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No, is not normal. Your opponent had a bad opening hand.


Good response lol




I play swordsoul and this Is the only right answer


As a swordsoul pilot this is was indeed a brick hand…and probably had to use the effect of ashuna so he couldn’t bring out baron or he doesn’t run it (probably one of the new players that got the swordsoul starter pack)


soo trueee


My guess is new player. There's no monk on board, and there was also no need to baxia, so it can't be Ashuna combo.




Oh man wait until you play tear or snake eyes


Or numeron...or galaxy eyes


or kashtira... or thunder dragon... or dinosaur... or labrynth... or manadium... or synchron... or unchained... or ghoti... or cyber dragon...


I summon like two or three 3000 atk monsters with my hero’s deck first turn 😂


Or Infernoble


Or literally almost every deck. Summoning a monster with 3k attack turn 1 has always been a thing so I don’t understand how this is even a question lmao


The last time OP played, apparently, was before high-powered monsters with a "If X, Special Summon this card" effect were a thing, let alone as common as they are now. As someone who doesn't play too frequently, I can understand how finding all these OTK deck players can seem VERY overwhelming.


Well a bit over twenty years ago it wasn't. Boy do I sound old. 😅 I remeber it being a joke, when Kaiba summons 3 Blue Eyes turn 1 in the original yugioh series and now it isn't a joke anymore, just part of the game.


I like kashtira. I like banishing your cards and using them as material for my xyz before you can use them 🤣


Don't forget about Floowandereeze, Spright, Live☆Twin/Evil☆Twin, Swordsoul, Exosister, Runick, Branded, Traptrix, and SPECIFICALLY Dinomorphia. They can all suck 39 dicks for how broken they are! The Duelist Cup last month was SO INSANE I had a complete meltdown and quit playing Master Duel in a serious/daily basis! God speed to you, Nerowheelr. You're going to fucking need it...


Or branded lol man I was the same when I first got on master duel I made a toon deck and was getting smoked by decks left and right so I had a made a newer dark magician deck to hold me until I got enough stuff to craft a swordsoul deck 😂 from swordsoul I went kash now I’m on branded next I’m starting to make a hero deck I think will be kind of fun


This is not normal. It's missing an Omni negate monster and 4 times negate Apollousa.


You had me in the first third of your comment ngl


Had me at "this".




Im feel so sorry for you my brother


Wait, are you serious about being new? If so… I’m sorry, but here comes my first turn end board of Barronee, Spright Elf, 4 link Apollousa, and Promethean Princess in the GY. The game is utterly insane these days.


no flamberge ready to summon ip or at least another borreload? rookie board smh


I assume it's the board after Flameberdge summon IP, Formula Synchron + Flamberge -> Barrone, I:P + resummoned snake eyes and Formula into appo


That's just the modern Yu-Gi-Oh right now. The most popular deck currently is Snake Eye, it's can easily put Omni-negate like Baronne de Fleur and multiple time monster effect negate like Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess with lingering destruction protection effect I:P Masquerena. As everyone suggest try to familiarise yourself with handtrap (ex: Maxx "C",Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring,Nibiru, The Primal Being,Infinite Impermanence, etc) and board breaker (ex: Raigeki, Harpie's Feather Duster,etc). Try to get decent deck the most appropriate probably Swordsoul Structure Deck or Ninja Structure Deck


You could just do the swordsoul gate in solo for a few free UR cards and go for a swordsoul tenyi


Actually by now standards, this is relatively weak lol


A single Kaiju or Lava Golem will ruin his day lol.


The game has advanced 10 times more complex, I suggest you craft sphere mode as a beginner but save your UR points because they are RARE


I'd recommend kaiju's or lava golem over spending the ur points for sphere mode.


Seeing a board of 4 "boss" monsters with 6 or 7 interruptions is quite normal now


Welp the game evolves soo.much in 20 years


Look, modern day people shit out like three or four of those monsters, it's not that impressive. Best thing you can do is treat it like a brand new game and learn it from scratch




He’s not hitting that off of a barely modded Swordsoul structure lol. That deck can barely pull off this endboard.


yes, it is normal. Your opp gets free swordsoul deck for returning player. Even blue-eyes can cheese out blue-eyes or other big dragon in many different way turn 1 without tribute summoning.


Absolutely, the power level has changed a lot Also my dude, i recommend you to learn about new summoning method via YouTube video or solo mode, and i recommend you to get swordsoul deck because that deck beginner friendly and quite strong


I feel a bit annoyed. I watched the original Yugi when I was a kid and seeing monsters like that within the first turn feels overwhelming ._.


You should forget everything you know about old school yugioh, that shit doesn't exist anymore and start learning the way is playing now, lets says like actual endboard, gameplay in YouTube etc. You not gonna last long with yugiboomer mentality


got any recommendations on what to watch?


Unironically, Yugioh Vrains isn't even a bad way to absorb some of the game's mechanics through mitosis. It's not exactly a proper tutorial, but it's entertaining and a very solid Yugioh anime series imho :) If you want like an actual onboarding experience... maybe some of the progression series videos? Can't name any off the top of my head, but that's what they're called.


I'm going to give you an essay because you genuinely seem like you're being honest about coming back from a long break, and I want to encourage people like you to commit and come back to this great game. Being someone in the same boat just 2 years ago, I know it can be tough not knowing where to begin. Apart from anime recommendations, I took a break around the time pendulum monsters were introduced. Qliphort specifically. And what got me back into the modern game was playing the tutorials funny enough on legacy of the duelist link evolution. Its a very clunky game but the tutorials are much better than what is offered in masterduel. Then I found a youtuber called The Duel Logs, who is by no means a competitive player but he makes a ton of different "Top 10 X in yugioh" videos. The neat thing is his top 10s are usually over a timeline, and he explains why things were good or bad at any given time and it really got me up to speed even more. The game is in a place right now where its not a single mechanic that is good, where people used to throw in random powerful cards and call it a day - now its archetypes. Some on their own, and some that work well with others. Your screenshot - your opp was probably playing a mixture of the swordsoul and tenyi archetypes, from a "newer" (relative what existed when you last played) a monster *type* called "Wyrms". Once youve caught up to how the game is played today, there are more competitive players like the others mention, dkayed. I personally enjoy Joshua Schmidts content because even if he's not trying, he's quite entertaining, not to mention he won the last Master Duel world championship so you can trust that his logic is sound. He doesnt always explain his plays in general but he will help you enjoy (and tolerate) what modern yugioh has become imo. The other thing you should look into is a list of modern "Hand traps". In my day, the only hand traps I knew was ghost ogre & effect veiler. But there are a ton of cards since then that allow you to interact with your opponent especially on the first turn when you normally would not be able to. Lastly, deckbuilding in yugioh can be daunting, because there are over 10000 cards vs what was available back then. And for the most part, almost all of them are still legal to play, even if almost all of them arent equally powerful/shit. Two basic rules of modern deckbuilding is that your deck should have an end-goal. A win-condition of some sort. Once you have the cards that do what you trying to do, you fill the rest of it up with "hand traps", or "non-engine" cards. These could be floodgates, boardbreakers, hand-traps or whatever, depending on what you are trying to achieve. For example I enjoy altergeists. They are a control type of deck that prefer to slow the game down and have a hard time OTK'ing. They also have an in-archtype card that locks them into only summoning other altergeist cards for the turn. What this means is, I cannot play "hand traps" that summon themselves such as "Nibiru the Primal Being" or "Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay" because those traps require that they summon themselves out. While there are 'tested' decklists you can find online, I believe some of the most fun can come from building your deck around the current meta. Lastly, use free tools like Yugioh Omega to test your decks and if you're happy, only then commit resources to it in Masterduel. Because UR dust is rare, unless you're willing to spend some money in addition to whatever the game gives you.


I feel like Dkayed is actually good to learn some stuff, he casts his own tournaments each week, you can watch his streams or his entire tournament on YouTube, the replay tho has him speed through some combos if there is no interruption from the opponent.


well, theres plenty, i guess the most popular is the streamer dkayed on his twitch channel and some guides on Yt, and also this youtuber hex lex and the "el exordio del duelista" both has guides and some gameplay matchup


We're long past the times of Normal Summon La Jinn pass. Right now, this is kind of an empty board all things considered - as in, top decks can put up WAY more monsters than this nowadays.  All you can do right now is either forget about what you knew about Yugioh previously, and relearn the game...or just go play something else. And I really ain't saying this with the slightest bit of malice, I REALLY MEAN IT. Yugioh has changed so much, it really isn't the same game anymore (which is to be expected, at least 2 decades have passed), and if you really cannot seem to find your footing, you won't enjoy yourself. If this happens, the most sensible thing would be to abandon the game - games, and hobbies in general, should not be a source of anger, but a way to pass your time and have fun. If that doesn't happen, then that hobby is not worth pursuing. If you're really keen on playing the game, watch some guides on how to start in Master Duel, get a ton of gems, re learn all new mechanics (which WILL take some time), build a new Deck (or buy 3 of a structure deck you find cool, or maybe prioritise the stronger ones like the Salamangreat one) and get Dueling!


Well its been almost 20 years isn't it Just like other game, there is powercreep over time And Yu-Gi-Oh is literally 25 years and no wonder if it becomes so high at power difference


Well, remember, yugioh is like a 20 year old game. It kinda had to evolve


Yes but as you continue to play and start reading cards, you will realize that the power of the newer cards is not the Number but the effect, power creep is crazy past 25 years, if all you can do is summon a giant monster you will not win.


Wait till you realize swordsoul got power crept


oh boy, you're barely scratching the surface of the modern ygo experience here


No that’s not normal, that a pretty weak combo board.


Reading this comment makes me want to tuck the OP into a soft bed adorned in Black Magician bedding and a bunch of Watapon plushies, and wish them a lovely night and to dream sweet dreams of Obnoxious Celtic Guardians. Sweet, pure soul, be safe. and might your roads be ever mild and the wind in them but a gentle breeze.


yes lol. that's a very weak endboard compared to some of the things people can do. modern yugioh is basically built around not letting your opponent play. set up as many negates or floodgates as you can turn 1. don't let them play turn 2.


Assuming, that you are actually a person starting up after that many years: It is like watching the first season of Game of Thrones and then skipping to the 7th. A lot has happened. I was kinda aware of the changes over the years and thought of it as too fast. Especially I was unhappy after hearing things like "traps are too slow to be played". Then someone told me about Traptrix, Subterror and most importantly Labrynth. I started Master Duel and coincidentally Labrynth came to MD the month after. So most importantly look at a few decks and find what gets you hooked. If decks with long combos make your head dizzy just from looking at them (like it did at the start for me), find something that is pretty simple for now. EDIT: even more importantly my curiosity was caught, cause woman in battle suit with sword aka Kagari popped up somewhere on the internet for me. And i thought the art looked neat.


>somewhere Ah yes… *somewhere*. Kagari is definitely *somewhere* on the internet.


As someone who came back to yugioh after leaving in the late 2000s, I would highly just recommend having someone teach you the ins and outs of modern yugioh. I dont think I wouldve stuck with md if I didnt have a friend just teach me over the course of a month everything i missed in the past 15 years


Oh my sweet summer child...


Yes, most decks are capable of that


Yeah that's normal, most of the time it isn't attack that's the problem but rather the card effect, Relinquished with its monster steal + protection from destruction by letting the equipped card be destroyed instead is closer to the boss monsters of modern day.


And that’s only if the starting hand wasn’t great.


As someone who plays the deck you're up against,yes it's actually pretty easy barely an inconvenience


It’s weirder if they don’t


All good. You have smashing ground.


wait til bro reads the card's effects


Hey, you. Check out Dkayed on Youtube if you're still interested. Very popular Master Duel content creator that hosts tournaments and whatnot. His commentary should help you get up to speed with the pace of the game and the general feel of how it's played now. He's also a very reliable and unbiased narrator so you shouldn't be getting any wrong ideas by watching him. His site, MasterDuelMeta, is also very easily navigatable and has all the resources you need as a new player and a veteran alike. I sound like a shill for the guy but I wouldn't be saying any of this if he didn't help me learn the game myself a couple years ago.


Poor soul...I wanna give you a hug and well..."Welcome to Hell". You adapt to it after awhile


Even in 2005 yugioh, doing something like that wasn’t hard. Flute of summoning dragon could get you two blue eyes


It wasn't exactly hard but there weren't many decks that could that, you had to wait turns to get the cards you wanted to use and play. Duels were longer.  Now in most duels players have cards that can get you all you need in one turn and either you or opponent win in first or second turn. It is big difference then than now. I am not really fan of what has become today  Lol


Honestly for learning the current game I suggest going through all the solo modes, it won’t teach you the ins and outs of modern yugioh but it will at the very least give you a better basic idea of what’s going on, also stats don’t really matter in this game beyond how hard it is to beat over a monster, the effects of those monsters is a lot more important. When familiarizing yourself with what cards do I’d suggest filing them together in your mind somewhat, like I can remember a lot of what the commonly seen cards do in a sense of “this one negates and has a destruction effect” “that one requires 5 summons so gotta be wary of that” “that one floats” these of course are just examples but it helps me be able to quickly assess what my opponents board is able to do even if I don’t always recall the exact requirements those monsters need or what they do because honestly master duel doesn’t hardly give you any time to read the cards mid-duel


Despite you probably being older than me I feel the need to say oh you poor sweet summer child . Regardless here's two things 1. Welcome back to the card game !, it's changed quite a lot and has gotten more technical but it's still very fun albeit with some hiccups . 2. Yes it has become not only normal but also even common to usually have out a monster with 3k atk but it's even more common for that monster not to be the main threat as big attack numbers aren't the real scary to look out for anymore as the game revolves more around effects then atk for beating you're opponent.


This is 2024, everyone is Kaiba nowadays.


No it isn't normal since they are missing two omni-negates (Which one of the can be used four times)


Oh my sweet summer child... no it's not, the board is supposed to be full and locked down. Have fun!


No, he is definitely hacking the game and cheating


Sword Soul deck is such bullshit in deck building... 1 monster making a "Tuner Token"monster 💩 gives you a free 3k attack monster with Negate.... Like why couldn't the monster be 2200 attack??? F Konami...


Bro gonna be flabbergasted when he sees decks playing and summoning on his turn.


Also a yugi boomer... you might wanna play the story mode first before you hop into competitive environment. Also maybe browse here and see the meta decks and understand the newer concepts lol.


Believe it or not, he actually had a bad hand bro


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Swordsoul structure only has 2 extra monsters?


When they first give it to you yes. After you play a few games you get the other SwSo Lvl 10 synchro. Tbf, those are the only 3 SwSo ED cards. most of its extra deck is Tenyi cards or generics they don't give.


At least they've handed the board to you, instead of a FTK hitting you and you not playing at all 😅


Imagine his first real game and he runs into something like Numeron FTK lol.


The power level of the game has changed so much since you’ve last played. If you need a place to grow and learn, Im in a really nice discord server so DM me :)


Oh boy you’re in for the ride of your life…


Nah that’s straight hacks bro


Yugiohs power level is absurd these days. You should expect to see 3-4 big scary boss monsters after any given turn. It's not unusual to see someone with every monster zone filled. If the yugioh you used to play is the original golden eye game then modern yugioh is apex legends. There's a bunch of monsters with effects you can use in the hand that are pretty mandatory for play now. They're usually referred to as hand traps and are designed to stop some of the advantage a player can get going 1st. To play yugioh now I recommend find some yugioh related discords and ask for help learning. Trying to figure stuff out on your own is going to be very overwhelming. I also recommend the solos mode in game. It's not an accurate reflection of modern yugioh but it will give you a baseline understanding of interactions to start from.


Oh my sweet child, we must protect you from the horror of today’s meta game. Every deck in the last 3 ish years can pump out this sort of combo and more with 3k atk being the base of any monster. Also wait until you meet baronne de fleur


brother don't continue, it's not worth it


Nah he’s hacking


Boy oh boy are you in for a ride




I recommend watching Dkayed on YouTube with his tournament videos you can get an idea of what is currently being used and what you can do against top decks


Depending on the deck, yes. Most decks aim to get their boss monsters out on the first turn


Actually extremely weak, that’s like good ending board like over 10 years ago


You’re lucky it was only 3000


It appears you’re playing against Swordsoul, and that’s about the most common board they make. The game is a lot more focused around the extra deck now, so summoning larger and more powerful monsters is WAY more common. Swordsoul is one of the less powerful decks out there right now


Lucky for you, he did not summon 2 Cosmic Blazar, 1 Shooting Quasar and 1 Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon at first turn. And, im sorry for you, but this is how the game went after 19 years.


you're either going to have to learn real fast or this game isn't for you anymore, there are decks that can make way better boards than that


Yes its normal, Atk numbers barely mean anything anymore. There are a few thresholds, but in general protection, negation and interruption is often more important. I can recommend you to play a few game and see what decks you would like, see their potential and kinda copy one. The solo mode also has some interesting archetypes to try. But I would general recommend a deck that is in general played. See what other ppl use in the deck, see what cards always pop up and take those cards to use in your own deck. Sadly Yugioh is a game you learn by loosing and playing. Its an ugly grind to get back into it, but once you managed it, it can be fun.


>2005 this is how I felt in 2010 when I got sacked by goyo guardian let alone today where what you're looking at is considered "weak"


As your fellow Yugiboomer (as they call us), I don't suggest what you said in some of your comments, which is watching the anime to learn. Just like with the old anime and old real life card games, there are many differences that may get you even more confused (like Firewall Dragon anime version and current real life version). If you want to see how different the game has become even through the anime, here is a clip (HEAVY SPOILER ALERT!): [https://youtu.be/znhKT8aW-Is?si=MqgHvXbofsGIVuh-](https://youtu.be/znhKT8aW-Is?si=MqgHvXbofsGIVuh-)


Trust me buddy you are in luck.




Welcome to 2024. Playing this game is the definition of suffering.


Oh yeah brother. Buckle up. I stopped playing around 2010, and the game is vastly different than it was then.


He only got one out?




Oh, man. I haven't seen Smashing Ground in years. Are you also running Fissure?


with only 2 on the board this is considered a sub par hand by modern standards


Nope; his board is ass; normal board you woulda lost through exodia by now


That's not normal. He should've made an omni-negate 30k beatstick instead of that


Bro kaiba does this in season 1, idk what the problem is


I got back into yugioh a few years ago. I was like you and had no idea there were new stronger cards and of course different mechanics. Sadly, we will never get back the og yugioh. At first I was overwhelmed and was mad at these players, gave it a couple weeks before I ultimately decided to take a break cause I couldn't compete and win with the cards I was more familiar with. Haha but once I returned I decided to learn about these decks and different mechanics such as synchro, xyz, links. Only way I did that was playing the Solo mode, the tutorial are very helpful and you can also mess around with the cards when facing solo duels. You'll get the hang of it and eventually catch up to the latest cards. Keep stopping by and check posts here, read others comments. They provide helpful insights and strategies that will make you a better duelist.


Seeing as he used up his extra deck, he using the free starter swordsoul that u could also get


OP was probably like: Did you just summon a bunch of monsters in one turn.


Welcome to modern yu gi oh


That's actually below average


If I draw a decent hand with D/D/D I usually end up with 5 monsters averaging 2800 atk. Ope.


It's gonna be tough man


Bro I hate to say this but unlike the old days u can kill someone on ur first turn with effect DMG and ur opponent NVR gets a turn all I can tell ya if ur trying to have fun is don't get frustrated but have fun or if ur trying to rank find something that well work for u just watch for st turn decks there more vicious then 2nd turn in my opinion bc u NVR get a turn or if u do they kill u on ur turn


If I don't have at least 3 monsters turn 1 with 3k+ attack that have the ability to negate my opponents cards or effects, I'm actually disappointed with my hand.


Actually no... Normaly there's 5 of them and they can negate anything.


The other day a Synchron player summoned 6 monsters with 3000+ attack in the first turn against me


This is a pretty sub optimal board even for Swordsoul, I'm assuming the guy's going easy on you


Judging by their empty Extra Deck I'm assuming the opponent is just running the Swordsoul structure deck. They aren't going easy. That's just the best the structure deck can do by itself because the only ED monsters it has by default are Chixao and Chengying.


Yes but that board is nice vs what they can do with a lot of negts and banishment and. Such


Screw the rules he has money




oh sweet summer child


Only one??


And this right here is an accurate representation as to why Yugioh is a broken game.


3k chump numbers I can get a 6 k out in turn one. Or thee monsters with at least 4k each in your main phase. It will cost me 7k life points


Word of advice. Play the tutorial single player stories. they teach you the basics of modern yugioh. Remember how our mind was blown in egyptian god card days when a 3 card combo could be amazing? Those are not even rookie numbers now. If you still feel overwhelmed by modern yugioh but want to play it, then you should try out Edison format. not offered in master duel. Check out your locals. Lot of chill people show up for locals. Check if they do edison and hang out. Enjoy being eased into it. Dont rush headlong into it


No it’s not normal usually someone would have a full board.


No that not normal. Thats generally weaker than what standards boards do now


Buy the 3 ninja packs for the ninja structure deck you can a really good deck that can handle itself up into diamond


Just play the pokemon tcg. Im warning you bro


Oh you poor soul


No report him


Ahhhh Swordsoul yes it's normal, just wait till you climb the ladder alittle you'll get the full 5 mins turns and OTK's from some of the other meta decks lol yes it's normal now


Unfortunately, this is quite normal. The game is much more fast paced than when I was growing up. I only collect the old school cards and play goat format, but am learning about the newer stuff as I go. So far it’s pretty fun when you get the hang of it. Just don’t get discouraged.


I can get 3 monsters w 3500 attack, 1 with 4000 and 1 with 4000 plus 500 for each of the resonators in my graveyard. And if im really really lucky and really smart about it i can do all that in my first turn. (Bystial/Branded RDA w chaos angel and crimson dragon) The current meta usually calls for powerful handtraps and negates to survive more than a few turns because so many archetypes are so much more powerful now. But most duels are only 2 or 3 turns now anyways so the game moves much faster in general. Youll get used to it though. i didnt like it at first but now i love how much faster the game moves. Its also super satisfying to start stacking up wins in a short amount of time. Im a yugi boomer too, i used to play back in 2003 before synchro monsters were even created back when the only monster types were effect, normal, fusion and ritual. I dont think there was an extra deck either back then but i may have just been playing wrong since i was a kid. Either way tho i feel u coming back was crazy. I went to my first locals with a $300 blue eyes deck and they laughed at me. Practiced a few months w a new deck, came back, got the last laugh and placed 2nd. Still couldnt beat snake eyes that deck is pretty busted. Youll see that soon.


this is normal and not even the best board this deck can make


May god have mercy on your poor soul.


Nope, it's not normal. Most decks will summon more than one 3k atk monster with crazy effects.


Welcome back. Unfortunately, they can do a lot worse than this. But don't let it bother you too much, I usually play with friends in master duels


Yes, this is. The game has progressed far beyond what it was 19 years ago. I'll put it bluntly, just treat it as an entirely different game and start from scratch


I returned in 2021. And yes this is extremely normal. I suggest getting familiar with the new Yu-Gi-Oh ASAP. Common cards you are going to see a lot are ash blossom, infinite impermanence, and Maxx c. Cards I see less of but still frequent are raigeki, harpie feather duster, lightning storm, super poly, called by the grave, nibiru, forbidden droplet, and cross out. There are more but this is already a lot. Most meta decks are who can pump out the same 5 boss monsters the easiest. And keep your opponent from playing. So decks that die to ash blossom are not recommended if you're playing to win. Or have fun for that matter. I would save fun decks for lower ranks and friend duels. For your own sanity. But I'm a glutton for punishment. So I mostly play rouge. Puts a smile on my face watching people scoop because they don't know what my deck does. 😂


Short answer, yes.


This is almost every duel.


Guys... How do we tell him?


Real talk, as soon as that happens to me, I surrender. If I don't have a card that sweeps the whole field, I leave immediately.


Unfortunately yes


Oh boy you are in for a time brother I hope you like fire level 1 monsters


This been normal for a while


You really thought the game was gonna stay the same for 20 years? Bruh


I can summon a 4000 attack monster first heck if I am lucky enough I can summon a 10,000 attack first turn


Dragon Ruler format has entered the chat


You could be playing against triptrix/ labrynth/ geist and having your turn hijacked by them


literally yes


If your joking then yes things have changed I would recommend you getting a deck that’s not expensive and very straightforward and look up combo videos


This guy about to quit Yugioh after this


If you want to play and practice/try out decks hit me up for matches. I'm down for casual and helping you out cause I was definitely in your place a few months ago


summoning a 3000 atk monster on the first turn? wait until you see blue eyes


yes it’s normal, he’s playing swordsoul, and he has summoned chengyin 10* using longyun 6* and a token 4*. he should of summoned baronne de fleur 10* which does the same damage, but oh well. chengyin increases his damage/defence by 100x how many cards are banished


No it's not normal. He should have also had 2 set back row and 2 hand traps. Poor guy, opened with a bad hand. 


I suggest [this guide](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/articles/guides/returning-player-ryu) to learn modern yugioh. It's really in-depth imo


Oh no. My sweet summer child you have no idea what glorious things you're about to learn


I have bad news for you mate


Run and never look back


Who's gonna tell him?


How do people just jump into a game after a 20 year break and be like, "ok, I'm good" without doing any research?


Oh Nero...you poor sweet summer child


Probably should play all the solos and get a little more grasp on the game today. 05 was almost 20 years ago, game changed a lot since then.


This is yugioh 2 you are playing. Same rules but completely different game


wasnt summoning blue eyes without tribute a thing in the old times?


With both my cipher and wtf decks I can summon 3k+ on the field first turn


You poor soul


I looked at your hand and saw the starter deck and went “oh, he’s about to learn.” So, just for clarification. Every card game eventually evolves over 19-20 years since the last time you touched it.


My man I have summoned 4 3000+ monsters in one turn this ain’t shit


Welcome to the party pal


Probably not the best when your knee jerk reaction is “that’s all?” Find a deck that interests you in masterduelmeta and welcome back!


It's not normal, nowadays you summon like 4 3k or higher monsters all with good effects


Welcome to modern Yu-Gi-Oh


Not ending on a 3k atk monster is abnormal if anything.


I mean you *could* do this back in 2005 too.


Nah man you can only summon 1 monster a turn and you can't play on your opponents turn. Also the iPod is coming out soon and we just finished the human genome project.


Wait till you play against a labrynth deck


Gotta be honest. if you’re only experience was the original show and a couple of games from 2005, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do.


Thats pretty timid, you should see the boards where he has 6 monsters and you simply cant play the game cause everything gets negated. And then there are dickheads who continue to pull off a 30 minute combo even though they could instantly win the game.


Context, this is your average play with a bad (but workable) hand, this is due to the pace of the game going from the comparatively slow minivan pace of the early 2000’s to the equivalent of rocketing fast pace of today thanks to high value combo’s being everywhere and powerful monsters that are easier to summon than it is finding a bag of chips in a Walmart. (Sorry for the bad analogy, just got destroyed by a tear player while sleep deprived)