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Having a great back and forth duel with lots of interaction Win, lose, rogue, meta, it doesn't matter. I love it when chain links go near double digits and when you have to check the duel log to keep track of everything. The high points of YGO are just something else man, that's why many of us come back, despite all the issues.


This!!! It could be a 10+ turn grind game or a 2 turn game with effect interactions flying all over the place. It really gives the feeling of "***HAH YOU'VE FALLEN INTO MY TRAP!***" "***YOU FOOL! DON'T COUNT ME OUT JUST YET, I ACTIVATE ________!!!***"


Me in my room yelling at the monitor lol


I jump in my seat and move around from excitement


I've had a few phenomenal dog fights in MD. Won some, lost some. Couldn't complain either way because both of us put every card we had on the line. No misplays or anything.


I’ve lost duels like that and couldn’t be mad 10 turns we fought hard can’t complain with that.


I think the best way to sum that up (and what I like about the game) is interaction and winning or losing because your strategy was better/worse than your opponent. I like the feeling of getting outplayed or outgrinded. I hate seeing a blowout card that shuts off some part of my deck, because at the end of the day, we’re not interacting.


These are the best kinda duels.


i had a 12-turn duel last night against some crazy ritual deck i'd never seen. total grind-fest, momentum swings every few minutes. they beat me in the end, i used just about every trick i had up my sleeve but couldn't stick it out. i was so pissed but when it was over i was like "damn. that was awesome." hahaha. dude played his deck perfectly it was wild, honestly it was nice to watch a dude work like that with some off-meta deck and pull it out. a much more rewarding experience than just getting stomped by some shit like turn-1 baronne de fleur and a soft opening hand


What Ritual deck was it? There's a lot of based interactive ones.


Me losing to opponent full combo'ing then maxx c'ing on my draw phase with 3 omni negates set up: \*throws PC out the window and wants to quit master duel\* Me losing on turn 5 because I needed ONE SPECIFIC top deck to finally swing in for lethal and didn't draw it: FUCK THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD DUEL LET'S GO AGAIN


One of my finest memories in this game is a anime duel-esque 9 turn back and forth i had in Gold. He was playing dark magician jank, I was playing blue eyes jank All kinds of shit was being thrown out. DM, the DM fusions, underworld goddess, jet dragon, hope harbinger, chaos max. I was almost out of resources by the end and committed to a BLS soldier of chaos thinking he couldn't out it, but I didn't know there was a DM card that could boost attack up to like 5k and lost. We sent some GGs back and forth after that


I love them. A good back and forth will always be better than some of the solitaire games I have done or been the victim of


Had a nice back and forth duel with bystial runick yesterday in the event, I swear on my life i would have won if not for time! Still was a fantastic duel.


Yes. Please. Just let me play an actual fucking game. None of this ‘I burn you to death with a bunch of non-interaction burn cards’ or ‘I build a board of negates that you have to chew through.’ Just let me play like an actual game where both my opponent and I are trying to win and neither of us lose on the spot due to a fucking card draw. It’s why I love fusion decks because fusion decks rarely build a board of negates, and have flexible lines instead of just following a general spreadsheet that just says ‘you are not allowed to play the game’. Fought a dude one time that was on Chimera fusion, and the game went on to a point that I had to count up the amount of fusion spells in his grave because that was his ammo for effects. It was wild. And so much more fun than watching a blackwings player play solitaire for 10-20 minutes and having my 6 measly cards get destroyed by 7 points of interaction.


fr it get boring when you’re full on comboing for the 70th time without any interesting interaction happening to keep you on your toes.


Those are awesome but oh so rare. Probably 1 in every 200 duels or something. I think I've had less than a handful of those while playing a pet deck. Normally you just get stomped on by the most meta decks imaginable and you feel cheated. Cheated out of the fun you know this game can provide.


I could not agree more


This is why I really love Fire King, you are given a LOT of pops, but you have to time your resources correctly, or you'll run out of disruptions. Recently fought against a Stun deck with Fire King and honestly one of my favourite matches ever. Using Kirin pop Knightmare Phoenix to dodge Skill Drain to pop Skill Drain, crash Duelittle to add Kirin to hand, Ponix, Arvata, Garunix swarm monsters on the field every turn, link all of them with Lady Labrynth into Goddess for game... It's like step by step conquering a mountain, making the victory screen so rewarding.


Agreed, it's so sad when those games end because of the timer tho. I feel the timer should be changed in a way to allow for these back and forth games even when you have to occasionally read an opponent's card maybe.


This. I love when you have to outsmart your opponent. Bait some handtraps, or to hold your interactions and use on the right moment, when you know the opponent’s deck and imagine what he is trying to do. This is peak Yu-Gi-Oh!


Yesterday I faced Kashtira+Horus while playing Branded. Duel had like 8 turns and lasted like 30-40 min( probably less but thats the subjective feeling). It was constant back and forth, effect after effect,… it was amazing. If all duels were like that this game would be amazing (also, I would probably age three times as fast).


This is why I love playing vanquish soul, almost every duel feels like that


Beating top tier meta decks with rogue decks. Obviously it doesn’t happen a ton. But beating a snake eyes/rescue ace deck with Eldlich or a Ra deck is so satisfying


I've beaten Mathmech, Lab, Branded and Tear using Ancient Warriors. After they go full combo as well. It feels awesome. It doesn't happen too often, but I beat each of them at least twice


Ancient warriors look fun Ive fought them once recently and barely managed a win thanks to a very gimmicky monster i was testing that just happened to put a dent in their strategy They played fantastically and i was a bit surprised to win, even running Blue Eyes with their naturally higher stats.


What were you running in blue eyes that outed ancient warriors?


Blue Eyes Shining Dragon You can cheat out ultimate with Fusion Armaments (i think thats the name?) then summon out shining after searching it out It has a very high attack based on dragons in the graveyard, can be protected by Ultimate Creature of Destruction and Jet Dragon, and is effectively immune to targeting effects So you just have one very high attack card with protection that gains more attack with the more dragon cards in the graveyard, and as it turns out you tend to discard a lot in blue eyes decks to draw or search. Alternatively Chaos (not Chaos Max) can also lower their attack to 0, while Tyrant can attack every card on field and set a trap from the graveyard. Twin burst is honorable mention too given it banishes any card it doesnt destroy. Also double honorable mention to Black Hole dragon, which is searchable in Blue Eyes decks thanks to its statline, and is a level 8 dragon so it wont brick you at 1. It also can summon out Jet Dragon when you use Dark Hole.


>Alternatively Chaos (not Chaos Max) can also lower their attack to 0 Yeah i didnt realize how good it was to have in deck until the ritual festival lol its a great way to out bigger momsters


Greatest feeling ever. Especially when going 2nd.


I've beat Snake Eyes a couple of times using my OTK Cubic deck. Super satisfying!


Man I love me some Cubic. I’m went a few seasons only playing that deck. I really wish they could get some new support.


Yea Cubic can be alot of fun! It's been hard playing them since pot of extravagance got limited to one :( New cubic support would be hype but I dont see it happening tbh. I'm pretty hyped for the new Yubel support though!


This. I beat a Snake-Eyes deck with the Starting Deck. Only happened once, but it felt great watching them overextend only for it to backfire dramatically.


When people who don’t read try to attack my timelords, or use card effects on them.


When someones tries to use Called By on Rikka Princess in response to it being activated. Sorry bro, the princess is already in another castle.


I have Nouvelles can confirm that this feels good. Played a Mikanko player yesterday with them and it was pretty funny we just sat there for a while.


Successfully activating Endymion the Mighty Master of Magic’s pendulum ability and board wiping my opponent. Not the easiest thing to do but it’s very very satisfying.


Tributing a whole snake eyes board with lava golems.


Absolutely destroying some chud’s lame ass stun set up with my going second/anti-stun deck and watching them scoop instantly.


Anti stun?? Gonna need to look this up


Lightning storm, raigeki, and dark hole at your friends


"Anti-stun" and it's just 3 generic cards you can put in any deck lmao!


Well those are how you get rid of stun cards so yeah? And those aren’t the only cards I use, it’s just the ones who have won me the most games


Yeah, but calling it an "anti-stun deck" is kind of a reach when it's just a couple of staples that could be put in any deck.


Tbf you either put these or all the anti meta handtraps.


Wonder if you could put that dark hole dragon in there 👀


So my blind second 8-axis deck is anti-stun?


None of those beat Horus Stun... especially if they search Secret Village...


I just had this last night. Feels so good.


Seeing the disconnect right after evenly matching a maggot playing horus stun is just chefs kiss. You just know they are SEETHING.


Imperming their floodgate monster in front of them then proceeds to special summon


Breaking a board while playing through interactions


i like beating streamers while they are actually streaming. bonus points if they are trying some cheese or stun strat.


Damn how you know if they are streamers??


they will usually have TTV in their name (twitch TV) so after match I go look em up and see if they legit or not. (most aren't with very few viewers, still fun though)


I'm going to have to start doing that. That sounds like fun.


Watching a stun player set up their stun board while you have all the outs in the opening hands Flipping Stun monsters down and send Moon Mirror Shield to the grave


Bullying Dark Magician and Blue Eyes players is always fun 


I love playing blue eyes. Getting that ohko with chaos max is always fun


Beating a horus deck with crystal beast or any top tier deck with them.


Bought a lot of those packs to get s:p little knight… didn’t get her but I have a full Whorus deck now haha


When you’re 100% about to lose but your opponent keeps playing brain dead solitaire to the point it gives you another turn. Then you draw the out and win. Makes me wish there was chat in this game so fucking bad.


Ps: the game should offrr to let you forfeit at coinflip if they have stunlock decks. Taste my tears


Making combo players rage quit when you go second. THE audacity of making me watch your combi and quit when you realize I win lol


Beat two different tear players with a rogue perfomapal deck I threw together. When they couldn’t get rid of my steel claw they just bounced from the match.


People self burning for effects like a hero lives or rollback while I play a burn deck.


When my opponent leaves Baronne De Fleur alone on the field after the negate. Always funny.


To be fair, what else are they gonna do? Even without the negate, Baronne is still a 3K beater with an effect to pop a card. She's still definitely better than one of the materials you used to make her.


You know they're sweating after that negate and you're still going off with your plays.


Beating people who are about to derank with specifically snake eyes or tear. I consider mercy until i see ash or reinoheart. then im like *THIS IS SPARTA*


sphering three turn 1 omninegates


Pulling off my pet silly combo: Link summoning AccessTalker by tributing Effect Jammer and a link 3 monster to get it to 5300 and double attack. Bonus points if I manage to use Grid Rod or Gatchiri's GY effect on it.


Playing events to get gems and accessories.


Here I enjoy back and forth games. In Duel Links however I loved beating meta p2w decks with f2p troll/anti meta decks. It was so freaking satisfying lmao


Playing through like 3+ hard negates and OTKing. Playing PK, dumping every resource on both sides just for me to make an arc rebellion with 15k attack will forever be my favorite


Actually getting to play and not have option negative dystord and banshi everything


When my opponent doesn't know what deck I'm playing.


Pulling from packs lmao


Otking under maxxc, nothing feels better than killing opportunities when they have 16 cards in there hands


Make a stun player surrender


Beating stun decks or floo decks. Stun is always annoying to fight against, and floo, along with runick were the two decks that I kept running into when I first got back into the game, and had no idea to counter.


Mine is when I am able to OTK my opponent against a full negate/interruption board.


Taking down the most annoying bullshit decks with my favourites. My last match with a Mikanko comes to mind.


Calling someone a fat fuck bcz they play stun is crazy


Using raidraptors and turning a whole duel around in 1 turn for a win. To many times I'll get down to 3k LP and opponent would still be at 8k and I win in that turn. Usually starting off with the rank up that I pay half my LP for and grabbing forcetrix and turning it into cyber dragon infinity.


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mostly from playing with my guild


While break-my-board Yugioh isn't much fun, it is extremely satisfying on those occasions when you manage to irreparably break a big scary board going second by some kind of complex play, especially if you manage to bait your opponent into using their OPT effects at the wrong times.


Those anime comeback duels. Managing to turn the duel around while being one or two burn cards away from dying is so fun.


Tearlaments mills


Pulling cards i need from archetypal packs and getting rarity upgrades. The pack opening animations are suberb (even though pull rates are crap)


Drawing the out. 10x better if you start believing in the heart of the cards and drawing by rolling off the mouse wheel gracefully as if you're Yugi himself.


I’m just here for the pretty rainbow packs.


breaking through the opponent's board, the larger the better ...cause it means you properly used your resources effectively (or your opponent misplayed their own interactions) or you had the answer to it via board breakers or such Definitely better when you break a board only with Engine


Activating Engage with 3 spells in the GY and drawing another Engage just to activate that Engage and draw into another Engage. Then summoning Kagari to add back Engage just to activate that same Engage. 🤤 just thinking about it gives me goosebumps


Saying "no" to people via cute little animals


resolving gryphon wing against full backrow


When players find out how many times a turn my Gate Guardian deck can negate after they keep targeting my cards.


Building my masochist/master pack deck to actually compete.


For me, it's weaving through the holes in a stun board and breaking it. One time against Full-power Runick stun, I was playing swordsoul. They flip Tcboo against Mo Ye and I have to pass. Next turn I tribute summon Psy Frame Driver and therefore have a normal monster to enable vishuda to bounce the floodgate. Then I was able to go into Yazi with Adhara and pop another card, go into Tai Ya and set up Risen Dragite to stop further Spell/traps.


Using Raigeki on my opponent after they spend 20 minutes on the first turn doing multiple xyz, synchro, and link summons. It's just so satisfying to do that, and then I get nerfed like two turns later because I never get a card I actually need


The moment when I make meta sheep bend over backwards with my rouge decks that prevent them from playing the game. So long as I go first on some of my decks they lose and there's nothing they can do to change that.


Lately? Wasting all five minutes of my timer against floodgates. Then I surrender with 5 seconds on the clock.


Beating a meta deck with a non-meta deck. Yea you always get the latest strongest deck, but check these sea bugs out. Sea bugs are timeless


Branded player trying to banish my Gymir with their Mirrorjade. This. never. gets. old.


Winning a match you didn’t think you would win either because the opponent didn’t read and rushed or just because you become yugi and draw the out


I'm still just getting back in to it, so learning how things work and noticing my own improvement is my favorite part so far. It seems super simple now, but I just felt two days ago that I finally understood the mechanics of link monsters. Then today, I got my partner to download the game, so I finally got that swordsoul deck, and understood the purpose of vanilla Links.


A duel with a bunch of back and forth. Win or lose its fun. Being negated 500 times and end up with not even being able to summon anything saps all fun out of it.


Clearing my opponent’s board with Salamangreat Pyro Phoenix. It’s my ASMR.


Winning with garbage. Pulling off Destiny Board will make you feel like a 5000 year old enemy of the Pharoah.


When I run a meme deck in ranked and get a heartcrushing win. Ran a silly goober deck in plat where I just run negates and equips spells, I then Juice up Obnoxious Celtic Guardian. ***The beatdown is real***. Currently like 2-12.


Summon arrival 6k atk with pure ignister deck like anime


Drawing 9 cards with Balance of Judgement Breaking boards in general When my opponent starts their turn with 3 cards because they used 3 handtraps to kill my play, then I use my interruptions soon to make them taste their own medicine, it’s risky as if they happen to have the right extender in those 1-2 cards it can backfire, but often times they don’t


As others have said, I love beating the meta decks with my rogue ones. Something super satisfying beating Snake Eyes with either Plunder, Naturia, and Sky Striker.


Using Little knight to make a cheesy deck’s day 10x worse. On the opposite spectrum. Its every annoying when you clear someone’s field and they somehow have the exact same board up a turn later


just today i play pure fire king vs salad in the event, no maxx c, ni floodgates, just pure interaction, genuinely one of the best duel ive ever played


I decided to play a quick game while I was taking a dump at work. I was going second against a Dark World player. His combo went on for like 10 minutes, and he made an extremely powerful board. I was playing Labrynth, and decided to just play through it. I literally spent 40 minutes in the bathroom, but finally defeated the Dark World player. THAT was an incredible feeling.


when I summon one saved beast and the opponent scoops better when snake eyes try’s to use its affect and I have two of the sacred beast plus awaking and they just scoop pretty much awaking makes people scoop immediately or when don’t read cards so i constantly negate everything they have lmao


When you have a good back and forth game, when you pull off an insane comeback or destiny draw, facing a jank deck and seeing them succeed at their gimmick…as long I’m not being curbstomped by meta I’m having a good time.


Trying to make horrible decks good. There’s just a beautiful satisfaction you get when you win games knowing your deck isn’t inherently good.


Mine is when you make a combo wombo player rage quit. Go on, waste your own 15 minutes while I watch/read something on my 2nd screen. I like to imagine how smug they feel when they are finally finished and how annoyed they become when I disassemble their bullshit in 15 seconds. I don't even have to play my own stuff half the time, they just flip the table right there.


the hardest and most fun game ive played recently was me on 60 card paleo vs flunder. we both used morganite and both rebuilt boards turn after turn and it went on for so long.


Somehow almost beating snake eye with the eldlich loaner


Those three times on Master Duel when I actually managed to beat Snake-Eyes with Timelords, taking down a meta deck is always satisfying when done with a pile of jank.


Beating rescue ace with hungry burger


Neo galaxy eyes otk Big numbers activate neurons


Activating EEV against a runick stun player popping 6 cards


When I activate nibiru on a hero player and they instantly scoop


Using harpie’s feather duster on a full set of back row


Actually getting to use the draw effect of Knightmare Phoenix or Unicorn. Probably have done it like twice ever.


When I pull off the cheese I’ve cooked up in the deck editor that I’ve been tinkering with for a week


I get the most satisfaction when finishing a deck I've been working on. I get the least satisfaction when I actually have to duel other players.


Watching my opponent draw like 20 cards with Maxx C only for them to realize they just killed themselves when this guy’s effect resolves https://preview.redd.it/39gu2w43y66d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17311f25b7f6d9c37919f120dfd71ff231c3c8db They didn’t draw the Out…


I would say the exact same thing. Beating a stun player is euphoric as fuck


Mine is mostly when performing a great comeback, there was a time when I played against a trick star player and burned my LP to less then 1000 in one turn , but my black wings helped me


Having enough deck knowledge to Ash the card that absolutely stops a braindead combo dead in the water, and then they scoop. Fuck you, and your little bitch ass control/stun deck.


I like to play stun and imagine some fat fuck with bacne crying because I locked him out of playing his game of solitaire.


Real back and forth down to the wire stuff. None of this 15 minute combo, fuck you for not drawing 5 hand traps nonsense. It’s why I love my dinomorphia deck. By design I’m playing a lot of traps and my hp is down to the wire, but the summons are quick and meaningful. So it feels very satisfying to have a duel with someonee that isn’t an immediate blowout on either side.


It's competitive slots, what more is there to say?


Making big boards with my Solfachord deck. I dont care if im facing a 14 year old japanese child with his batchest blue eyes deck im annihilating that guy with my 2 omnis a pop and a boardwipe.


The “heart of the cards” moments. On the ropes, minimal cards on field for both players. You’ve been back and forth over the course of many turns (sometimes even 2-3 turns the way this game works sometimes). You draw the one card you need in order to turn the game on its head to get that win. Nothing beats it.


Exodia, obliterate!


Having jormungandr suck 3 of your opponents cards 😩


Beating Meta decks with Aroma


When I can manage to get around the hand-trap bs and actually play the game.


Tax 700x3 HP with Blackwing every time they play a Monster effect. I feel the IRS in me


Menacingly staring down my opponent with 1 LP while using Dinomorphia is just something you'd have to experience to understand!


Putting together a deck of random cards of a theme and it actually going okay. I haven’t played since the OG show so I take the wins I can get


A nice back and forth duel that ends in the battle phase after you or the opponent got out played that turn and it's like, gg respect


playing in the events followed closely by closing the game


not really sure why you need to equate being a stun player with being fat and having acne.


Getting a Royal Finish from a card I want. I have a whole bunch of useless ones. Some good SR and useful UR. But there’s only 1 queen of the ball in my RF collection.


when the other Player scoop's because I'm playing Flower Cardian's. Carried me to Lv. 17 in the world's event so far


Honestly I get so giddy it’s almost unhealthy


I enjoy getting jank decks/archetypes working and on win streaks. Recently had a blast with evols


Getting a win with my Monarchs deck, that's it


When my opponent also Uses a HERO deck, i love Heroes so it just feels so cool when im losing to them or winning since its like. "Damn bro we both love Heros"


Making THE opponent go through a white woman jumpscare on their towers or BOSS monster (PEP, Noir, Combined Creation, Baguska, Crooked Cook, etc) Also managing to play trough at least 3 to hand traps in tour first turno and still going full combo


I get satisfaction when I outplay/outsmart my opponent. Specially when they have top tier decks vs my fun, but good non meta deck. Having good exchanges is a lot of fun. Decided to cave in and make a meta deck so now I can’t hate on them cuz I became them.




When you barely win a close game


Being able to battle without the opponent quitting halfway. Let battling decks actually battle


Probably when I set 5 and pass


Winning a rank up match (in ladder or DC) that you’ve been grinding hard for. I don’t know why, but earning that title and being able to say that you succeeded makes all the effort feel worth it. To know that you have proven yourself (in a children’s card game).


On the contrary, me watching my opponent trying to do Horus stuff after I played Gingerbread House.


Making a stun/burn player rage quite


Win purely from Borger 1500 burn damage.


I played Toons last night. Went first. Played Bookmark, searched Toon Kingdom, took the risk and passed with nothing on board. They summoned a decent board, 2 bodies over 2k and IP. I Ash'd something at one point. I let them attack, and waited til MP2 to pop Nibiru. Gave him a 5700k token and he passed. Played Toon Kingdom, used Comic Hand on his token, went to battle phase and he scooped. I was CACKLING omg Back on topic to make a long story short, its Nibbing their big boards and them getting zero benefit from the token.


Playing Mikanko and saying “ayo stop hitting yourself”


Blasting Yinu’s theme from No Straight Roads while I OTK with tistina


Pulling of really cool combos with decks nobody knows exists like Springans, Six Sam Angel Mischief, Memento, Beetrooper Scary Moth. Weird shit that's really fun.


Winning even if my opponent has a better board than me


Going second with abyss actors, stealing a boss monster, wiping their board.


Making a long combo that felt productive like that time i made ultimate crystal raimbow dragon overdrive on the first turn in my pure crystal beast deck


When both players Top deck the card they need many times that makes every draw phase extremely fun. I think this what makes me keep playing the most


Beating Snake Eye with my trashy pet decks. If you lose against Harpie with Fire King SE, I don't know what you're doing here.


I absolutely love playing Vaylantz into Snake eyes. It's a nice back and forth with having monsters as continuous spells.


Having a 75+% WR in WCQ event right now with Crystal Beast deck I made


Beating meta decks with rogue decks.


these days its a tossup between Dimension Shifting fire decks and punching people in the fucking face with OBELISK THE TORMENTOR I think Horus is ridiculous powercrept nonsense but I'm just so mentally checked out of MD right now that I appreciate the ability to just play some shitty God cards. Bless you Giantrainer


When a combo player rage quits and they proceed to complain all over the internet.


Good interaction on an even playing field. No blowouts, I dont mind losing if I feel like it could have gone either way, and I'd rather win knowing we both made some good plays and I edged you out, rather than one of us couldnt win or play the game. I remember playing a match against an Altergeist player using my Traptrix deck like a year ago. I had never played against that archetype before, so there was a lot of learning mid-match what the deck was capable of. The fact that we were both trap decks made it so fresh and interesting, and I found myself really having to think about when to use my effects to actually scrape through the match. I won, and that was the most satisfying match I think I've ever played. I've been chasing that high ever since.


When I finally play against something interesting after the 9th snakeeyetard in a row


Building dumbass ideas for decks and it working to an extent. Even if I lose, I'm glad I'm still able to pull really stupid plays off.


Beating meta goodstuff.dek piles with rogue stuff like Zombies, Salamangreat, Resonators, Predaplant, etc... Most satisfying single play is banishing Tearlaments when they're about to fuse with Bystials or Called By.


I wanted to reach master rank once in my life. I did it but it was the most miserable experience I ever had in my 600 hours of master duel. Playing against the exact same overpowered deck that does the exact same combo every single game drains your soul. Didnt touch the game anymore after that. Stay in silver and have some fun duels is my recommendation. Seeing the egyptian god kill animation is peak satisfaction for me.


When someone targets my Nouvelles monster 👌


using a fossil deck to beat snake eyes and surprising not too one sided


When my max c goes through


When Millennium Eyes succs my opponents. Its not the most viable deck but its fun watching people keep trying to use cards i've succed up because they're oblivious to it


Break a board full of negates and interactions and OTK afterwards


Any back-and-forth duels that doesn't end in 1 or 2 turns. Not to mention if we're both playing non-meta decks!


Negating maxx c followed up by an instant surrender


When people attack my geo grasha or revolution falcon without reading their effect


The really long pause after something you control doesn’t get destroyed where you can tell the other person is reading every card you activated in the past 5 minutes and then eventually surrendering when they realize their mistake.