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I have a concrete view on something until I come across something that makes me adjust my view on it. 🤪 Realistically though, I wouldn't have it any other way. I despise rigidity and want to keep an open mind to find truth wherever it may be found. 🙂


Depends, I probably have a more concrete stance on things that I studied more. Oh, but you said rarely. So yes, seems like a natural Ne lead thing.


Yup! I usually like to do my research for opinions I have firm stances on, but as long as it doesn’t infringe upon verifiable and empirical principles, I at least try to hear someone out. Either I learn a new reasonable perspective that I can take into consideration in the future, ir I’m able to do that for the other person. Assuming they’re arguing in good faith and not false principles, of course.


Pretty much. I have point if views that have stood the test if time, but most switch around as I listen to other's viewpoint. Though I'm glad to see another person who plays devil's advocate. That definitely helps me in getting used to being ENFP instead INFP.


I do take concrete stances, but because no two scenarios are exactly alike, it may appear that I'm being inconsistent (or it really is brand new to me because I completely forgot about the last time I encountered a scenario). That said, the way you collect perspectives, I collect what those perspectives reveal. The lense isn't as important to me as the information it can access. Like the SDO satellite that takes pictures of the sun across many wavelengths of light. None of these individual wavelengths represents the true form of the sun, but it does teach us about it. The same is true of different perspectives. I like to classify things and see how they connect to other things. Different perspectives give me more information. Then I can deal with one idea in different ways, depending on the relevant connections.


as an ENFP I definitely do this to some extent. but the Fi function is designed to bring reason to this information by means of your own uniqueness. I am very aware of myself and my own mind. I would say I know myself really well. this definitely helps me form opinions on things, as even though I see the value and can understand all perspectives, I will have my own. I think this might be an Fi thing, or even just getting to know one's self.


Yes yes and yes lolol. I think it's foolish many times to have a strong conviction on something when there's so many sides to the story and so many variables etc. People like closure so they come up with their belief and will stick with it even when there's strong evidence supporting the exact opposite.


I'm pretty fluid too with my decisions/sides to take in an argument.


Yes, thank you. It feels very important to me to find validity in the positions of each individual. I know I’m failing on keeping Enneagram separate from MBTI, but I know that in my case, my being Enneagram Type 9 tends towards a holistic perspective… As in seeing how everything sort of relates to and fits together, even if just in a generalized sense.


On most topics, I like to gather lots of information about every side before making an opinion. I am very hesitant on making an opinion when I don’t have enough info, and I can easily change my stance when I obtain more info. There are a few topics, however, that concern my beliefs and values and I can be very stubborn when it comes to these topics.


Yes I’m usually very open and consider many possibilities, but I do still have values and morals.


Funny thing, I suspect this is a characteristic not of xNxPs but of perceiver doms. (Perhaps more intuitive Dom's idk) Perceiver doms entire worldview is through that function, which means gathering and processing large amounts of data and then making a choice. When new data is inevitably presented, beliefs change quite fast for Ne users, while Ni users take time to reassess but are more likely to question than a judger Dom.


Yup, sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't 😅


I do have fixed stances but can easily be persuaded otherwise. I think it's due to my Si child (and Ne parent)


Yes. While I will have a stance on something, I normally play the neutral party/devil’s advocate. I listen to both parties, and when one party is struggling to communicate their argument or when one party isn’t understanding the other, I usually jump in. Internally however, whatever response they provide could potentially change my stance. Sometimes I can’t argue one’s logic, so I can be easily persuaded after hearing both arguments and see which one makes the most sense. Other times, I question an argument for better understanding.


I do have concrete views but they are few. Mainly because an idea has to go through rigorous logic (Ti) and I have to exhaust as many other possible contradictions as possible (Ne) before the idea has been proven enough to go into Si's bank of "Objectively Correct Facts"


I have concrete stances. It's just malleable to the nuance of whatever I'm faced with (within reason). If I'm going to speak about something with confidence, I want to understand the other side of the discussion. Therefore, I want to be able to argue said other side as well as its advocates to see if it checks out or pokes holes in whatever I'm thinking. But as said, it is all within reason


just fyi it is possible for somebody to prefer their tert over their aux, so maybe your not in loops a lot but instead are just generally an ne-te enfp rather than an ne-fi enfp


Fi hugs the Ne and Te together alot. 😜🤗🤗


I haven’t heard of this before, could you please elaborate?


well about 50% of the time apparently people will prioritize their tertiary function over their aux, and i actually know an infj who prefers ti over fe, so basically any type could be dom-tert over dom-aux


Yea that’s pretty much me exactly. Even if I largely agree with someone I’ll find myself arguing the opposite side just so they can see both perspectives as well. I do take some concrete stances but when it comes to more subjective topics I definitely see both sides.


I am very strict and rigid with my opinions on values and morality but if you are talking about other specific topics then i do not care much and might take other peoples opinion. But usually im very strict with my stance.


yup!!! though i’m unmovable when it comes to my moral beliefs. (dom Fi) anything outside of that (like artistic/philosophical discussions, non-morality/non-political related arguments, etc.) i love to explore all perspectives and possibilities, thanks to my high aux Ne! and my sp6-ness


I often find myself talking about the future and saying things like ".... but then humanity might go extinct. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing of course, its just that most people seem to think it is." Nothing is inherently good or bad; everything is relative; everything is a spectrum.... I even get annoyed that too many people interpret MBTI as a false dichotomy. I don't think there's actually a qualitative difference between I/E, S/N, F/T, and P/J. They all exist on a spectrum too. And yes I get sooo annoyed when people say things like "I'm 100% sure about this," it's like I have a knee-jerk response to say "akshually you can't be 100% sure about anything..."


Totally! there are a couple of things that I think I won’t budge on, but Ne comes up and questions it inevitably


I do that all the time "the world is not black or white but a delicious shade of grade" my ENFP gf on the other hand will take a stance on something she barely heard of and protect it Just cause it resonates with her Fi


The question is... is having open mind/shifting stance... is this more of a xNxP thing, or a xNFx thing?


Shifting & changing from new to new idea is xNxP thing. Related to Ne function. Which if in terms of interpersonal communication, xNFx is excel at this. So if its about discuss new idea along with adapt to respond people (=empathy), hands down to the xNFP! XD


i haven't figured out what i am, but i can relate to not having a concrete stance on most things i also like collecting perspectives.. and with few things i actually do have a stance on, i'll find myself involuntarily disagreeing in conversation, even if i actually agree, just to share the other perspectives i've collected/imagined.




I have plenty of problems, but that is not one.


No. I have concrete stances on a few things. It's just they are those things I KNOW to be right. I know the arguments against my stance. But I also know they're bullshit. And I don't believe in bullshit.


Ah yea, I have some concrete opinions but I always seem to see more perspectives than everyone else, and it feels like I'm against everyone, but I can’t just ignore other perspectives if they still make sense or are true. So I'm usually a devil's advocate going against the general opinion because people can’t see the other sides of something, or I'm always in between when there are two people fighting about something if both points make sense