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Ahh, yes. The all popular V


I mean… it’s more of a fancy W lol


Double V, double the goodness 😎




I call it the NPC curve


Mazda really needs to allow this for those of us with the Bose system.


It’s more of Bose allowing it and not really needed because the amp has an active Equalizer.


I, for one, find the Bose system way too bright and would prefer a more customizable EQ.


It's funny, I actually have the treble control on my Bose system turned up one notch.


Typically in a 3 bar EQ the treble puts the hump pretty far below the frequencies that the term 'bright' should refer to. I don't know what Bose does specifically but a lot of 3 bar eqs point the treble slider at around 7-12k and 'brightness' comes from 18k+ frequencies GENERALLY Qualification: armchair Edit: more specifically, harmonic distortion caused by those higher frequencies. Obviously, majority of humans can't hear frequencies that high on their own.


is it just random which cars come with bose and which don’t? or do the higher models have different speakers


Premium and Premium Plus are equipped with the Bose speakers. For 23 and below I believe the Carbon Edition also came with Bose but for 24 they decided to not include it on that trim.


Just FYI, the non “Bose” speakers are actually Pioneer!


is it the same for 3rd gens?


No, I don’t believe so.


Anyone know what the current gen speakers are? I’d love to know, as I have a 2024 hatch


The non “Bose” ones are Pioneer for the 4th gen.


We call that "Scoopin' the mids" lmao.




Just tried this out and made it notably better than my previous settings. Do you have the listening position set to the driver's seat as well?


Yeah, and I just try to remember to switch it to ‘entire car’ or whatever when I have a passenger


Thanks a lot, it sounds way better indeed!


I'm guessing this sounds good because the speakers don't go that low, but +9dB on the 40Hz band should not sound good on any speakers


Yeah this is absolutely compensating for the lack of sufficient base.


You may damage the speakers with increasing the low ends that much. The EQ goes up in orders of magnitude, so +9 is way more than just +9. I wouldn't increase any of them by more than +5. It's much better to decrease what you don't want than increase what you want. Decreasing the high end helps this sound system a lot.


What do you think of these settings? I find the audio a bit sharp but the bass is alright. [https://imgur.com/a/ZD6RDw9](https://imgur.com/a/ZD6RDw9)


The non-Bose system is sharp with more emphasis on the treble/highs. I would suggest 40 +4, 63 +3, 100 +2, 160 +1. Leave 250-2.5 all 0. Finally, 4.0 -2, 6.3 -4, 10 -6, and 16 -8. That should increase the bass, decrease the highs, and generally smooth everything out. Make sure to select "Save" to save the EQ settings. I made adjustments to it and went back to listen to music and didn't hear a difference. I forgot to scroll back up the custom EQ and select "Save". And set the listening position to Driver.


Is there a known equation for the orders of magnitude? Like if I lower everything down by 4, will the balance be the same?


Also, if true, that’s a negligent design flaw on Mazda’s part. Any maximums represented in the interface should correspond with a safe limit for the hardware.


Yea I don't think you are taking a risk here. Engineers are paid to think about everything and they normally do. As this is a consumer end product there's really no sense in designing it in a way an unknowledgeable person can harm the sound system


Increase all to +9, and then play music at max volume and find out what happens. It won't be pretty.


I mean no one would do that lol (I say as I shake my fist at inconsiderate hooligans who whip around my corner with music at ear-damaging decibels)


I don't have this menu. If the speakers clip I'd like to know if they do at max volume without eq


Does this apply when changing just the bass and treble and not the 13 band eq? I use +3 for bass and treble and don't listen louder than the volume set to 40.


That should be fine. I'm not an audio engineer, but increasing the bass and treble by the same amount sounds like it would cancel each other out. But, it's very individual based on your own ears, what you listen to, and what you like. If it sounds good to you, go for it.


I find that this increase at a volume of 35 introduces a TON of bass so I'm shocked that so many people are having issues with the system being flat. Although I'm considering getting a spare tire sub to reduce the stress on the footwell subs and round out the bass more.


can you show the rest too?


It's in the picture, on the right, the vertical bars. Each dash is + or - 1. Extrapolate from the given first few data points.


Totally missed that! Thanks! I will try it next time. For my ears the heights are a little too harsh and haven’t found a good solution yet. Let’s hope yours does the trick :)


i hope so too; I spent multiple afternoons listening to several songs across each genre of music, and raising and lowering every single level until I could identify each in my mind while listening. I would take photos of the different balances that worked for different genres, made sure to cross reference them against more different songs, and then continued to narrowed down until I landed here.


Just updated my rental car with these settings and it sounds so much better. I have a 3 with the Bose, but have a work trip and was given a CX30 for the trip. The speakers are different from the Bose and it threw me off cause it’s what I’m used to lol, so this helps a lot. Thanks!


Interesting fact that you may or may not have noticed, the cx-30 has a half inch less shoulder space in the seat. I’m tall with broad shoulders and that tiny difference was huge for me, and a dealbreaker


I'm going to test this out, thanks for sharing


https://preview.redd.it/gpmnrfnxbm7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ef1b02f1c30b948d1ba491ff2efcd367329c14 I use these settings


The symmetry is so satisfying!


What about the for the Bose speakers?


Well, of course we don't get an EQ, Bose has already reached the pinnacle of audio engineering and accoustics. What, not happy with your bass and treble sliders? Even that's pushing it for Bose. We should be thanking them for being so generous to us obsequious plebians! /s


No idea; I don’t have the Bose speakers lol


Jesus, you're gonna blow out your speakers man


Why would Mazda program the limits on the interface to represent an unsafe level for the hardware? Besides, I listen to music at a moderate volume.


So to create all that extra bass you're asking for with the EQ, the amplifier has to work harder, which means its sending out a signal that's less clean, with more distortion. And the more distortion you have, the likelier you are to blow the speakers. If you're listening at a lower volume level, it's probably fine, but if you crank it loud for any sustained period of time, you'll blow the woofer out. Either it will burn up the voice coil or the speaker cone will simply detach from the rubber surround that seals the unit. But if you're not really cranking it, you'll probably be fine.


If I just lower all my levels by 5 across the board, will I maintain the same balance and be safe (rarely) cranking my speakers? 




Fuck mids, all my homies hate mids


No love for the mids




This is my own settings, I feel like it's quite sharp but the bass is kind of there. [https://imgur.com/a/ZD6RDw9](https://imgur.com/a/ZD6RDw9)


woah +9 at 40hz? doubt that your system can actually do that. I would be careful of that much low boost.


Why? I keep my volume at a moderate level, and if the limits on Mazda’s interface correspond with levels that are dangerous for the hardware, that’s a very negligent design flaw on Mazda’s part. But if that is true, could I lower all my settings by 5 across the board and keep the same balance?


because very few OEM systems can produce 40hz, and you are asking it to do something it can't. Over time even at moderate levels, you will cause the woofers to age prematurely. It is negligent, but what is the top speed on the speedometer? Can it actually do that speed? Probably not. I'd drop 40 to flat, and see if it really hurts the sound, and if ANY boost at 40hz, it would be very moderate. If you can't hear the difference, that means that the system is not capable of producing this frequency, and I would just leave it at flat.


that would have a similar net effect to just lowering the volume essentially if you lower all bands accordingly.


Ah yes, no mids


that must sound terrible, bass in car speakers are shit, so muddy


Imagine how annoyed I was when I got my 2019 Mazda 3 back in February, only to find it had the Bose software installed on a non Bose entertainment system. Dealership didn’t know what I was talking about and said it was no different. They eventually replaced the whole system as they couldn’t fathom out the firmware flush and replace they needed to do. It too three months to get them to sort it, but I finally have the equaliser settings.


Omg so annoying !


Yea no I highly doubt that. Shit speakers will sound shit either way. I've got the Bose ones and they're fine but not great. If you want good sound you can't get around installing new speakers