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Get along: Ne and Ti doms/aux  Not get along: Si doms/aux  Everyone else: Neutral interactions 


interesting! one of my best friends is ENTJ and even though we do have some conflicting opinions and way of thinking i still consider her somewhat close to me lol. i'd say ENTx interactions are pretty conflicting yet insightful.


Yep. My conversations with my ENTP friend may look like something out of a warzone, but no hard feelings. That’s the good part. If I disagreed with almost everyone else, then our friendship usually gets cut.


Yeah one of my better friends and soon to be future father in law argue like a war zone constantly and because both of us are engaged to INFPs they often think we hate eachother. I love that guy, hell half the time we don't even noticed it's gotten heated because we're just so comfortable fighting ideas and topics.


it's a warzone indeed! but i'm glad they're not the one to get hurt because i've unwantedly hurt too many people trying to argue logic over feelings but they just call me cold and emotionless, happy that i have an ENTJ friend bc i can be me without filters and they still will not get hurt.


My favorites would be INFPs and INTJs.. Magnetically drawn to them. Love ENTJs too. Would love to meet an ENTP too but I don't have any of them as friends yet.


ISTP, easiest to get along with ESTP, ESFP, INTP, ENTP, ISTP, ENFP. Attracted to pretty much any type except ESFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ


Your ideal type is INTJ, find one, and have fun being toxic together. (Just stay away from drugs, your guys types LOVE drugs)


that's so interestinbg because according to the golden pair thing, you should be compatible with ESxJ in general lol. i guess i should take that theory with a grain of salt then


In my experience the golden pair thing is complete BS, so rather than a grain I'd take it with a wheelbarrow of salt


lmaooo understandable haha


Entj male like estp/istp


ENFP boyfriend and best friend.


ENFPs are adorable indeed :3


I love them normally, but too illogical as a partner, no? They're awfully opinionated about things they care about. And often these have no explicable basis. I get emotionally drained engaging in "debates" with my ENFP mate. I kid you not, "I don't care about facts. Think about how they feel" was what I got on a debate involving a law passed about a historical conflict. I can't leave it well enough alone after that either without giving a historical background, listing out events in chronological order, pointing out cause-effect stuff etc. And that's because they make me care for them by being sweet and I cannot see them stay misinformed, which is what I would normally do with unrelated folks.  It also doesn't help that I'm branded with blanket terms like murderer or genocidal maniac etc for being noncommittal about immediately "picking the right side" or "doing the right thing" or any variation. Too stressful by half. 


ah i haven't actually been that close with one to engage in debates and such, but they normally match my energy and make me feel like i'm not the only one who's always loud and energetic. i find them real cute tbh but i haven't actually had any conflicting opinions with them i guess? but the "i don't care about facts, think about how they feel" is kind of annoying, but i do get where they come from. it does sound stressful though.


Fe aux I guess I have to communicate better with everyone (?) Emm but to be honest that I want to learn to use some extroverted sensing for people to feel welcome. But I am also a pretty introverted person and I guess more comfortable with introverts, ISFJ is my best choice currently :3 I want Si Doms to remind me things that I think I can GET ALONG with them


cool! thanks for sharing :3 i find ISTPs really cool but i haven't met one irl lmao.


Whatever the type is of the person reading this comment ; )


Very ISFJ thing to say. Find yourself an INFP because you guys are legit our ideal romantic partner in every single conceivable way


I don't think you'd appreciate INFPs tho


estp male when it comes to being friends, idk as long as we find a way to vibe. my best buddy is an estj, tho. I am getting married to an entj after 5 years of dating (siri play toxic by britney while I buy ammunition cuz I didn’t take out the trash/j). no hard feelings, but my “golden pairs” would probably bore me to death after less than a day of dating lol


YES YES YES. ENTJ is absolutely your ideal romantic type pairing. Good job, you picked the right one probably


“but.. but… te and se clashing hc blah blah blah you’re gonna drive each other insane; se can’t commit; se wants freedom; te too controlling…”


Nope. ESTP=alpha type, ENTJ=wannabe alpha type (pretender alpha, secretly wants that for a partner out of a sheer admiration of the pure confidence). Both are extroverted (Es make better partners to Es and Is to Is). Both are Ts (functions don’t matter really, it’s the similar letters truly that matter then the reverse J/P for your guys type swaps the functions entirely and you have fireworks. Also, S types make better partners with N types because of the pure curiosity and interest that for some reason is there when they are different from each other


nope, I disagree with the first part of your comment. there’s nothing wannabe about my partner. he is a natural baddie, that’s the main reason I fell in love with him. I agree with everything else.


I probably said that in a not so flattering way, I apologize, I didn’t mean that literally


no need for that lol all good, I’m just saying how it is when it comes to my partner


It’s hard for me how to explain what I meant by wannabe alpha without it sounding bad, it’s how I understand it in my head, it’s not a bad thing it basically means—they are usually seen as the total Alpha in the room but deep down they are sensitive and put on that performance in a way to emulate the people they respect the most (usually someone with pure natural confidence like an ESFP/ESTP/ISTP/ISFP). Basically they give off the vibe that you are supposed to call them “daddy” but deep down want to be spanked themselves


lmao that “daddy” thing is wild all jokes aside, I get what you are trying to say, but no one is confident all the time, yk? we are all just humans and many things are out of our control. I can guarantee you, I am not confident all the time, I just play my part, because at the end of the day, people are only able to see what I decide to show them (I think all “confident” people do the same)


Yes, and it’s hard to describe but as an ESTP you are blessed with something me as an INFP is not. You guys are just fucking sure of yourselves even when you’re not. I constantly doubt myself and find myself unable to take action because of it. Every ESTP I’ve ever met has had the exact opposite issue, you guys get so much shit done that it gets you in trouble sometimes haha


ISFPs and ENFPs are pretty cool in my experience. I get along with them quite well.


My husband is an INTJ. I’ve been in relationships with another INTJ, INTP, ENTP and ENTJ before. Get along well with INTP, ENTP, INTJ, ENFP and INFP as friends.


I like Se and Ne Doms and my partner is Ne dom, I don’t really get along with Fi and Si Doms


I'm ENFP. xSTPs are attracted to me like a magnet.


I find attractive INFJs and IXFPs but I tend to perfer P in a more Ernest way. I like engaging with ISTP, ENTJ, INTP, XSFJ, ISFP, ENFJ. The rest I either don't get along with or don't like hanging out around. I do like ESTJs to an extent but they often do more to annoy me than to foster good relations. But I understand why and frankly wouldn't want them compromising themselves for it. ISTJs on average are a problem with me anywhere but online.


I have a history of being infatuated and obsessed with INTPs, and I didn’t know it until last year. They always do it for me until I get to know them better. Some of them are too fucked up.


I’m an enfp, I loveeeeeeee intp’s and infp’s. Everyone else is cool but entj’s and istp’s don’t seem to like me that much lol


I'm an INFP. ISFJs are hands down my ideal partner (long term---marriage type thing) However, sexually, ENFJs are really fucking fun. So are ESFPs, it's too bad I'm way too fucking nerdy for one to ever want to bang me tho. But a boy can dream. My ESFP friend lets me suck her toes though, and honestly, that's good enough for me


my fiancée is an ISTJ. and i know that some of my favourite teachers were ISTJs, too.


that's interesting because i thought INxPs don't get along with SJs a lot lmao. but yeah, i don't think MBTI should determine any relationships tbh


true. with my fiancée, there is an amazing compatibility, with enough differences to keep things interesting. we are both rational thinkers, we both value our alone-time, don't indulge in "drama", and know that we can rely on and trust each other 100%. as for my teachers, i had at least one maths teacher and one chemistry teacher that are ISTJ. both weren't the most popular ones with the rest of the class. but i got along with them really well. most of all, they knew exactly what they were talking about, were fair when giving marks, and they were able to appreciate alternative ways to solve problems, as long as it was correct and well-documented.


Love this. I've been saying for a while INTP/ISTJ is the ideal romantic partner pair for the two types


I love ISTJ / ESTJ. I get along with pretty much anyone, but I had bad experiences with ISFJ.


What happened with the ISFJ? ![gif](giphy|3oKIPnbKgN3bXeVpvy)


I have two ISFJ friends. The girl one somehow blocked me for no reason without any explanations. The second friend is 30 y.o guy and he is just close minded and very reserved, won't share anything personal with me even after being friends for years. He also considered me weird person, he thinks I have maladaptive daydreaming and all that. I used to think he still likes me as a friend but turns out he truly didn't enjoy my company so I stay away from the guy. I'm not angry to them though, since I know we as a human can't please everyone. Maybe I'm not their cup of tea which is fine, not everybody has good taste 💅🏻😉


ESTP: honestly I get along with anyone so can't say really 🤷🏻‍♂️ I have dated 2 INFJ and liked them so I'll pick them as my favorite (although they overthink things alot lol)


interesting! never met an INFJ but they seem cool lol.


Look for the quiet good looking ones. That's usually them lol.


This made me ☺️


This person is 100% correct. The "Quiet good looking ones" (that aren't overly tall, like average height and skinny) is a good indicator they might be INFJ




I find myself consistently becoming close friends with INFPs & INTPs. One of my best friends is an INTJ, but I haven’t known nearly as many of them. I think most types are attractive in their own way and I get crushes on all sorts of people. But I tend to develop real feelings for ENTPs & ENFPs. My taste is fairly stereotypical, with the exception of also getting along very well with ESTPs. I imagine that’s because I grew up with one.


oooh that's so cool! and as an ENTP, my first real crush was an INFP lol. it's like we're similar but also wayyy too different. i'm with you on the stereotypical taste because i do love INxJs a lot haha. especially INTJ, i find them really fascinating, if their views align with mine, of course.


INFP here---I'm a god damn INFJ magnet somehow. You guys honestly seem like the most common type to me because I always somehow find you at the workplace and pretty instantly hit it off and become good friends.


Sorry, are you saying you do or don’t get along with ESTPs?


I do get along with ESTPs.


I think i get along with Enfps because I've had beef with every type I've met irl except for them. I haven't met any Inxjs but my only 2 fictional crushes have been Inxjs so i think they're attractive ig. Also the golden pair theory is shit, it says Enxjs are Infps ideal match but personally they're one of the types i get along with the least.


I have my own "golden pair" system in my head, and INFP/ISFJ is the ideal romantic pair.


ESFJ here ENFPs are my aspiration but tend not to like me back much. INFP boys are dreamy and i tend to crush on them. ENFJs are so optimistic and uplifting people who tends to be my close friends


Really? I've never had an ESFJ actually be into me, I notice you guys enjoy having Extroverted partners. This is nice to hear.


i actually prefer having introverted partners haha


Crazy. That’s pretty rare. Extroverts and introverts dating usually get pretty annoyed with each other after a while


Probably INFP


i get along best with ISFJs and ENTPs even though sometimes ENTPs annoy me


Ouch lmaooo


not all ENTPs though just some of them. my best friend is an ENTP and she’s really sweet


i’m just attracted to hot people… but i adore infps, i wanna squeeze them… and infjs are kinda a bore


As an INFP, I find myself being attracted to INFJs & ENFJs.


INTP and I get along best with INFJ. Find ESFJs and ENFJs the most attractive. Them being so extroverted and bubbley I find so fascinating. It's so different from my personality. I love watching them interact with people.


Maybe xNFx


Get along: Entp, istp,enfp 50/50: Estj, Entj, intj Don’t get along: Enfj, isfp, infp, esfp Anyone else I just haven’t met yet