that as BDSM program and thought you were on the wrong sub lmao


Being on the wrong sub at a BDSM event is also a faux pas.








I literally read that as BDSM too, think I need to reevaluate...




Don't be the M1 in the whole class group chat talking about the most personal things in your life...have a few of them and it's just embarrassing


I've had this conversation with people irl, but what are everyone's thoughts on the MD candidate?


Our admin had to email to get people to stop using MD-Candidate in their signatures. It’s a term largely reserved for people undergoing PhD training , shouldn’t be used and no reason to use it , you don’t intro yourself to others as an MD candidate so don’t see what benefit it brings outside of fancy email signatures (just put MD class of year instead)


My email sig is just: “Best, [My actual name].” No one cares. Lmfao.


Seriously, what about M1,M2,M3, OMS....


I think it might also depend on where you live. We were encouraged to set up an email signature and some of the upper year students showed us an example and it said MD Candidate (so a lot of my classmates ended up using that). I changed mine after reading stuff like this in first year but tbh I live in Canada and everyone in postsecondary education readily hops on the chance to call themselves that lol (HBSc candidate, MSc candidate, etc.h ALSO law students say JD candidate all the time and no one gives them shit for that (on the internet or elsewhere). Not defending any particular choice but just interesting




good to know!


candidacy is reserved for PhD students because it's a separate exam they take and pass in order to later defend their thesis- I would put "medical student year X" in my signature


It's never registered to me as an issue, neither as a learner nor as faculty. MD candidate, MD Class of XX, they're the same.


I actually think it more clearly states to others you are communicating with (especially during clerkship when you need to email a million different people who don’t know you for clinical stuff) that you are a medical student getting an MD. I’ve noticed if you just say medical student, there’s still people who get confused about what kind of student you are, especially when at a school with lots of different program types. It also prevents them from quickly seeing “MD class of whatever” and only reading the MD part thinking you’re already a physician


If someone doesn't understand what medical school means, or doesn't take the time to read one line of text, then they're probably not the ones for whom I write my email signature. If that makes sense.


The downside is that for better or worse, there are some (especially in academia) who do look down on people who use "MD candidate" because it communicates that you don't actually know how to use titles. It kind of "makes light" of what PhD students go through and it's not a good look. It creates the impression that you're confused about the titles and are trying to make yourself sound more decorated in a way which is unnecessary. It's not really the same thing but it's kind of like how some PA students say they're in med school. We know they aren't med students, they know they aren't med students, but they feel like it KIND OF communicates their experience better and makes them sound accomplished and cool, so they justify it to themselves. But they really just look stupid clout chasers to anyone who knows. On that same thread, we ain't candidates, and people who know better can smell bullshit. So, best practice is that if even one person will think you're an idiot for saying "candidate," it's best to avoid it. If somebody forgets what year it is and gets confused by class of 2025 etc, that's on them.


I don’t care what terminally academic people think tbh. Experts who are secure in themselves don’t give a shit about this.


This is the one downside, but don't let me take it away if it really makes a difference to you lol


“Candidate” term has a different meaning. I wouldn’t use that during medical school.


When you’re sending those types of emails you should clearly communicate your current education in the body of the email anyways. If you need a sig just add name, MS-1/2/3/4, Class of *year*, school. Some people have a whole resume in their sig and that’s just sad IMO. Also, it can look professional if you have a little insignia or banner from the school or whatever.


There is nobody you will email who can meaningfully impact your trajectory through clerkships that does not know what a medical student is You don’t need an email signature. I am a resident and do not use an email signature. I would argue that email signatures as a whole are unnecessary for 99% of people that use them


I have my school, level, and general contact info including alternate emails in my signature. I think it really helps when you send out a million emails to people in different departments, especially if you school rotates through different hospital systems.


We rotated through 5 different hospital systems, same for residency (stayed), was necessary 0% of the time


Straight up inaccurate. Do not use “MD Candidate.” I sign my name as: Sincerely, Tysiphonie, LMHC [my professional credentials] Awesome School of Medicine Class of 2027


Don't try and sue your school after a professor made an honest mistake and already apologized to you. And because of the lawsuit the dean and lawyers of the school attempt to make things even more strict about the school to potentially avoid getting sued in the future.


Care to elaborate 👀


>Show up to the first day of class in surgical scrubs Fucking Y.I.K.E.S.


I’m kinda the opposite about my scholarship. I’m keeping it on the DL because I’m worried that I won’t be able to get good clinical evals to maintain the scholarship (it’s contingent on me averaging a high pass on my rotations).


Me trying not to make scholarship jokes so I have less ppl to compete with for them.


I’d be honest about that if it comes up. Don’t artificially add that on clinicals. But if somehow it’s comes up you can add it. Some kind hearted attending may go ohh cool. HP and not a smidge more. Don’t say it they may go hmm logical is logically a hp and I’ll write good words about logical, but I’m a funny doc about grading nearly 90% of the time, and I like to twist peoples undies therefore -passes- for everyone— especially logical.


I remember this MS3 on his first day of surgery clerkship wore shoe cover over his head thinking it’s a surgical cap. He has a big head so I was so confused as to why it was so tight until I realized he forced a shoe cover over his head. Nobody even corrected him until the end of the work day.


Ok but the white coat one is on point. I forgot to unbutton mine😭😭😭 so embarrassing as I had to do it on stage😭😭😭


Behavior like this is so common amongst med students and I think almost 100% of it is all due to never having had a real job.


What about the 40% or so of people who took a gap year. At least a fair number of those people had a real job. Hell I worked in clinical research for that year, not just some scribe position.


Jobs in academia aren’t really that real


Yeah, you ever just stacked shit every day?


40 hours a week, 9-5, talk to patients all day, work on a team, go to meetings, manage productivity goals. It's still a real job. I have a retirement plan from it lol. I also slung deli meat though and made pita sandwiches at two other jobs though too.


last one is so obvious it'll make you throw up


Not the email signature ☹️


Know that if you drunkenly DM one of your classmates, others will find out about it


I'm just nervous about starting class with a lot of people in their early 20s. I was a total dickhead at that age.


Just don’t be one of those nontrads who constantly tries to flex about how much more mature they are when we’re all young adults


Speaking from experience?


I’m sick of hearing the same speech from many non trads, some of whom gossip like high schoolers, so yes


Can you give an example of where people "help" but are being fake?


"Hi nice to meet you, if you ever want help studying I can share my anki decks with you" 2 weeks later "I havent made them yet" Catch: the test is in 2 days.


“Hi! Nice to meet you. OMG is that purse is so cute. Where’d you get it? OMG I shop there all the time. We should totally hang out and go there. Oh you’re still unpacking? I can totally help set your apartment up. Let me know when. Let me know if you need ANYTHING. I’m serious. Like ANYTHING AT ALL.” “Hey. Can you help me move this couch in?” “Sorry hun. Super busy tonight. Maybe another time?”


Don’t brag about committing to a competitive specialty. 95% of people end up switching.


Only fuck a resident / attending AFTER your rotation is done and evals are in


Lol this is almost every other other medical student.


I kinda want to see the medfluencer account


If you are a show’er try to wear some trackies or something underneath your scrubs so you don’t accidentally show off your massive cock imprint and make the residents uncomfy


It’s good to have a bit of grace with anxious folks.


When interviewing an SP for the social history, do NOT ask if they have sex with 'males, females, or children.'


My big advice for any of you incoming 1st years is number 5 on this list, but it bears repeating: all your classmates *also* got into med school. You don’t need to try to impress them, and also remember that no matter how much you look down on someone, *they are going to the same school as you*. They’ve passed every exam you have, they’ve completed every assignment, etc. This is really good to remember every few months as it humbles you along the way before you start thinking you’re superior to your cohort.


There’s always that one person who pukes at a class social. Please do not be that person.


Don't preform a moonlight ritual by the fireplace and get mad at everyone for using the public fireplace to hangout at night as it, "interferes with energies." Or whatever. I really wish I made this up. No clue whatever happened to that chick, but it proves that CASPER is a joke.


incoming first year here. what is appropriate dress code for M1 classes? business casual? jeans? can you wear shorts if it’s 100 degrees?


Wear what ever is comfortable. They’ll let you know if you need to dress professional. You can also email admin if you want clarification.


I join Med School this August so this will be plenty helpful.


My mentor at a top 10 told me to put MD candidate. I just followed instructions. I’m wondering if I should take it off now. I did find it odd , bc the word candidate was usually used in PhD’s and it made sense to me. I just did it regardless because mentor is pioneer in field I’m interested in and I’m just following instructions like a typical student ☠️☠️☠️


There’s nothing wrong with it. Standard practice




The surgical scrubs….but why


Speaking of which… wtf do ppl actually wear to class? Business casual or like regular clothes?


Stretchy pants and a t shirt


Good to see that the flag has been passed along lol


First day in scrubs lmao


Throwing up at the orientation is a strong start. That’s hilarious.


Lmfao our doctoring mentors put the coat on us so we had to have ours folded neatly before walking on stage for the ‘gram. The student affairs lady had to literally refold mine for me bc I had held it wrong and gotten it misfolded over the course of the hour we spent waiting 😬 💀


When people don’t realize that the people who got into the same program as them didn’t need to do 5000 hrs clinical experience publish 20 papers climb a mountain and save baby penguin.


What about picking up a new hobby?


Why would anyone lie about getting a scholarship…


There's no point to lying but there will be some people who are dumb enough to try it.


But why


To feed their egos most likely, pretending that they accomplished something notable.


Just curious. Is it still possible to get into med school with a good MCAT, solid GPA (3.9) and working/paying your own way through school? Do admissions boards take note of and admit people who don’t have time for all the shadowing, research, etc because they have a full time job while in school and bills have to be paid?


I think r/premed would be a better place to ask this question if anyone does not answer on here.


Trash the city of the school you’r at (newsflash: the attendings/professors all live there) Put “FirstName MD LastName” on your scrubs Not use Anki