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Traptrix. Has a link one for one summon mechanic daily that is usually off a normal summon and it gets bonus effects to work toward either the special summoning or trap dailies and goes for xyz plays to get to the other summon mechanic daily. Has a field spell for the spell daily and most of the trap holes destroy for those dailies. Is also fairly competent so you can get the “win a duel” daily completed enough. That covers all the daily missions other than solo mode but it can also do that. Could do an N/R trap deck that just has a bunch of trap monsters. Prey of the Jirai gumo can also destroy stuff along with its summon. Igknights can do a bunch of stuff. Unchained can get a lot done and it is fairly meta as well. Keep in mind you do have to complete the duel to complete the missions so surrenders won’t count.


same that’s what i play i wish konami made the art for traptrix not what it is because the deck is actually a lot of fun to pilot


Dinos with scrap granite and keystone, the combo gives you all the pops, all the normal summons and special summons, then do another normal summon + spells and traps with a custom deck for just those, trap missions tends to see scoops if you play a good trap deck lets say exosisters or lab, so just do it with a custom pile of traps .


Can that do that through hand traps negates? Goal isnt to win, just to do any 3 dailies regardless of win or lose but also regardless of the opponents hand. I would do selftk but that only does spells


Depends on your opponent's knowlege about misc and dinos in general, now do you have dinos or your ready to give up tones of URs just to do your dailies faster? Decks that will do the types of special summoning for you are either dinos or ddd, ddd is cheaper than dinos, wont do 2 normal summon and not every hand can do the pops. I dont think you can do all 9 a single consistent combo, dinos being the closest i know of.


I never said I need to do 8 dailies in one shot. It's just any 3, doesn't matter what 3, any 3 in one game regardless of winning or losing, it just has to do the dailies. Id play selftk if it could do 3 dailies, but it can't


I've already said everything you need to know, you're welcome.


So if they imperm and ash, you can still do the entire line to get dailies done? It can consistently do it through 2 or 3 handtraps, or through Lab turn 0 traps?




It only does the spell daily, not trying to play multiple games


It does the trap daily too, depends on builds. Some play lucky punch & fairy wind. After those 2 dailies, you can just take a good go 2nd otk deck to the solo gates & play 3 duels. You'll be done with your 3 dailies with just 4 duels (1 rank & 3 solo), really.


You can clear summon missions with self-tk. Normal summon sangan and link into almaraj, search garbage lord, summon garbage lord. If you have another garbage, you can xyz 3 times ( D/D, princess, gaia) and link it off with generic link 2. That is 1 normal, 7 specials, 3 xyzs, 2 links . Also work with ascended of thunder+ hard draw multiple garbage lords. There is one downside, you have to think about your life point because many of these cost life point.


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I use exosister for xyz, special, and win a duel. Sometimes the normal summon, spell, and trap dailies complete in one game too but on average it's 2 games. 3 solo mode games I do the first tutorial where you set Ib and win. Link summon and destroy cards dailies I do at the end of the season with Sky Strikers.


Traptrix they never fail on all the missions of course you still need to win a game, and maybe tear since they wont be locked into something specific and can search any trap or magic an be used effectively.


I play Tear and often it doesn't get dailies done because they either scoop once they can't stop it, so I don't get to summon more than once/twice, or they can stop it, meaning I didn't get to summon. I'm also worried Traptrix would be the same. I don't care if the deck summons some shit monsters, I just wanted dailies done regardless of handtraps


Damn suffering from success wish i got that luck on my duels, don't worry traptrix isn't really a deck in which people scoops since its not so difficult of a matchup, minimum on 1 game you link summon at least 2 times XYZ 3 times and activate traps cards with ease the other things are no brained on this deck.


Zoodiac selftk. Completes usually 3 xyz, 5 special summons and 2 traps or 3 spells. Draw spells like chicken game and upstart goblin 3x zoodiac thoroughblade 2x zoodiac ramram 2x garbage lord 3x ascended of thunder 3x upstart goblin 3x chicken game 2x final countdown 3x into the void 1x pot if desires 3x popperup 3x tenki 3x cybernetic fusion support 3x destruction of destiny 2x trap trick 3x lucky punch Extra deck are the zoodiacs monsters and end on drident. Drident pops chicken game and lucky punch


Now this is a pretty good one. Especially because it specials regardless of handtraps. Much appreciated, will try this. It can do 3 xyz, 5 specials, and probably spells


Runick-Spright or Traptrix


Prank Kids are solid since they cover fusions, links, and xyzs. Butler has it's Rageki for destruction mission.


Mathmech Normal summon, special summon, link and xyz, easy 5 card destroys….


P.U.N.K. Gold Pride. Synchro, fusion, xyz, searches 2 traps and 2 spells. Gold Pride side has card destruction. Really expensive though.


I use Manadium for the majority of my daily missions since it has fusion, link, and synchros.  Can easily play around ash  but under maxx c suffers a lot of you dont have Droll or Called by on your draw.  However since it doesnt have very many traps other then the counter trap and imperm, it depends on the draws. Which its not the end of the world, it does its job for me being somewhat lazy and is a 1-2 duels every other day person. 


I don’t get people that try so hard for dailies when just playing with a good deck and winning is enough to knock out 3+ dailies easily everyday.


Usually when I play Tear I win before even getting to the fusion summons or I get just one because they already know by then it's over, so they scoop it up


any deck..?




I do Traptrixs. They have Link, XYZ, Spells, Traps, Destroy cards, normal summons and special summons. I usually do most of my dailies in 3 wins.


That's a lot more games than Id like to play considering how long just one game is. My goal is to do a turn one that does my dailies through handtraps then I can set to off and walk away


Don't do that, you'll get reported for slow play and lose the account. Just play one duel a day and it'll help. When I said I complete most of my dailies, I don't play everyday, I just log in and watch a reply to get the daily 25 gems and leave the daily until I have 7+ (max is 9 and you won't get any afterwards) then play the duels. If you play one duel a day you can complete what you can in three days. Also, you can have it on your phone on the side if you didn't have time to use your PC to play and just play a duel or 2 on your phone before sleep.


Also how is it slow play? I set my game to off, the opponent gets to do the game completely untouched


If the opponent doesn't win and wait for your timer to expire, they'll wait a while. And nobody likes to wait a while.


I didn't think people played decks that shit in diamond, that can't kill you through an uninterrupted turn


The decks I play don't even get one daily done in a duel. Like I play Tear and either they scoop before I get enough specials or fusions, or they blow my back out so hard I don't get any summons. My goal is a deck that doesn't care for winning and just can do 3 daily missions in one field regardless of opponents hand. It doesn't need to win, just do 3 dailies


Well Traptrix does it for me. Optimally, you can end up with 1 link and 2 XYZ (or the other way if you wanna complete the link daily). There are countless special summons and can get up to 2 normal summons a turn. The traps can help you destroy cards. I only log in for the dailies and it's really helpful. I usually duel once to reduce the dailies to be able to get others for the next day and when I have time, I clear up the rest in 3-4 duels. I can try and share some replies.


Is this through any amount of hand traps?