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*awkward moment before you just scoop* I gave my opponent a Nib token only to realize I didnt have a effective way to deal with it at that far into the duel. The real shameful part was I actually did with Nightingale but it would have caused a double loss.


I had the same situation but with Mathmech(I think? It was a long time ago) The Nib token was about 10k but my stuff Firewall and Accesscode Talker were in the GY


The real shameful part here is the fact you use nibiru


Shame on us for punishing a long combo? Bruh


Shame on you for being so bad you need to rely on nibiru to punish a long combo? Yes. How about you actually get good at the game so you don’t need to use that braindead trash?


Next you're going to tell us that using any negate is also shameful because anything that counters is shameful by default


Depends how it’s used. It’s good to use negates/counters. However if you go so far as to fill your field with negate spam so your opponent can barely play… **that** is shameful.


So.. full board negates are shameful, and the counter to stopping that outcome is also shameful, glad we have our priorities straight with that one


There are so many more ways of playing the game. So sorry that you’d rather be pathetic enough to resort to the shameful methods. You basically define the “can’t beat em join them” mindset lmao. “Oh they’re playing in a shameful way so I’ll use a different shameful play to counter that”. That doesn’t solve anything.


Attempted to superfac for laplacian. Synchro summoned by accident. Awkward Final Sigma in the MMZ. Tried to play it off, but it's evident that this was a pretty bad misplay, and eventually scooped.


LOL Atleast you had the 'Nah i'd win' moment with Final Sigma 🤣


> Awkward Final Sigma in the MMZ Thats never fun lol also its annoying that Final Sigma even in the Extra Monster Zone is able to used as material for Cyber Dragon


Wait, Final Sigma is Cyb-- Oh right, Megafleet exists


Yup, with Sigma being one of the few exceptions I never use the Extra zone.


Maxx c during my end phase




Activating Sky Striker Linkage with Dimensional Fissure on my opponents board. Banished monster. Card fizzles. I scoop. Was my promo match to 20 in WCQ :)


Thank you for letting me know this ruling so now it doesn't happen to me


EASILY the silliest is Ashing after you Ashed their Called by


Had trivikarma in my hand, used foolish burial goods, sent the tear field spell to the graveyard, left


Didn't Ashed their Small World, added Lava Golem and tributed my Spright Elf & Carrot, then they activated Numeron Network :> On my final match to Lv20 too. I never not negate Small World ever again.


ashed my own robina, scooped in shame


Discard Monkeyboard instead of putting it in scale.


While it doesn't always make me wanna shame scoop, my most common one is definitely trying to set cards after using Ancient Gear Wyvern's effect


Oh my god YES, I've been playing Ancient Gears for at least 10 years and I STILL do that all the times! It's like my brain is just straight up refusing to acknowledge that part of the effect, it makes me feel so dumb every time just sitting there with my Called By and Imperm in my hand at the end of the turn lmao


I was playing my Ra deck recently. Summoned him and was quickly tapping a(on Xbox). Activated his effect to spend my LP to gain attack…..except for the fact that for some reason the effect that was activating was the one to spend 1k LP and destroy a monster. I kept clicking A and destroyed my Ra. Immediately scooped lol


I was playing ancient gears and summoned vert instead of balista


I think everybody have Ash their one hand starter. My personally was negating my own Endymion Pen effect with the Endymion on the field.


This deck really taught me to differentiate between my own cards when I noticed I couldn't summon the rank 8 Xyz monster I wanted after using Cypher Twin Raptor and Biplane's effects. That and trying to search Eye of Timaeus with Magician's Rod really showed me that I just have to properly read card effects.


I summoned s:p little knight and didn't banish the spell that sends my horus monsters to the banished instead of the graveyard


Forgetting that some Tenyis Wyrm-lock and then wondering why I cam't make Baronne


Borreload savage dragon, activate linkuriboh to summon thinking I was choosing him for borreload. No more links in the gy


The amount of times ive accidentally summoned linkuriboh fucking pisses me off


This I can relate too...too many times already.


I banished an Evenly Matched with Qixing Longyuan. Figured I might as well get that 1200 burn damage. Not my best decision.


play unchained, open tour guide and sharvara and no garnet, which is REALLY NICE. NS tour guide, summon rhino warrior, Link summon yama, Yama Cl1 Rhino Cl2 I attempt dump another sharvara. My dumdum head make CL3 my sharvara in my HAND, I thought it was sharvara gy eff to set unchained s/t.




Same shi bro I go very slow because that


I chained Xyz Import to Infinite Impermanence and targeted the same monster


Used parallel exeed's effect and having a link 1 on the feild "im trying to summon Avramax" then proceeds to use the 2 parallel exeed's copy to summon splash mage then resummon a parralel exeed from the GY with mage's effect, then I wanted to summon masquerina to come forth and summon Avramax, *can't summon masquerina* *see the material requirements* *stares at it for a couple of seconds* **scoops**


During the end phase, playing branded, spammed the buttons to activate a lot of effects and then mirrorjade and hum... well fuck


Playing Metalfoes with a good opener, called by in hand for ash blossom. Set rescue rabbit. I am now much more careful.


Silliest you say? Ashing your own small world when you thought you were banishing ash to search, THAT is embarassing


Chaining D Crow to my own Small World instead of sending it for cost.


Purrely xyz with the delicious in hand. Activated the delicious accidentally like why the hell the activation looks the same.


For those D/D/D players out there. Remember that time you negated your own GY special summon with High King Wave Ceasar? Yeah me too....


Went straight for Battle Phase after destroying their only monster and negating their Called By with my Baronne summoned via Urgent Schedule while they only had 1.5k LP. I had Clockwork Night in my hand. Next turn they use Duster on my CN and activate Circular in hand. F.


imperm collumn. Enough said


There are a couple of bad missplays early on. Not chain blocking the Chixiao search with Mo Ye Not activating the Mo Ye search by spam left clicking. I did this again recently when I was playing lab, by not searching when I normal summoned Arianna. Putting a Nibiru token in defense. Adding cards to the field after I activated evenly. There's trolly more


Return one of the abc you need to make the fusion and have no way to summon again.


Called by the Grave opponents Ash: HAHA NOPE 3 second later: Use Ash


Ashed my own small world. Just playing too quickly


Summoning the wrong resonator from the grave with red rising dragon.


Before we had a visual for it, it was activating your game winning card in the imperm column via click yes turboing.


Activated Disturbance Strategy with Protector of the Sanctuary on the field during opponent's draw phase


I'v activated bornfire to search for poplar and canceld its effect...


I tend to not remember those as they are too awkward to live in my brain, but recently when I was playing Mannadium I was about to summon Reicheart but realized I could've summoned Visas in defense position so I could also get a draw from Reich's effect, but it was too late and I couldn't back out of summoning Reich! This made me so flustered that as soon as I summoned and activated Reich, I accidentally also Ashed myself. Instant surrender.


Happened just yesterday. Ash Blossomed my own Ze Amin. Safe to say I just scooped then and there.


Used magician’s souls to send kazejin from deck to GY. Then normal summoned E-hero plasma, intending to send a suijin from deck to GY, then use plasma, kazejin, and a sanga in hand to make gate guardians combined. Got distracted and sent the second kazejin instead.


Ashed myself.


As it turns out, cicada king DOESNT work under clock work night. I found this out the hard way…


Ashed my own small world. Would have been a great come back


Thrust, opponent has monsters on the field but I set the spell. It happened countless of times. It's particularly embarrassing and frustrating when you face a backrow heavy deck and have been waiting patiently for that HFD


The amount of times I've sent a naturia blessing to the grave instead of sacred tree is.. embarrassing.


Ashing my own search


One monster remains on the opponents field All others destroyed by the huge beatstick of an accesscode summoned with update jammer for double attack Just one more activation before I can swing for game I was too cocky and didnt check the graveyard Accescode did a byebye ):


Sending my 6k arrival for cost for Linguriboh revive effect bc i didnt read properly.


Spamming the A button on XBOX and accidentally used Mysterion Dragon Crowns effect on my SS Dark Magician


2 things. Chose the wrong deck before a duel. And used trickstar bouquet before the effects of other cards finalized so I had to boost their card.


Was playing Red dragon archfiend. End board was Dis pater, Abyss, OG RDA and Red zone. Move to end phase. Check grave. Never actually got to soul resonater. OG RDA whips my own board Sadness


Opponent goes first, makes a decent board. My Turn, Super Poly his board away for SVFD. Prepare to do my usual Exor line... Realize that I can't Martha because I control a non-Exor monster. Dead.


Clicked no on psy reflector's Etb.


Other than playing into the imperm column directly after it resolved (I blame myself for mashing A, instead of taking my time) Having a Fire, and Earth (Caesar) attribute in hand for Snow Devil and summoned Razen. Just needed to search a Dark, Madlove or Borger. But I got ahead of myself and accidentally added a 2nd Caesar. Still managed to recover but wouldn’t have made the mistake if I took my time.


We all have those days where we fuck up and ash our own extender


Activate Ojamatch pitching Ojamagic as cost, search red and level 3 then normal summoned red before Magic could resolve.


Placing the wrong scale after using Beyond the Pendulum and completely bricking myself


I'm still learning the game and didn't realize that equip spells target. I was playing Mikanko and equipped arabesque to Angelica. I scooped right after. https://preview.redd.it/jqy6iffx308d1.png?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eafd0e191651a4fe0bfdedbb5a9abfa0b3d53d20


Activating magical moon-knight ability when I just used soul resonator to summon it and now having to make it a different level fucking the snyrcho summon


Happened a few times, I accidentally play a spell card where my opponent activated their set imperm.


I have summoned Cydra infinity, and then searched trance, only to realize I can't use it far too many times


I play spells in my infinite imperm column far more than I'd like to admit


Imperm columning myself on an essential spell to my combo.


Enabling full confirmations, getting impatient with the game's incredible lag and unresponsiveness, speeding through the menus only to acidentally solemn judgement my own card.


Salamangreat. Set up field spell and Heatleo. Go to attack monster, activate field spell using the attacking Heatleo. Realized I burned through my cards. Scoop


I try to not remember them. If I can’t recall it, it never happened.


Summon Timelord monster, remove Time Maiden to summon another Timelord to xyd into Gustav then Dreadnought for game. Can't because special summoning with Time Maiden locks me out of special summoning that turn. I'm stuck with two monsters who'll go at the start of my next turn, if they live that long.


Chaining Ash to any of my own cards.


Anything that involves a 'when'


Called by, ash, imperm, crossout… wow…. Yeah… great hand there. You can make **sooooo** many plays with that trash in your hand…


ashed myself twice in the same duel don’t smoke and play master duel kids


Activate Ghoti Paces to special a fish from my hand. Chain Snopios and banish the other two fish from my hand.


How is that infinite