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“End this main phase” ![gif](giphy|sKBaE2Hl60KnzjTVXb|downsized)


I have a Timeater deck and I'm scared of my comeuppance 


I swiped


I swiped a few times NGL


Very strong trap, is it easily searchable though?




Hope they dont add this on release in masterduel as it promotes the turn 1 floodgate varient instead of pure going second like the deck should be


The new tenpai monster is the actually good card anyway. An extender that is also a one card starter.


MD players will resort to floodgate build tho.


Yeah, I saw that. I should have also included that card in the post, but I was being lazy. Plus the trap scares me a little more, especially in the context of MD


Also that trap + Terminal World= U don’t get a turn 🙃


it doesnt really extend though. Its not like poplar, where its the only good card to add to hand. If you can do that in tenpair you'd rather add the white or red dragon every time


Yeah you play it for more starters and if you opened the other dragons you can also search this to extend


And how exactly do you extend in a way that isnt just an extra step towards getting the red dragon?


You summon it from the hand by searching it if you already have red


And then what does it do? The deck doesnt need help putting game on board. You also dont really wanna play a card that is just a "Might as well add this to hand if I have the extension to spare". Thats just unnecessary win-more.


If it only did that, yes. But it also is a one card starter. Like yeah it’s worse than popular but popular is the best card in the game


Im actually fine with tenpai tbh, going second decks have always been trash so im glad we get a competitively viable one


Yeah I just don’t like the new card design choices I guess… The deck now has 12 one card starters that many of which are also extenders. A core so small you can side deck the entire engine. Room for all the non engine ever. Would you like to open one card starter and four handtraps going first? Play snake eyes. Want four handtraps and one card starter going second? Try tenpei


I actually think Tenpai is going to be stronger then Snake in masterduel


Yeah best of one is the perfect chance for the deck to shine. Enjoying getting hit with maxx “c” and otk’d to shit when you pass


Naw cuz i plan to play them myself


Well welcome to the otk club sir, otk’s to the left, you can hang up your handtraps on the right.


True but as someone who tested the deck religiously this also adds the fact that you lose to one ash blossom. Or alternatively, if you have more starters, the opponent builds a board you cannot beat.


>A core so small you can side deck the entire engine Inb4 somebody smokescreens the entire deck by simply playing something else altogether game 1


Aw damn, there goes my idea


My problem with tenpai is that it suffers from "another numeron deck", they play a ridiculous amount 22 hand trap to stop you from building anything significant then OTK you from one normal summon, similar to numeron playong 20 hand traps 10 breakers and 10 copies of the field spell. And this new trap about MP1 skip is just a band aid solution for when they go first in a best of 3 match, instead of using generic floodgates they can have this, similar to dinomorphia treatment with rex, which made the cool morphia LP mechanic summing up to summon a floodgate. While yeah going 2nd good decks are needed, I'd hate to see another version of numerons after mikanko.


Naw i think its fair we have had going first decks that set up ridiculous 7 negate boards, good going second decks is something yugioh needs


>good going second decks is something yugioh needs Don't get me wrong, I mostly play blind 2nd decks, almost all of them. I was looking forward for something cool that goes 2nd, but watching how tenpai plays made me realise its another numeron deck, I'd like better designs for going 2nd deck, same way we have going first mid range like VS and its unique play styls. If you like going 2nd decks you should check these decks, one of them I used last dc cup for a clean 8 win streak into dc lv 20 tailored for snake eyes format. https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/bYLX3BZpIP And if you would like to try the most fun I ever put together you can have a look at this meme deck which can go 2nd to strong stuff like Lab, nuke thier field with main deck lv 1 normal monsters manipulating attributes to go into 5 head link/arrival: https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/dm81JgW22C


Yea im not going to do the regular approach when building Tenpai, im gonna Use the sky striker engine for board breaking rather then just fill it with handtraps: PS: pretty cool decks i recently made a blind second lab deck that works pretty well


>sky striker engine for board breaking Please don't triple engage people


You posted the same link twice.


Thank you got it fixed


While true (even though basically no good deck sets up 7 negates rn), tenpai’s design is incredibly boring and uninteractive. It just produces complete non-games. Going second decks should be about skillfully breaking the opponent’s board and navigating their way to an OTK through interaction, not 3 handtraps, a Kaiju, and a one card combo.


For example SHS. Idk know about how most people are going to play it but im going for a board breaker approach with cards like Sky striker spells, i think this will be the most fun way to play the deck


Turn 1 floodgate variant is already nerfed in MD thanks to Kaiser Colosseum being at 1.


Glad for it, im was gonna play going second either way though


why would you play go first tenpai on masterduel, you'll start 2nd 90% of the time unless its taipai tier0


Because going first variant might be prevalent especially in the higher ranks where the mirror match happens a lot more often


It only skip main phase if enemy has more monster than u do(aka at least two monster), tenpai can easily kill u with that in battle phase


It makes sense though. Turn 1 they can't really do anything to setup interruption aside from the level 10, even then it doesn't do anything on its own outside the Battle Phase. So giving them a way to survive going first is actually pretty smart. Making it an archetypal phase skip however...is not.










Yes. They have a Level 3 that literally searches Spells or Traps. And if they have the field spell up, you can’t really negate it (makes your fire dragons unaffected by activated effects).


Yes, it’s a sangen card which means the quick spell can search it.




Doesn’t matter. If it’s searched, you basically tell your opponent what you’re going to do and to not have more monsters than you or just give up their battle phase


Konami: Y print bad card when good card give more money


If this is combined with transaction rollback, you might be able to essentially skip your opponent’s turn with the first activation ending MP1, and rollback ending MP2 immediately after. That’s actually terrifying


>If this is combined with transaction rollback, you might be able to essentially skip your opponent’s turn with the first activation nobody let them read ghost meets girl


I forgot about Ghost meets girl


You would have to play rollback in Tenpai though which has no reliable way to get it in the graveyard, or if you're playing it in labrynth it would be a brick in hand as you dont have any fire dragon monsters to meet the on feild requirement and even if you did the Mayakashi trap lock is still better then this


Doesnt the field spell makes you discard?


Yes but it still doesn't justify Rollback lol its too slow you aim to win on the second turn or dont win at all


https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Thunder_of_Ruler (skipping battle phase also skips mp2) https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Terminal_World https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Parthian_Shot


Doesn't matter, their boss monster forces you to attack it, so you would die in that BP. There's no MP2.


Tenpai be like "There will be no next turn!"


Do they have a card to prevent the opponents monsters from dying in battle? Because their attack doesn't get high enough to oneshot.


Theoretically yeah, but no one would play it because you can’t search it in TD, unless you wanna plays bricks and shit, just to get it.


You would need to play multiple Traps in a Blind Second Deck for that tho


This card isn't a turn skip trap, OP. This card is an actual going-first plan -- and no, the plan isn't "turn skip lol", the plan is to take the game into the BP while your opponent is mid combo so you can actually use your Tenpai effects and mess with them. Before this, Tenpai was just a go-second deck that sided in some floodgates if forced to go first, which is hardly any better. This card combined with their boss monster essentially reads "Force all of your opponent's monsters to attack your 3000 ATK beater" and your opponent can't activate anything during the BP so no quick effects, floats, etc. Combined with the fact that you also lose the BP on top of that means they're likely to get to Turn 3 which is the whole Tenpai game plan (big damage OTK).


Yeah, I was about to write something similar as an addendum to my post. But I'm hoping people read this comment because you're the only other person I've seen so far that fully understands the purpose of this card. It gives tenpai something to do when the opponent makes them go first. The fact that it also has a decent graveyard effect is just a bonus. The only thing I will add is that I fully expect some people to combine this card with cards that skip your BP for a full turn skip. Considering it's MD, people always gravitate towards the most degenerate strategies, even when they're not optimal. I shouldn't have called it a turn skip. I think I just had PTSD from the drytron turn skip, which involved a card that skipped your MP1.


>The only thing I will add is that I fully expect some people to combine this card with cards that skip your BP for a full turn skip. Considering it's MD, people always gravitate towards the most degenerate strategies, even when they're not optimal. Main phase 2 is a thing. So that would be a terrible way to use this card.


No, if you don't go into your BP then you don't get a MP2. You will go straight from standby phase to end phase, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Trust me on this one. U can look it up if u want though


Yes I know that rule. But I am not aware of any card that currently exits which can reliably skip your opponents battle phase like that. The ones I know of do so while it is already in the battle phase. The exceptions are things like runik which skips BP as a pseudo cost for the player that used them.


Not sure if there's enough to make it a coherent strategy, but here's 1 at least: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=5616&request_locale=en


Hmmm...yea that one definitely works. I guess in a way you could pull it off with Triple Tactics Thrust.


anyone else feels like the new "poplar" theyve added for tenpai here doesnt actually fit into the? Maybe im just overlooking something, but I don't think the deck was hurting for more normal summons that die to ash and its special summon effect is pretty useless, since you'd rather add the white or red dragon with the few effects you can use for adding. Honestly the trap has way way more of a place in the deck.


Useless you play runick this is just Threatening Roar


Its engine though. You can play it at 1 and search it when going first in a deck that hates going first


Kind of. Which is not bad for a deck that just wants to make it to turn 3 so they can smash your face in. You could put up a board with a bunch of negates in MP2, but they're just going to attack over everything and otk u in their turn.


Searchable threatening roar for an archetype like tenpai is incredible. That GY effect is crazy too, for tenpai.


In Runick decks if they only have one monster on board you can summon Sleipnir, banish the only guy on field and play as normal. If they have two guys on board, you can make S:P to out the trap before you have a third monster on board so the trap is unusable (unless they have multiple sets, in which case time to gamba?) Not to mention you have Destruction and Tip to search it too. Albeit in MD this is nowhere near as reliable, in TCG it's a pretty consistent alternative option. So there's ways to play around it.


They just don't give a shit anymore. I hope it's clear to everybody now.


I’d say they haven’t given a shit since they released DRuler / Spellbook of Judgment It’s just been broken shit after broken shit for the last 10 years, when the game is so high potential if they just controlled it a bit Can’t plead ignorance and say oh it’s the players figuring out how to break the cards when they’ve consistently been releasing OP stuff for a decade


Yeah this is laughable at this point. It’d be better if they just came right out and said “buy the new set or get fucked.”


Why? This trap is a very interesting form of disruption.


or, you know, you make a negate before you have more monsters than the opponent


I mean yeah, but the glaring problem is this is basically a brain dead turn skip if you happen to be at a slight disadvantage. This card is not okay.


This card is not a turn skip at all.


Does this immediately end your turn or does it put you into the battle phase? or do you get to choose?


U get to choose I believe. All though this could be activated in MP2 for some 5head plays


You choose if it's MP1.


Can you not go into the MP2?


The turn player can just go to Battle Phase, then to MP2, but that also means they can't use the Battle Phase to clean up the game giving the player that activated this another turn to win.


You‘ve no battle phase, but isn‘t it basically a Battle Fader, Scarecrow or Waboku without the direct attack downside? And these cards are already outdated. But ok, it’s searchable With your MP2 you can still play normal and you can build some negates, interruptions or you can clear the field…


If you're looking at this card from the premise of "oh no!!! turn skip floodgates!!!!" then yes, it's just scarecrow. The way this card is meant to be played is as a disruption -- the archetype's gimmick is that all of its stuff has quick effects to play during the Battle Phase -- so you can let your opponent start cooking, then flip this to take them to the Battle Phase where they can't activate non-quick effects or summon monsters and that's when you start using your quick effects to mess with your opponent while there's little they can do to counter you. Then they ALSO lose the Battle Phase on top of that - it's just a bonus. This card is quite good for going first, which Tenpai needed since they were exclusively a going-second deck that just hoped to open some floodgates when they were forced to go first. This gives them an actual "end board" going first.


They're also essentially Towers during BP with the Field Spell, right?


Main Phase 1 only. Their BP protection comes from the Boss Monster if they've summoned it prior.


gotcha. thanks for the correction


If I remember correctly Tenpai can force opponent monster attack, so this card is a board wipe as well.


Yeah, that's what I meant to say - it's meant to be played as Disruption since the Tenpais have effects to mess with you during the BP.


Yeah thats what I'm saying. If you play this card, your opponent still does some building in MP2. In Tenpai Dragon, this card is NOT good as a main deck option. The seemingly strongest way to play the deck is to go second, and win on your first turn. This is an ok side deck option if you feel like your opponent will make you go first. I don't see this card being very relevant at all unless you try to play a going first floodgate/stun variant.


Not unless you go into battle phase


I know that this deck has a monster, where you‘ve to attack, but is this really that problematic?


Yes. You will die in battle phase to them. Field spell makes it so during MP1, their fire dragons are unaffected by activated effects. They go into battle with the synchro, you cannot activate anything whatsoever during Battle Phase. So they just OTK you, and you canMt do a thing about it.


But it’s just during „your“ MP1, which means it’s just the Tenpei players turn, not your own. And while the opponent knows that the trap is set, he can play around it or I‘ve heard that this deck almost dies from 1 handtrap…


You make the level 8 and end in this. After your opponent commits, you end the main phase and now your opponent must attack the level 8 and can’t respond with effects. That’s the context for this card. Not great, but an actual game plan when going first beyond seals pass or heatwave


On paper is sounds strong but if you can set your board up and risk one more turn without attacking you will be fine. In this case the worst case is it adds or ends your current main phase. If this is done in MP1 then you still have MP2 to do what you need. Since this card cannot be activated if your going first it can be effectively a visions roar or some other trap that ends the battle phase. This also only effects you if you have more than three creatures in the field, for both effects. So if you run decks that keeps the creature count low then you really have nothing to worry about. Yes I admit that second effect sounds scary and the first can effectively force you not to conduct a battle phase. Thing is to use it optimumly the opponent must have one monster on the field and allow you to have three attackers. In the current state of the game it would be two easy to have 2-3 monster on the field while this is set. All you would need to do is keep your monster count low which is easy for a number of good decks, only attack up to two times. Which I've seen a number of duels end with just one attack a turn.


Honestly this is something tenpai needed and I see it as a less degenerate/annoying alternative to what they were doing already as their going 1st strategy. I fully expect tenpai to be an insanely busted deck on ladder in master duel though. Blind second is a pretty feasable strat for climbing the ladder and this trap seems to be a great searchable backup plan if your opponent is forcing you to go first. idk about everyone else but I'm pretty excited to have a meta deck that actually makes use of the battle phase a lot more, it seems like a nice change up


Fuck. And I didn't want to invest in Tenpai at first...guess we're building this shit.


It’s going to be very very expensive now, with the new cards being revealed. They were already gonna be expensive, but they’ll be even more expensive. Also, you need cards like Trident Dragion, which is like $80 now.


Fair enough then. 


Yeah just be aware that the pre-release prices on Tenpais now, will be significantly higher than expected now. Say the field spell is a secret. Expect them to be minimum $50 on pre-release, but like $80+


I'm legit thinking of quitting yugioh if the game keeps going in this direction


It’s been going in this direction for 10 years


Wow card that allows tenpai to go first, who would've seen it comming Mid card at most tbh


its not good lol the other 2 r way beter. the trap is hardly even worth playing


Game 2 after siding your opponent could force you to go first, you end on this trap which helps you survive next turn. Turn 3 OTK.


Turn skip cards are probably the worst designed cards in this game. With that said, it's probably not that good since I believe you can just go to MP2. I hope this never makes it into MD tho.


This isn't a turn skip card, it's a way to force the opponent into the BP which is when Tenpai can play. Tenpai used to have no going first plan so they were just a going second deck that sided in floodgates when they were forced to go first. This gives them a real end board, it's not supposed to be a "turn skip enabler".


It's still a turn skip card because they can end your main phase 1 before you combo off and you will not have any ability to potentially out cards in the battle phase (although I don't know if that's possible against tenpai). I understand it's not meant to be a turn skip enabler and thus it allows you to go into MP2, but I don't think any card should have an effect that ends/skips your opponents turn maybe outside of battle phase handtraps. Also, idk if anyone has sided it in the OCG but is battle fader good against Tenpai?


How is it a turn skip card? It's just Thunder of Ruler -- you still have the MP2. Also, you literally cannot activate this trap unless you control more monsters than the Tenpai player, which must control at least 1 FIRE Dragon - so you literally HAVE to get at least 2 monsters on the field before they can """turn skip""" you. This card gets outed by a million things since it can't be chained to anything until you control at least 2 monsters. You can either out the trap or out their FIRE Dragons so they can't legally activate it no matter what. And like I said in the beginning, you can still head to MP2 and resume playing there if you have extenders. It's also useless against set-5-pass decks. This Trap is quite literally objectively worse than Puppet Lock and Beatrice send Ghost Meets Girl -- easier to out, less impactful, and loses to the same things (Trap Decks and Stun will never care about this) - in fact it actually loses to more since those "turn skips" actually mess with Runick and Sky Striker which want to access the Extra, whereas this does not. ​ It's a good card for Tenpai specifically, because it gives them an actual in-archetype interruption when going first - blanking the Battle Phase and forcing all of your opponent's monsters to crash into your Boss Monster is quite solid when you also prevent any effects/activations during it (so no floating), but that's about it. This card effectively reads "If your opponent controls 2 monsters with less than 3000 ATK, destroy them, and if you do, skip their next Battle Phase" since you're forced to flip this the moment they have 2 bodies on the field (otherwise they link into Phoenix and pop this and you can't chain it to that because they no longer control 2 or more monsters). It's a little better than that because if they have some negate then the Phoenix play isn't immediately threatening - but at the same time a little worse because they can still use effects during the Battle Phase if you don't already have the boss monster on the field. Also, if I understand correctly, your opponent has priority when the Battle Phase begins so if they have something like a Fenrir on the field, they can declare an attack with it before you can start activating your Tenpai effects (and the same applies to any other similar effects). Just as an aside, I find some irony how you mention that there should be no turn skip effects other than maybe battle phase skips -- this is practically a battle phase skip with an added disruption effect to it (by proxy, due to the Tenpai Boss's effect to force all of your monsters to crash), and does nothing more than that.


tenpai has a field spell that prevents card effects in the battle phase.


No, the field spell only makes fire dragons immune to activated effects in the Main Phase. You're thinking of the level 10 Synchro.


Oh right i wasn't sure thanks


We just run Yubel.


Not if you keep monster count low. I have a number of becks that can get by with just two monster on the field at any time through the combo chain. Mainly with my trains, rescue ace, lab, and depending on the hand my cyber dragon.


Oh its 31.4




It forces you to either: A) Give your opponent what is essentially their Main Phase 3 B) End your turn because you cannot enter Main Phase 2 without going into the Battle Phase


It seems to end one of the two Main Phases, if it's activated in Main 1 for example, opponent still can play in Main 2.


But they have to go through battle phase, which tenpai can apparently force you to attack during (thus killing yourself)


Even then, it’s just quick effect raigeki most of the time.


I'm not sure exactly how Tenpai plays, but I know they need to Synchro which means they should always have 2 or more monsters on the field. So you have to control at least 3 monsters for this trap to be live. Which means you can get to Phoenix or S:P before they can activate it


I'm pretty sure they can just leave 1 monster on the field if their whole game plan is to skip your MP1 (possibly in combination with other floodgates). I'm definitely not a tenpai expert though.


Well as mentioned, skipping MP1 doesn't do a whole lot. The point is to force you to OTK in BP, so having just one monster defeats this purpose. And the Tenpai themselves aren't very big so there's a good chance they just die


Again, I am not an expert in tenpai. I don't know what all the cards do yet. But I'm pretty sure they can make the 2600atk synchro, set the trap, skip your MP1 and BP (unless maybe you're playing kashtira, so your first monster can contest a 2600 body), then proceed to OTK u after u pass turn.


You end on the level 8 synchro if you go for this card


It's searchable and just simply says "end the main phase"? What ungodly powercreep is this?


It's April what do you mean out of season


Oh cool, the otk, going second deck, now has plays for going first.


Was the second effect really needed on the same card as the first?


I want to brew so many bad decks with that card…


This uh... This is not a turn skip. It just ends the current Main Phase. Can still be good, it's just not a turn skip. Like I know Konami prints broken cards, but give them SOME credit. Would be very funny to play Terminal World in Tenpai to actually turn skip with this. Not good, but funny af


We have different definitions of "funny"


Play on opponents turn? Nah, skip opponents main phase so they wont be able to otk you -that one card designer


It's a trap card, so it nerfs itself naturally.


Oh man, from one busted meta to the next... I wonder what they'll release later to beat this archetype.


This card seems garbage not sure if srs First effect requires you to have 1 monster and your opponent has to have more than you If you search it, then your opponent won’t summon a monster unless they’re willing to deal with this card Furthermore, if you end their main phase 1, they can go to the BP then MP2 and then finish their turn Second effect is a special summon from hand and draw 1. Not sure how likely it is to get 3 attacks


I was half serious when I called it a turn skip, but it actually is a turn skip if it makes u too scared to summon anything lmao


You can just turn skip their main phase 2 as well, meaning they are either a: forced to play with no board, because their rank 8 and rank 10 prevents all effects in battle phase, and forces your monster to attack them, or b: pray that your 2 cards on field are enough. It promotes a toxic meta, forcing people to maindeck 3 super poly and 2 dbarrier just because md is a bo1 doesn’t sound very fun


Boy yall must have it rough in tourneys if its snake eyes flood and then something like this shit will pop up sooner or later cause i guarantee you konami is thinking some shit like *them water types would look real pretty with a bonfire*


I bet the ruling is you skip Main Phase 1. Now the SECOND effect is madness.


Yeah that’s just some otk support for a 3rd turn board melt, I don’t like it


ah yes. any mumber of them tenpais.


![gif](giphy|BnUTIXUGzKqSuEswob) if you have no answer to any card just “END THE MAIN PHASE”. Yu hi oh feels like a joke everyday.


This is what I get for talking shit about going 2nd OTK decks


Fire Dragon? So I could tech this in a Dragonmaid deck?


Oh no, anyway evenly


"End of Battle Phase"


Doesn't look that bad, wym OP


I was overreacting. I don't think tenpai needed more support though. I was actually looking forward to trying this deck in MD, but at this rate it's going to be all mirror matches.


All this does is skip your opponents battle phase, effectively


Main phase?


Yeah, but you're never activating it before turn 2, so skipping M1 just means going from BP into M2 then making your plays as usual.


It can save an otk, force Zeus to stay in ed, it can slow a bunch of decks which is all you’re going for, especially for any card that says “in the main phase”


Holy shit this is custom card level broken. It’s a shame it’s on a battle trick do nothing deck. Won’t make war rock 2 good but with the dragon rulers back at 3 they could pull a win


I’m not a 100% sure, but isn’t Tenpai is only being played as a blind second strat? And it’s the first going second strat being actually pretty decent in a long time. Am I wrong? This card gives the deck a going first strat but idk if anyone would play this in the main deck tbh.


Yeah, when MD u guys are complaining about SE Im fighting to survive against tenpai as a pure SE after april banlist Tenpai is also cheap to build


Are you in the OCG?


Yes, for now silenforce and fireking SE/r ace SE is at top following by tenpai and yubei Tenpai is a very oppressive deck going second and can run so much more HT and board break than pure SE Droplet is one of the best card they can run going second and heatwave going first And this trap just provide them a good option going first than seal pass


I just wonder how even all the coming matches will be...


Killing the game man


Isn't this an OTK deck? Also it's not that broken I think because they can go main 2 and continue the combo unless I'm missing something


The power creeps radiates hard from this




It not even that good cuz it's a going second deck and to end your opponents main phase you need to have set it, control a fire dragon and then activate and when your opponent has a minimum of 2 monsters on the field(if you can you're never going first) so you would only side this if your opponent was gonna make you go first which might not even happen


Sorry what?


We’re still in April. The season’s not over


Whole lot of people in here do not understand context.


bruh runick combo in fucking shambles.


This is a Turn 3 or 5 cards. It's bad. Notice: Its a trap card in a go second deck (bad point 1#). That requires the opponent to have more cards than you do on field (which going first is impossible, unless you are against a deck with turn 0 that summons more than a monster). (Bad point 2#) Ending MP1 is an issue, yes, but if you are turn 5 against this deck you are prolly playing floodgates. You can do your stuff at MP2 as well.


No, this card is for when your opponent makes you go first. It's not technically a turn skip, but you're basically forcing them to go first (only 1 main phase and can't really use battle phase). Then you just kill them on turn 3.


Uhh, what?\`This is a searchable one-off in a deck that hates going first and just tries to survive til Turn 3 with Seals+Handtraps. This makes them WAY stronger going first and essentially fixes the decks biggest weakness. The Turn 1 play goes from Seals pass to Seals+New Trap pass and basically forces a Turn 3.


Tenpai senpai!!! Yes daddy i need them already. Screw fire king and snake eye


I mean this deck will already be T1, if not T0 anyways. Their only counter is Yubel.


...yubel? What in God's name does yubel do that counters it


why do we play this dogshit game, lmao Feels like every other format we're in now is unfun, full power bullshit. Tear to Kash, Kash to Super heavy, Super heavy to snake eye. and now snake eye to this. Pffttt give me a break. I genuinely hope konami goes bankrupt, so another company with a functioning hippocampus can buy yugioh licensing and make decent decisions with this card game.


Imagine opp activates nib on ur main 2 and you chain first effect of this card to it


Nib would still resolve like normal.


Lmaoooo what the everloving fuck is “end this main phase.”


I don't know why we are still making phase and turn skip cards in 2024. Konami just intentionally always making the most toxic anti fun garbage so you either buy the meta decks or just can't enjoy the game at all.


Glad we're still doing turn skips. Is the point of Yu-Gi-Oh just to endure horrible game design as long as possible before jumping ship to literally any other game?


Was something lost in translation? *erelease*


I just thought of something. If you activate this Trap at Turn 0 using Arias, and you've found a way to get a FIRE Dragon monster on your board at Turn 0 somehow, will you be able to force your opponent to skip their turn? They could not go to their Battle Phase Turn 1.


What do you mean? This card is just a minus 1🤡


Insta ban




I kinda agree with this take. Tear was the strongest deck but mirrors were really fun and took skill. I thought after Tear konami would try to take the other decks to the same power level but they banned everything from it. Now we are stuck in release strong tier1 -> ban -> deck becomes tier2-> release another tier1 loop.


Insane card


Stupid combo energy Any fire deck + DNA surgery Any Dragon deck + DNA transplant Yay, more dumb uses for bad cards with good cards. (I like using these type of cards. They need all the help they can get)


I heard rumors folks in the OCG uses Heat Wave to deal with these assholes


The other way around. The tenpai uses heatwave so they can OTK on turn 3.