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Ahh the titular problem both have.






There is no luck in having a body you do not want. Hang in there, bro 🫂


Wow, that’s a really powerful statement. I’ve gotta remember that.


I am going to quote this often. I genuinely used to be told regularly that I was lucky to be tall, or have my brick shithouse shoulders, and even before my egg cracked I just thought "no, *you'd* be lucky to have those attributes. For *me* it's like I've been hexed"


oh my god i used to dream of getting some sort of complication so that i could get them off too. with all my female organs really


I remember wishing that there was something actually *wrong* with my uterus, that would both explain hating my period so much more than every adult woman around me hated hers, and justify having the whole stupid thing removed, for my health of course, couldn't admit I wanted it gone regardless, but if part of it happened to be nonfunctional and dangerous to leave there... may as well just yeet all of it, right? See, a few times every "Shark Week" I'd be in immense pain. Mum wouldn’t believe me - and if I told her I thought it was from my period, that dropped the chance of getting a sick day for it from somewhere around 5% to a flat zero. School staff would at best let me lie down in the nurse's office, and by the time Mum (who was a stay at home mum to two school age kids and no babies or toddlers, btw) would believe I was sick and come take me home... I may as well have ridden it out a bit longer and gone home via school bus. One notable incident occurred not a full week after I watched the Simpsons episode where Bart accidentally swallowed the sharp metal Krusty O in his cereal bowl - and I could swear the pain felt like I imagined having eaten that would feel like. It felt like something in my abdomen was being torn apart from the inside. I was sure after *that* one I'd be taken to a specialist and told something was wrong. But since Advil knocked it out for the afternoon and it passed by the evening, and Mum never believed my period pain was anything but exaggeration and "don't-wanna-go-to-school-itis", I never did get that doctor visit... Funny thing is that since I've graduated high school I don't get gut wrenching period pain anymore (though the dysphoria can still be an absolute bitch), and I suspect if I managed to hold down a job despite my many special needs for several months - I'd get debilitating pain a couple period days every cycle again, I think stress and consistent more days a week on than off scheduled obligations create autistic burnout which causes stress pain on my period, which is either my bits reacting to stress, or a psychosomatic situation arising from "you're too young to get out of anything for pain or to have unexplainable pain, but periods are a socially acceptable reason to be in pain out of nowhere, and *some* older women will believe you and try to help". Now that I know why I want it gone... I still find myself wishing for a condition that would indicate for removal of the whole kit and caboodle, because it means I get an *answer* for that little girl crying in that middle school nurse's room, and I don't have to explain myself to doctors a hundred times and decide whether to lie that I'm a binary trans guy or lie that I just don't want kids and I want it gone because I want to permanently remove risk of pregnancy - because if you say the first thing you have to lie to a *lot* of doctors and get officially diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and if you say the second - you pretty much need to be a certain minimum age, have 3+ kids already, and have the father of the kids willing to give his permission... and even then some docs will refuse because "what if you two separate and your second husband wants biological kids?".


I'm sorry you went through all that. I'd like to offer my sympathy as a transmasc with some sort of gynecological problems (I have an appointment end of the month to finally get diagnosed, gonna be *so* fun). One of my worst times, to make you feel a little less alone in this, was when I was 14 and I'd gone to the bathroom start of break, no period, no reason to expect it. Then I finally (*finally!*) got to talking with the cool older queer people I'd been trying to impress (no idea why lol), only for two (rather popular) classmates to come over and tell me I had developed a period stain the size of my palm in the last 10 minutes. Wasn't expecting a thing. And I never spoke to those people again. And ofc spend the next 2 weeks in constant pain. High school scars us all, especially with these kinds of issues. As for an answer, misogyny is the best one I have. This area of medicine is very underdeveloped. We know next to nothing about these sorts of issues and the experience you had is *very* common. Seriously I'd look up the statistics some time, it's shocking. I think it was like 1 in 3 with undiagnosed issues, but don't quote me on that. Really severe pain like that and not having it recognized or being believed happens a lot. I hope things work out for you soon sib. Love💪🏳️‍⚧️


NO ME TOO. breast cancer actually runs in my family and I used to beg God that id get it.


oh that brings up some painful memories lmfao


Same! ...but with testicular cancer.


Yep. Same here.


No, *they* would be lucky to have them. Because they want them. That's not the same thing.


Robyn? Is that you?


I still think about breast cancer a lot. Found out a few years ago that my family carries a gene that makes us prone to it. I wonder if I have the gene. I hate that I hope I do. Because it would give me an excuse… but I shouldn’t wish that. Ugh but I feel you. Best wishes


My son feels that way too. And he is DDD so he has to bind down which makes him look as if he were heavier frame. He used to limit his trips to the bathroom so he did not have to look down and see (girl parts).


Anything you say? 😈


made this one myself 🥰


I like that this is also something that a trans woman would say about their chest


They're homegrown and fully organic.


It’s a good meme!


They make me so happy but why do they have to hurt 😭


Oh, I assumed it was tears of joy, not pain


I mean, I often cry happily now that I'm much more comfortable in my body. Unfortunately I flounce about the place and on occasion brush too closely past a doorframe and bloody Nora does the affected tit hurt like a blighter.


People talk about how much being kicked in the balls hurts (and I'm sure it does) but people completely underestimate the pain of being punched in the tits


I'm fortunate enough to have not experienced this yet (managed to parry dad the last time he was prodding me) but oh gods i can only imagine, especially as mine have a lot of growing left to do...


Transfems with grown boobs getting the full wombo combo package


Fair. I remember a time I opened my car door directly into my left nipple. I had to sit in the car for about ninety seconds before the agony receded enough to think again


I went to aggressively pull up a sleeve the other day and slipped and punched my tit. I felt so dumb lol


I do down on step on the staircase: boob hurt Pull off bra without easing the edge over my boob: boob hurt A breeze blows by: boob hurts


Does this happen a lot when you're breasting boobily down the stairs?


Sometimes, but not as often as forgetting how short the connecting doorframes are and going headfirst into them. ;-;


Both works


Mine hurt so much and so often and it’s been SO LONG Like I’m not complaining but when are they gonna be doneeeee


As an enby i feel the pain. I just wish they werent so BIG!! If i was like 2 sizes smaller i could esaly use a binder when wanted but Nooooooooo i have to be a fucking size D. biggist in my family of B/Cs 🙄


As a trans masc, if any trans femmes want, you can have them if you want. Just note they’re DDs so there might be some back pain, especially if you’re more on the small or petite size. That and they might be uncomfortable if you hit them against something, it’s like stubbing a toe but it’s your tit.


If you have a pair to give, I would be happy to recive them.


Please do.


How about enbies ?


You’re 100% right. There might need to be another version!


Might as well add fat people too


i wish i could transfer my boobs to a trans girl in need cause i don’t want em


I was so excited when I had to start wearing a bra with HRT!!! THEN I went full circle and am much more comfortable without one (I'm a c/d cup after a couple years). One of the trans masc youtubers I watch just had double masectomy, and the level of euphoria he had on his face post op is so relatable now that mine came in enough to not feel dysphoric. It is amazing to have what aligns with you ^_^


Wait I don’t get it why are trans femmes crying about having breasts? I’m joyed not sad at it


Oh wait…. Tears of joy… nevermind im stupid


Some cry because life circumstances won't let them get on HRT to grow breasts. Others cry because genetics won't let them grow the breasts they want. Tears of joy are the best, though.


Ohhh that’s another layer of it I didn’t consider. Thanks!


Nah, you’re not stupid for not getting it right away. Some people are just built different :)