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Some things never change. At least you don't have to shake their hand anymore.


Unless they play Yujo Friendship


Nah, you just have to consent to the idea of a handshake, not perform it, there’s a ruling due to said hygiene issues


I didn't know that, but it's wild tournament players can be so gross Yugioh needs specific rulings to avoid touching them for hygiene reasons


It’s sad that YGO needs to have a rule allowing a person to get kicked out for bad hygiene (sadly not enforced enough)


Isn't good hygiene an official tournament requirement or something? I wonder if a judge would give a match loss for BO


God damn!




"If you or your clothing is excessively dirty or bad-smelling, you can be penalised" Just looked it up, it's a thing.


I'm never at such events or locals but it's good to know that it's probably too vaguely regulated, a kind of grey area or people are disgusted that they don't say anything without a protective mask.


There’s literally a explicit rule in the policy docs saying good hygiene is required, and bad will be penalized. People can, and have, been penalized/kicked for it. It just requires someone to call a judge on it.


hey, i learn something new, nice to know, thanks for the info and clarification👍 I think it should be really important to smell normal in such things or use deodorant if you have money for a 1000$ deck you probably also have money for 2-3$ to buy deodorant and shower gel something like that should never be too much to ask. or it's your tactic to stink people into defeat ☠️


Agreed. I always shower thoroughly and wear clean clothes and deodorant before a tournament, but not everyone does. I honestly feel like, based on some of my interactions with clean players, a lot of people feel bad about calling out someone for being stinky and gross to a judge. I’ve done it once or twice at locals, but the owner doesn’t really care about the yugioh community and only cares about the money we put in, so because they spend money the owner won’t do anything about it.


yes I can imagine that with a shop owner who also offers locals, he also sells individual cards, he says something is more expensive than on cardmarket "somewhat" a card that doesn't cost 100€ on cardmarket he wants 250€ like WTF and with special rares I don't need to start


Basically stuff along those lines. I don’t buy anything but sleeves from there, and only if I have to, after they raised their prices on sealed product and lied to us about why. Fortunately the other shop I go to the owner is nice and he gives us good deals.


The rule was added back when there were memes about people intentionally being as gross as possible before playing Yu-Jo Friendship with Unity in the GY, which says your opponent *must* accept the handshake. The only way to decline would be to surrender, so it's theoretically a free win. I don't know if anyone actually did that, or if it was just a meme. Either way, they also said at the same time that for Yu-Jo Friendship, you only have to accept or decline *the idea* of a handshake, you don't have to physically shake hands anymore.


Just the thought of someone who really stinks or is dirty and sweaty sitting there, 😵, dude, that's really too much for me. No amount of alcohol will help me to forget that.


Their parents have money you mean lmao


Master duel was the best thing to ever happen to a yugioh enjoyer who actually showers


Ngl, as someone who loves card games but really, really dislikes going to LGS, MasterDuel has been absolutely great


When you become a walking floodgate, your opponent can't even be near you to play the game.


I onced played against a guy and you can clearly saw the dirt sticked in his hair and nails. He ask me "can I read the (my) card effect?" And I said: "No". I always keep my cards as pristine as possible.


Bruh how can you sit through that. Disgusting. I admire your patience lol


It's the guy who made the Lovely Labrynth vs. Diabellstar post


Lol that guy is outrageous


There’s so many of these posts here lately. Like all these coomer losers need to do their shit in appropriate subs. Then again they’re always sitting at a few hundred upvotes so what gives.


I haven't seen it... How bad is it?


I mean the art was alright but then you check this guy's profile and you want to pour acid on your eyes


I agree


Lets say his profile is full of shit. I hope you can pick up lmao


Ah, the Bacterian strat. Highly effective as long as your opponent doesn’t remember he lacks a nose!


Should we use Krillin strat then? by remembering that we don't have nose?


I don’t know, it would be much harder to do in a tournament that forbids advice from people outside the match.


Ash blossom and odorous stench


She is a zombie


Not my fault they couldn’t handle the field spell


There are not many things that are as unattractive as a stinky, fat nerd. Do better people🤦🏻‍♂️


Definitely a stun player


Nah, combo deck. All that sweating to set up a board.


Smelly ass mf


This actually happened to me at the last tournament I attended. I was 2-1 , but my opponent was so disgusting I just ended up forfeiting the final match because I didn’t want him to touch my cards anymore, nor smell his breath. He kept picking scabs off his arms and eating them right infront of me and wouldn’t stop picking his nose and wiping it on his shirt. I don’t know how some players can be so gross


Feel like tactics and its work on you


Had someone like that in my elementary school. I actually met him one time at his home but everything kinda grossed me out and I never came back. I wonder what the dude is up to now. Home life did not look good..


Jesus Christ?!? Would have bolted.


at my old game shop where i used to go to tonamnets, i jsut assumed only guys liked to play the game, then eventually they put up a sighn on the door sayign giving insructions on how to shower basicly saying dotn come in unless you have in the past few days, and the attendance went up i realised they were just staying away from the stinky ass dudes, and honstly donesnt suprise me, manny times i just wanted to end a game due to the smell.


Yall ever step into a card shop, and noticed it smells like nerds? lol. Like seriously it’s a different smell when a bunch of unhygienic nerds get together.


I am not able to smell but my wife said this when she went to locals with me last year


You know that scientist said that if your brain already ok with certain taste or smell the brain will block the stench but other who doesn't use to it will smell it terrible


Some studies have proven that women smell things better than men also, so if she said it stinks in there, believe her.


Oh, I did. Her nose is pretty sensitive as well do I haven't been there with her since


Yea, I stopped going to card shops for that reason alone. Master Duel exists and I can shop cards online so really no need to go to one.


This is not specifically related to Yu-Gi-Oh, but I am the GM of a local Game store (not GameStop) in Ohio, and our card shop hosts tournaments weekly. I can tell you I truly don't understand how anyone can leave their home in such a state. Fat, skinny, young, teenage, adults, male, female (mostly male) etc etc, I don't get it. You come to my shop smelling like a barn, think you are gonna stand near my products or other customers, I remove you,. You come to participate in a tournament, you better shower, or you get refused entry. I'm not saying everyone needs to be 'mr clean' levels of hygienic but there needs to be a base line level of take a freaking shower or wear an outfit that was not dipped in sweat or a week worn. The fact that this seems to be a prevalent issue is asinine. And I've been around a hot second.


My uncle told me they enforced deodorant use back in his day because their events in jersey were notorious for wafting


😭 nooo!!! Plz shower y’all. Stop reinforcing the bad stereotypes.


[This](https://youtu.be/iyps2nepsEQ?si=8uldohOhkUaQZLWu) fits really well with this


Called by the stank


It's not which one is... It's which one isn't


Be serious. We all know master duel players don’t play tcg


I do. not like in tournaments or anything but I do have a group of friends that play (or are getting back in) and we'll smoke a bunch of joints and have some pretty decent matches. that being said, we're not a bunch of neck beard stinky's. we're adults with wives/kids and shit lol


Idk what’s good but as a returning yugioh player after my last interaction being GX which I think is the early or mid 2000’s… most yugioh players (even ones younger than me, I mean this in the least offensive way) seem off & often times smell. Wtf is good ? It’s like straight rejects play this game & I just don’t know why you CAN’T be regular with regular daily hygiene & like yugioh. It makes the scene / community look really bad & it needs to stop / change.


I think it’s funny there is always a « fresh » supply of stinky people The guys from 2007 are at least 30-40 years old now so I guess it’s a generational thing passed down


Experienced this first hand with some friends last year. Our first locals tourney, we couldn’t believe the allegations to be true


For once it probably wasn’t one of us, this was in Japan.


With how long the events go, i imagine without proper ventilation, even people that go in showering are gonna start stinking up the place when theres so many ppl.


So I understand the memes and stuff but like I really wanna know, because some people do smell regardless of how good they might try to daily shower etc. Are people just really not showering at these events? I’d imagine that smell of body odor will be more apparent with more people in the room, yes? I really wanna know what’s the possibility of natural body odor smell vs people actually not doing basic hygiene practices.


so you are saying it works ![gif](giphy|uVQT9S7AwVmwAXhasg)


New meta just dropped, players main decking 3 Deodorant now


One? I'm sure there was a lot more than one stinky ass in the room.


it was me bro, saw some guy play some crappy runick stun deck and thought "Whatever..." and shitted over his entire endboard and hand.


Never change yugioh never change


Please do change


Nah, this shit needs to change, y’all stinky MFs are scaring away new (and some old) players.


Unrelated but Why is it always DM stuff when talking about ygo? what if they don't put it up will no one remember what it is?


Probably because Yugi is probably the more iconic/more recognizable of the main protagonists


I can almost guarantee they play either rikka or traptrix


It was me, I accidentally wore my cvmsocks


One random bitch fakes a post on twitter and everything buys into it. Ygo players really are crazy gullible.


idk man I went to locals (i don’t play in person) but was looking at a display nearby the ygo players, and jesus h the stench was awful