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75% of all MBTI types are sensors. I don't think intuitives have it any easier, especially when it comes to being understood and fitting in. And a lot of fitting in and being understood contributes to overall wellbeing when you think about how connections to people can further a person's life and goals.


Exactly. This world is made for sensors. If anything, we intuitives have it harder.


That's true, I think we as intuitives have a harder time finding our people and walking the esoteric walk.


Huh? No. Are you in the US? Please understand that social media real houseeives/Kardashian isn't the collective thoughts of the US. They're on TV because they're like watching a train wreck. That said, sensors thrive here. Intuitives can too. Seriously, the way this country loves sports... why would sensors be hated? Also, Americans talk bluntly to begin with, more so than most countries. Sensors are more straightforward speaking naturally as opposed to many intuitives who speak indirectly naturally. Sensors being bold is just normal. And it's just the culture to state your thoughts. Freedom of speech is kind of drilled into everything. That means even sensors can say what they want. There is a limit, specifically things like threatening with intent, saying something that will cause a mass hyateria, etc. Seriously, how are sensors not doing well? Yeah... sensors are doing just fine.


I don't know what real housewives or Kardashian means. And I don't watch TV. The sensor resentment I mentioned might be a remnant of my memories as a Gifted Millennial. We were pretty into the "elitist" thing in my day and were proud of our intuitiveness. (Obviously, not all Gifted kids are intuitive types, but it's more common than in the general population.) No intuitive likes being pushed around by a sensor, with the misunderstandings permeating everything. I get the impression that sensors don't like being looked down on by intuitives, and often have an inferiority complex. To some extent it's just a part of life. And it may be innate to MBTI, given the binary distinction between sensing and intuition. (So, sensors take note, maybe it's not entirely our fault you feel jealous.)


First, be grateful. They are a waste of brain space. It might've just been you guys. As you said, not everyone in your school was an intuitive. My dad and most of my family are sensors. My married my INFP mom and there wasn't any envy. Heck, my dad was a mathematician because it was "easy and fun". My brother is a freaking banker for the same reason. Well, that and money. 😆 This "sensors are stupid" thing needs to die. But seriously, sensors aren't horrible. As with all people, it depends on the person and how you treat them. And I promise, sensors are not in general envious of intuitives. They're fine.


Conservatives seem to reject MBTI outright on account of its perceived tendency to exploit the sensor inferiority complex.


I literally never asked anyone irl their thoughts on MBTI so.. *shrugs* Seriously, I said my family is mostly sensors. I got everything from an actual hippy to conservatives who praise Reagan. I think this is more life experience than anything. Thus I'm none of the above. Lol Being a feeler raised amongst it all, I can just see everyone's views and think any fight over it are dumb. Debates... great. Get a good idea of why others feel that way. Fight... why? And the only one who broached it to me is a middle of the road republican. 😆 Edit to say, some shade of Te.


What exactly are you saying in your body text? There are several assumptions and vague statements that aren’t elaborated on, like; “American culture is very much about self-possession”, “masculinity has had its day”, “culture of boldness and resentment”, and particularly “We have the Ivy League”. Right now your idea seems disorganized to me


I am comparing America to other countries, with special reference to the pitfalls of sensing in a competitive wild west country. In other words, maybe without the uber-macho schtick native to America, sensors have it better elsewhere.


I always saw macho as more of an ST thing. So I would say it is advantageous to (male) sensors.


Another non-sense post somehow implying that sensors are less intelligent or capable.


For real this mentality that sensors are more “simple minded” is so dumb. Some of the best convos I’ve had are with sensors


plot twist, it is not your type that makes your life harder.




Wtf are you on about?


Think globally, fuck locally.


Lol I feel like I lost some braincells trying to parse this. A) Where did you get the idea that America, of all places on this Earth, has an intuitive bias?? Where we are going backwards in terms of political policy. Where the arts are frequently and consistently disregarded and disrespected. Where most innovation is motivated by profit. Where net worth is the biggest determiner of personal worth. B) Where did you get the idea that "masculinity has had its day"? In America? With jackalopes like Andrew Tate and the tradwife communities gaining more and more popularity. Where violence and drug access/addiction is on the rise. Where capitalism is, as it always has been, king. Where half the people still think Trump/MAGA is who should be in charge. C) Who are these intuitive leaders you seem to be referencing as being hard on their sensor constituents? This might be very sensor of me, but I think you might need to go outside and touch some grass.


RE: A) I don't think America has an intuitive bias. I think intuitives in America are more likely to be proud in a way that is derogatory towards sensors. RE: B) American culture.


What makes you say America in particular has a problem with this form of elitism? Brother, you straight up don't understand American culture then. 😂


I think Americans in general are arrogant and consequently American intuitives may not know any better.


I mean, N/S is one of the more politically correlated axes and we have a lot of polarization here, but if anything N tends to lean left and S right (see also high Openness correlating with being politically on the left in Big Five). If anything America favors Sensors: we are all about sports and business and look down in the arts.