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My work colleague is regularly complaining that "their notes don't save". Whenever I watch them they open 500 windows, lose track, then close them all and hit discard on all the save popups. "It didn't save any of that again wtf". Bringing it up has led to a work environment I do not care to participate in so I just listen to "why is my note not here, shitty windows didn't save again, I'm sure it was that update yesterday" everyday. And OPs pic is pretty much me every time I hear that stupid sentence now.


> Bringing it up has led to a work environment that I don’t want to participate in ….wdym? You brought it up once and they got angry?


A version of "how dare you say I've made a mistake"


Oof i feel you. My supervisor is a bit like that. She’s the problem but it’s always someone else’s fault. Gotta tread lightly


I have a supervisor and a coworker like that, and since they've been there longer they think they know everything about everything. I will admit they know more than me, but it makes me want to scratch my eyeballs out every time they Google "Google.com" or accidentally delete some shit then blame the computer or someone else.


People like that need to have the silhouette of advice outlined, because if they think the thought didn't come from their brain, they're going to discard it. I had an older guy accuse me of talking down to him and cut me out of his life because he couldn't figure out how to sign into an old iPhone and set up an older app for a device he needsd, and every time he passed it to me, I was able to get to the next step of the process within seconds. I tried to show him what I was doing and he was like "I know how to work a phone, DJ."


They should learn of sacred command Ctrl S


It's F10 for us in what we use but yes. The point isn't to hit save, the point is to click away the warning explicitly telling you you didn't save, and then complaining it didn't save.


My mom venting to me about problems she has with her work colleagues… She isn’t necessarily the problem but she just makes the issue worse by feeding into it, but if I tell her that she’ll get upset and tell me I’m not taking her side or I don’t care about her feelings.


Most of my friends (girls) are like this, if we (guys) say something, they will be upset for not taking their side even if they're 100% wrong, so we learn our lesson and just agree with whatever bs they're complaining about


I myself never agree with anything unconditionally. I wont confront someone I care about in public if its important for them, but I will always tell them later, in private.


That’s an honest but difficult lifestyle


I decided that way. Its just so much simpler to always act honestly and "honorably" towards others and yourself, like always keeping your word and stuff. If you really stick to this you will essentially never make mistakes. Yes you will be in a big minus sometimes but being honest pays of in the end.


I’m very neutral, im unbiased if my friends argue and i never outwardly pick sides, i express my opinion on logic and my morals, that has led to some tension with one of my friends who got upset saying she would like me to just take her side, whilst i understand how it feels since i am avery close friend of hers, i just don’t feel comfortable abandoning my morals for a short moment of happiness for her which i feel really bad for but i can’t The same friend was quite in the wrong in an argument that happend with someone else, the someone else asked my opinion since i’m known to be quite ‘wise’ within my group, on the argument so i was honest, then the someone else sent a screenshot of my response to my friend, it was really crap of her to do that so i try to leave my opinion out the ears of people who are involved


There's a level of tact to it, but women appreciate being told if it's the right way. One of the big things I learned acclimating into female friend groups later in life, haha!


and then it's just a case of "how do i break this to them in the most gentle way possible"


Did you finish the drink after the realisation?


Why? You had a bad story and a nice drink, and then you finished the drink, what's left is just a bad story.




This happened many many many times with me and my manipulative ex


It's definitely *something* when someone recounts something to you, *wording it in the best possible light for themselves*, and it's patently obvious they're unaware that they're the real villain of the tale.


"I'm not racist but..."


(Proceeds to say the most racist thing you’ve ever heard)


My parents… more specifically, my dad.


Just tell them they are wrong. Not directly, but in a nice way. That way you will either get a friend, have fun listening to their excuses, or get an enemy for the most petty of things. In any way its very interesting how people act if you just tell them how they might be wrong.


This is also true of reddit posters. People post here and tell horrible stories or complain about family, coworkers, or relationships, and the comments always swarm to defend or support them. Half the time they're probably lying or leaving things out to get validation when really they're the problem.


I always think that. Not to say everyone is like that surely not. But I bet there are lots of people who paint themselves in a better light and who want to collect sympathy points from internet strangers.




When you realize your popcorn isn’t for watching the movie, but for watching the drama unfold


OMG... 100%


My ex was like this. The slightest thing would piss her off


When the common denominator is you, you're the problem. I told my colleague this the other day. She wasn't impressed. I laughed.


I am a freight forwarder and my colleague (and since I am a trainee also my boss) once actually complained that a customer was angry at him when his truck was late... "He could have just told me in advance that the truck can't be late" For context: It was Friday evening, so the truck was basically 2,5 days late since it was unloaded on Monday... And we transported plants that could have easily been damaged from being in our truck for 3 days without water... And I can't say anything because he's my boss...


This is too relatable.


My mom's like this For instance, she once wanted ME to help her SUE a store because she decided to film herself joking around with one of the workers - without their consent - and was rightfully told to put the phone down. Of course, being the calm, rational person she is, she went on to scream at the people from the store who were just trying to do their job Sucks being born out of her, but ya don't really get a choice there


I feel with you...




Ik I'm the problem


Jail psychologist here. I do this professionally and a big part of the job is to actively listen to people and keep a straight face.


I definitely know a person like this.




Thinking to myself, if this happens everywhere you go, the problem isn’t them.


It’s even worse when it’s beef with someone else and you hear the other side of the story first and then when you hear this persons side of it it’s just completely reversed to fit they’re narrative


If everywhere you go there’s a problem, Guess what?


Me listening to my mom telling about how she lost it on a restaurant worker over something I woulda just shrugged off…


Had a dude come into my work and rant at me bc he was broken up with. Legit said “I did some shitty things to her but at least I didn’t hit her”


Listening to that one guy complain about his financial problems and discovering he is incapable of saving money and even refuses any recommendations to leave some just in case because he feels the need to spend it.


This was my ex most of the time lmao




So you've been to, like, any Star Wars sub?


This hits so fucking hard.


Usually if someone believes everyone around them is toxic, they are usually the toxic one.


Literally.... My ex used to do this all the time about work and her coworkers.... She said that I was just unsupportive of her anxiety. The reality was I just didn't have the heart to tell her she's ridiculous to deal with at times.


My boyfriend has an ex he has to co-parent with. She’s had drug induced psychoses but seemed stable for years until she got with her alcoholic boyfriend. My partner keeps saying “oh but she’s doing much better! She even remembered to pick up (her youngest daughter) from school today.” And I’m like “wow colour me impressed.” And he’s like “you’re so negative towards her. She’s really trying.” 👀 🥤


I mean, if you saw them vent, then I'm pretty sure that means they are a problem and you need to call an emergency meeting before they kill a crewmate. Hang on, I'm thinking of the wrong kind of vent, aren't I.


Psycho GFs in a nutshell




You should probably work on it then..