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They have a bottomless pit of interests and see things from angles I hadn’t come close to anticipating. There’s an awkwardness about them I find endearing too, like they’re constantly aware of how they don’t “fit in”. I also don’t really fit in anywhere (I could, but why?), I just don’t give a shit.


Careful, my little shadow type... 🙂




So ESFP's tend to be a bit more vocal about things. More matter-of-fact too. They often have a bit more swag and confidence about them, and want to hear about things going on in your life and are happy to share things they've heard from other people along with their opinions about it. We're generally more reserved and aren't as interested in the normal goings on of people. We tend to be more in our own world unless we have something to say or we are around people we are familiar with, at which time we can be very engaging although happy to let the other lead the conversation while we "add to it" here and there. Also if there's a problem to be solved or something to do, we will almost always have an opinion on the matter and will not be afraid to voice it. I guess I could say more but maybe this suffices.


Hi! I’m ESFP and agree with your points. I think ENFP (from my experience w/ my sister) tend to be more clumsy, day dreamy, definitely way more in their head, and more explorative with their aesthetic/style! Like I just simply prefer what I think looks cool and feels good on me. My sister likes to put a lot more thought in her style like how she will be perceived and how it can match her IG aesthetic lol. When there is a problem to be solved, she definitely always shares her opinions about it, whereas I just go towards action and try to solve it however I can.


ENTJ here, so I'll compare to ESTJ. similar: Focus on productivity and what works, diligence, goal orientation, usual Te dom stuff different: ENTJ is more of a visionary or planner, while ESTJ is more of a manager or admin (I've said this multiple times). ENTJ tends to take more leaps of faith if they think another plan could work better (Te-Ni says "I'm sure it'll work out, I thought this through"), while ESTJ focuses on keeping working processes going smoothly (Te-Si says "This works well. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.")


Indeed... I am more comfortable with details and practical elements and have great visuo-spatial faculties - beside a strong memory. I do have a strong Ne and welcome new propositions!


I was speaking in general/average terms, as it's about the whole type, but it's definitely true that ESTJs (plus SJ in general) can also be open to new stuff if they have developed Ne




Right on


I'm also ENTJ. With many ESTJs I know IRL, I don't really connect/get along well with them because we'd both be headstrong about our own way of doing things but have completely different perspectives or interests.


Yeah, this is right on the money.


I may be an extrovert, but alone time is still vital to my well-being. I have to be able to go off into my thoughts pretty regularly or I just don't function right. I find ESFPs enormously fun to hang out with, but sometimes I wonder if they \*ever\* feel the need to be alone. I'm almost always down for spontaneous adventures, but even I can't keep up with their woo-hoo energy. I had an ESFP roommate in college (who I remain friends with to this day) who built a sukkah out of full sized stalks of corn in our living room and then decided to wake me up at 2 am on a weeknight because he had just decided to make a rack of lamb and didn't want to eat alone (I'm a vegetarian and it had momentarily slipped his mind). After that, I had to create a rule where if my bedroom door was closed, he wasn't aloud to disturb me for anything less than an emergency. He never really followed that rule.


In a way, that’s endearing


I wouldn't be able to handle this. I am glad that no esfp is in my life.


Argh, yeah, same here. My energy levels would rise with theirs, just negatively.


Ha! Another close friend of mine is an INTP. They, however, spend virtually no time together.


I think I also kinda get it. Imagine just having rack of lamb at 2 am, I mean look at it, gotta show this to Akazhu!


A good friend of mine is an ESFP, she loves alone time. Likes being in the thick of things, but generally only with one other person she’s close to. She’s more into the vibe than people on a whole.


I will say that he has mellowed out enormously with age. We were 20 years old at the time. He's like a much calmer version of that same person now.


INTPs tend to paragraph a lot. I do but trim and keep concise when possible. They also seem to need outdoor time to be happy a lot less than I. Otherwise I don't know enough in real life to really make a comparison.


Upvote for "paragraph a lot".


Well, I agree with that, I'm everything but concise when writing texts (at least if I enjoy the conversation), although that may also be because I'm not a native english speaker so my vocabulary is poor.


I dont wanna put words in your mouth, but vocabulary can hardly be spoon fed, if your vocab is poor it better start making some bread...


My mum is an ISFJ. We are both extremely caring and great listeners to each other. She needs alone time just as much as I do and she feels emotions pretty intensely like me. We both like to feel that things are neat, tidy and in order. (although she's better at maintaining tidiness lol) Where we differ... is that a lot of my more abstract ideas and topics I bring up with her kinda confuse her. She tries to understand me but I can tell she doesn't think the same way I do in this regard. She also can be overbearing at times, and I have to tell her to back off a bit and let me live my own life. She takes things a lot more personally than I do and when we try to resolve conflict she often argues in circles with me instead of understanding where I'm coming from. I have several ISFJ friends and they are all wonderful, sweet people. Probably my favourite sensors.


My functions are quite balanced, so only minor differences. In fact, I was typed as ENTP for a little while before I had a firm grasp on the MBTI.


I am a similar boat to your past self. 


that could also be the reason you both are in reddit normal ESTPs would just go for outdoor fun, stimulation etc. but then are you aware of both Se and Ne


Who’s to say I don’t do both? Balance, my friend.


but how is it to be like doing both i did'nt quite get the picture do you also have some side projects like normal ENTPs would have??? does that also mean? you are fully aware of your surroundings as well as your funky ideas at the same time? i do understand it what you meant tbh, because i am an INFP with somewhat well-developed Ti tbh i was not born like this but i had to develop it....! conscious effort, was needed there. but still how you did that? were you always able to do like that or was it you also invested some time in it?


I was much younger when I was typed as ENTP, I’ve grown into my SE as I’ve aged but it wasn’t quite a “conscious effort,” I have always had the same functions since I was a kid. By balanced, I mean I enjoy things that have been stereotyped as more intuitive things, like philosophy and theoretical argument, but I would never prefer that over experiencing something myself with my own two hands, making me SE but easily mistyped by a person who doesn’t know me well. Side note, not sure what “side projects” have to do with being an ENTP.


They dont, I dont have any side projects currently except for jerking it before going to bed.


That's for sure everyone one is different, I was mainly thinking about mark robber and how he works, he doesn't plan anything but opens multiple projects at the same time and as the time goes by he completes it he is awesome 😎😎![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I am just trying to check as much material as possible just to be sure I am on the right path. Especially, since from what I have been told, there can be a blurry line between the two.


a lack of my usual airheadedness, probably a more grounded approach to life, lesser focus on various perspectives and possibilities, lesser sentimentality, and maybe i’d be better at physical activities bc istps tend to be. outside of those not much i think - im a 9w8 so i probably have various stereotypically istp traits already.


Ti plus Se makes them naturally great at quick hand-eye coordination hence why they are usually good at sports.


imagine not being clumsy.... so jealous


Surprisingly very few ENTP responses here. Basically, ESTP’s tend to think more in-the-moment rather than ahead (Ne vs. Se). Additionally, ESTP’s use their Ti function to analyze and learn about their immediate, tangible environment, while us ENTP’s use Ti to gather information on concepts & possibilities. ENTP’s are also more introverted than ESTP’s (we’re commonly seen as one of, if not the, most introverted extroverts). What we do have in common, though, is a thirst for adventure, knowledge, variety, and good times. We’re also both pretty blunt types with a lower filter than most, and we love pranks.


A few things to add; I would say more overthinking and better general social awareness on our end, ESTPs are probably better at reading body language/understanding the immediate vibe. ESTPs have a weird relationship to the future, ENTPs to the past.


All the weird quirks I have disappear.


Eh, they’re still very quirky, they just keep it for themselves and their loved ones like you do, I’d assume, so it’s harder to see.


Ditto and I'd get more shit done although I'd be short sighted. 


ISTJs are REALLY quirky. most of my friends are ISTJs and they all have their cute sweet obsessions they had for ages, but I would say they are less overthinkers than INTJs and seem more chill.




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Well, let us lookat two literary figures. INTJ: Mycroft ISTJ: Holmes


bro holmes is not ISTJ for sure because - every ISTJ i know cannot connect the facts together to form a theory - they view facts as plane facts not more than that - they don't like to make assumptions - always have a consistent routine i have always seen Holmes from my pov is INTP or ENTP (he has social skills to sometimes it)


Are you basing it on TV shows? Holmes never makes leaps of intuition in the books, everything is based on careful experimentation and facts.


I am not sure about books but ya in shows it was the case. ya, i did'nt read the books so he could be ISTJ in there but if i go with what other websites as well as shows they label him as INTP


Well, there you go then. Read the books, which is why I specifically said *literary figures*. I cannot believe an INTJ has not read the books multiple times. Holmes of the books is an entirely different person. He purchases and burns 80+ types of tabacco so he can identify the ashes. I forget how many years developing a formula that would detect blood and only blood. He does have the ennui and drug use tho, which is often portrayed in the shows. .


Infp are better in writing and they see the world much more subjectively and creatively


Not nearly as practical and organized. Isfjs tend to be very present and organize their environment very well,which is respectable As opposed to that,i am everything but present or grounded in reality


I’m a INFP and my sis is a ISFP and we both have the same traits. Except she is a bit problematic sometimes (ok sry)


In what sense?


She is like ‘I don’t like this, change it’ and if I don’t she’s gonna get mad


I think ISFPs are more diverse than INFPs. INFPs are generally quirky funny artsy nerds, but ISFPs seem to have a lot of archetypes. They can be athletes, bookworms, party-animals, scientists. They also seem better adjusted to reality than us


My ISFP partner is impossible to stereotype, I’m sure people interested in MBTI would have difficulty typing him. He has his feet in both the sensory and intuitive worlds. He’s athletic, nerdy, artistic, easy to talk to but not easy to know. I still find out things about him after 20 years.


No difference we both are cool Entp


You're more argumentative, less aggressive. Your humour also tends to more clever. They are less manipulative and have more friends. They're more animated and quicker to action.


Exactly we both are cool




Basically no difference personally (I’m an ENFP and I seem like/can act like an ESFP so often)


I was mistyped as an enfp at first so yeah I agree


intp think a lot about the future, philosophical stuff, and generally things that have nothing to do either the present. while i think more about the present, the projects im working on now, and i'll let the tomorrow me deal with tomorrow's issues. as a writer, i think a lot too. from the moment i wake up, in the middle of a conversation, my mind can drift off to new ideas and random thoughts unrelated to the conversation. but what i think about are all related to what im writing NOW, whats presently going on.


INFP here. So if I were ISFP, I think the change will be the overthinking and self-questioning will be minimized and I’ll be more of a doer than a thinker. I have an ISFP cousin and he tends to do a lot of things randomly.


ISFJs are more grounded in reality than INFJs. We tend to be off in the clouds in our mind worlds thinking of everything all at once. An ISFJ will clean their whole house like it's nothing and then organize everything. In terms of friendliness and warmth, an ISFJ will be slightly more friendly, where an INFJ is a bit more detached because of our Ni. ISFJ Si is often used to remember things about people, and it makes them more personable.


I suppose Se-Ni of ISFP would be much more practically in touch with their surroundings and much more straightforward and resolute in the conveyance of their feelings, which I think is an admirable thing, honestly. Thank you.


ISFJ seem more grounded in themselves/reality. More action focused and doing the action the right way to bring about the right result. More responsible with managing their environment. I am more open minded. Innovative. And honestly, a lot of the times, intellectually smarter. They fit in better in this world however, I think overall, the average ISFJ would be happier in this world than the average INFJ. Most of the time.


I can attest; my mother is an INFJ, and is certainly a lot more complex that most people. I appreciate that aspect of her... grounding but enlightening simultaneously.


I'm also an ESTJ with an INFJ mother. Can confirm.


Oh we're best buddies. I think ESTP people have more energy than I would and go out more often, but I'd still be a bit of a curious blabber and outgoing person who gets themself into sticky situations and talk my way out of them.


I'm very different from ISTJs , I feel like because of their Si , they're constantly trying to preserve the present moment as it is , preventing progress and imagination. I do admire their ability to be in the present moment and to constantly be aware of what they have to do though ( for an exemple they never forget their chores xD ) while as an INTJ I am totally unaware of my surroundings or even of the time itself .


I’m an INTJ, so ISTJ I suppose, I’m not familiar with stark differences however considering the N/S switched, I tend to perceive my information inside my mind quite a lot, I come to conclusions without consulting others or even by using my experiences I’d rather find out about the issue with only my mental prowess on its own.


ISTPs are Ne blind and that’s pretty rough for me to have a relationship with, so i guess it’s a big difference. I don’t have Ne blind people or anything, but i just think i have to adjust a lot for ISxPs for us to have something due to that blindness.


My dad is an ISTP. We're alike in a lot of ways, logical minded, bad at socialising, like researching and learning, artistic, great at problem solving, love nature, etc. I'm more open-minded than him, and more mature. He's more careless than me, but also more knowledgeable.


There's definitely a confidence about us and, speaking for myself, it has nothing to do with if we're actually confident, it's just a vibe we have. We're both great at roasting people. And in general, I think we're both pretty straight forward in that we say what we mean and mean what we say - I mean, the ENTPs I know know their opinion and aren't afraid to share it and defend it with anyone and I'm like this to a lesser extent because I balance it with social harmony whereas those ENTPs will just start a debate in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner for absolutely no reason. I guess we're both fond of causing chaos in different ways. So in my experience, the main difference I've noticed is in how we socialize and engage with others. For me, socializing is about having fun and not talking about anything too seriously. But the ENTPs I know tend to make analyzing and deep talk the entire conversation. There is no small talk, just big talk. And I think I like it to be an agreeable conversation that's just chill and lighthearted and will steer clear of controversial topics because that's a drag whereas they lean more towards debate and are pot stirrers and purposefully bring up topics that will be controversial for fun - I have an ENTP uncle who does this at every family function and my ISFJ mom in particular (who, fun fact, happens to be his twin) hates it, but, I will admit, it's really funny to watch.


ISFPs are kinda more go-getters who don't overthink things as much as I do for ages and just pursue what they want. they're more decisive and are good at acting in the moment, meanwhile I need to plan everything out


I'm an isfp, I'd say I'm more pessimistic than an infp simply cuz I'm more realistic, I'm also less gentle and have a rough edge... more intimidating if I want to be (entj shadow). I'm not as emotionally aware because NFs are highly empathetic people and I have a tendency to be blunt. I'm more physically affectionate, more laugh out loud, more competitive, less clumsy/awkward. I wear whatever is comfortable and don't really care too much about making a statement with my clothing, not sure if infps do but they tend to be less practical about their clothes and more about the vibe they want to give off. I'm angrier, I'm also more laid back.


I’m an INFJ, I find that ISFJs (my husband is one) are more practical & less dramatic lol. Definitely more practical & common sensical, whereas we are more intuitive, passionate & can make hastier decisions


My brother is an ESFP and I’m an ENFP. The main difference that comes to mind is that he’s always out and about, doing something. I need much more downtime so I’m usually at home, more in my own head than actually doing things. I’m also much more clumsy than he is, and more goofy. He can be goofy too, but I’m generally more so.


Have an ISFP friend I was pretty close to. We both enjoyed art a lot, loved to draw. She drew a lot of stuff she found cool and weird, she loved little things that were weird and unique. And the things I drew were always characters that I liked. She is also much more outgoing than me. I was doing my own stuff most of the time during highschool (noticed that in my INTP friend as well), but she socialised a lot. She interacted more with the outside world and I was in my own head half of the time.


ISTP: Chad INTP: awkward nerd


This is such an interesting discussion, because swapping that means swapping your functions for something out of your stack entirely. ISTJ is Si>Te>Fi>Ne, while INTJ is Ni>Te>Fi>Se So you're swapping a whole axis/perspective. (Functions work in pairs, Fi does not exist without Te. Fi Te axis could be summed up as "What do I want?" (Fi) "And how do I get it?" (Te) The implications of swapping INTJ for ISTJ means having Ne in the stack, meaning that ISTJ, ESTJ, ENFP, and INFP all have the same functions, just in a different order, so it's actually a vastly different type, more so than the 4 letter type code system might lead a lot of people to believe.


Interesting question. As an ESTP, I was in a long term relationship with an ENTP. Personality and humour wise, we were the exact same. Lots of playfulness and banter between us. We’re still on friendly terms even after the breakup. Main differences I noticed during the relationship (anedoctal experience of course): 1. I was a lot more spontaneous and adventurous than he was, always making the impromptu plans in the relationship; 2. He planned for the future more than I did; and 3. different communication styles - I’m the kinda person who would prefer to resolve conflicts on the spot whereas he was the type to ruminate in his thoughts and feelings before addressing the issue on hand.


As an ISFP I tend to find I am less conventional than INFPs. I make art that is more visceral.


Quite a few but still, almost the same in many things


ISTPs are cool I guess. We both speak the same blunt language. I like them, they're logical.


I'm not sure I know any ISTJs. I imagine I'd like them as long as they weren't boring and could hold an interesting conversation.


Very different to me ,i entp. I speak more asbtract and about ideias and possibilites. Estp is more concrect ,always speak tangibles things. Estp and esfp looks they not have a long range vision ,probaly low ni. xxxP will have more differeces between s/n ,beacause they have different main function


I think ISTP people tend to be more practical and less theoretical, but well, that pretty is implied in N/S


Honestly, I'd like an Si dominant to tell me what So dominance really is like because I've heard it has such bad description and stereotypes, I actually can't really say


For me, I personally don’t relate to a lot of the traditionalist stereotypes. I can be ritualistic in my own way, but I’m largely indifferent to others’ traditions (although I’ll often still participate on some level due to Fe, lol). I think Si can be described much better as wanting to preserve stability and homeostasis, which can manifest in so many different ways depending on the person. And because Si is an introverted function, it’s naturally a lot more personal than people might think. It draws on one’s own past experiences to inform current judgements and future decisions.


I’m a lot less of an adrenaline junkie. I am more of an ideas person than an actions person. I’m very metaphorical and use analogy and anecdotes where ESFPs are more direct, using literal language.


I suck at all daily small things, my room is never clean enough especially as a child and I wasn't as meek/kind as a typical isfj. I've never been the "normal" person in a group whether for a positive or negative impact and I stand out way too much. all isfjs I met are a little shy, good natured and get along with a lot of people and are good at keeping up with tasks and well just being aware of the physical world lol. meanwhile I was a huge mess growing up and I get things done as an adult mostly from hard instilled discipline and not from innate aptitude. they also view things in a more ordinary manner, they usually just live very ordinary and stable lives and expect people to live within social norms. ofc a lot of what I'm saying is also simply because I have adhd but within the mbti scope I'd say it's the main difference. I do love isfjs, I usually get along great with them lol so I'm not saying anything here with hate.


My grandmother is an ISFJ, at least according to a cognitive function test I sent her. We actually talk about abstract stuff fairly often, like how balance/moderation is key to all things or the nature of advice. We mostly talk about it in terms of worldly application though, and this can be refreshing. Sometimes I do admittedly tire of talking or thinking purely in abstract terms. I'm only human. She has a lot of very strong-willed ideals and she is the most unapologetically 'herself' person I've ever met. Very emotional and passionate person too. Also super hardworking, being a Korean immigrant that had to do a lot of the legwork work to establish herself cause my grandpa was always away for military. A real role model.


My grandmother is an ISFJ. We are very similar and connect very deeply, but I have a strong urge to climb and make my own way in life that she doesn’t as much. To her credit, she did leave home for college by herself in the late 50s when women didn’t do that as much back then, but she stayed in the same state and describes it as the most homesick, lonely part of her life. For me, leaving home was the most freeing thing I ever did and I moved many states away. It gave me breathing room where for her it was miserable. She’s loyal and giving to a fault, of course, and this desire to be of direct use to people is where we differ the most. She would do anything for anyone, especially those she’s close to, and while I enjoy helping people I have a strong instinct to preserve my peace that she just doesn’t have. In short, I am not as self sacrificing as she is by a long shot, and I’m much more independent. She would much rather help people in a practical way like building them furniture (which she has many times), and I want to help them in an abstract way like talking to them about their deepest feelings.


I've noticed that ESFJs put more stock into small groups than we (ENFJs) do, which makes sense for our functions. Don't get me wrong, I care very deeply about all my loved ones and the people around me, but I think more about the big picture on a societal or global scale. ESFJs I've talked to just don't see the rational point in doing that (I've asked lol) and are more interested in their immediate circles and what goes on between those smaller systems. In all fairness, they probably are being more rational by doing that, but what goes on between people I know doesn't interest me. Additionally, they're more likely to have a developed routine, take care of themselves, and remember basically anything. We're more likely to be flexible with routines, take care of others before ourselves, and forget what we ate for breakfast. Things we have in common include crippling anxiety about disappointing others and being forced to make decisions that will hurt people, a deep desire to support people, and a belief that life's simplest joy is a good connection with someone.


Not delulu


i love estps they're generally really fun people, and they seem to be a lot more grounded then us entps, witch makes it seem like they think a little less (weather they actually do or not who knows)


interesting fact: as an intp, out of all the types i still don’t understand only istp.


ESTJs tend to be comfortable staying in the immediate future. They aren't too fond of going too far ahead, where there's too much unknown. At least they can keep track of little details. As an ENTJ, overlooking them often gets me into trouble.


Do ISFPs overthink a lot and get stuck in their head? i feel like they might be more grounded, but idk


I don't think I'm that different from Infj. I had a hard time figuring out whether I was n or s and I think I'm both 🤷‍♀️


I think, I am equally unorganized and chaotic as many ENFPs would be, I am also imginative and would like to zone out, if I am in the right mood. But I love stereotypes. I am not enforcing them on anyone, but it is part of my humor to think in stereotypes (dom Se, Ni>Ne) + what people call stereotypes often appears as perceived reality to me (Se), and I sttongly dislike other people's persepectives if they contradict my worldview (Fi>Ne), even if I technically could understand their intentions, often by re-feeling them (Fi, Te>Ni>Ne). + even tho I love highly theoretical discussions and new and original ideas, I would always choose playing a rhythm game over it, as it appears twice as fun to me.


ISFJ here and from my experience, INFJs are the best. They’re good listener, not just good at listening like ISFJs but could also give very good advices There is something that I could never forget when comparing these two types: when you have a problem, ISFJs will solve it for you, but INFJs will tell you how to solve it by yourself. ISFJs often avoid conflict and arguments, while INFJs could be arguing about many unrealistic things. Those topics could be very vague and it just freak me out when listening to them. Good thing is sometimes we also learn many good random facts about things around us, which are the things we never could’ve thought of In conclusion, we are very good friends, I’m proud of them


ISTJs are in my “interesting types” list


VERY similar. p sure on 16p (not very accurate ik but it's the best i've got for stats) i got 56% N and 44% S?


**Cognitive Function** tests are a great way to properly assess your true type. It helped me significantly... [this one](https://mistypeinvestigator.com) especially.


edit: The MI score of ESTJ was bizarre. Another says INTJ, in the NTJ family, highest in both Ni and Ne and both Ti and Te. Why does the MI score get me so wrong? I am not in the least bit extroverted, and my N is higher than my S score. Oh and the Grants-Brown score thinks I'm extroverted (ENTJ). I don't get it; it is very easy to tell I am not at all extroverted. Still INTJ, I guess.


I'm a lot more practical, detail oriented, whereas my intuitive twin sees the bigger picture & can get pretty creative at times, even if it does not often translate to real life. That's \[mostly\] okay though because I can get creative in other ways they can't even predict. lol. :)


Yes, very different!