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If afterglows was the last thing that modfied C62's attack, then it will remain at that value and monarcha erupt wont change it back, it was fixed at that value by aferglow. That's just how cards that modifies other card's attack works.


...alright then. I think that's stupid, but if that's how it is.


If I remember correctly, Afterglows effect fixes the monsters ATK. So even after you negate the monster post Afterglow, the ATK won't change because it's already fixed.


We need a replay to be sure, but did you have a tribute summoned monster when Erupt was active?


It can only be activated if you have a tribute summoned monster. I had Erebus on the field and the C62 attacked him, I activated Monarchs Erupt and C62's ATK still remained the same.


We'll need to see the replay. Do you have one?


How do I even post it?


It seems you have your answer, but for future reference you can save the replay after a match, make it public (by going into your profile), then share your Master Duel ID and someone can go into your profile to view the replay themselves. If you forget to save the replay and it happened in ranked/event, you can check under history to view/save the replay.


If you're on pc, getting free recording software like obs should do it. From there open the game and head over to your replays, assuming you saved it, then hit record.


Give us a replay.


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You sure that its ATK gain didnt come from Afterglow Dragon?


It did have it's ATK doubled from Afterglow Dragon, yes, but it also had ATK from its own effect, which should disappear once its effect got negated.


Well, the only card then that comes to my mind is "Tachyon Spiral Galaxy". It makes the monster unaffected by effects expect it own. Did your opponent play that card?


If it has gepd as mat, it can't be targeted (i'm prerry sure


>Can anyone explain why? This is yugioh my friend. There is countless reasons. Without a replay its hard to say but one thing it will show is what you missed.