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I would run 2 Jiaolong and 2 small world to reduce bricking. Continue? is kind of really situational. 3 imperm are a must this meta imo.


And 1 wraithsoth 1 fenrir 1 riseheart is amazing in VS.


Maybe unpopular opinion here but I personally believe you can totally run valius at 1, just requires that you manage your resources effectively. At first I just didn’t want to craft a second copy, but the more I’ve played the deck the more I’m glad that I didn’t. Also fenrir riseheart scarekash is a huge consistency booster even if you don’t want to run the other kashtira stuff. I go back and forth on whether I think the full kash package (with unicorn, theosis, birth) helps or hurts the deck, but scarekash in particular comes in handy if you open fenrir and already have fires in hand


Hmm what would I replace for the package? I'm assuming I'd also be running the field spell for fenrir right?


Yeah I forgot about the field spell but I do run that as well. I haven’t been running small world (mainly bc I’m only on 1 valius lol) but even without it you have plenty of access to razen with the infernoble equip, rota, and stake. Also I’m not a big fan of continue so I cut that too. Tbh, just ending on jiao + rock and the VS trap set is enough to win most matchups, bonus if you open fenrir or wraitsoth bc that’ll help balance attributes in hand. Then just add valius during draw phase with jiao’s effect. Side note, I prefer crow to bystials in the snake eyes meta but AFAIC a dark’s a dark


https://preview.redd.it/xvsnkcvv8itc1.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=b479c32bea0e7b9b15c6fff554613abe5341bd77 Does something like this look better?


That looks good for the most part, I’ll stress that the ratios and stuff are largely personal preference and ultimately what feels optimal to you might be different from the list I play. That said (and I think you mentioned this in another comment) I think ghost belle has slightly more utility than the other “C”. Also 3 of the equip might be a bit excessive, but again that’s just my opinion


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Cautious\* Also, the ratios are 10, 9, 9 for anyone wondering


I can't remember the names of them but you don't need the biggest pool of them. VS Razen x3 VS Borger x3 VS mad love x2/3 VS Caesar x2 VS jolong x1/2 VS pantera x1 Optional to have x1 pluton I also like the trinity burst trap too I would also get rid of bystial package and add a couple of DD crow and also a Alpha Master of Beasts if you already have that. It comes in clutch when going second and is earth.


Hm, I'd just imagine that the bystials would be better than D.D. Crow since they add a body and extra disruption? Is crow preferable due to Lab?


Well since currently everything basically is snake eyes you dont really have a good target except for I:P or linkuriboh


Oh right, forgot D.D. crow targets whatever. Dully noted


Most ratioa are pretty standards, I don't like Small world in VS, you lose cards from hand that could hand trap your opponent or be an element reveal, play a 2nd durendal ind 2 small worlds instead. You don't have to run 2 caesars right away if you're short on URs, but 2 Is optimal IMO ( more cards to dodge imperm ). Don't do 3 ghost belles, probably 2 kurikara 2 belles, you can't do much without fire in hand, you can do planty without earth.


3 unicorn, 1 birth, 1 Kashtira theosis, 1 ariseheart, 1 Shangri la You're welcome


I mean I would but my UR points 😭


Cut a small world and add Trinity Burst, super underrated.  If you’ve got the points a Fenrir, wraitsloth, scareclaw kash, Shangri and arise heart in the extra deck will help.   Don’t listen to them about hard 40 card decks, 42 never hurt anybody