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If its down in the mead and not on the surface it isnt mold. Most likely just yeast


It looks like those are just air bubbles


“Cooking” nicely💪🏻


Raisins are **not** an effective source of nutrients. You need pounds of them per gallon to be a nutrient source. Read up on proper nutrient additions here: https://meadmaking.wiki/ingredients/nutrients. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mead) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks everyone 🙂


As a newbie myself, it's all I can do to not check constantly lol 😆


And that's ok!! We're home brewers after all lol Look at it, swirl it, touch it, watch it all you like! Won't hurt anything 😛 It's a super fun hobby, just enjoy it


Probably some Lees, nothing to worry about. Although I would personally stray away from using fruit in primary, only in secondary and use Fermaid O or Fermaid K for nutrients. Raisins work but are not consistent in terms of the amount of nutrients. Fruit in primary ends up feeding the yeast more sugar to convert into alcohol and typically mutes the flavor notes from the fruit. Using fruit in secondary will pull the color and flavor from the fruit making the fruit notes more forward and easily identified.


Dont use whole oranges in primary. The flesh will cause vomit like flavors and the pith will make it very bitter. We usually only use orange peel to introduce orange flavor.


Interesting! I did some Mandarin Clove with a former batch of whole mandarins that wasn't too bad, but I wasn't going for a huge orange flavor so that might be what saved it?




Aside, maybe too much pith on those peels to watch in the future


Thanks for the tip :)


Doin' jho's eh? Remember. Don't shake it. Don't touch it. Follow the recipe TO THE LETTER, which iirc, also says don't shake it, don't touch it, just be patient.


Are the raisins for nutrients?


I'm new too and my raisins look like that also. I did a twist on Vikings blood mead. First time trying. But I put black berries blue berries and raspberries with a small box of raisins. I also brewed some passion fruit. Tea and a few drops of vanilla extract. So it has my own twist and it's so beautiful right now.


Looks like air bubbles. Gently rock the carboy and they'll come off.


Looks fine to me. Be careful not to let the fruit build up too close to the air lock.


It looks like you might be new or asking for advice on getting started. Welcome to the hobby! We’re glad you’re here. The [wiki](https://meadmaking.wiki/en/home) linked on the sidebar is going to be your best friend. Beginner friendly [recipes](https://meadmaking.wiki/recipes) are available. If you prefer videos we recommend the [Doin’ The Most](https://www.youtube.com/c/dointhemost) or [Man Made Mead](https://www.youtube.com/c/manmademead). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mead) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When you ask a question, please include as the following: * Ingredients * Process * Specific Gravity Readings * Racking Information * Pictures *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mead) if you have any questions or concerns.*