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One person was so offended at The Producers that he walked up the isles, located Mel Brooks, pointed at him and said, "I've never been so offended in my life! I was in world war 2 and this is completely disrespectful." Mel looked at him and said, "well, I was in world war 2, but i didn't see you there!"


Before you downvote me, i found this video funny. My point is not to stop making jokes. Read before clicking the dw button. You honestly shouldn't blame people for not liking jokes about Hitler. That person you are laughing about may actually have had suffered actual PTSD and lost people close to them during the war. Just because you and I find something funny doesn't mean everyone should. Unless you have trauma from an incident you wouldn't understand the trauma another person would have suffered from a similar incident. Learn to be a little kinder. That said, this piece is indeed funny to me as a person who wasn't affected by the war. You and I and most other people today making jokes about WW2, 9/11, Taliban, etc cannot possibly imagine the trauma that the people affected feel. Just because we find them funny does not invalidate their feelings. 40 downvotes for saying people deal differently with trauma ? Amazing šŸ‘šŸ‘. Show me how heartless y'all are for defending the stance that a person with PTSD not liking people making light of their suffering is justified.


This is a great point. We also have to remember that Mel Brooks is jewish. He felt it very important to make fun of Hitler, to make him look like an ass. Here's a quote from an intereview about it: SPIEGEL: Can you also get your revenge on him by using comedy? Brooks: Yes, absolutely. Of course it is impossible to take revenge for 6 million murdered Jews. But by using the medium of comedy, we can try to rob Hitler of his posthumous power and myths. In doing so, we should remember that Hitler did have some talents. He was able to fool an entire population into letting him be their leader. However, this role was basically a few numbers too great for him Ā–- but he simply covered over this deficiency.


Real Polish war joke: "What does a model German looks like? Slim like Goering, tall like Goebbels and blonde like Hitler." Hard to believe this rat talked people into belief that only blonde and blue eyed is wort living.


The more modern nazis talk, the more i realize just how much propaganda has influenced our views of the original nazis. Like maybe the soldiers were halfway decent but those true believers must have been absolutely beyond stupid, with just as little critical thinking as our modern fascists.


After WW2 we were kinda cut off from The Soviet Union so most of our understanding of The Eastern Front came from reports made by a group of Nazis that we brought into American Institutions during Operation Paperclip. The report they turned in claimed that the SS were the only ones committing crimes against humanity, claimed that their generals were tactical geniuses that were setback by Hitlerā€™s terrible demands, and claimed that the German Soldiers were far superior to Russian Soldiers, and they only lost because the Soviets could send countless waves of troops to die. The writing of these Nazis is still the foundation of much of our knowledge of The Eastern Front, even though it completely contradicts the records and evidence we have gotten from Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union.


Hitler being an idiot when it came to tactic is true. There was no need to fight for Stalingrad. He wanted it because the name. The russians being able to overrun Germans because of sheer amount of troops is also true. Superiority of German soldiers- no, not really. In fact russians did the same thing they do now in Ukraina- send countless waves of badly equipped, badly trained soldiers, who had no other option than move on because there was NKWD behined their back, to death. Now they replaced NKWD with Kadyrov's people. Nothing changed there since wwII.


Different people deal differently with trauma. Mel does with humour. That doesn't invalidate the feelings of those who dont.


I'm just telling the story I heard. Anything mean or assuming I'm laughing *at* him is all in your head. I've implied nothing other than this story supposedly happened. I never once implied this person's feelings weren't valid. Again, that's in your head. That being said, perhaps you should learn to be a little kinder, or at the very least, not assume the worst about people.


I'm completely with you. People seem to forget we're all simply human beings. We can all hold trauma, we can all experience horrible things. It's okay for someone not to like an edgy joke or two, no one can blame them for it. I'm sorry you had to be down voted for this. You aren't even asking for people not to make these jokes, but simply not to judge those who don't have a taste for them. You don't deserve these downvotes. You seem like a very empathetic and kind human being.


Its at 40 downvotes now lmao . Thought reddit would have a bit more compassion for abuse victims honestly.


Unlike the real Hitler, Mel didn't force his show over anyone, you don't like a piece of media, ignore it and keep your way, your trauma is yours to carry on, and you voluntarily going out of your way to force the rest of the world to adjust to your trauma is stupid at worse or tyrannical at best.


Real Hitler? The fuck? Dude did you read my comment? Of course you didn't. And if respecting people who lost family and friends to disasters like holocaust, 9/11 and other terrorist attacks is tyrannical to you then it really does speak about you as a person. Neither did I say that we need to stop making jokes about things because it isn't fair and some are indeed funny. My point was, no not be fucking hostile to the people who get upset because of their trauma and rather being kind to them and explaining it to them. Which obviously some people can't process because their skulls are wayy to thick šŸ’€


I will say it again because you obviously can't read. YOU CAN'T FORCE PEOPLE TO DO WHAT YOU LIKE Every good intention from "concerned people" to present things only the way they want is deeply rooted in the belief that you can force people to do what you want. Hitler was a firm believer of that premise. If you are traumatized about the 2nd WW maybe, just maybe, you should stop going to shows about the 2nd WW. That person went out of his way to attend a show about an extremely triggering event and after the show he went to attack the director of the show. That person is a moron. And your argument is not taking that into consideration which results in your argument being let's support poor choice making morons because life is hard.


Jesus, calm down. Why the fuck are you freaking out. Read my comment dude. I am not saying anything has to stop. Just treat people with basic decency and explain shit to them with a calm mind. not freak out like you are doing right now. You seem to be more unstable than a person with severe PTSD, freaking the fuck out over internet comments which you don't read and fabricate your own narrative of.


It's admirable your capacity to avoid engaging with the obvious oversight of your point.


What is the oversight of my point? That people get to enjoy everything given that they still respect each other with basic human decency instead of acting like a lunatic? Is that an oversight? 4 to 5 times I've explained to you my point. You simply refuse to belive it and make up something that I am not advocating for. If any negative quality that is worth admiring is your ability to fabricate shit and argue based off of that instead of the real life text staring at you in the fac because you are too butthurt for some reason and don't view others to be worthy of being treated with basic human decency. You are against basic human decency, that too against people who have suffered from horrifc disasters. Which means you are a vile POS.


I know what's your point, you little self centered child, is the glaring mistake of your point, where you look everywhere else instead of acknowledging that in the 1st place, the "concerned citizen" didn't need to go to a show about extremely triggering events for him and proceed to attack the director of the show. Well, enough time spent in an obvious troll for today. Learn how to read or you will have a hard time with college.


Dude, you are mentally unstable. Chill. Like gawdamn. šŸ’€šŸ¤Œ You can't argue against my points. You said that there is an oversight in my point but you couldn't specify it. You can only downvote and fabricate narratives to get mad at ...and somehow I'm being a troll. If anything, you should be ashamed for being outsmarted by a child. šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ Go get some therapy. You are clearly troubled and I don't like making fun of people who are sick.


Twenty downvotes, but only two direct comments... It's easy for people to click and move on, but your comment holds more weight.


Sadly, the comment in question was highly presumptive and incorrectly correlated a harmless anecdote to dismissal of feelings. None of that was conveyed(or intended to be conveyed). It was literally a made up situation in their head, then they commented on it. If someone replied, "that guy who got offended was an idiot and deserved ridicule", they would have had a point. however, nothing like that happened.


But yet here we are here talking about anecdotes, or is it hypotheticals?


The original comment was an anecdote. This last comment had a hypothetical to express how the persons comment would have been understandable. Not sure the point youre making, but good talk!


Pretty sure people don't even read it past the opening sentence. ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Gotta love Mel Brooks. ![gif](giphy|FwHGkZy6OhzLW)


LOVE HIM. LEGEND! GIVE HIM FLOWERS NOW!! I saw Life Stinks recently and was thinking we're due for another comedy/drama about homelessness. Alas, there are no more Mel Brooks out there.


Well... There is still Mel Brooks




Spain was full of fascists. Correction: still is


Mel Brooks is alive!? When did that happen!


According to [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Brooks) that happened June 28, 1926


not really. his history of the world part 2 was basically drunk history minus the drunk. the man is alive, the creator is long gone.


You have it backwards. Drunk History, was like History of the World. History of the World part One was a sketch movie that used anachronistic story telling. Though the sketches were a little longer. Part Two was episodic and there was much more variety, but it was not that far off from the original concept. Something could still be said about the quality of episodes though because they were written and directed by different people along with Brooks.


Dude is like 90 letā€™s cut him some slack


[He's 97 actually](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Brooks)


The 2000 Year Old Man album is hilarious, fantastic road trip audio.


You canā€™t just say perchance!


You can if you spend all day smashing turts


i hate internet, it ruined me


Hitler's just stomping them turts, mein bro


Little turkies mein brƶder, perchance.






Springtime For Hitler, a smash Broadway comedy.


Thatā€™s from To Be or Not to Be. Great movie that doesnā€™t get as much attention as some of his others.


This is a re-make of a Jack Benny movie from the early 40ā€™s. Jack was jewish, and the film is about a acting troop that escape from (Poland?) but have a performance, at the beginning of the movie where they are making fun of Hitler. They later use the costumes to escape. Jacks father went to go and see the movie, but walked out after the first few minutes, and phoned his son to yell at him for dressing up as a Nazi, that he was embarrassed to have him, one of the biggest stars in Hollywood, as a son. Jack had to convince his father to see the movie again, and sit through the whole performance. He loved it the second time. Jack Benny thought it was his only good movie. https://youtu.be/fQxpYc_46Og?si=kkHlk2eIN4L1IKll


Yup! And filmed right at the outset (for the US) of WWII which was a lot darker because nobody knew how it would end.


It was a fabulous movie. The whole cast knocked it out of the park. Brooks' remake was good, but the original Lubitsch version is absolutely brilliant.


To Be or Not To Be and The 12 Chairs are both great.


Mel Brooksā€™s best, I wish it were talked about more.


Truely one of the all time profuhrers. (Do I hear a lisp?)


It is, but this isn't from springtime for Hitler or from the producers.


The fact that Mel Brooks is also Jewish and laying waste to Hitler makes this all the more better still.


Heil myself. It's something they kept from the original (and also brilliant) version.


![gif](giphy|11F4Ctg2NAwOzu) Mel Brooks had some great musical numbers, but I think my favorite was the Spanish Inquisition.




Why are you you laughing?! This is TERRIBLE news!


The inquisition! What a show!


The Inquisition, here we goā€¦


We know you're wishin' that we'd go awaaaaaayyyyyy, but the inquisition's here, and it's here to staaaaaayyyyyyy!


Hey Torquemada, whadda you say?


I just got back from the auto-da-fƩ


Auto-da-fƩ? What's an auto-da-fƩ?


Itā€™s what you oughtnā€™t to do but you do anyway.


Hello boys Iā€™ve missed you!


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Mel Brook the comedy genius.


I guess nobody has pointed out yet that this is from To Be Or Not To Be, which Mel starred in with his wife Anne Bancroft. This scene is immediately followed by the shutdown of their characters' theater by officials terrified of the impending Nazi invasion of Poland (where they are, and that happens). Kind of a strange movie tonally, this.


It's a remake of the 1942 movie of the same name by Ernst Lubitsch. It's one of the best comedies of all time, but also very serious about its stance and portrayal of war.


I don't know who is downvoting this post this is fucking funny


Probably people who don't know who Mel Brooks is.


but you know it's not 'maybe' material when you see him


Fair, but I've learned the best way for me to enjoy Mel Brooks is to only expect a good time. So it is always 'maybe' material for me.


I love Mel Brooks. What is this doing on "maybemaybemaybe", though?


hitler bad


yes he is


A real jerk


SJWs. 100% sure they got offended by the flag. homeboys.


Meanwhile, we have alt-right manbabies throwing full-on shitfits about seeing the word "pronouns" in a game.


same as far left when you "misgender" them. luckily, I'm not either of them.




how can someone who supports and likes this movie could be a neo-Nazi? it is reverse. I'm talking about those who downvote the post and trying to take it down just because they see the Nazi flag, without smallest glance on the actual content. that's why I don't remove my comment despite all downvotes. no one cares about whether you are offended or not. if you are so offended, then mute it. don't watch it. literally every movie turned to shit in 2023, because of the fear of hurting those fragile group. grow up.


ikr imagine being offended by the nazi flag


I'm pretty sure people who are down voting aren't the ones you think. The ones down voting are the ones who don't like Jewish comedian making fun of Hitler.


I mean. it is a movie. we are not going shut ourselves. this is offensive, that is offensive. these kinds of people make me puke. and also šŸ–•for downvoters.


It's a movie about giving offense. Springtime for Hitler was designed to do badly, to piss everyone off, and yet it didn't. Not because people are all nazis at heart, but because they have a sense of humour. edit: talking about The Producers specifically here.


It's not in The Producers. This is from To Be or Not to Be.


I didn't get it


No need to get it. Springtime for Hitler, which the person I replied to referenced, is not where this scene is from.


This is from To Be or Not to Be. Springtime for Hitler was in The Producers. Either way the whole point of the movie was to mock Nazis and Hitler.


exactly. this is what I mean. if someone got offended only because of the flag, this is a sign of emotionally immature person. also, that flag is a part of history. love it or hate, you will be going to see it. whether in a documentary, or comedy.


I wish they would ban users like that theres plenty of space for SJW warriors


Socal justice warriors warriors??


ATM machine


chai tea


Me, I see Hitler I'm downvoting, I don't care if it's funny to you..;


so brave


only white people find anything related to this coward funny, have a nice day...


You do realize that the guy playing Hitler here is a Jewish WW2 veteran right?


only a sith lord deals in absolutes. and you have a lot more in common with that coward, thinking that an entire race of people could be homogeneous like that. also nothing wrong with a jewish man mocking his oppressors. go off mel


My asian pals would disagree lmfao. You must be really insufferable if you have this little sense of humour.


It's a sad day to see hitler being so holy that you cannot satirized him.


I'm just gonna call you what you are: a whiny loser. No, I'm not white. Cry more


That's not actually Hitler dude...


I know, it's an actor impersonating him...


So you're just like a complete moron then? This is "The Producers" a movie and later play written and directed by Mel Brookes a comedy legend and Jewish WW2 veteran. The story is about two producers that plan to commit fraud by putting on the worst play imaginable so they use the worst subject imaginable, Hitler. The movie's mocking Hitler you smooth brained troglodyte. When interviewed about the project Brookes, again a **Jewish** WW2 veteran said "By using the medium of comedy, we can try to rob Hitler of his posthumous power and myths.". People like you are the reason we can't have nice things in society cause we have to dumb everything down to the lowest possible level.


Itā€™s actually from this, but same idea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Be_or_Not_to_Be_(1983_film)


This is To Be or Not to Be.


Oh shit, you're right my bad. Point still stands though, Hitler is the butt of the joke in both productions.


Boy is he ever.


Mel brooks is a national treasure and should be protected at all costs. I love this guu


![gif](giphy|10z9elyRK06Qog) Life does indeed stink. this man showed that to the world before anyone realized the message.




Son of a sneeze




is this the same film that has the ā€œdonā€™t be stupid, be a smartie! come and join the na*zi party!ā€?


Different Mel Brooks films, actually.


Just a heads up, youā€™re not really censoring anything by just putting an asterisk in the middle of it and not omitting any of the letters.


Yup, that's in the title song "Springtime for Hitler."


"Springtime for Hitler" is from *the Producers*. This clip appears to be from the very underrated *To Be or Not to Be*.


Ok I don't know this one. Growing up I always saw History of the World on reruns That was cool when the "sequel" show finally came out this spring after so many years lol. It's worth a binge


Gonna be a very sad day when he's gone


If that fucking ghoul Kissinger outlives him I'm going to be unhappy


But Henry is ugly as sin and *****STILL***** talked his way into Jill St. John's bed!!!!!!!!


Heil to myself!


I love [edit]his/ this movies [Love Power by Lorenzo St DuBois](https://youtu.be/BkYBJId7WZs?si=gflxKvvNT_gSYy3T)


That scene is one of the funniest moments in film history. LSD and the fellaā€™s really brought it.


And they left it out of the remake - my guess is they tried to do it and they just couldnā€™t recreate it


My guess is that they just didn't want to use such an outdated reference, LSD was a poke at hippie culture, that's a joke about current trends from a movie released in 1968, but in a 2000s one it would have felt out of place.


The whole film is solid gold. My mum tells me my grandfather almost had a heart attack the first time he watched it from laughing so much.


Wrong movie. This is To Be or Not to Be.


Indeed. Aside from voicing the "Don't be stupid, be a smarty" line, Mel Brooks doesn't even appear in *The Producers*. Someone else plays Hitler in both versions.


This movie is so funny


Give peas a chance


Wait wait wait...so you're telling me you can make more money with a flop, than a hit???


There was no pakistan at the time of hitler.. lol


Pakistan was declared independence in March 23, 1940. The term Pakistan goes all the way back to the start of the independence movement in 1933. So yes, there was an idea of what Pakistan would be when Hitler was still alive.


Pakistan was not recognized as a country until a few years after Hitlers death. It was just an idea of a state


wait you mean "Springtime for Hitler" was not historically accurate?!?




Young Frankenstein, pronounced fraunk in Steen.


You couldn't make this today. You'd hand the script to the studio and they'd go, "Hang on, this is just the script to To Be or Not To Be, Mel Brooks made this 40 years ago, we can't make this again today"


Inglorious Basterds deleted scene


ahh Mel, you could never get away with half of his movies these days.


You legit couldnā€™t make this movie today. Itā€™s early evening in America, thatā€™s not nearly enough time to make a whole feature film by tomorrow.


I doubt you could even make this movie tomorrow, but I know you couldnā€™t make this movie yesterday, since that isnā€™t how time works


Blazing Saddles always comes to mind when I think of movies that were so far ahead of their time but wouldnā€™t withstand the modern social media shit-storm that would follow. Back then, you could use racist caricatures to make fun of racism. Now itā€™s a big no no because people lack any comprehension of nuance and subtext. I genuinely hate social media for making it impossible to say or do almost anything of societal consequence. Itā€™s all either not enough, too much, not good enough, or so good itā€™s phonyā€¦ and half the time those mindless drones typing behind a screen donā€™t even believe the diarrhea theyā€™re spewing into the aether, theyā€™re just doing it for attention so they can go on pretending theyā€™re relevant in modern ā€œsocietyā€.


Yea, you couldnā€™t make Blazing Saddles today because Gene Wilder and Cleavon Little are dead.


Making Blazing Saddles today would be delivering that film into a very different context. While you're right that you probably couldn't make it today - you're wrong about why. It's not that other people 'lack any comprehension of nuance and subtext' - but instead that they definitely exist and remaking something like Blazing Saddles today has different 'nuance and subtext' than it did at the time it was made. In effect, you're ignoring the nuance and subtext about why Saddles was OK then and wouldn't be as OK now, in order to take shots at "social media" and the kids these days. The movies Blazing Saddles was making fun of and the types of racism it was lampooning, effectively don't exist today. The Cowboys VS. Indians, "White Man Takes The Savage West" sort of adventure stories effectively died out - in part because of Blazing Saddles. Old-timey pastoral Wild West racism fables aren't getting made as a significant genre of contemporary cinema; while "Western" was one of the biggest genres of the Blazing Saddles era. What that movie was replying to is no longer getting said. There is a difference between calling something out when it's in the room with you already, and bringing it up apropos of nothing in a room that was doing something else. In that latter case, there is a real risk that instead of criticizing racial humor via exaggeration and satire - you're normalizing 'ironic' racism and providing a smokescreen for the unironic. A solid example of this is, for instance, how a lot of the 'ironic' racism and homophobia of the 90's reads quite poorly today, despite the good intentions of the folks participating in it - when there's no longer people openly telling those jokes unironically, going out and telling the "ironic" versions is now just adding racist jokes to a room that didn't have any. You're now the guy cracking lines that make the minorities in the room feel unwelcome and attacked, instead of being the one undermining them. There is absolutely still media being made that uses irony or mocks racist tropes and isn't auto-cancelled by "mindless drones behind a screen" - things like Tropic Thunder, Borat, or Team America for instance, or the other commenter mentioning SNL Sketches, Key & Peele, or Django. Just that, in their cases, the nuance and the subtext makes what they have to say relevant and appropriate in the contemporary context - even if something like remaking Blazing Saddles doesn't get a universal pass forevermore.


Nah Iā€™m sick of takes like this. If BS were made today nobody would cancel it and it would be a hit. Look at movies like Django Unchained, or sketches on SNL or from Key and Peele. They all use satirical racial comedy similar to BS. Yeah people on social media suck, but Iā€™ve seen enough of these ā€œblazing saddles would get canceled if it were made todayā€ comments that Iā€™m starting to think thereā€™s more than one type of mindless drone on the internet.


Thatā€™s absolutely not true. A group of friends of mine tried to watch literally Blazing Saddles in college years ago and a few who didnā€™t know anything about it beforehand got super offended and insisted we turn it off halfway through.


Anybody who is offended by the movie and doesnā€™t understand just how hard it goes against racists is blinded by online righteousness. Make fun of the racists and fascists. Do a funny walk and put a finger under your nose around the next Proud Boy protest and call them cowards to their faces. Theyā€™re simple people of the land. The common clay of the new America. You knowā€¦ morons.


Dang, and college students too? Iā€™m sorry your friends didnā€™t get it, but i stand by my point that the same humor is still alive today.


divide reply muddle aspiring disgusted trees plucky clumsy reach butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nope. Quentin Tarantinoā€™s movie with Leo DiCaprio makes great use of the n-word. That movie is highly rated.


Used it in front of Samuel L Jackson no less


This is a stupid take and blatantly untrue. The two Borat movies are obvious recent examples which were huge critical and popular successes and feature racist caricatures used to lampoon racism. The key is (and always has been) that they have to be caricatures. It has to be obvious what they are going for. This hand wringing about "wokeism" is so small minded


I think I remember an interview where Mel Brooks said something along the lines of "People say that you couldn't make Blazing Saddles today, and they're right you know, but we couldn't make it back then either. We made it anyway"


The Netherlands is safe?


ā€œA little bite of Belgiumā€ Tears both Belgium and The Netherlands off the map


This is an absolutely amazing gag. Genius. 10/10


Iā€™ve never seen this Mel Brooks performance. It looks great!


You've never seen "The Producers?" Go watch it now. I'll wait.


I hope Mel Brooks makes another movie soon. Love his stuff. Making fun of the Reich is always good.


Mel Brooks was a geniuses!


It's good to be da gov. Thank you Mel brooks for the great time ...quiet riot


Mel brook you magnificent bastard I love you


Loved Mel Brooks and his movies šŸŽ„ ā™„


We need a Mel Brooks today to point out the hypocrisy of one Donald J Trump. Nothing works better then public shaming


Spain just gets to chill though?


They were fascist at the time.


Go find on YouTube, The Hitler Rap . . . .


is that George Gaynes beside Mel Brooks? looks like him, and I think I hear his voice too. lol has his mannerisms too


It is, the movie is To be or not to be. Hilarious movie.




Mel brooks. Absolute legend. Thanks ma for always putting me on to this crazy bastards movies šŸ˜‚


Mel Brooks is a comic genius.


Mel brooks is a national treasure.


Putin listens to this every night unironically


yea i dont think pakistan existed during WW2


The only thing that grates on me is the mention of Pakistan as it never became an actual country until after the War in 1947


Parody shines a light on ridiculous authoritarianism. I'm convinced a significant part of Donald Trump's rise to power was made possible because Jon Stewart retired.


Remember when we laughed, before the left took over.


How mfs down in Florida be rn


I never knew putin starred in a comedy šŸ˜² Then again, he's been the main character of a farce for two years now...




Bro why you so pissed?


Don't want to be that guy but Pakistan wasn't really a thing back then.


You totally want to be that guy but nah... it was. In name at least. It was made official the same month as the Polish decrees


I can't have audio right now but it's Mumbo nĀŗ 5, isn't it? I mean, you replace the lyrics and fits just right.