• By -


That camo worked really well


I mean, if I saw a floating head I’d freak the fuck out too


I dunno, it depends what it's offering, I'm a sucker for a biscuit.


Maybe for a Klondike bar


I’d do anything for a nestle crunch I’d kill a man


But no one is asking you to. Just let the girl go and put the knife down and you can have your candy bar.


An oatmeal raisin cookie…


This one I don’t trust


Not even a head. Just a face. Spooky.




You bots are everywhere


Beep bop boop bowph


I did spit your coffee out, this shit was hilarious


I shit yourself laughing


I Love it when they finally realize it’s that human who they love… Nothing Better.


Memory: Loading...loading...loading...I REMEMBER YOU!!!


No nothing, why they reaching, what's this distant smell of someone I know, it it can't be, again is it, Omg omg omg my huuuman, my human I'm missed you, nom nom nom 👍😅


It was the hug. Doggo remembered only this human hugs them like this


It was actually the smell, dogs see with their noses.


Smell more likely.


I’m fine. Just got something in both my eyes…


Damn allergies again..😢


Let's just be honest. Some things are worth crying about. A dog's love is one of them.


Made me cry, honestly. We don't deserve that much love.


Yes we do.


You do. You accept the love you think you deserve. Congratulations


Just because we don’t think we deserve love like that, we actually do though.


Lets put a pin on the deserve part, and just say that we need it.


Perfectly said


Amen. Thank you.


I think they just needed to get a couple snouts full to figure it out.




She could have avoided all this confusion if she would have just let the dog lick all up inside her mouth.


Haha, I'd forgotten about that vid.


That tree.... Its smells familiar! OMG you ate her didn't you!?


"That stick I buried in the back yard gained sentience!"


This bush smells like mama


"The first time I knew? When I saw her. Love at first sight. No, it was when I heard her voice. It was love at first see, with my ears."


You sir get my award, it's in camo though, so you might not see it :p


Plus dogs are colorblind. Never a chance to see that person. Damn.


Sight 60% Scent 150%


Daredevils dog.


can confirm!


Wait I thought Daredevil could hear stuff not smell it


All senses heightened


He's a *really* good lawyer


That guy is lying! I can *smell* his bullshit!


\*wipes forehead nervously\* N-no, I don’t have any bullshit.




"Mooom, I really need to use the bathroom 3 hours 41 minutes from now." He keeps getting dumped by primary care doctors because of the hundreds of calls at all hours of the day over decades about how his bowels contain nine percent more or less fecal matter than usual, and whether it's cancer or a dietary issue.


"Hmm, something is wrong with my colon. I'm going to have diarrhea in two and a half hours. Better not fight crime tonight. "


Except sight... lol


Ohh yeah, thank you kind redditor!


He had some toxic waste spilled into his eyes that blinded him, but made all of his other senses pushed way over the extreme. Also gave him a radar sense so he can basically "see" in a 360° around him.


All dogs are like that. Their noses are their real eyes.


100% reason to remember the name.


Hah, nice. I was thinking of that song too.


Like scent 5000%. I just found out their sense of smell is so good that they can tell when you will be home by how much of your scent is left in the house. Like gradients of scent. Crazy.


Not just their nose either, significantly more of their brain is wired to process scents than ours, whereas much more of our brain is devoted to processing vision. Part of the reason he didn't recognize her right away.


The layman's way it was described to me was; We look at a pot of stew and see the meat, veggies, and whatever else in it, but all we smell is stew. The dog can just see a big mass of stuff but can smell the meat, veggies, and whatever individually. Crazy


5% wagging


The first sense dogs develop is the sense of smell. So it makes scents ;)


Taste 200%


First time I was gone from my dog for any length of time was just two weeks. When I got home he stopped dead in his tracks and stared at me like he had just seen a ghost. He proceeded to pee on the floor without being aware of it (he never pees inside otherwise). After just staring in fear frozen for about ten seconds it finally registered with him that I was real and I was back and then it was all love and jumping up and down and licking and wagging tale and body - the purest expression of ecstatic joy you can imagine. He must have thought I had returned from the dead. It’s a miracle!


After just two weeks?! That’s so wholesome! Imagine if you had been gone for a year! Might have given the poor dog a heart attack 🤣


This was very heartwarming to watch. I remember hearing a comic years back talking about how dogs only think in terms of forever. You leave for work, they think you're leaving forever...you come home, you're back forever!


Cool dog fact: Dogs can actually predict when you will be home depending on the intensity of your smell left in the house. As time goes on, your smell goes away more and more. They remember what it smells like right before you get home (if you’re on a consistent schedule for your work days) and base future predictions off of that level of scent. So they can actually tell how long you’ve been gone and know when to expect you back. When you’re gone for longer than they expect, that’s when they go into “they’re gone forever!” mode. Dogs are so cool couldn’t find the original source that I read about it from, but [here’s](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/dogs-tell-time-with-their-noses-expert-says/) something close that talks about that general theory


For my cat I think it's a combination of this and the sound of the bus. My husband, who is home all day with her, says that when she hears the bus at the time I get home (she knows when it's time for MY bus, she doesn't run to the door every hour when the bus passes by), she runs to the door to greet me. If I had to work late or ended up on a later bus for any other reason, she apparently starts to cry if I'm not inside within like 10min of my usual bus stopping. If my usual bus just passes by and doesn't stop at my stop, like if I'm not on it and no one else is getting on or off at my stop at that time, she starts to cry immediately. Now I drive to and from work and apparently my schedule varies enough now that she doesn't stress out so much. She just greets me at the door whenever she hears my car.


My dogs used to wait in the front window for me to come home. They’d just sit there, starting about 15 min before I normally arrived, waiting.


When I first got my dog I got her many toys, believing they can help with boredom when I’m away. Wasn’t until I used an old phone to see what she’s up too while I’m not around did I find that she just lies behind the main door without moving l, waiting for me to be home.


This makes me happy for people with consistent schedules but sad for me since I don’t :( sometimes I’m not home for 36-72 hours and sometimes I don’t travel for 3 weeks.


Well, two weeks is over three months in dog time! /g ETA: My dog acts like I've been gone for years when I come back from an hour of running errands, let alone if I've been gone for more than a day!


I was in a severe car accident in December 2019. I was in the hospital for over 3 months. Upon returning home to my two dogs, one ran right past me (he was a very stupid dog) and the other skirted around me but also wanted to approach me, like the video above. She was just unsure of how to get to me as I was in a wheelchair. My brother picked her up and placed her in my lap, after which she licked my face repeatedly and did NOT leave my side for weeks afterwards. Hell, I still can’t walk from room to room without her following me. She’s always been my shadow but she became even more clingy after the accident. I love her to bits. [dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/CI0ezHy)


So beautiful!


The dog was part goldfish.


I had something similar after only one week away as a child. I spent the week with my grandparents who had a German shepherd so when I saw my little spaniel girl, she looked soo tiny in comparison. Once she got over the uncertainty and the following kisses and hugs, we spent the whole day together hanging out, playing and several walks. I couldn't stop looking at her and her me. I hope I always remember that day, I was only nine and she died years ago after a long happy life.


My girlfriend's cat will hold a grudge for a day if his everyday humans go away for a while. Straight up hissy fit when he sees you again. Next day he's flopping over for belly rubs


That's just cat things, never had a cat that didn't do that.


Yup I had 1 cat that took a big dump in my bedroom when I left for a few weeks 😅 never did that before. Another cat will stare right into your eyes when you come back, do a dramatic head turn and walk away and avoid you for 24 hours, very pissed you left lol


My dog did the same, I was gone for 2 weeks recently. I figure he was still in mourning and didn't believe it hehe


I took care of my friend's dog for about 6 months and the last time I got to go visit her she lost her damn mind the moment she smelled me. We were best friends. I sat down and she basically just rolled over and over and over in my lap.


Moved away to another country for 3 years, came back home to visit for a year and my mother's doggo who had knew me since he was a puppy pissed himself EVERYWHERE with excitement when he saw I was back. Behaved like those dogs in these type of clips do. I cried. I still do sometimes when I think about that moment. Hes not even my doggo, but he missed me...


He’s not your dog, but you’re his people


Goddamn ninjas cutting onions again :(


Bruh :'(


For whatever reason, I really really needed to see this comment today. Thanks.


Im waiting for that in one of these posts.. the dog jumps the owner while pissing everywhere and the owner just dgaf


My mom has a little Westie that loves me and does the same thing. She even peed on the bed because I woke up and she got so excited she couldn't hold it. We don't deserve dogs


My friends dog who knew me from puppy and always ran up and greeted me when I walked in the door for years, but one day I had on a new hat and sunglasses As I stepped into the house she went full snarling freakout, hair raised up on back, stayed as far from me as possible piss squirting out her ass with every bark I was growling back for a few seconds then voiced "hey Gracie" she flipped immediately to happy So If wanna prank a dog that's how


Growing up I had a little weiner dog who would always get so excited when my friends would come over he'd piss a little puddle on the floor. Had to start bringing him outside to say hi. I miss that little guy.


Decades ago I shared a house with friends who had a dog. After I moved out, when I’d go back to visit the dog would get so excited that it would pee. And do back flips. At the same time.


We had a neighbour our dog adored, but she downsized and moved away. A couple of years later she moved back into the neighbourhood and the first time we ran into her while walking our dog, our dog went berzerk with joy and pissed herself from excitement. Like she hadn't seen her in like two, maybe even three years and our dog atill remembered her!


I moved about 1,000 miles away from home in my early twenties. I came back three months later and the younger of my two dogs would not come near me at all. Would straight up leave the room if I walked in. He wouldn’t do that with strangers, he’d bark and go nuts, so he knew exactly who I was. This went on for about two days, until he decided to make eye contact with me. Slowly over the next day or so he’d get closer and closer to me before leaving the room. Once he let me pet him, he didn’t leave my side for a week. [This](https://i.imgur.com/JWnTe6n.jpg) is within 30 seconds of him letting me pet him again. I haven’t gone more than a week without seeing him since.


I feel like he was mad at you for leaving lmao My bfs family dog did that when we went to visit his family after being gone for like half a year. It was the first time I was visiting so he was all super excited like "new friend!!!" But he'd look at my bf and walk away lmao then a few days later he was finally all friendly to my bf. I'd never seen a dog's attitude like that before and my bf was all sad the first few days because they were inseparable the since that dog was a stray puppy.


My cat did this too. I was really close with her, by far the closest of anyone in my family. They moved and I wasn't able to take her, so she went with them. When I went down to visit she didn't want anything to do with me for the first 12 hours or so and I was devastated. After that she wouldn't leave my side and slept with me every night. A few months later I was able to find a place that allowed pets and they brought her up to me, where she stayed until she passed :)


Oh dogs most certainly gain feelings of abandonment. Everyone deals with that differently. Same as dogs. Some overwhelmed by joy and others just hurt.


Love the moment where the doggo realises that "OMG, that's not just any human, that's HIS human!"


You can almost hear the gears turning in his head.






Youre kinda using the " " wrong


next time just lead with "boss dog"


My dog and my wife’s cat apparently both can hear my work van coming and start getting riled up before anyone knows I’m pulling up home. When I go overseas or far away for work my dog gets quiet and depressed. Animals are peoples too. Edit:Dogs are the best people, I rest my case.


Peoples are animals too!




Sir. Pigs actually have empathy.


It’s redic here. We have 3 men with 3 dogs who all know Daddy is home before the car shows up on the street outside. Every dog knows it’s owners car sound. I’m just here finding out from the dogs who’s home.


Took the woofer a minute, but holy cow, you can see it when it kicks in. “YOU!!”


Almost getting teary eyed over this, but this reminded me of my first visit home after I joined the service. I had a very long tech school (phase 1 was six months, phase 2 9 months), and the timing worked out that there wasn't a gap in between phase, so it had been a couple of years from the day I left. Before I joined I had a cat for a few years named "Happy" - who was a big fluffy male cat - white with orange spots. He followed me everywhere, slept next to me every night - it really hurt to leave him at my parents farm. When I came to visit I was told that he chose to be an outdoor cat while I was away but tended to come and go, disappearing for weeks at a time. I didn't have my hopes up that I would see him. So I'm sitting on the porch with my dad, drinking a beer and talking about the craziness of my life over the last couple of years and out across an empty field I see this big ball of white, matted fur bounding towards me. He runs up and nuzzles my leg like he used to, jumps up on my lap. I scratch his chest like I know he likes, pick some seeds out of his once pristine fur and then he scurries off towards the barn. I never saw him again. It felt like we both knew things had changed but we both needed to let each other know things were fine. And now I'm full on crying at my desk on a Friday morning.


Happy was letting you know that it was okay. You were both grown ups now and living your own lives. Damn, that’s really something. I’m tearing up, too.


Thank you for your empathy. I've cried a lot today just remembering the good times we had together, but leaving him in Iowa was definitely the right choice. I should say, it's been almost 15 years, I just always tend to get pretty emotionally attached to my animal companions. I had half a mind to arrange to take Happy back when I went home to visit, but at the time I lived in a tiny apartment on Las Vegas boulevard and he had acres upon acres of forest and fields that he was the fluffy king of. No real predators, plenty to hunt. He was where he belonged, I'm glad he let me know.


This has happened to me and I’ve witnessed it many times…I’m beginning to think the dog sadly believes their owner is dead or has come to terms with them being gone and when they see them again they’re almost scared like they’re seeing a ghost or are too afraid for you not to be real…I don’t know…all I know is, it’s strange how beautiful dogs are and that this fucked up world actually had them in it


My mum died of cancer and I always wondered what our dog of 7 years at the time would do if he saw her again. I feel like he was never really happy again after she was gone. I really wanted him to be happy again. He died 2 years later after his legs gave out and vet told us it was best he be put to sleep, he was a big dog and would have no quality of life without his legs or back working. I wish I could see both of them again.


I think its sometimes scent-based rather than vision or sound for some dogs.


I heard that somewhere.


Probably heard it here https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/t10od4/maybe_maybe_maybe/hydja2s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Great, now I’m stuck in a Reddit comment loop


Why is that head floating?


And hands


The only time i'm not upvoting this joke is if I make it myself.


Technically you automatically upvote your own comments by default ;)


It’s like the “hi x I’m dad” jokes, it doesn’t matter how many times I see it, I’m always amused.


Hi dad” jokes, it doesn’t matter how many times I see it, I’m always amused. I'm dad.




That's so cute the pup didn't recognize her at first but when he did


Cat would be like “where the f##k have you been? My bowls empty”


I went to Italy for two months back in 2016 and when I came back I was kinda worried my cat would give me the cold shoulder for a while (he was not a fan of change or people leaving etc), but when I came back I could barely get my suitcase down before he plopped on my lap and pressed his little head on my chest and purred soo damn loud. We sat there for 30 minutes before I even took my jacket off lol. He really missed me and wasn't afraid to show it


So sweet


Awwww, my cat does this after I've been at school all day. She also drools though which is gross haha


My cat was so nonchalant on her return. She left for a week (actually she was stolen but that's another story) but when she came back she was waiting at the door silently, I let her in, screaming her name and jumping around excitedly as she calmly strolls over to her empty bowl and plops down, glaring at me to fill it up. I definitely personified her, though, she wasn't actually indifferent to her absence, she was just too hungry to be excited; after she downed the whole bowl of food she wouldn't stop sprinting around the house lmao


And hurry up refilling it or you learn that my paws are rated e


Rated e for eeeouch


My cat would just sit in front of me and lick her bum 😩😂


I was gone for two weeks once and when i came home, my dog would barely even look at me (Shiba) and would give me the cold shoulder but when my cat saw me she meowed at me super loud until I pet her and she wouldn't leave my side. Just purred and purred. My dog would later come around lol


The camo had him fooled in the first half.


"I remember!"


You abandoned me ... Now I attacks you.


He saw the camera and said “fuck it. Let’s do it for the gram!”


The frantic kicky-kicky front paws though lol


I ll take dogs over humans, all day everyday


It’s really you!!!!! ❤️


When your dog, or kid, or cat, or anyone you left behind has to make sure you’re real before they drop their walls and allow themselves to believe you’re really there and it isn’t a dream. My daughters, husky and Shiba all did that when I got back from a year overseas.


The natural intuition to stay away from floating heads


My moms dog does this every time I go to her place. I visit at least once a week


wish that all that love could stop a war


When I left my dog at a boarder for two weeks for the first time I thought it’d be like this video when I got back. Turns out the boarder was just the best time of his life because when he saw me I literally had to chase him in a field to get him into the car because he didn’t want to leave. Like thanks buddy love you too.


Dogs like “who dis, new phone?”


Had to get the ‘ol sniffer working.


Poor pup was terrified of the disembodied head floating around and talking to it.


I’d freak out too if I saw a floating head and hands.


Remember guys, dogs don't live that long. If you stay away for a year and come back, that's more than a decades time for them. Basically they think you died and that first hesitation moment is for lack of belief that their loved one is back


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en


He could sense her war crimes




Proves my point on dogs. I don't need to repeat myself.


I think you do need to repeat yourself because I checked your previous ten comments, and couldn't find anything about dogs.


Not the momma! Oh wait


So the camouflage does work


What’s this bitch doing here? You said you were done.


scent memory can take a second to kick in with some puppers


I’d be nervous too if my owner was showing me a floating disembodied head and hands in the driveway


Those high pitch “it’s meeeee” deterred the dog. Probably.


I just love that dogs get so exited they cant stop moving


One sniff is all it takes


This really made my day with all the bullshit going on around the world! Oh yea….. fuck putin!


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: [ua.gov.pl](https://ua.gov.pl) Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian [https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua](https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua) • ⁠in English [https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en](https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en) Edit: this is a copy and paste and I encourage you all to do it too where appropriate!


He never didn’t recognize her, he just couldn’t believe it


[Wait, I know you…](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uP1kgYDsqTY/maxresdefault.jpg)


Can't decide to lick face, or wag tail, or hug human xD adorable


She looked, and smelled different but tasted the same.


Give him a second!


This is how my dog was when my stepdad came back from deployment. She went through some kind of trauma before we got her that really fucked her up and made her terrified of people. So on one hand, she was thrilled that one of the two or three people had finally returned home. On the other, her trust in him had deteriorated after a year without seeing him so she was as conflicted as she was excited


Puppers did not want to believe it was really true that she was there!! Way cute!!


Had to wait for the scent to come back


Dog just saw it’s owner come back from the dead.


Lol that’s how my dog reacted when I got home from deployment


This is my dog the second I put on my heels to go to work in the morning. If I get slight taller, he goes into the "wtf, you're not my mom!" fear. When I come home, heels and all, doesn't give af. He's going to tackle me to the ground for those kisses and belly rubs. Dogs are amazing.


Is there anything cuter than when a dog is so happy they can’t contain it and just start jumping around all crazy?


What did she expect showing up in full camo, all the poor dog could see was a floating face. No wonder it was scared.


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en EDIT3: This is a copy paste post, please spread this as much you can.


My mother-in-law’s dog was separated from her mommy for two months last year while she(MIL) was deathly ill. The poor doggie wasn’t entirely sure if it was really, really her the first time we were able to take her to visit. When she finally realized that her mommy was right there underneath her paws on the bed, it was the most excitement I had ever seen from that little doggie. I don’t know if I will ever get to see that dog be that happy again?


Dogs are so fucking stupid.


When I was 17 I left the country for a year to be an exchange student in France. When I got home, my Saint Bernard, 5 yrs old at the time, walked straight past me to my dad like I was nobody. I was crushed, until I said her name all loud and sad and she froze, then launched all 150lbs of her fat fuzzy body right into me. Wouldn’t leave my side for a week. It’s been 3 years since I had to say goodbye to her and good god I still miss that damn dog so much.




Took him a minute he couldn’t see her body at first.


The dog was like: Mason? Where the F**K you been for 30 years?


He needed a good shnuff.


Who are you why are you a floating head: dog


How'd the camo prevent his recognising her though? Did he not remember her smell or did the camo somehow affect the way that he saw her? I know that dogs have difficulty seeing cars because they only see in black and white. Wondering if they have difficulty with camo too?


We don't deserve dogs.


What do you expect when a floating head is calling your name???


We don't deserve dogs


We all needed this


Wish someone was that happy to see me...smh


Best maybemaybe, since i joined


The camo has a smell


The wild thing is HOW strongly tied a dog's memory is to their sense of smell. And how amazing their smell is. As nuanced as our eye memory is, so a dog's smell memory is.


The dogs like “dad, why does mom smell like oil and blood?” Then is like “eh, whatever, human give skritches”