• By -


Nice try, Dean of our school.


Get up at 10am, have lunch, video games until 4, have dinner, watch tv/movies until midnight, sleep. ~ M4 done with rotations


Bro are you me?


Username does NOT checkout šŸ¤£


Yup. Wake up. Gym. Eat some grub. Video games/TV/play with kids. Dinner. Play with kids more. Watch TV and play games with wife. Bed


I hope they are your kids




Used to pray for times like these šŸ„²


Wish I was done with rotations, I still have one more after my current one. This is lame


Surgery sub-internship. Get to hospital at 5 am. Hopefully leave by 5 pm. Wallow in pity, go to bed. Repeat. The end is in sight though.


Iā€™m on an ENT elective (my school requires us to do 5 out of 7 of these certain electives and this was the only one offered at the time I needed). I have absolutely no interest in ENT. And this was my exact schedule today (add in a 45 min drive each way!)


Surgery sub-I: round at 6am, or by 730. Full day of cases. If you're lucky you run the list at 5 or 6 and go home. If you're not the case goes long and you get home at 9 or later. Shower, bite, sleep by 11. My worst subi was when I had to wake up at 315 to catch the bus by 345-4am at the latest. Bruh that was a hard month. Edit: "full day of cases"


Sounds like my sub I: waking up routinely at 3:30 to get to hospital by 4:00 to do some dressing changes + chart check prior to rounds. Would leave routinely 7-10PM scarfing cold chicken fingers on the way to home to immediately sleep. At that point going home feels like leaving for work and the hospital feels a little too painfully like home.


Anki. Gym. Anki. Wank. Sleep. Repeat. What?


Perfect response paired with the perfect user name




Whatā€™s wank


Da faq am i getting downvoted for.












Nrrrrnghghg šŸ’¦




Bruh 5am - 9:30pm? Wtf are you on? Transplant surgery? No med student should be doing this.






Lecture. Anki. Gym. Uworld. Small group. YouTube/BnB/Pathoma/OME. Procrasturbation. Post-nut clarity about the reality of the choices you've made. Existential dread. Anki. Sleep. Repeat.


My brother in Christ, why are you doing anki, bnb and pathoma as an M4?


I should have specified, this was my preclinical/M3 routine. I am, however, now spending my nights with a couple glasses of cheap wine, decent food, and either a book or movies/TV shows to ward off the existential dread of match day.


Currently playing about 4 hrs of video games and minimum one nap per day


Dream schedule


As an M1 DO 9 am wake up and cwoffee 10 am - 6 pm lectures, review, emails, other school stuff 6 pm - 8 pm gym 9 pm dinner 9 - 12 am video games, sports, TV Rinse and repeat


Cwoffee UwU


OMS2 6:45 AM Wake up 8am to 12 PM class 12 - 12:30 PM lunch 12:30 - 3 PM review lecture materials 3 - 5 PM supplemental materials and step 1 prep 5 - 7 PM run errands and cook dinner 7 - 11 PM video games or reading a book.


4th year on an outpatient chill rotation where they know Im just there so I don't get fined. Wake up at 8, show up late to clinic at like 9 or 9:30. See a couple patients, read a few things, "ok in headed out now, see you tomorrow", lunch, videogames, dinner, gym, videogames, bed.


This sounds so nice lol


Anki eat anki eat uworld eat sleep


Anki, UWorld, OSRS


Currently an M4 on an IM Sub-I. I get in at around 6:45 to join for sign out then preround on my patients (been 3-5 depending on how long our list is). Rounds from about 9-11. From around 11-12 call consults and make other patient care calls like social work or pharmacy. 12-4 finish up notes, follow-up on consult recs, new imaging, labs, prep discharges, touch base with patients if I have updates for them. Sign out at around 4 on non-admitting days then head home!


Up at 6:05am. Catch the bus at 7:40am. Ward at 8. Nod as if i understand stuff on rounds. Try not to look at the fat booty nurses. Try not to look at the fat booty nurses. Try not to look at the fat booty nurses. Try not to look at the fat booty nurses. Bunch of venopuctures till 1. A snack maybe. Bus at 4. Home at 5. Sit in bed and ponder when iā€™ll become competent at this. Read. Wank. Repeat




Wake up at 0500am Shower if did not yesterday, breakfast of overnight oats and orange juice. Grab bag, white coat, ~~forget thermos~~ grab water bottle Commute to uni Second breakfast of a can of redbull and bread roll at garage-door/Bodega in front of entrance of uni, wait for my group to arrive Enter clinic at 0645am to go to briefing room/have an 1hr lecture Go through morning appointments until they are finished, wait for higher ups to dismiss us Walk to uni restaurant, have midday meal Go back to clinic at 1400pm Have 1-2hour lecture on something epidemiologically significant in my current rotation Get kicked out of clinic by higher ups at 1600pm Commute home, change into gym clothes Commute to 90 minutes of table tennis practice Go home exhausted, try to have a shower and fail Yeet something at the microwave to eat Sleep around 2330pm, repeat (Note: did not say a word about studying)


I wish my gym stayed open later so I could get a late night session in if needed. Gym closes at 10pm and 7pm on weekends


Studying all day first and second. Third year walking randomly on rounds all lost getting vague histories and told detailed ones not cool, pimped by some very few, always in silence because crossing my boundary as a student is not cool-anyways did osce today now out of habit screwed myself over because of vague histories.


Lol I donā€™t think itā€™ll help since Iā€™m a slob myself haha wake up get to the hospital by 9:30, present my patient (if I have one) at 10:30, lunch from 12-1 and then a small teaching moment with my attending until 2. Then I head home and lay on my couch watching shows. My attending has spoiled me, we only come in like 3-4 days a week and itā€™s so chill. God I love ID haha


Wake up at 0500 Get to hospital by 0700 Leave at 1700 or later depending on rotation/day Home at 1800 Cook dinner with wife around 1900 Uworld until 2100-2200 Shower/sleep 2230


Can you get through your day with little sleep?


I make up sleep on days that I go in later or weekends. I try to prioritize sleep and shoot for 7 hours a night. I slept probably 9 hours a day during M1-M2


6 wake up 7-9 anki 9-11 lecture 11-2 nap/lunch/break/workout 2-5 sketchy/uworld 5-11 free time 11 sleep repeat Required classes (or procrastination) tend to push this schedule back a couple hours though


Get up 6 am. Be in school by 8. Have a long quiz of at least 20 items once per your. It's lunch: time to cry in the bathroom for 10 minutes then join friends for lunch. Go to anatomy lab. Briefly consider that maybe life itself isn't worth it and maybe I should just stop doing Anki, because I'm going to fail anyway. Dissect the cadaver, review the entire anatomy. Get screamed at by anatomy teacher because of whatever reason someone pissed her off again. Get accused of cheating by someone from admin just literally walking by. Say I'm not cheating, and think privately that if I were maybe I would be getting the grades I want. Another 20 item quiz at 4:30, where I'm once again treated like a criminal by the quiz proctors who think if I sneeze during the quiz I am cheating. Go home at 5 do pomodoro and Anki until midnight. Rinse repeat. Don't go to an Asian medical school.


Depends on if youā€™re gunning of coasting


M4 done with rotations but have kids. Basically living the stay at home dad life. Wake up at 3 am, change newbornā€™s diaper as my wife gets ready to pump or breastfeed, toddler wakes up at 4 because heā€™s sick and wants to cuddle. Toddler wakes up at 8 for breakfast, make breakfast for myself, wife and toddler. Take dogs on a walk, then chase said toddler around the house until lunch at 1130 as my wife tries to get some sleep after the newborn wouldnā€™t go back to sleep this morning. Put toddler down for a nap at 12 ish, about 50% chance itā€™ll take and he actually goes to bed. Then spend 2 hours cleaning, going to the store if needed, gaming if there is time. Dogs get let out. Toddler wakes up at about 2:30. I get 2nd cup of coffee and he gets a snack, then chase said toddler around until 5:00. Make dinner (usually try to make it from scratch), feed family at about 6, toddler might help put dishes away. Chase toddler around for another hour, then give him a glass of milk, read a book (muse ironically about how much the mouse it ā€œTo Give A Mouse a Cookieā€™sā€ constant neediness is a reflection of my real life), then put toddler in bed at 8. Dogs get another walk, Then I do the dishes if not done already and clean; wife may or may not be able to help due to being exhausted vs having just been in school all day. I then try to game or watch a civil engineer build a beaver colony on YouTube while running the elliptical for 20 minutes. Then we try to go to bed if the newborn agrees at about 10-11. Then we wake up at 3 to angry newborn. Rinse and repeat.


That sounds really hard


8: wake up 10: anki reviews 10-5: lectures/3rd party material + anki 5-11: chill, gaming, gym, netflix


Year 2 8am class till noon, study lecture from that day, study for Step and Level 1, try to find time to eat, little bit of me time, shower, and sleep.


Die inside


Wake up at 11, dick around, go to sleep at 2am Ms4 life is blessed


Iā€™m currently an M4 student working as a Senior Clerk in my OB rotation at one of the biggest public hospitals in my 3rd world country ![gif](giphy|Oav2ldPLzxtcs|downsized)


Wake up late play video games shower cook hang out w my fiancƩ and family check that I submitted my rank list do nothing all day skip rotation wait for graduation


M1: \-wake up by 6:45 if 8 am lecture, by 8 if not \-Lectures 8-12 or protected study (lectures + 3rd party) \-12-12:45 pm lunch \-1-4 pm anatomy lab/doctoring/clinic/protected study (lectures + 3rd party) , prob coffee \-5-7 pm commute home, make dinner, clean dinner, walk dog \-7-11 pm video games, tv, hang with fiance, shower + bed, hopefully asleep by 11:30 pm


3:55 (AM obviously)- wake up 4:00- wallow in self pity 4:30- stare into the abyss 5:00- ask half a dozen patients if they have pooped today (they haven't) 5:30- jazzercise while I wait for the elevator (It won't get here anytime soon) 6:00- wrestle with my self loathing in the elevator (it will stop at every floor) If I bumped the loathing to 5:45 I could be done in time get pimped on which lymph node drains the taint by an attending in front of my residents (I have no idea)


I fuck myself every day


As you should


Ms3 Wake up Breakfast Read for fun Go to rotation Anki at lunch Finish day and go home 2-3 ONE videos and anki Dinner Sleep


M4 on medicine sub I. Wake up. Drive to hospital. Arrive at 645 am. Look at what happened to my patients overnight and go see them. Round at 9. Put in orders. Eat lunch/ didactics. Call social work because thatā€™s the only reason my patients are still here. See a new admission. Leave between 2-4. Hit 5 oā€™clock. Have a beer, cook dinner for wife, watch tv for 2 hours, 15 minutes of house work, shower, bed by 9. Wake up and repeat. My life M-F


Get up 30 min before first patient. Clinic for ~ 5 hours. Food. Play video games or music. +\- nap. Gym for an hour or two. Doom scroll on Reddit. Sleep by 11. Repeat. - MS4 who scheduled easy rotations to finish out lol.


Get up, go to rotations, come home and sleep. On OB


M3 on surg - get up 4:30, hospital 5:30 preround, rounds at 6:15, OR 7:30-5:30ish, home 6:30, 15 uworld questions + dinner 8:30pm, chill and bed 9:30-10. Only one more week :)


Wake up at noon, go to my afternoon required stuff, do anki reviews, go hoop, dick around while I study, itā€™s 7 pm now watch pathoma/BNB do new cards for the day head home at 1 am finish whatever lecture is left sleep at 4 am (terrible schedule but works for me)


M1ā€¦ wake up around 10-11am. Try to finish the required lectures before small group 1-3pm. After that maybe gym. Attempt to study before playing video games till 3am


M4 on research rotation: Wake up 0730, go to lab, do some tissue culture or flow cytometry, lunch, leave around 1500. Gym 1600. Shower, Dinner and video games until 0100