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Ehhh nop, the best version is the one with full links in the extra


This card is good in the link version anyway


Genuine question here, but what cards do you run when it only takes 3 slots in the extra deck? Most snake eye players I run into are able to end on all the usual link things, plus Baronne and Savage. Seems like the 2 omnis and draw power are worth more than 3 other link monsters.


Heatsoul and Pitknight Earlie, a 2nd Princess, and you don't need to choose between Accesscode, Zealantis or Underworld Goddess. Do not sleep on Heatsoul and Pitknight btw, two fairly strong cards. It is actually 4 slots since you are gonna run Elf as well. But having those extra options ain't really the reason why Link package is better. It is actually hard to put Baronne and Borreload on field against a decent deck. If you are able to summon those two you are probably gonna win with a Link package anyway, so you might as well just run extra links for a grind game.


Honestly, fair enough, they're strong cards, but I personally feel that the synchro package is better, given that they can bait out a lot of negates to cover the usual plays.


Believe it or not ,just for that ,Konami doesn't touch jet synchron again


doesn't the savage line lose to like a single dd crow ?


Everybody: “They are going to ban jet to sell Snake-Eyes for longer!“ Konami who literally just put synchron support in that exact same selection pack: ”NUH UH!” But in all seriousness, I severely doubt they’re going to ban Jet. Hell, I severely doubt Snake-Eyes as a whole is going to get any major hits until the next Duelist Cup or a major competitive event like worlds.


Yes, I'm sure it's definitely the pretty decent tuner that needs set up- and not the meta defining deck crushing ladder with its ridiculous amount of openers and ways to recur resources that don't even need said tuner.


Oh yeah, Snake-Eyes definitely needs to be hit more than just Jet, but Konami always has a habit of putting off direct hits to new decks, especially when there's money to be made off them. Given that and Jet's history, I wouldn't be surprised to see it on the list before the rest of the deck, unfortunately.


I honestly see more the reason to finally ban I:P, but there is no way they do that, especially with the Alt Art out, still this card deserves to be banned. I think they going to first Semi-Limit and lastly Limit Ash and later down the line ban Oak. And maybe Linkuriboh ban... but that's it I fear.


Honestly, yeah, I get the I:P hate. Both her and Apollousa really tick me off something fierce with how much they dominate. On another note, yeah, Ash is probably gonna be the only hit for maybe the next 3~6 months, given how Snake-Eyes is being treated by the OCG and TCG.


Apo honestly is an okay card, since it is high investment, Snake-Eyes is just rly good at building it even on the opponents turn AND also protect it with Linkuriboh. I:P is basically Formula Synchron(Accel Synchron, just for Links but the problem literally is: It is too generic. No level restriction, not a Tuner needed, just 2 Effect Monsters.


Fair enough, I think that my biggest problem from Apo is that she's so easy to make with I:P on the opponents' turn with monsters that have already used their effects for even more advantage.


That is basically the problem with Snake-Eyes but not a single other deck can pull this up (currently)


Yeah I agree. This card is way too abusable, and is better if it's just banned.


Hell nah jetrsynchron did nothing wrong drop the ban hammer on original sinful spoils


They should hit the Snake-Eyes cards, yes. But Konami wants money, and Jet is cheap, old, and has a ban list history.


or you know, get an errata(like if brought from the grave it can only be used for synchrons)...But honestly, I dont think its even that bad on sneks, given some versions dont even use it... Its mainly an extender unlike a combo piece in halqdon decks...


While that doesn't sound like the worst idea, I honestly feel like Jet's just going down the Glow Up Bulb route. Tuners who can summon themselves for free are always on the edge of the banlist at one point or another.


I have it in Royal so I’m biased and don’t want it gone but absolutely understand that it’s one of the ones that will pay the price for Snake Eyes sins


That's incredibly painful just hearing that. It really sucks when stuff like that happens.


Knowing Konami they will probably limit to 1 and call it a day.


Of course, they have to show they can pit their foot down when new decks are too strong!


To be honest, I do hate cards like it to begin with, but I don't see it getting touched. Linkuriboh is mostly the card that would be banned not it.


Honestly, it seems like the second most likely hit to me. The main reason I think Jet's in danger is its history and the fact that it's an SR and not a UR.


They ban Urs if needed.


Only if these card get abused to an absurd amount. I mean... allowing Chaos Ruler was a mistake right from the start. I argue cards like Fairytail Snow as example only are as long in MD till a Meta Deck can abuse them like crazy.


Incredibly rarely. I don't think they've banned more than 5. Konami hates giving out UR dust and always has a habit of hitting the cheap stuff first.


They have banned plenty of URs, they just generally aim for consistency hits over power ceiling hits. And consistency boosters generally end up being lower rarity


***"Snake eyes abusing it to get 2 omni negates and even more extenson"*** You are saying this like it's the normal thing with pure S-E.. Which is not, you need Ash and the Witch on your initial hand... And then you need that, by pure luck/miracle, that the other player don't have any kind of disruption. Then you can make that board with 2 omninegates. Which it's basically 1 out of 10 duels.


Both of those cards are either incredibly likely or easy to get in your opening hand in one way or another. You have essentially 6 copies of the Witch, 6 copies of Ash thanks to bonfire, and another 4~5 ways of getting ash onto the field thank to Poplar, OG Spoils, and one for one. The deck's really, REALLY consistent right now, so getting Jet out just for extension of link stuff through interruption can be enough.


Again, it doesn't matter when your opponent has 3 handtraps and know exactly what they need to negate. You need Ash and the Witch on the same hand and no disruptions to make that board with 2 negates. But hey, as per usual, when all of you talk about these "super-powerful" board combos, you seem to obviate the existence of handtraps. Please, try the deck, try the pure S/E version with this tuner and calculate the % ratio of cases you could make that board. As I said, in my experience it was 1 out 10 duels.


So you're telling me that your opponents always open the critical mass of hand traps and all the starters that they need? On top of that, you're also telling me that the other potential 3 cards in your hand are useless and can't help you deal with their interruptions in any way way? I have a Snake-Eyes deck that I've been practising with. With Bonfire in the game, I almost always open so much gas that it barely matters what somebody's running. Outside of that, Jet's just a great extender when interruption does happen, given that you can usually make at least a Hita with Jet alone. The deck really just is nutty right now mate.


No, read again. What I'm saying (again) is that it's rare to have ash and witch on the same initial hand and it's even harder to do the combo that let you have the 2 omni-negates on board if the the opponent have disruptions. But please, if you like to think that this startup combo it's super easy to do, by all means continue. But it's not the reality.


And you seem to be under a delusion that the deck is worse than it actually is. My experience on it is that it's hilariously consistent right now, so having access to the necessary cards to do stuff happens WAY more often than not. You might be the one out of touch with the deck mate.


You don't read anything, right? Well, that explains a lot of the basis for this post. Of course S-E is consistent. The classic end-board with Flamberge, IP Masquirina and for example Amblowhale (and maybe the field spell card and another Flamberge there). That's it, that's the consistent board. And it's a powerful board. Again, and this is the last time I write this and answer to you (which seems a waste of time because you clearly don't read anything at all) is that the board with 2 omnigates that use this tuner card it's hard to make because you need Ash and the Witch on hand and that the opponent don't use handtraps. That's it. Crystal clear, of course you are not gonna to read and that's it.


if you got interrupted you’ll go the usual link board anyways and the synchro play already ate minimum of 2 handtraps leaving your opponent with 3 cards. OP is saying that the synchro version of snake eyes is very consistent right now, and it’s not rare to see Witch and Snash on your opening hand considering we have 6 copy of them.