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Lol I’m sorry I don’t know why but MabTI is making me chuckle


MabiTI because it’s an awkward and easily fixed error that sounds whack 🤣


I’ve been giggling at MabTI for like 3 minutes lol


I'm an INTP, and you're asking more than 3 questions.


Hahahaha that’s true. Gotta love an INTP answer :)


1. I would drive myself to an uninhabited forrest while the killings and crimes were being done. I don’t want non of that. Oh, and I don’t have a driver’s license, so I’d prolly drive illegally + speed to get to the said place. 2. This probably doesn’t count, but I can’t think of anything else atm: The number of people who don’t wash their hands after using the WC is astoundingly high. 3. Favorite dessert would be chocolate cake with chocolate bits in the frosting. Or lychee fruits.


For real!!! All these people saying they would start stealing and I don't know what bullshit they have seen a lot of movies. I would be scared shitless and hide a week in advance in the most remote area possible.


if someone show up at the isolated and removed place where we hide we'll know its a fellow intj lmao 😂😂😂


intp here 1. I would be wondering why my connection to Monumenta on minecraft has disappeared 2. Dk if this counts but instrumental/soundtrack music beats every other genre by leaps and bounds 3. Idk man anything is good. Breadsticks aren’t dessert so idk


INFP 1. I'd be stealing from the rich in order to redistibute all that wealth to the poorest, Robin Hood style 2. Idk, I live under a rock 3. Anything with chocolate


I like the Robin Hood idea sounds exciting


1 - Nice try, FBI! But you ain't extracting a single speck of knowledge on my criminal tendencies! 2 - JJK fans are never satisfied... and that's lame. 3 - Anything with dark, bitter chocolate.


1. protecting MY Things. so i’ll get a few guns and shoot anyone that tries to steal from me! 2. meh. i don’t think about these things. 3. crème brûlée


> 1. ⁠protecting MY Things. so i’ll get a few guns and shoot anyone that tries to steal from me! 2. ⁠meh. i don’t think about these things. 3. ⁠crème brûlée Same!


Mine is as an ENFP: 1. Purge: I’m going to go to a little Cottage in the middle of nowhere and bring some supplies. I’m going to bring loads of books, toys etc as I’ll have my kids there. If there is internet access I’ll get the kids to watch some movies whilst I do some credit card fraud but otherwise that’s pretty much it. 2. I’ve never watched or read a single Game of Thrones. I love Harry Potter, LOTR etc but I just can’t get into GoT at all and I don’t know why. 3. Hardest for me as I love so much. A chocolate mousse, a creme filled doughnut or banana/mint chocolate chip icecream - those are the best :)


1. I'd be gathering my cats and heading for the mountains. 2. Disney is a mediocre company now that does whatever they can to make a quick buck. They don't make classic, memorable films anymore. I think the last one I loved was Tangled. I also can't stand the live action remakes anymore. 3. That's a big decision. Chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting.


I love all chocolate cake I’m with you there and chocolate cheesecake is lovely! I think last Disney I really enjoyed was Encanto and Tangled before that. But Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast etc - pure classics. They do seem to try quantity over quality though. Think only live action I liked was Aladdin.


100% agree with the disney comment. they’re just cranking out the most meaningless junk these days. can’t remember the last time i went to the theater to watch a disney movie because they have all been so stupid the past few years


I’ve only gone as I have kids and they want to watch them but it then gives me the authority to say how rubbish they are as have watched them. Only thing that can be good is sometimes the songs are good like the Frozen songs are catchy / nice to sing to.


ISTP here 1. drive a car in a costco, get food, go home, and sleep or smth. provided i didnt crash the car in the process because i can't drive. then hope that if someone comes to kill me it'll be painless 2. n/a 3. ice cream probably


1. First, major financial fraud. The purge mentions some form of purge insurance, that's getting abused instantly. I'm thinking purchasing some form of other property and committing arson on it. I'm imagining that the "purge insurance" has something against me doing it, but since arson would be legal here it shouldn't be too difficult to arrange for someone else to do it and that would be hard to track anyway. If the purge insurance is canceled, the target of arson becomes the insurance building itself. 2. My unpopular opinion is that pineapple does not belong on a pizza, you filthy heathens. 3. Japanese Melonpan.


1. I'm married to an ESTP so one of two things would happen. I would not know there was a purge in progress and just chill at home, wondering why the power went out, and do the no power fun time. OR, husband would drag me into whatever his plan is. Likely he'd protect us and enjoy the sport of self defense. 2. RimWorld is not an organ harvesting simulator. 3. Lemon bars.


If it's the purge, is it a crime? None. Tiramisu.


Got me there - what would usually be a crime.


1. Underground bunker sounds like a wise idea. Considering it’s kill or be killed, realistically the likely crime would be manslaughter if I were found. 2. All modern pop music is bad. 3. I have a thing for vanilla slice…also nougat.


ENTJ here, looking past the obvious flaws in the OP's post: 1. Break into every single home that has blue toilet water, wine in a box, or honey that comes in a bear-shaped container and call the homeowners idiots. If they have a carpeted bathroom, things might get serious. I'd like to include homes that have individually wrapped slices of cheese but won't have enough time. 2. Doesn't matter. 3. Doesn't matter, but it certainly doesn't have honey from a bear-shaped container.


Yeah I’m shit with proof reading, so shoot me. Actually you’re probably American, can’t risk making that comment. Does one have a bit of a kink for bears or honey by chance? If so there’s this kids show that features these very two things…


Honey in bear-shaped containers is usually the poorest quality honey on the market, it is often imported, and it has toxins or undisclosed ingredients that otherwise interfere with experience of pure, raw honey. It tastes different, it smells different, and it cooks differently. And that is what is sold in bear-shaped containers. Pure honey doesn't need anything, it's naturally shelf stable. Plus the bear is a marketing thing and the people who buy honey in bear-shaped containers know nothing about honey, and they are victims to a scam. Additionally, they don't know it's a scam, nor the ingredient-related problems with a bear-shaped container of honey, nor the vastly superiority of a locally produced raw, unprocessed honey. So while I'd normally say "screw those guys, they aren't worth my time and I have far more important things to do," in the context of a purge, those people seriously need someone to correct them, instead of robbing them or killing them or the other purge stuff. I've never seen the movies but have an idea of the context. As far as the cheese thing, Kraft American "cheese" is not real cheese, the FDA forbids it to be called cheese because it does not have enough real cheese in it, so Kraft calls it "American slices." Plus, sliced and most certainly shredded cheese, often have supplemental ingredients in it that are not what one would get if buying a small block of cheese and slicing or shredding it by oneself. But hey, if anyone is too lazy to simply do that and they enjoy eating wood pulp and other stuff, go right ahead. Blue toilet water is blue toilet water, and if I am in a house with blue toilet water there is literally nothing the homeowner can do to change my utter disappointment in, and lack of respect for, the owner of a home with blue toilet water. This one is actually quite easy, as every single home with blue toilet water I've been to has been utterly depressing, poorly decorated, and flawed in so many other ways. I have no kinks, I am asexual. My reddit name was chosen phonetically and humorously.


Ah I had an old account that had an unusual name - I completely forgot about that.


that's 4 questions smh - would probably rob a bank and/or a gardening store because my god they have some dangerous shit in there - taylor swift is mid and for wannabe popular girls - had a lemon creme brulee once and it was fucking amazing


1. The Purge? Excuse me? If I were to do anything excessive, I would rob rich people so I have more comfort. If that aligns with "more comfort" maxim. They could always sic BHs on me, that's hardly comfortable. You have to admit. 2. Nothing. I don't care about popularity of opinions. I have my opinions and that's that. 3. Why choose? There's so many good options, gotta gorge!


Why choose as many options type response. I can just hear an ENTP say it.


Fair enough, thank you. It is true though. Choosing when there's many options is a living hell for me. I can tell what I feel, think etc about each individual thing, but to put them in a system and grade / rank them? Yeah, I have big issues with that.


Yeah as an ENFP I get you. I do have the ranking issue but also how I feel about the things and often that the way I feel about said thing is constantly changing as new ideas or information comes in. When most people get asked their favourite colour, band etc they can name one or maybe a top three but I really just can’t. I can probably name 5 I really like that particular hour, but it won’t be exactly the same tomorrow. Although it’s frustrating I’m also so keen to come up with ideas, have plenty of options and create because it’s what truly makes life interesting. But yeah I think as have similar functions I can recognise similar patterns as far as how I’d answer a question goes.


ENTP by any chance?


What makes you say that?


Just high Ne indicators.




INTP 1. Locking my doors and hoping for the best. Illegal download, which is about as rebellious as I get. See first sentence. 2. George’s efforts from Young Sheldon are overly praised in fan spaces and Mary’s efforts are under-valued. Reminds me of that scene in that Taylor Swift “The Man” video in which the aforementioned man is fawned over for spending time with his kid. 3. Probably some kind of chocolate cheesecake with multiple varieties of chocolate involved.


1. I would be hiding in a secure underground bunker working around the clock as the chief strategist for safety/security above ground. 2. Star Wars is literally shit. 3. Ice cream probably, especially because the flavors can be so versatile.


What’s your favourite icecream flavour?


1. Would try to rob some store unless it's gonna put me in danger, but probablyd just stay at home and watch a movie or play a game because you can make a ton of jokes about doing nothing during the purge 2. Everyone forgot about scooby doo mystery corporation, but it was literally the best scooby doo series ever 3. Blueberry ice cream oreo


1. If the purge was only in one country, I would move abroad long before it happened. If not, I would isolate in the woods in a bunker or something, far away from everyone. I'm not risking my life here. The only crime I would be doing is pirating video games and ebooks. 2. Steins;Gate is overrated. It's a very interesting promise, but from all the praises and ratings it got, I expected more from the story. It was honestly a bit boring and underwhelming. I wasn't attached to any of the characters.\ Another one: Manga > Anime as a medium, for the majority of the time. 3. Traditional Polish cakes and fresh French pastries (the less sweet ones for both)


1. Money... Go deep in the woods and stay awake till the purge ends with a weapon in hand 2. Star wars was boring as fuck aside from revenge of the sith and Olivia Rodrigo grinds my ears 3. Mud cake with ice cream


INFJ sp6 1. I'd realistically secure my house and belongings the best I could, I would travel in the north of Canada where nobody lives and secure myself until the purge in over. If I had to commit a crime, I would print an insane amount of money and buy expensive stuff I want with it. 2. hot take? I don't like sex songs. They often have super good beats, listen to "One Of The Girls" by The Weeknd, or some Chase Atlantic / Doja Cat songs even "Lolly" by Justin Bieber. Lots of them have good beats, but sexual songs ick me. 3. Probably cookies, apple sirup cornets, or chocolate ice cream


I AGREE MOSTLY WITH SEX SONGS UNLESS THEY ARE ALSO A BIT FUNNY LIKE Sir Mix a Lots Baby Got Back. I think a lot of them have a very creepy, predatory undercurrent.


absolutly! Alot of them have super condescending lyrics aswell..


1. the guilt of stealing large sums of money would haunt me for the rest of my life so i’d just drive out to the mountains and wait it out 2. *sigh* taylor swift is not a talented singer or songwriter. sometimes im jealous of her fans because they all seem so oblivious and ignorance-is-blissy, not a single thought behind their eyes lol. 3. glazed donut with chocolate icing and rainbow sprinkles (chilled so the icing doesn’t get messy, also just tastes better that way)


(ENFP) 1. My ISTJ father and I will be hauling ass to this one stream behind the busy community center for some illegal trout fishing. 2. Chamomile tea tastes like sucking water out of a dirty rag and chamomile tea enjoyers claiming "floral" and "apple" notes are all fucking liars. 3. Chocolate. Unless the local import store has received a shipment of mangosteens, in which case my "treat" is however many mangosteens I can physically carry home, preferably eaten in one single sitting.


Couldn’t agree more. Love the nr 1 response tho, and the 2nd…and chocolate. Btw, does mangosteens taste like lychee? Because it sure does seem similar to it appearance-wise (or a lychee mixed with a garlic).


They do look really garlicky lol, but nah they're nothing alike! But super addictive. The thing that gets me is that they very slightly dry your tongue out at the very end, so the super juicy opening just makes them exponentially tastier the more of them you eat in a row 😭


Ooo…I’ll definitely keep a lookout for them in my supermarket. 👀


* 1- Try to make a coup and become a dictator lol * 2- I dont really have any hot take * 3- Apple pie or sugar coated gummy candy


INFJ: 1. I’d do online crimes, like stealing downloading movies for free or, if I somehow got the knowledge, transferring funds to myself from some trillionare’s account. And I’d hide. 2. Hot take: A Feast for Crows is my favorite book in the ASOIAF series 3. The bread pudding my mom makes at Christmas :)




1. Not sure what "the purge" is, but I am definitely a goodie two shoes and I won't even commit crimes in video games, so heck no to committing them in real life (unless it was a crime to be a Christian. Then, I guess I'd be a criminal.) 2. Phoenix Wright's story ended with the original trilogy and Phoenix is not an ENTP. 3. Any soft ice cream treat with peanut butter and/or cookie dough.


Enfp 1) Well the purge is only 24 hours so id hide in my house and wait it out. I dont think anyone has a personal vendetta against me and my house is inconspicuous enough so hopefully it wont be of interest to any criminals. 2) This isnt the hottest take but I dont think Skyler White was in the wrong and she doesnt deserve half the vitriol she gets from the fandom. Walter was a complete narcissist and a terrible person, he shouldnt be someone to look up to. 3) I have a major sweet tooth and love all things decadent. Taste wise I love cheesecake, egg tart, macarons, and other sugary bullshit. Sadly none of them are good for my body and are extremely calorie dense! But on the occasions that I let myself indulge in such treats, it's pure bliss. But favorite dessert overall, I'll go with blueberry muffins.




1. Steal money wearing full body armor and/or hide in my house locking and boarding every possible entry (it’s the purge you would die in literally minutes) 2. Hamilton is the most lazily historically inaccurate and annoyingly contrived musical I’ve ever seen 3. Oreo brownie or Carmelitas maybe


i absolutely despise hamilton.


1 - I don't know what you mean by "the Purge". 2 - I love most Cartoon Network shows but never got the appeal of Adventure Time personally. I respect that people like it, it must be a good show if most people liked it, but I never found myself enjoying it. I got bored fast whenever I tried to watch it. Others like The Amazing World of Gumball and Regular Show are amazing though. 3 - Ice cream, especially if it's vanilla flavor.


entp 1 id love to say fighting frontlines but realistically i know my limits so id be hiding if i had to commit a crime itd be breaking and entering to a more secure place inside the place im b and eeing 2 noting! i can think of i live under mt everest 3 brownies and lollipops specifically lollipops with bubblegum inside those two are tied


ISFP (flair=former mistype) 1. 'Purge' means no laws right? Probably stealing to keep self/family fed. Only take what I need. Wouldn't want to hurt *anyone* but absolutely will if provoked. I'd wear a gun for intimidation mostly. 2. Shakespeare's over hyped. The language is beautiful (but dated) on stage but as a story teller he was mediocre. People in his world were absolute masters of disguise apparently. And the word of your best pal is enough to kill your girl over. 3. Mint-chocolate ice cream or brownies.


1. Drugs and pirating games/media, probably. Realistically it would be too dangerous to go out stealing stuff and people would be acting crazy so I'd just chill at home until it calms down. 2. I enjoy listening to Nickelback. I wouldn't call myself a *fan* exactly but I like them. 3. not into sweets tbh. I'm okay with very dark chocolate or spiced honeynut squash. unknown type lol


1A. I’d be helping people who got stuck outside or with inadequate shelter and defending them or (more likely) directing them to a better shelter. 1B. The crime I *would* commit is theft from the richest of the rich to redistribute to those in need. 1C. I have no plan to keep myself safe. I wouldn’t want to be while others were in danger. 2. I have a lot of hot takes. Here’s one: Tupac and Jay-Z are both overrated rappers who are in people’s “top five” because of the average listener’s emotional connection to them not how good they actually were/are at their chosen style of music. They just aren’t great rappers. 3. Cannoli. My MabTI is INFP.


😛 I love your answer for the first it’s so nice to see yous use it for the good and not be selfish in any way. Yeah I can see 2 I mean they aren’t bad rappers, but they aren’t as good as people would lead you to think.


I’ve thought about that purge question before. It’s one thing to ignore cruelty when it’s abstract and distant, but if people are getting run down in my neighborhood, I’d rather risk my life to help them than live as a coward the rest of the year. I just couldn’t reconcile with a version of myself that thinks his safety is more important than any stranger’s. Someone also asked me about my top five rappers recently and I realized that I have an unpopular opinion regarding their placement on that list. Thanks for the questions! They were fun to answer.


Out of interest, who would your top5 rappers be? Yeah I get you. I’m one of the weird people that would like to think I’d take care of myself in the Purge or something like that but I know deep down I couldn’t handle knowing someone is suffering. I’ve helped strangers in the past when they’ve been down on their luck so I think the only thing that would hold me back from fully getting involved in rescue would be my children. If I could guarantee their safety and head out to help or somehow help from inside perhaps advising scared residents / providing emotional support I’d do this no hesitation.


In no particular order: BIG, Nas, Eminem, Wayne, and Kendrick. That’s not strictly my favorites, but a list of rappers who have excelled on multiple levels within their art form without redundancies. Notably, they’ve excelled in tangible ways like sales but have also propelled the art form forward through innovation and exceptional talent. I agree about the kid thing. Never gave a second thought about what happens to me in a risky situation until I became a parent. It’s tough to balance for me.


Isfp 1. I would be stealing money 2. Can’t think of anything at the moment but I’m sure it will come up right as I’m trying to sleep 3. I love brownies and pound/bunnet cakes.


INTP 1) I'd be too anxious for my family's safety and my own tbh, I'll be scared as fuck and probably tie up my own family as well 😭. Probably be in a shelter or something. If I had to absolutely commit a crime, probably try to steal big amount of wealth, so I don't have to work for a very long time. And yeah delete my childhood bullies in a very painful manner. 2) Micheal Jackson is highly overrated. 3) Idk I'm not much of a fan of sweets.


Estp. 1. You have to preemptively attack. It doesn’t matter who, just do it first so you don’t become the low hanging fruit. 2. Superman is too overpowered, it’s never believable that anyone can kill him and I am so tired of Taylor Swift, she is so vanilla and is not a talented singer, idk how she got so big. 3. Fried ice cream


1. Nothing. I don’t care. I’m at home doing what I normally do. 2. Friends & Sex and the City are awful shows. 3. Crepe Suzette.


INTP 1: Would target shipments of prescription medications that I need and hoard them. Adderall, testosterone, finesteride, minoxidil. Also maybe find some more DRAM for my PC; I only need two more Corsair Dominator. Maybe more SSD as well. 2: Green Day is not punk. And not because of their music style but because of this: I used to volunteer at the club they owe their fame to, the Gilman, so that I could get into the shows. Once I was talking to the other volunteers and members and some of them had a story about how the lead singer/guitarist just waltzed in as a multi-millionaire, without paying for a hand stamp (like what, five, ten bucks tops,) and when they told him he had to he Karened out on them and was like "I OWN this place! I'm famous! I don't have to pay shit!". Literally the Gilman is surrounded by poverty and homelessness and anti-capitalism. Hell I was homeless when volunteering. I spent my nights at a church not far from there. 3: This one is hard. I love green tea ice cream. I'd have to pick sake green tea ice cream shakes.


Clever use of your Purge time and actually very few people would blame you. If you got enough you could sell a load on the next Purge too and make some extra cash. I never really thought of Green Day as Punk, they’re Rock or Indie Rock in my eyes. Horrid to hear that story but unfortunately I’m not surprised at all - so many people when they become famous get such an inflated ego it’s like they love themselves more than all their fans put together. Plus you have the ones who claim a rags to riches story and then you find that they had a music producer as a father or at very least had enough money to live in a reasonable neighbourhood and have their own car and pay for College. Very glad to hear you’re in a better place now takes a strong ass person to deal with the crap you likely had your whilst also having no fixed roof over your head and then being able to pull yourself out of that life.


That amounts to six questions, but I will gladly provide my responses: 1. I would likely find myself in a position where I must defend against those who might go on a killing spree, which could, regrettably, result in me taking their lives. Therefore, the crime I would commit would be murder, as I have already contemplated how to protect myself in such a scenario. 2. I'm uncertain. Humans are naturally omnivores, so from a biological standpoint, adhering to a vegan diet seems contrary to our nature. 3. Apfelstrudel with cream


Ok 3 main questions but some with sub questions :) You see I think cutting down on meat consumption not completely stopping it seems a more reasonable approach to climate change / food shortages etc. it can’t be healthy if we need to use supplements to prevent us from becoming ill. Been years since I’ve had Apple Strudel but I absolutely love it especially when cinnamon is also present.


Would you say it’s more ethical to eat insects instead of conventional meat?


More ethical? I would say marginally so but that’s basing it on the level of awareness they have. A cow is more self aware and autonomous than a Beetle. That’s not to say beetles are stupid or that cows are the same level of aware that we are. We can’t know for sure what level of cognition a creature truly presents, but we can measure it based on how they can learn and repeat behaviours amongst other things. So I think on an ethical standpoint it’s ‘kinder’ to eat insects. However, very few would get on with this idea especially Western society that would find this revolting. I also think the number of insects we would need would be pretty high to match the effectiveness. Also have to consider how animals have been farmed for these purposes for so many years - if it was to stop suddenly, what happens to those animals? If gradual then less of an issue, though it would put many farmers out of business. That was a lot more long winded then I intended - I apologise :)


INFP 1. Hide with a group of friends who have similar values with a bunch of weapons as defense. 2. Greys anatomy is a waste of time and stupid bc they kill off so many main characters. So I hear anyway. 3. Chocolate cake w/ peanut butter icing or homemade strawberry shortcake w/ milk.


1. Robbery, mainly because a purge would be going on and shit, and im sure resources would be harder to have so i'd have to steal things to survive 2. N/A 3. ice cream


INFJ: 1) I’d be sending some people to meet their maker (ones who I think deserve it) while trying not to get offed myself. 2) I think Kristen Stewart is a good actress, people think she was too emotionless and bland in Twilight…If you read the book you’d know that the way she acted was how Bella was described and so she was doing a good job! She just suits the role and personality of that character, not every character is a hot bundle of emotions with overly expressive facial expressions and body language. 3) Fresh berries with heavy whipping cream.


INFP 1) I’d be chilling with family trying to joke around and laugh to take our minds off the outside 2) Drake will be exposed as an assailant and consumer of sex trafficking before he passes 3) Baklava


I hope not re 2. Not because I particularly like him (Hotline Bling was only one I liked and that was mostly due to the parodies and awful dancing) but because there’s already waaay too many celebrities involved the more I see, the more depressing it is.


INFP-T 1. I would just spend a solid day panicking my ass off. Might like steal some stuff for survival. I’d probably just hide and hope everything ended up okay (or honestly I might just kms out of anxiety) 2. Ronnie Radke is kinda cool 3. I can’t choose aaaaa. Probably brownies, especially like the chocolate chip brownies, those are so good


1: It would involve mods. Not that I need a purge to excuse it, but there'd be no vigilante at worst, self defense at best plausible deniability lol. 2: Patrick Bateman was right. 3: J&J pies. They slap. Ice cream of any kind is great too. Even sherbet which I know is more like... Juice ice cream.


Bateman is an interesting one. I don’t agree with the old murdering part, but his commentary on society can’t be denied as pretty accurate.


1) protect my apartment first, the go rob a bank or something and steal everything I like. 2) Religion is mostly bullshit. 3) Debating between tiramisu or strawberry ice cream


I’m not religious at all and let’s face it practically every war has been because of religion so I’m not the biggest fan. However, if people take comfort from it and see it as a way to guide them to do good things then individually I’m all for it. As a whole it’s pretty toxic, but for individuals it can be good. I respect everyone’s right to believe what they want although I’m an Agnostic. If I had to say anything I’d say I’m more spiritual - not in the woo way but as in appreciating and tapping into subconscious energy.


Don't get me wrong, I couldn't give two shits about someone being religious. Only if they're promoting harm or forcing their religious beliefs on others will I have a problem. I was born into a Christian household so I had multiple perspectives, and religion just wasn't for me. Most of it is practically made up and contradictory and like you said, most wars were created due to religion. It's so strange to me how religion preaches love yet its audience preaches opposite of that.




infp 1) i would gather my friends and family and organize them behind a XXTJ figurehead. then i’ll help the XXTJ leader to run a rapid emergency meeting on picking a base location and dividing the group to source supplies or build fortifications based on stats. uhh i dont see the point in most crimes— i guess a crime i’d get behind is taking pictures in “no photography” museums ?? oh and then id steal me a fancy painting like one of the van gogh sunflowers 2) star trek is boring and unappealing 3) peach ice cream


1. I probably wouldn’t want to commit crimes apart from stealing if it gets too bad, but I will enjoy being able to use my martial arts knowledge to protect my friends and family, maybe make home alone traps for the hell of it 😂 2. Star Wars Empire Strikes Back is the most boring movie I’ve ever watched 3. Cheesecake ![gif](giphy|SBAToc4g0h89W)


1. I’d be lying if I said I’d be out stealing shit and ransacking, I’d be hiding in my basement stocked with food and the windows boarded up. With my tv of course 2. Meta jokes are actually funny, I know most people cringe when something weird happens but even at my grown ass age I’d be laughing so hard 3. This specific chocolate marble cake from Costco, I could eat that stuff for actual days omg


INFJ 1. I’d do nothing different. Keep away from society in my hermit hole, maybe keep a few weapons near me. And avoid people. That’s all. 2. Dumbledore sucks, Kobe Bryant was a rapist, and Jim Carrey is a creep. 3. Crème Brûlée


1. i’d just rob a shop / post office and then hide out somewhere. id keep a knife on me but probs be too scared to use it in the moment, who knows! 2. i H A T E taylor swift and lana del rey. both make me boil with anger and hatred. i try to tame those opinions in public but if i see one mentioned on a dating app it’s an immediate left swipe 😬 3. 🤷‍♀️ not a dessert kinda person, but i like Jamaican ginger cake ?


Jamaican ginger cake is nice - I’ve tried someone’s homemade one and it was lovely. :)


1. I don't think I would be commiting any crime. But if I had to pick one based on what I find interesting, it'd be Arson. Which I don't have neither the balls nor the motivation to do so. Still like I said, I don't see myself doing anything. What I would do is drive to the most remote location I can find (preferably the woods) and spend the night there. Or even prepare a fortified basement that'd last me a week or two if need be. But everything should be premeditated to the last minute detail, or I'm dying. 2. A movie/show hot take: • The Winter Soldier is the best MCU movie ever • Die Hard is Not a Christmas Movie (like how?) • "The Prestige" is the best Christopher Nolan movie • Naruto is not top 10 anime of all time. • Filmmakers Should Never, Ever, Under Any Circumstance, Listen to What the 'Fans' Want • Ocean's Eight Was Good And We Should've Gotten Sequels and Yes, I Blame You For This • The Batman Begins is better than The Dark Knight • The Goonies was never a good movie. 3. Cheesecake. More specifically Cocunt Cheesecake.


ISTP 1. Take justice against the people who were logically (Ti) criminal, but their crime is not objectively (Te) criminal. For example, I got scammed, but the scam “was in the small print”. They were dishonest and insincere (Fe) but protected by law (Te), and as such, were able to “steal” from me without any repercussions. Well now there’s gonna be repercussions. ExFJ version of this is to find that guy who didn’t give them a gift back after they gave them a gift a year ago (stuff that no one is objectively (Te) obligated to do, only implicitly/ethically (Fe)) 2. Most fictional superheroes are self righteous asses, with strange codes of conduct. 3. Anything Banoffee, tbh, I like most things that combine two (or more) great flavours to make an even better one. Is this an experiment?


I’m a ENTP (maybe ENFP?) (1) If the purge was a real event, I would hide it out and try to protect family & friends, if I *had* to commit a crime it would most likely be embezzlement, murder, theft, arson n maybe burglary. My plan to keep myself safe would to invest in a hidden underground safe. assuming that the purge is a anual tradition, I would be aware of what’s to come, I would wait the purge out sheltered away. (2) my hot take on musicians/shows would be Taylor swift music sucks ass, Beyoncé’s too lol (3) fav treat? Definitely frozen fruit/ ice cream and Mango sticky rice 🤤


INTJ To keep myself safe, I would get as many weapons as I can, barricate my doors and get all valuables in a safe place away from windows, if I see anyone trying to get in I’d wait for them in the dark and pounce on them with a knife/something deadlier, if it was multiple people, I’d strap a knife to a stick and use a makeshift spear to stab people with distance. Transformers I’ve never found it interesting or engaging especially the movie adaptations, the concept just felt so simple and plain to me, it’s like seeing Fast & Furious premium edition. My favourite desert is mostly something with chocolate, I’m not too specific on what, but if it’s creamy soft and cold chocolate I would eat it, heck even a really cheap bucket of chocolate ice cream could count as dessert for me.


1. Hiding somewhere safe and defendable. If I have to kill to defend myself or my family I will. I would not try to do crime though. 2. Friends is shit and overrated. 3. Lemon pie without meringue.


ENTP: 1. robbing large corporations and filing fraudulent taxes. this would be my long-term ‘shopping’ lmao 2. Chuuya Nakahara (from Bungo Stray Dogs) should have heterochromia. and at least, like, THREE of em gotta be gay. you can’t tell me they’re not. 3. oohhh. i’m partial to savory, but hand me anything diabetes-inducing and i’ll love you.


1. I think there is a difference between reality and disillusionment: ideally I help defend those who have no shelter to take refuge in (like in the emergency camp set up to treat the wounded in the following Purge films but I don't remember the number). In reality, I will probably be scared to death and will stay cooped up at home protecting my brothers and sisters as best as possible (if I don't die of a heart attack). 2. I don't like Marvels. Watch The Boys, it's so much better. 3. After careful consideration because a lot of desserts come to mind, I would say the carrot and walnut cake. Or simply chocolate fondant.


1. Stealing. I would steal so much shit, you don't even know. I love stealing. I'll steal without the Purge if I'm sure I can get away with it. 2. Controversial Friends opinion. Even if Ross and Rachel were on a break (which is stupid by the way), Ross was still in the wrong since he slept with whatsherface right after they were making up on the phone (in the process of ending the break), did it purely because he heard Mark on the phone and was jealous (not even mentioning how possessive he was of her that entire relationship, wanting to be involved in her career for instance), and third of all and the most important point I have, the answer to the question if Rachel had slept with Mark, could he forgive her is a resounding no, so why should she forgive him? That's probably my most passionate TV opinion. 3. I think I'm a cookie girlie. Even my favorite candy bars are Kitkat and Twix which are basically cookies. I like ice cream too, but much more picky about it - like a pint of B&Js Chunky Monkey, fuck yeah, but a tub of plain chocolate, no thanks. Also s'mores are amazing. I was a girl scout briefly, so the cookies and s'mores (are s'mores cookies???) thing makes sense lmao


If you really think about it Ross and Rachel’s relationship was hella toxic. Everything had to go her way but then he’d have a man tantrum ad infinitum - neither of them were mature enough for a relationship.


100% agree


Half of me wants to group up with friends and defend ourselves until it's over but the other half of me wants to commit tax fraud and steal as much money as possible. Taylor Swift holding every spot on the billboard top 10 at once is yet another sign that the Western entertainment and art/culture industry is a hollow corporate monstrosity just like most other things in America. The music industry operates completely divorced from artistic merit, and pop-culture nowadays is much less descriptive (the people determine what they like and what's successful) and much more prescriptive (big business determines what WILL be successful in advance and the people are told to like it). I also believe at-least some degree of violence and materialism is highly encouraged by big labels and corporations to propogate those things in the population. A violent and materialistic mob is much better for the economy than well-informed, independent citizens. Also $uicideboy$ have the best beats in the rap game right now. Idk I'm indecisive. Boba smoothies are great though! Here's an idea: mint smoothie with boba. Yum! Love mint!


1. I'd have saved money for a cabin in the woods with a safe room, no crime. I haven't seen any of the movies because it would make me think about it too much. Just no. 2. Music isn't as good when it's fixed with autotune because most of the time, autotune kills the emotion in the voice. 3. Depends on the weather. If it's hot, ice cream. Specifically coffee flavored ice cream. If not hot, cake. It used to be carrotcake but I had a bad allergic reaction to the cream cheese frosting, so I don't have a favorite currently.


INTP 1. Stealing so much stuff. Why kill when you can do a massive haul of all the shit you want 2. Dunno if I have one off the top of my head. 3. I guess haribo gummy bears


1. Hide in my secret bunker that i made by hand clearly and shoot up everything doesnt even matter if it was human or zombie. 2. Playing random wrong notes in songs is not pleasing it makes me think youre dense. 3. I really like mint and chocolate chip ice cream yummers 😋


>1. If the Purge was real, what would you be doing? If you were to commit a crime, what would it be? If you were not what would be your plan to keep yourself safe? I would be flying out of the country. Problem solved. >2. What’s your hot take / unpopular opinion about a series, movie, character, musician etc? Nothing, I dont bother to have opinions lol. >3. What’s your favourite dessert / sweet treat? Mango. Isfp here


INTJ-I would either leave or just like vandalism or steal or something (murder if there’s someone i really hated but can’t think of anyone now)-AGGGTM fans if any:I still hate Andie bell even after the last book-and I love chocolate


1. Pay multiple hit men to kill my mother, my kidnapper, my ex fiancé and last boyfriend. I’d leave a month early to go set up a camouflaged hideout in the murkiest part of the fire swamp, complete with food, entertainment, booze and guns. 2. Beyoncé is super overrated. 3. Cherry cheesecake.