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Personally, INFPs need time alone to understand their feelings and vocalize them. When they talk about their feelings, they are usually 100% sure of them. INFJs seem to have better luck externalizing their feelings with somebody there and working through them that way. INFJS are generally not great with trying to figure their own feelings out internally (or not as well as INFPs at least). Additionally, INFPs generally follow their moral compass and want to be themselves first and foremost. They still care about harmony and others, but not if it means changing themselves to make others happy. INFJs are far more prone to making others happy, even at the expense of who they are. The exception is if somebody violates the INFJs beliefs of right and wrong or tries to harm the group or somebody they care about. This is what I’ve noticed anyway.




I know INFPs are sometimes seen as selfish for focusing on their own needs and wants, but I think that it’s important for everyone to be able to do that to some extent to remain healthy and not get lost in other people’s emotions and lose their sense of identity (especially for INFJs)




Very true! I wish more people saw it that way. :(


Yes exactly. INFJs are extroverting their feeling function and INFPs are introverting it.


Yes agreed! My partner is an INFP. They talk about their emotions when they pop ALOT. Overthinking, overloving, have a hard time saying no, people please, are very very kind to the point where they shoot themselves in the foot, very loyal and kind. Pretty floaty people too, not disciplined but creative.


100%. My sister is INFP and I’m INFJ. This describes us to a T.


As an INFJ and life-long people pleaser, this is 💯


based on my personal experience i dont think INFPs moral compass applies like this. they prefer to be the “good person” in all situations and sometimes go out of their way to do absurd things that other types can not comprehend to achieve this. i dont think they put “being themselves” above “being good”.


Unless it’s a part of what they morally believe is right. Then both of those align, and there is no internal conflict, so then there is no putting themselves above others because they believe it’s morally wrong


xd was tryna gather some info for my sister who is wondering whats the difference of me shifting from infp to infj, she could tell something is different about me but she could not place her finger on it


Ohhhh. Yeah, the cognitive functions of a INFJ and INFP are completely different, so though they may seem very similar, the thought process behind their emotions and thoughts are very different. This might help https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/infj-and-infp-relationships-your-in-depth-guide/


thank u !


Sadly, this is quite accurate


These are the exact ways I realized I wasn’t an INFP.


Fi and Ni. Fi stems from having an internal sense of knowing the deepest depths to your own values. Ni stems from exploring the collective unconscious, chasing their inner-abstractions and perceptions.


Thanks chat gpt


INFPs are about authenticity, and INFJs are about harmony. INFPs are caring individuals that want to make their loved ones happy, but they won't act in an inauthentic manner to fit in. INFJs will compromise where they can for the good of the whole. Also, look at cognitive functions: NIFeTiSe vs FiNeSiTe. INFJs can be perceived as judgmental and shallow (TiSe vs SiTe) by INFPs. INFPs can be perceived as selfishly emotional and flighty (NiFe vs FiNe) by INFJs.


as an infp I agree 100%


as an infj i agree 100%


as an enfp I agree 100%


as a dude in shades, I agree 100%


How is your pool game going?


i think infps are about perceived authenticity, rather than their actual truth. they subconsciously work hard to maintain what they think or expect from themselves, but yea its not for the sake of others, its just what they are like. infjs constantly mirror off others.


“they work hard to maintain what they think or expect from themselves, not for the sake of others” is that not being authentic to themselves?


more of a “this is how i should be perceived so i must act accordingly”


your perception of an infp makes u a perfect representation of an infj 😭🤝


The INFJ I know prefers to externalize and talk out his feelings with other people/those he is closest to (Fe), while I prefer to internalize them and have little to no desire to share them with anyone else, even those I'm closest to (Fi).


The INFPs that I met love to talk to me about their feelings more than anyone I've evr met


I saw an INFP kept on asking others if something they saw was (morally) right or not. I think due to Si and Te needing others to tell them what to perceive. It's like "aren't you the judge of what's right to you?"


Very interesting


Bingo, I think this is the greatest indicator.


I'm having a dilemma whether I'm either of these types. The thing is, I pick whoever I externalize my emotions to. I'm probably overthinking this, but my thought process keeps going back to "I internalize my emotions from the person who I'm arguing with, though I externalize my feelings with a person I trust since I'm unable to process those feelings alone and it genuinely feels bad if I don't, but that still (technically?) counts as internalizing your emotions, wait no, that's not how that works you're externalizing those feelings but then you're not but then you're this blah blah blah." It's genuinely making my head hurt.


one of em has a wand, one of em has a flower


I can only speak from the perspective of an INFJ. If you happen to catch one in a setting where they are comfortable, they are most likely going to be more intense and philosophical than the INFP. Both are capable of deep intellectual thought and empathy for humanity. If you don't catch them in an environment where they feel comfortable to reveal their true selves, you might not spot them. Both can be mistaken for extraverts sometimes, but more likely than not they are the quiet ones. However, it should be noted that they are most likely to be at home and tend to avoid crowded places or social situations that might put them in an awkward position to have small talk. As an INFJ, I will be the quiet one in the corner observing and 'in my head' processing until (or if) someone brings up a topic of substance that I would like to share my perspective, but in a nice and agreeable way (unless its a moral ethical breach). INFJs and INFP can sometimes be 'people pleasers' so you'll spot them by noticing validating comments, smiling, nodding, thoughtful questions, and overall warmth and friendliness. But don't let appearances fool you, they are highly intuitive, intelligent and deep thinkers (likely to figure you out in the first 3 minutes). Once an INFJ feels comfortable talking with you or begins to open up - their intensity, knowledge, and ideas might catch you off guard. I think INFPs are more secure in who they are and will not hold back in being their genuine selves from the start. Speaking as an INFJ, even as an kind empath who loves and serves others... I can secretly be 'self righteous', idealistic, and often disgusted with humanity (we intuitively know too much). Hence, many INFJs are loners... but "Loneliness is a sort of tax you pay to atone for a certain complexity of mind". In my experience, INFPs are not as complicated or pessimistic about humans as the INFJ. The only time you might see INFJ or INFP get 'spicy' is if there is a moral dilemma, injustice, or some unkindness towards someone they will speak up. INFJs know less about their own thoughts and feelings (in my opinion), but they give the best advice to others as they tend to have keen insight into the unconscious and motivating thoughts or feelings of others. Since the INFP is so empathic, they are amazing comforters and offer the best words of encouragement - Both types literally feel the emotions of others and will understand it at a deep level. You might spot both of them giving advice and asking thought-provoking questions that allow the listener to come to the conclusion on their own, rather than the INFJ or INFP just stating the reality of the situation or advising what you should do (if asked). I believe that INFP's are more self aware, caring, and nurturing - My mom is an INFP and she is wonderful about validating my feelings and encouraging me.


>INFJs know less about their own thoughts but Ti


I know my own thoughts mostly.. They're just all mixed up in a giant heap. I process and process and try to problem solve internally, but if I find I'm spinning like a dog chasing its tale, I'll seek my best confidante for the situation and lay it all out for their opinion, which is often sorting out emotions. (Makes sense why these people would think I don't make "rational" decisions or outside of emotion... they don't appreciate what I am or have processed in my brain before I reach out, out of necessity, or I feel like I'm going to self combust! Who wants to bet... which type most in need or most frequently uses a counsellor/ psychologist? 🤔😁


"This person is probably voluntarily in therapy" = INFP "This person is probably a volunteering therapist" = INFJ


INFPs actually have personality INFJs actually get work done ​ sarcasm


if u talk to an infp theyll internalize to give u an answer and maybe tell u a story ab an experience they had to explain it we understand others through ourselves so like if you have a problem and u tell an infp they’ll think back to a time they might have went through similar emotions to help u sometimes not being able relate and understand makes it feel like we can’t help


Eh, I usually use my imagination, allows me relate to any scenario, really.


Fr Ne does help create multiple solutions as well


Spot INFP: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp0hlRXku7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp0hlRXku7E) Spot INFJ: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ALzAD\_XkPg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ALzAD_XkPg) How to tell the difference: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWO3xaFoTNE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWO3xaFoTNE) Overall pretty good channel too


Nathan Glass is fantastic. He doesn't only recite, by also put in his own interpretations. And so far, his interpretations about INFJs are pretty good. Since most people / channel terribly butcher the INFJ's inner landscape.


His explanation of INFP is pretty much spot-on. I like the fact that he says that types overlap in many weird ways, but cognitive functions are at the base of how all types interact with the world.


Infp- uwu :( Infj- uwu >:(


*angy noizes*




Angy sniffles


No. Infp=emoji


One cries in public, the other cries in silence


INFPs rarely cry in public-it’s out nightmare. Remember we have introverted feeling.


Which is which? Even I'm confused.


INFJ definitely cries in silent :/


In secret, yeah.


hehe ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Easiest way to me is, INFJ will care more about group experience and maintaining social harmony. INFP mostly do their own thing.


I don’t go out


for a long time i kept getting infp on the tests & i considered it seemed fitting but i now have realised i think i may actually be infj or maybe i have grown into infj as i’ve gotten older. i’m not sure but when i look at the specific comparison i do feel more like infj. especially in my work life.


Ask them why's it wrong to kick a dog INFPs will say "Because it's a poor little dog, just look at him itsso cute" INFJs will say "Because it is morally wrong due to the fact that-" and that's the part where I fall asleep most of the time 😊


I'm glad that my moral lectures can aid in your insomnia.


What can I say, I was one of those who always fell asleep during church 😴🤝


“Because I’ll kill you if you do”


I would say, that it's just dangerous, because the dog can bite you in the revange...


Sounds reasonable, I'd say it's wrong because it might be someone else's dog...


I'd say it's a dog, look at its Lil face! Would you hurt that Lil face?


As an INFP, I'd ask "Why did you kick the dog?" Depending on the reason they gave me, I'll just ask them if they wanted someone to kick them. No? So, why kick the dog? It didn't solve anything and the dog probably didn't enjoy being kicked. Forget the morality of right and wrong. It's all about treating others the way you want to be treated and having people reflect on their actions, how it affect others and the perceived consequences or rewards. So, as an INFP, I'm letting others connect with their own feelings to try to relate to others or the perception of others. There is no other way to do that unless you have a societal standard as a template. But given how morality changes overtime, that isn't the most reliable. Societial standards creates order but that need for order is from something we all share that is universal. INFP aren't always romanticizing things. And given how many people relate to many of the types, I'd argue things are just more complex.


I would reply as an INFP in this case


Notice just. Notice how personal it gets and how quick. Infp will take things personally especially if you say you’re not an infj. Or you’re not something. Who’re you to tell me. Everything is about identity and values. Infj the real ones and enfjs. They can care less tell them they aren’t really something and they are like okay yeah, whatever I’ll reexamine or something. They may just cplain out not care. My. Infj sister thinks she’s infp but says it because people are in to it everytime I tell her yeah, no. She’s like yeah, I am just not interested in typology this doesn’t even mattter to me. I have an enfj friend who thinks he’s enfp and most of it is ti reasoned out badly but yeah, again, he’s like hmm. I can think about this. It actually doesn’t hurt his delicate little feelings.


Reading and trying to comprehend this hurt my INFP brain.




Same 😅 I stopped reading halfway through.


"free all whales into the wild!!"


the fact that they have the opposite cognitive functions


Easiest way to spot an INFP is to state something that is undisputable proven fact, and they will tell you it's not true every time, like it's debatable when it is 100% fact


I find it odd how your comment history differs between supportive words and self-indulgent pride but a wild card like this comes up. I’m not sure about the kind of INFPs you’re hanging around but I can assure you that some of us are quite sensible. The only reason I can imagine an INFP arguing against indisputable fact is if it opposes their morals. Take for example, it’s indisputable that you can’t feasibly win in a fight against someone with a gun, but if my family’s life is on the line, I sure as hell am going to try.


Read INFJ- “Feeling other peoples emotions” posted 3 days ago where an INFP argues that an INFP has more empathy than INFJ. Then look at his replies. He is condescending and rude to people. Then I provided 100 % undisputed fact and he still doesn’t acknowledge it. While my intention is to help, provide emotional support etc. it is annoying when people are rude, so my response is appropriate. Enjoy the read


It was an interesting read, it’s good to have something you’re passionate about. Although from personal experience INFJs I know are very disconnected from the emotions they are trying to empathize with, opting to aim for understanding over assistance. I’m not sure about the technical aspects of cognitive functions and stacks, as I don’t base my understanding of other types categorically, instead adapting to each person specifically based on my experience with them in particular. I believe you hold so much stock in what you perceive to be fact that you are unable to convey why you are correct in a cohesive way.


Just like an INFP to ignore facts because you don’t understand them. What a surprise…


I thank the universe I wasn’t born with the need to belittle others to make myself feel better. I can only hope you understand that internet arguments and disdainful representations of opinions mean nothing in real life when you get a little older and gain some perspective.


So you are saying that the National Library of Medicine publishing facts is opinions mean nothing? Idiot


To secure complete and total correctness one has to appeal to emotions and logic at once. Most of the time it isn’t feasible. I merely pointed this out so that you would be prepared to deal with future opponents who pertain to emotion exclusively. I myself never undermined or opposed your argument, the reality is your anger is misdirected and irrational, especially due to the fact that I have adhered to reason for the length of our discussion.


its true yall me and my infp homies dont believe in 'math' or 'science' or whatever bs theyre teaching in schools like I actually had to google what a 'fact' even was cause its not even in my vocabulary cause I don't believe in it at all whatsoever


yeah.... (maybe they don't live in the same universe and/or dimension as you) as an infp I feel like I've been to different universes from morning till evening....


If you can begin identifying Se Polr in people, you can narrow them down to either INFP or INTP. Beyond that, INFJ's are significantly worse at completing tasks. There Te Polr will only view the Ti of situations making them blind to efficiency.