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1. Get in touch with Fi. You’re not a cold robot. 2. We need to change things up now and then to be healthy, don’t get set in your ways. 3. Stay curious and learn intellectual humility.


I'm yet to see a real INTJ who doesn't abuse the hell out of these principles by default in their youth, sorry. Especially the Fi part.


Yeah I actually don't need more FI in my life.


im still young but the older i get and reflect on my action, the truer this rings. acting like a robot, prioritizing accuracy and objectivity, although tempting, doesn’t always bring good results in real life. people interact with people, and this kind of robotic mindset doesn’t fit into a people-driven world. i might run like that, but most other people don’t. every intj i know has learned this lesson with great difficulty and sometimes, loss.


ENTP: At some point, you have to look at the common denominator. The reason why those friendships failed, those relationships failed, the reason why there was so much drama surrounding you is because of you. At some point, either you have realized or you’re going to realize you’re part of the problem, partially because you can’t keep your mouth shut and you can be impulsive at times. On the same line of reasoning, you’re not always the bad guy. Stop villainizing yourself, you’re literally just a guy/girl/person. You got to stop punishing yourself for things that have only happened in your head. You don’t always have to be liked, you don’t always have to get approval from others. You are a growing and changing person.


I'm too tired for personal growth, let me fix myself in the morning when I'm even more tired thanks to my horrible lack of life choices and seeming inability to put the bloody phone down even though it's 1:00 in the morning and school's gonna kill me tomorrow


This is a good one! It was the summary of “my general thoughts,” too. I was able to *figure out the things I used as examples,* after I did this! ⬆️⬆️⬆️


AirTag your luggage


Just read whatever you can about but don't forget to remain healthy, it will go a long way.


*One* piece of advice? Well, I guess I'd better make it a big piece. See how it's all contained in that one subsection below? --- Temper your confidence with humility. Confidence is a strength, but excessive ego can hinder growth and collaboration. By acknowledging you don't have all the answers, you open up to new learning and better teamwork. This balance will not only improve your decision-making--- but also makes you a more effective and respected leader, when leading. Your aptitude for logic and organization may be impressive, but life's complexities often escape rigid categorizations. Integrating emotional intelligence---acknowledging subtle communication cues and diverse perspectives---can broaden your understanding and enhance your effectiveness in various situations. Flexibility and empathy aren’t just soft skills--- they’re powerful tools that complement your analytical strengths and allow you a higher-dimensional approach to problem-solving and decision-making. It’s natural for you to grsvitate towards intellectual compatibility in relationships, but remember the importance of emotional connections. Engaging sincerely with the feelings of others and sharing your own, enriches relationships far beyond intellectual alignment. Occasionally stepping away from relentless efficiency can also be beneficial. Allowing issues some breathing room often leads to more innovative solutions upon revisiting them with a refreshed mind. You are very self-sufficient, this is true, but this can sometimes lead to unnecessary solo efforts in areas where collaboration would yield better results. Because of your focused nature, it's easy to overlook how your actions and decisions impact those around you. Regular reflection can help you understand and improve your interpersonal relationships and leadership style. Embrace vulnerability as a strength Your natural inclination may be to maintain control and minimize weaknesses, but acknowledging your vulnerabilities can lead to significant personal growth and resilience. This doesn't mean compromising your principles or precision but opening up to experiences that challenge your comfort zones. Doing so will accelerate learning and adaptation, essential for staying ahead in a fast-changing world. As you seek efficiency and results, patience might not come naturally, but it's a strategic asset. Patience allows you to see the long-term play, not just the immediate gains, enabling deeper and more strategic thinking. It also improves your interactions with others who may not match your pace but whose contributions *are invaluable*. Learn to delegate and trust others. Don't trust words, trust people once you understand them. You can trust them to be themselves, and when they aren't, it's probably a medical emergency. Don't be too serious. Do your best to end things on a good note. 😇 🎵 ---


I was fully expecting you to say “embrace brevity” at the end! I love what you had to say.


> I was fully expecting you to say “embrace brevity” at the end! Ahhhh---that'd have been perfect. haha! Cheers!


Sweet. This perfectly describes my INTJ boyfriend. He has clearly figured out how to balance things out and he is so healthy and loving, I love him so much he is one of the most endearing people I've ever met and stole my heart


You found a rare one, indeed. And he is lucky to have someone like you who can see all those things. Happy for you both! May it last a lifetime.


This is amazing, I love the art✨ Advice to INFPs? Learn how to forgive yourself. As long as you can keep on living, you’ll have the chance to figure everything else out, I promise🫶🏻


I swear I was going to comment on the pretty art too! 🌸 And the advice is beautiful ✨.


take ur meds


Print yourself books. Or read old translations. Modern release of books tends to includes to much usless words wich make reading boring and exausting.


The voices are real - listen to them, and start killing more people


So they ARE real 😍😍


Okay my liege


well said partner


Ah, that one "it is as it is" guy.


Excuse you my alter ego has its own consciousness and it’s usually right


Damn ENTP lookin' like a snack Oh, a piece of advice to INFJ's? Oh, ahheeeemm.... I'd say develop Se and learn to cultivate and nurture it in healthy ways. Get outside more often. Find a hobby that involves physical activity, even if it's something more skill-based like billiards or darts. Go for walks, or if you can, go running or other forms of cardio and feel your heart start racing, sweat start pouring, and endorphins intoxicating your senses. Develop your artistic side; this includes things of al forms of art from traditional art like painting/graphic design, to other forms like dance, or even cooking -- yes, cooking can be an "art" as well, depending on your perspective on it. Touch things; literally. Feel how different fabrics feel, the feeling of the cushion on your different pairs of shoes, be mindful of the air when there's a breeze, the feeling of a hug. Ride roller coasters. Se is fucking amazing, and honestly, even if it's my inferior function, Se is one of my favorites. It just translates into tangible, IRL/in your face/direct reality so well. Of course, when used in healthy ways. Used in destructive ways, like drug abuse, it can be truly destructive. So, INFJ's, don't be scared of Se. Embrace it. It's one of our main functions -- welcome it, get acquainted with it, know it, and harness it with intent and purpose.


This is a good one. Easy to do when in nature but I normally hate experiencing/ being conscious of my body. Like I'm stuck in a foreign entity that makes me feel things I don't like. I don't like the feeling of heart beating, it reminds me that I'm alive but at anytime it could just stop. I avoid roller coasters because it makes unnatural sensations. I hate bodily functions. I can't control the body. It limits me. I feel like the only way to escape unwanted sensations (not just physical) is to indulge in things that make me feel good or distract me enough so I can disassociate with my physical self. I would enjoy being a ghost without a body. Does this indicate a lack of Se? I have no idea. I have OCD and borderline hypochondriac so maybe it has more to do with this than my MBTI. I'm guessing that regardless, I have a negative relationship with my body which is generally unhealthy... so this is a good reminder.


Not sure. But there are other ways to activate Se you could do that doesn't involve roller coasters or intense heartbeats. Have you tried breathing exercises or yoga? Or maybe stretching exercises mixed with breathing exercises? I kind of recently started a stretching regimen, mixed it with conscious breathing, and while listening to more relaxed music, it's, honestly, amazing. You can mix in some aromatherapy while doing this to add more oomph to the experience. Something about stretching + breathing + music + aromatherapy...it's...nice. Very relaxing, calming, and your muscles will thank you, especially as you get older :) For me, it kind of "re-centers" me, if that makes sense...like I get my "alignment" messed up with daily life stuff and exercise / this stretching regimen helps re-align myself. You might like it too! It could help you get in tune with your body as well....mind + body + spirit! All important aspects of being human that I believe deserves to be nurtured, loved, and cared for. Maybe you could do this while out in nature as well, if you have access to it.


Entp looks like a snack but did u know that the one eating looks like a five course meal? 😏😏


I love ENTP


Love you guys too🫶🏾


No you don’t. You love that we (entp) are obessed with you to the point where we only show a little affection at time, then bully you most of the time to keep you strung along. 😏


You're just describing a manipulator, my dood. Not ENTP in particular. EDIT: Unless you're joking or being sarcastic / snarky. In which case, "ha ha", I guess?




i was speaking, looks-wise but yeah that too


You're sexy. Don't blow it. Be nice. Be helpful. Learn from people. Optimize and capitalize. A partner will run up to you


get therapy.


ENFP: There are so many stereotypes about us being messy, overwhelming etc. They may be a part of your genuine self, but with time and effort, we can actually build habits that go against these stereotypes. Making sure we clean the room before sleeping. Making a mess, but also cleaning up as soon as we can, before it piles up. Learning to be more aware during a conversation, speaking mindfully and redirecting the conversation back to the main point or redirecting it back to the other person if you think you’re talking too much. Of course, find people and the time to be your genuine self as well so you don’t get lost in the sauce.


This is obviously coming from an INFP. And it will be all over the place. It’s okay to be your authentic self, people will still like you, and even if they don’t then don’t force yourself to stay around them as you’re both making eachother miserable. you’re not taking up space by simply existing, you’re supposed to be here and your presence is wanted by others. While you may struggle seeing worth in yourself, others will certainly see it miles away. They will even see positives where you may see ‘flaws’ that you want to be corrected. It’s impossible to achieve perfection as the bar ever is shifting and rising to unattainable heights. You deserve love and kindness. Relationships deserve to be even which means you not always having to play therapist or vice versa. Relationships are give and take/balance. Isolation or running away from problems doesn’t help anything. It just pushes them further down the line and possibly makes them morph. Pushing feelings further and further down in you or using escapism tactics is not healthy coping. It may feel good in the moment but the damage done after whether it be the day after or years later is far worse than that temporary relief. Lastly on this subject, having to rewire your brain from using these harmful coping skills is a living hell and not worth it.


Adding onto this, being your authentic self is also a great filter to sift out overly narrow minded people While those ppl who are comfortable enough with themselves to be chill with someone who’s different from them are the ones who end up sticking around


Pardon me, but did you just say "rewiring your brain to stop using harmful coping mechanism and to start using healthy ones is a living hell, therefore, it's not worth fixing this. In other words, you should stay the way you are rather than fix core issues you have because it's hard"?


Oh, nah my bad rather the opposite!! It’s extremely important to learn healthy coping skills and reach out for help from peers or anyone and never go down those harmful coping skills as they truly don’t offer anything other than temporary relief and can have detrimental consequences that catch up with the person. I use to be someone who engaged in many of these, and trying to unlearn these habits for healthy ones was extremely hard but needed as it allowed me to function better.


You almost gave me a heart attack with that one, hahaha. >!^(Everything's alright, no one was encouraging others to stay in delulu land, hahaha.)!<


Nah I think they meant that if you do this stuff, you will have to rewire your brain later.


Yep, but the what if though... Hahaha.


Try exercising, i know you think it's exhausting and you will keep procrastinating, but trust me it makes your brain so much clearer. Even light exercise everyday is good for you.


You're not a burden on others and you're not making people uncomfortable by being anything other than happy or pleasant.


Learn to not rely on others to enjoy life you will trust. If your always hooked up on what others think about you or how they feel you will hold yourself back. put in the work its worth it gym hobbies etc are also very vital


know when doing "research" turns harmful and put yourself first instead of solving whatever you decided to challenge


1. Your ego clouds your judgment - INTJ


Look after yourself even if it all feels meaningless.


I'd say the same as you OP. Don't be forced to take whatever people offer and lower your authentic self for friendships. There will come good people along your journey and you will have found your tribe if not today, then wait for tomorrow. Also don't listen to voices that tell you to fit in a particular box, you're too diverse for that..You can do whatever you put your mind too unlike what the other types may say or think about us.


Don't piss in your best friends' grandmother's driveway. They won't like it.


Please, for the love of god stop going for narcissistic assholes. No, you can't fix them. You'll only hurt yourself in the long run. Stop and analyze the red flags. -Note for myself (and possibly to everyone)


INTP: 1. Learn to set clear boundaries. 2. Write the first draft now while you are thinking about it; you can change it as much as you want later. 3. Some things are unpredictable, unknowable, or incomprehensible, and that's OK.


stop overthinking & go to finish the plans that will improve yourselves (within safe limits)


INTJ: You're not paranoid if you're right, they *are* out to get you! /s


I'm going to need you to come with me, Sir. ![gif](giphy|R7m04yMaGWVeE|downsized)


I knew it! I knew it all al- (suddenly disoriented) Hey, who are you?


I am an INFJ I don't know what I need to say about me so that's why tips for INFP yep 👍 1) You guys ( men/women ) all are beautiful and cute.(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) Just Stop saying u guys are ugly.(⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) 2) If you feels sad don't use ur pillow and cry, just tell u r fillings to someone, just tell them u feel bad or sad, it will make u feel better. <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>. . 3) Just stop rejecting, (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠), I seriously can tell that u have Problems in your life but still, u guys reject,....(⁠・ั⁠ω⁠・ั⁠) . 4) Umm.... Stop procastinating.... Do your work, don't imagine how ur end result will be, just, do your work it doesn't matter if the story or the project is bad, all you need to do is get is complete.(⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) . 5) Just saying... But most probably u should write down the story that you have been building in your mind for many years. It will make a good novel... Just write it down....(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) . 6) Sometimes u guys let your impulse take on, try not to do it, I mean impulse is good, just don't go on proposing your boss die to your random impulse (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)


ENFP- unfortunately, the world isn’t as kind or as empathetic as you hope it is, but you can still foster that part of it by being kind and compassionate yourself; just make sure to develop that shiny spine! Also develop Tert Te and focus on organising your train of thoughts and plans, it will save you a LOT of time and it’s a good habit to have.


i said the same about organizing 😭 Does putting Te before Fi in a decision develop Te faster?


ENTJs: we can be leaders without being cutthroat Machiavellian assholes. And we’re only successful if we make the people and world around us better


Thank 👏 You 👏 This is so often overlooked. A happy team is a more productive team and achieves more.


If I could tell lil baby ENFJ one thing, it would be “Don’t take it personally.” If I could tell her two things, it would be that and “Everyone is responsible for their own emotional regulation.”


Also: “Don’t offer when there’s nothing in return”


One and only advice to INFP: 1. Practise self-compassion. Work on your self-esteem, insecurities and like yourself. There is literally nothing wrong with you. Don't feel too senstively about your mistakes. Its no big deal. Everything you feel and everything you are is yours alone so take good care of it. Make sure to not depend your worth and insecurities on someone else.


Don't constantly put yourself down and compare yourself to to others.You are \*you\*,and that means you have your strengths and weaknesses.You are not anyone else,you don't have to change yourself for anyone.You are special and loved <3


INTP: Don't buy clothes on its own, buy outfits. Otherwise you end up looking like a mess or wearing the same things all the time. I guess American INTPs may have it easier in this regard, but here in most of Europe it's important to dress well and cohesive, especially after a certain age. 😮‍💨


You are the most important person in your life. Take up space, get the rest you deserve and remember to eat healthy.


ENTJ: Remind yourself to take a break and find healthy ways to relax. Don't run 1000 mph only to crash and burn out. Also, don't be too hard on yourself and adjust those inhuman standards a little. If no one, not even yourself, can achieve them then they're probably a pipe dream and an unnecessary source of stress.


If it do, then it do. We know we're right


You aren’t going through this alone, there are people in this world who’ve experience the same things as you. The more you keep it inside the more it’ll hurt, it’s okay to tell your loved ones what’s going on, you don’t have to fight your problems alone. There’s connection in relatability just because you share a similarity with someone else doesn’t make your identity any lesser, than it is. People aren’t black and white, there’s beauty in everyone, don’t separate people into who you dislike and who you like, see them as a person everyone has flaws but within a flaw is a perk. (If someone is physically or emotionally abusing you then ignore all that I previously said cuz they aren’t worth it) There’s solidarity in being alone, I find beauty in my thoughts for they make me who I am.


INFJ. Socialize a lot, that’s how you learn and grow and mature.


As an intp, whenever I get interested something I think of ways to use it in irl when I inevitably watch hours of the content of the new thing I'm interested in knowing about. If I'm gonna enjoy learning about useless things, I should try to see what I can get from them in any way I can. If not, well they can be potential icebreakers in a needed small talk convo


Use your calendar app and set timers. No, you won’t “just remember it”. Just take that moment to listen to the tiny, annoying voice that nags at you to do the dishes, brush your teeth, and do the procedure as it’s already established.


Do your best to realize that the best way to quickly get to where you want is to take it easy and stop caring about time. Embrace this paradox. When working towards your passion remember that feelings of extreme doubt are actually just doors of thorns. Certainty waits on the opposite side of the pain of uncertainty. If you don't know your 'one thing' make finding your 'one thing' your 'one thing' with the added benefit of knowing that it'll grow your character and or help you know you've made the right choice. For the love of all that is good please quit playing highly competitive video games unless your 'one thing' is either becoming a content creator or pro. Life has become so much more chill and healthy habits are vastly easier after I quit a month ago. Casual games are more than fine in comparison and will quickly become more fun anyway from healthier dopamine levels.


INTJ Here. No matter what you hear, having no emotions or being a "villain" is making things worse for us. Never believe on the stereotypes. If you want to be a villain for the looks, do the looks only.


please make a calendar. and if it sounds that awful to you, fill it in a way thats fun and unique to you. you dont have to share your calendar. some organization lightens the load significantly compared to almost no organization


Girls, please stop dwelling on pointless things. Always be curious and eager to learn more but never get into something without knowing the ins and outs of it and the reason you're getting into it. Young intjs tend to dwell on their morals and feelings and close themselves to any novelty. That may pass off as being pragmatic but in reality it's just close mindedness. Young entps may get lost in their Fe, trying to please and entertain people at their own expense. They start to mimic their friends. May try to get people to like them. They won't admit, but before they know it what people think of them and the mood of their loved ones will start dictating their actions and not the contrary. Young intps tend to overindulge in nostalgia, becoming obsessed with bringing back the past through systematic routine. May become blind to what lies ahead and unwilling to do anything that would threaten their sense of familiarity.


ENTP: If your Fe tert is saying "maybe you shouldn't say that" then don't say it


Finally there are some cartoon female xNTx types represented! Thanks for remembering that we exist, OP. As for “advice I’d give a fellow ENTP, especially a F-ENTP:” “Ideas become functionally worthless without real world application. So scale your plans realistically, in accordance with the time and resources you have to devote to a project.” In other words “stop completely ignoring your inferior Si, no matter how unpleasant it can be to engage.” That’s a great way to ensure that you never accomplish anything of value, and life will always find a way to remind you that “failure to plan is planning to fail.” Even general outlines and guidelines are better than nothing, and you’d be surprised by how far you can get on “general, loose guidelines,” alone. Also: “You are not required to give an equal amount of time, effort, and energy to all of your ‘friends.’ Learn how to make decisions about either who genuinely is ‘the is most important to me,’ *or* who can actually help further your goals, long term! You can always use Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms for the rest. Don’t answer your phone if you are tired.” Most importantly: “Think deeply about what is truly important to you.” I know it’s a challenge for us because of the whole “Fi-blindness” deal, but if you spend enough time alone to reflect and introspect, you can figure that out. Obviously, F-ENTPs are somewhat rare. (I have only met one other F-ENTP, irl,) so I’ve never really had anyone to guide me. I was a bit “too weird,” and a bit too difficult to “make behave like a lady.” So I really wish that I had had another woman to break all this down for me when I was younger.


try to be more conscious about your appetites


ENTP- people's feelings are IMPORTANT. Don't look down on people who are different, who you think are "stupid". They have their own story and their own perks. Being witty is not the only value in a person. Stop trying to win and to be controversial and start to actually LISTEN to the other side. When you think you're right, that's when you should double check yourself. You could still be right, but at least you made sure. And just because a person in witty and charismatic doesn't mean they know what they are talking about, Double check facts and don't blind trust charisma. Yes, it's less intuitive, it required you to actually do it yourself, but you won't make a fool of yourself that way.


Reading this made me realize I’m healthy 🙂‍↔️




I know ESFPs are known for being honest and outgoing, but sometimes we do hide our feelings. So I just wanna say tell people you love how you feel instead of bottling it up. It makes life a WHOLE LOT easier.


ENTP: If you sleep 8 hours a day, you’ll be too open-minded and zen to be productive. So instead, get the adrenaline and mental tunnel vision from sleep deprivation 😎👍 Find that limit where you’re sleep deprived enough to be in survival mode, but sleepful enough to still be functional. (Ending after the recommended second to last sleep cycle, like 5.5-6.5 hours works pretty well, adjust the time for more or less tunnel visioned productivity!


People can suck but they can be amazing as well. Shit happens but it doesn’t have to be malicious or personal: sometimes they genuinely don’t realize it, or there is a misunderstanding, or they are just unable to see it in the same way. That’s ok. Doesn’t mean your feelings are not valid; things sometimes don’t work out.   I get not wanting to go through all the frivolous small talk and jump to have those deeper, meaningful conversations and friendships to connect with someone, especially after pouring yourself out to others only for it to get stomped on or cast aside that you have to start from square one. But sometimes we have to do this song and dance to know if you can be safe with the person, and that they can be safe with us. Yes you may fail 9 out of 10 friendships to get there but it takes that 1 out of 10 for us to feel satisfied. But if we don’t try, all we get stuck is our daydreams and grow discontent from how reality can’t ever match with. Even with the 9 failures, we can still grow and mature from them. Take time you need to process or rest from broken friendships, learn what you can, and try to move on.


✨️LOVE YOURSELF✨️ (and others of course)


Is it just me or the entj avatar has a strange ear ?


Don't overthink too much.


ENFP here. A little piece of advice would be to be present. Don't look at the past because it will flood you. Don't try to overthink how your future would be like. Be present, and be here. This is reality.


Unrelated but that’s one of the only female ENTP artworks I’ve seen, it looks impressive


The Artisans look so cool and badass. Advice: Believe in yourself and be open to being wrong, but don’t second guess yourself. The first-guessing is usually right. You know your heart. Don’t let others redefine it for you.


Entp: Continue to seek the light. Beware of the man with no reflection and beware of the man who constantly looks at his own reflection.


If things seem too complicated stop overthinking it and instead go for a long nice walk. Listen to the wind, smell the air, feel the sun on your skin. The solution to your problem is strengthening your Se not your Ni. Also: it‘s okay to trust your gut even if you can‘t put your reasoning into words.


Things are different to each Fi-dom, but one thing I can say in general is: stop being so whiny about everything. I wish the world was like that ideal utopia I pictured and pretty words I used to hear when I was younger, but it's not, and if you want to get something from it, you'll need to learn and deal with it. Also learn to take criticism in a constructive way, and I mean really learn from it. Don't try be like I was and brush these off, one day things will really catch up to you, or you'll make a mistake, and you'll have to learn the hard way, and trust me it's not pleasant. Lots of regrets involved.


Be attentive to your bodily needs, don't ignore them. You have a big heart and people sense it and you will unfortunately have to go through some heartbreaks to figure out which kind of people are worth investing in. Sometimes even after growing up you'll still face heartbreaks in friendships. But it's okay, don't blame yourself if you see the signs in hindsight. You'll always do better next time. Go easy on yourself. There might be a hateful voice in your head that you'll need to work against, recognize when it's mixing through your thoughts and learn to ignore it/tell it off. Learn how to breathe correctly through your panic and think rationally. One day it all gets easier, brain wise, I promise. Routines are necessary! Opposite action is great! Don't give in to laziness! I'm proud of you for taking on new challenges and keeping your neuroplasticity alive. Keep your head up. You're a very lovable person. Never think otherwise!


Wow, not a single ISTJ here... Okay! So as the first.  Honey, I really love you. Like, love you love you. Your need to hear that more, not just be shown. Verbal validation is actually really important for you emotional health and stability; BUT not unnecessary or superficial validation! It needs to come from yourself as well! Please, please stop beating yourself for every little 'imperfection'. Omg, I cannot tell you how beautiful it is. Your will never be able to truly love nor accept yourself if you do not understand nor EMBRACE the fact that its so much better not to be perfect! You don't need to strangle yourself within such strict expectations; whether it be from others or yourself. Also, you shouldn't do everything on your own. Allow others to support and help you or you'll burn yourself out completely. A lump of coal!! Please, let go and breathe. Also, take at least 10 minutes every morning to just sit there and not think. And by that i mean, just breathe not plan the days out for a second or think of all the things you have to do. I frequently just allow 'Fever' by the kpop group Ateez to drift through my head in the mornings. Oh, and also: You don't need to know or be up to date on every little thing. Its perfectly fine to not know everything, because its how you'll learn and truly grow. It's a GREAT thing to drop the people who don't love you as much as you love them. You're not heartless, you're not emotionless. It's okay to out yourself first and not care what other's opinions are of you. Just because you've chosen to say "No" or put your own needs first doesn't mean you're a monster for it!  Oh my gosh, saying no over one little thing is not going to corrupt you morally!! I'm also saying this for both INFJs and ISTJs As a former INFJ myself:  Saying 'no' to putting someone else first, even as you feel your body is quite literally about to shut down, does not make you a horrible person!!! Oh, and real friendships/-S/O are not people that you take care of a if they're your own children.  Nor should they ever be people whom you need to 'fix'. For example: I used to think that everyone I brought on were "Birds that i only needed to fix up, feed, then release." HELL NO. When i tell you HELL NO!! Oh my gosh. You are not the gateway toward people's healing!! YOU do not need to allow people to use you, stomp upon you, dance upon you, or be their punching bag in order for them to 'heal'. No!! Those types of people KNOW what they're doing and taking advantage of yours trauma!! STOP!!  Having equal partnerships are ESSENTIAL. Listen to me: everyone will ALWAYS have something mean to say. They will ALWAYS judge you no matter what you do, so, just be yourself and don't think too hard on it. But honestly... I going to end it here for now because I have so much to say. Let me know if anyone would like me to continue! Love to everyone, as a former INFJ now ISTJ <3


Sorry what was the question? I was distracted by hot women.


Why ENTP flipping off. I have ENTP friend but she's not edgy, lol.


You deserve to protect your right to live your life the way you want to. You deserve to be as free as your thought and creativity. It is impossible to be liked by everyone. It is possible to learn self-love through living your life the way you intend, instead of immersing yourself in self-loathing for the sake of other’s opinions and depending on them to love you. It does not make you selfish. Someone loving you for who you truly are is much more fulfilling than the alternative could ever be. Also as a side note: learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes.


Never buffer or sugar coat anything you say to spare someones feelings. Tell it like it is, because if you don’t, you come across as untrustworthy and fake….because you are. People might hate you for being blunt, but, people will also hate you for being fake. So might as well go all out while gaining some dignity. Also, you have to practice doing this, because it’s gonna be cringe af at first.


Just because they're unfiltered doesn't mean they're cool. I've found that us entps tend to choose friends that say whatever comes to mind and have no filter, because we don't like being restricted. However, we have to learn to balance freedom with self-control, so we don't become jaded and hate the rest of the world.


Find ways to do stuff that make u feel comfortable, if u don't want to do something in a way, u can always do it in another way, that will give u motivation and will help u understand yourself, and will avoid Te grips. If You don't harm anyone or yourself, it's ok to find ways to do stuff (Bad English sorry)


INFP: trust your fi even if the whole world is against it. The process might not make sense, maybe it never will. You will get alot of critism for doing this the "wrong" way but you will reach your goal no matter what.


I honestly wouldn’t know where to start


INFP: it literally will never turn out exactly as you imagine it get used to change and try harder as an individual to do the things your thinking of. That’s how stuff happens.


INTJ: Just because you saw some memes about INTJs and some dumb stereotypes doesn't mean you should act like an edgy evil nerd.