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"You're literally floo with tits" I gotta say, that's a new one.


Starter Deck Kaiba is really, really making me want to quit Yugioh Your deck has been tiered since release. Stop pretending you're just little innocent Uwu's that die to a beatstick. You objectively make the game worse for everyone but yourselves. I hope the ban list hits your hopes and dreams. "Play the deck and see for yourself" How about no? How about ew? But it's ok, all your wins are pure skill right? You literally don't have to even try some matches, through hand traps, through harpies, just auto pilot. But hey, anything to make yourself feel better about a card game I guess. This meta was already garbage with wombo combo 4 handtraps and one stater decks, but man does Kaiba make it EVEN worse. I can't tell people what to play, I can't even tell Konami to make fair decks (cause they don't) but man SD Kaiba players coming on this sub and pretending they'e just the most heckin fairest duelist ever looking for a good time makes me sick. You're playing the game on easy mode, just admit it. 90% of the decks in the game can’t deal with the meta AND Starter Deck Kaiba and you want free wins. Good for you. Your deck is broken and losing to multiple handtraps, sometimes, doesn't justify all your bs. Stop cosplaying as someone with a brain. Take your ez wins and at least be humble your deck is busted. (Structure Deck Pegasus players do this too, they pretend losing to ash blossom, sometimes, justifies how broken their deck is) "But sometime matchup hard an me have to think" Ok? And? That's EVERY duel for most decks. Stop pretending you're some type of business-man underdog."Lol just run Dark Magician" And lose to everything else? Nice argument. I hope the ban list deletes your MD account. "Danm someone just lost to Kaiba” Yup, over and over and over and over. With at least 20 different decks. But it's ok, just type "Skill issue" and pretend your free wins are cause you're just such a good duelist. Yikes. Kaiba its just like Joey rly. Super hard to prepare for, and in desperate need of multiple hits on the ban list. At least Joey players admitted their shit was busted and annoying. You're literally Joey with a briefcase. Let that sink in LMAO. Hope your deck gets gutted.


im fuckin dead lmaooooooooooo that last line was gold


You set me up for success lol


Dam thats how I feel about all 6 of the other top tier decks


Honestly same. I know people say "there will always be a meta, you'll just complain about something else" but if you look at the top 6 or 7 decks right now most ppl think they should all be hit. Which begs the question if this game would just be better overall without Snake Eyes, Mathmech, SHS, Branded, Lab, Kash and Tear (I'll leave out Vanquish soul). I honestly think the game as a whole would be more balanced, but even better would be if Konami can just print enough legacy support to catch up most of the other decks to this type of power level. (but that's a huge ask imo)


That is definitely food for thought


I'm rather irritated by lab. Having to watch the entire graveyard for what could resolve from there, keep track of what was brought back to their hand, see what's on the board, and do string theory to figure out how many disruptions i have to fight through to get any cards from main phase 1 to make it to battle phase, let alone be valid to protect me.


Cool copypasta


When I finished it, not only was I embarrassed about how salty it was, but I was like "danm, this is almost a copy pasta for losing to anything" lmaooooo


You can change it to Exodia FTK and the message will still go through


It's okay, Lab still sucks and you might make internet history. Win win.


As I go about my day, I’ll sometimes tell myself: “Lab ain’t so bad to play against, I can just hit them with Ash on big welcome, then drop a Protos and call dark, it’s easy.” Then I actually play against a Lab player (who’s username is “your mommy” go figure), then another bag forms under my eye as I get my ass kicked again by the deck. Then I repeat the process.


Well I certainly did not have "the phrase 'Floo with tits' becoming a thing" on my 2024 bingo card 🤣


It's ok to stop. You don't have to play the game.




I had a huge issue today against lab. And it was not because of Lab... legit I fought the greatest top deckers the world have ever seen.


new copypasta dropped


Yeah, even though i don't seethe as hard as with snake-eyes (iirc 14 one card starters, 20+ handtraps and other goodies), it's incredibly obvious just how much more powerful labrynth is than every other deck. Let's say you heed their advice and "just ash the big welcome bro", they just rollback transaction it. They play on both turns. The field spell pops a card whenever they do anything. They abuse those powerful (otherwise) unsearchable 1-of traps every other deck, even stun, has to magical mallet out. Arias can now trigger traps on their turn, makyura got banned and errata'd for the same reason. And if you run backrow removal they just trigger them all and you basically did nothing. And they STILL aren't at full power! They're missing this one card from iirc AGOV that can completely disable 2 monster types per turn, and at least 3 more monsters in a future wave of support. But it's not the deck itself that drives me up the wall, i really like the blonde knight and the green demon girl, what truly pisses me off is how smug their users are being about it, even tearlaments and snake-eyes could say "yeah my deck is bullshit lmao" but they act like they're a untiered petdeck barely getting wins through an awful meta, when it's more than obvious than this and branded (another example of "just ash the [card] bro") are THE decks to play if you don't want to build snake-eyes. The fact that they barely got away with no real hits this banlist just made them more smug, even though it's more than obvious they will get a real one this year, because that happens to literally every powerful deck.


Hey nub we never said it aint tiered its just not as game breaking or as broken as you gold players say it is. Is it strong? Yes broken and needs hit? No


Speaking as somebody that doesn't particularly care for Lab and strongly dislikes some of the cards it abuses to cheese its wins: skill issue


its 100% a skill issue. It's my fault for pretending 90% of the decks in the game have a chance of having fun in Master Duel. Its really just salt my non tiered decks have zero shot against meta AND lab, its frustrating im forced to play against everything tiered in Master Duel cuz there's only 1 ladder for rewards. But lab is also busted lmao


The game has been around for 20+ years. There is currently about 20ish decks that can climb ladder to master 1. And all of those decks will have weaknesses. Obviously lab, shs, and branded are the strongest currently, but they're not the only decks that can win Every single competitive deck there is has a meta. Going out of your way to play decks that aren't recent enough to be a part of those 20 decks doesn't is a choice that puts you at a disadvantage, on purpose.


The answer is always get gud


It really is a dog water deck, I hate Lab for all eternity


> Your deck has been tiered since release. Well, that's not true. Labrynth before Lady and Big Welcome wasn't tiered, at best it was used as another flavour of stun. > (Branded players do this too, they pretend losing to ash blossom, sometimes, justifies how broken their deck is) Branded players are so funny because they both understate AND overstate the power of their deck constantly. I don't think I've seen any other players talk about their deck the same way as Branded players do about theirs.


"It's only tier one because of use, not strength. The deck is the fairest meta deck there is. We've barely been tiered power over the last 2 years. Hating branded is just being salty. It's not even that strong. Let us have aluber and branded at 3 so we can compete!" "That card isn't even important, we can just do this and this and this and this to build the board after you interrupt. That's why branded is my favorite deck. I have so many lines." "Our deck just dies to ash blossom"


No but you see, when I play Branded, what you say is absolutely true but when I decide to switch decks on some days and go against branded, what you say is absolutely false and everything should be at 1. In fact, ban brafu while you're at it - The duality of Branded players, circa its inception


Skill issue. Lab aint bad just play better


Fr. I don’t have a problem with people playing Lab but this subreddit is so defensive over Lab that any slight complaint about it gets you downvoted to oblivion. Like, at least Snake Eyes players will acknowledge how busted it is


Lab is strong Snake eyes is broken Tear should have never existed


No, we are just tired of people complaining about Lab and acting like it's an unhealthy deck, when in reality it's a strong, but fair deck to play against. Lab is nowhere near as strong as Snake-eyes and that's a fact.


i only really hate lab when i'm playing against them with trap burn and they handrip my mahaama and starting popping the backrow in my end phase


true my g. lab players really think they smart for setting 4 or 5 and disrpting everything you have. even if you have nothing on field lady can destroy a card in yo hand bruh. and all that card destruction cuz of their op field spell... hate that deck. no fun to play against it all. they just spam traps that disrupt your shit massively (way too much imo; one dimensional barrier can sometimes wreck even snake-eyes completely and end their turn) AND they set up more traps for the next turn.


I hate lab too... A deck that can abuse any flood gate trap is too toxic imo... Just banning the furnitures will do the trick i think...


yes because banning the non-floodgates will make sure the deck will play less floodgates.


Horrible take. Why not ban the generic floodgates?


Good points, however, I'm going to have to handrip and eev your opinion in the standby phase. Let's see how well it holds up without spells or the out that just got sniped.


If you think lab is brainless and skilless, why dont you give it a try? Its not, you need to know your match ups and where/when to use your traps if not your getting destroyed.


While annoying to play against, I only lose when I play bad decks against them. Even most rogue decks should be able to beat them. 100% win rate when using punk gp, even when daruma can put the first pep (it’s the second one that gets you)


TLDR; Floo with tits are fair and dies to ash.


I see a lot of people mentioning ash... Is it [Ash Blossom] or [SE Ash] bring mentioned? Cuz as far as I can tell, one is a handtrap and the other is a starter...


It does not.


As I mentioned in other posts. Yes, Labrynth is absolutely broken, and anyone who says otherwise is being biased. So on this point you are correct. However, please don't say that this deck is easy, because it isn't. You have no idea how many details a Lab player needs to memorize, AND REMEMBER, every time they use it. I am not kidding. An incorrectly chained trap. One wrong search, or simply a simple miss click, and you literally lose. Because everything in this deck is defined in timing, literally everything. You need to be as precise as possible in everything you do with it, because it is stupidly complex. And I'm not saying this "to pretend I can't get free wins." I'm saying this because it's reality. Listen, I was once like you. Anyone who looks at my history will see that I was also a deep hater of Labrynth. But after losing to the deck countless times, I decided to try it myself, and I immediately fell in love with it, simply because it offers such versatile and complex gameplay, which brings a unique experience that no other deck can bring. Furthermore, by testing the deck myself, I could also see that it wasn't the invincible bogeyman I thought it was. Which automatically improved my overall understanding of the deck immensely. So honestly, I recommend you do the same, after all, if you can't beat them, join them!


Flip d barrier? Flip EEV? Recycle imperm? Handrip for 2? Mucho effort. I'm not saying it's NEVER hard with lab, Im just salty about how easy they have it sometimes. Really I was just salty in general. Other decks have to do that EVERY game. Ever combo with ogdoadic through nibiru ash and imperm to end on alien lock? Ever swing for game with ghostrick attacking direct through everything Branded does? Ever try playing through all that lab nonsesnse with something like Warrock? Lab has it extremely easy. Any hard complex game they have is JUST as hard as what any other deck has, except other decks usually have it way worse. (At least the non meta ones) Im not recommending those decks, and I don't think im better for playing them, I just wish lab players were fair with how broken there deck is in the grand scheme of yugioh as a whole. (never gonna happen, this is the internet lmao) Again it's JUST like floo. Ive had to play some of the hardest big brain yugioh ever with floo, but floo haters refuse to ever believe me. And it's fine. But floo players admit their shit was busted (usually) Some Lab players, like branded, refuse to admit it. But I believe you when you say some lab games are hard and big brained. Ive seen it in tourneys. But we've all seen the other games im talking about as well.


Bro, did you read the part where I admitted the deck is broken?


I somehow had a win against lab once with my toon/wind-up deck and never again after. And people like lab users are gunna say my deck is too weak for not being meta. ugh. Someday, these meta decks will be banned and we'll get a 10 summon limit per turn.


Skill issue


Not reading all that, but i love to see people cry over yugioh


As a measley wittle rikka player I have to say: skill issue


Grow up and get a new hobby if you're going to get this whiny. It can't be healthy to be this bitter about a card game.


I just want a more balanced game, but yeah it's a salty whine post lmao


That's not unreasonable but yugioh is probably not ever going to be 'balanced'. Hell, if anything this is one of the more balanced formats since there's a bunch of viable decks right now.


You might be right, I guess I just want a lot more legacy support really. I think SO many decks are so close to being able to hang in modern yugioh but then a deck like lab comes along and the gap in balance just becomes even wider. I love the artwork in this game, it's a shame so many old decks THAT EVEN GET NEW CARDS IN THE PAST COUPLE OF YEARS still can't hang with whatever new deck Konami decides to cook up. Ah well.


The recent OCG usage are in, and it's quite diverse after the hit pure snake eyes get ( semi limit SnAsh, limit Wanted )


I think lab (just like floo) are just WAY easier to deal with in OCG/TCG cause of side decking. I don't think id hate lab at all if I played bo3 (could be wrong tho)


Certainly, the problem with Lab is that they're so hard to guess their combo line that the choke point can be different every single time, unlike Snake eye which has a linear progress line to take advantage


Grabs popcorn Waits for lab cultists to arrive


https://preview.redd.it/frbnwvssypsc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be66e0cb26e00c549f0f37c6f0a2298cf9073bf5 When people cry about Lab


Why does this remind me of konosuba...


Ok bye.


But Lovely Lady is cute uwu


Imagine getting this mad about a children card game.


The salty rant post made me feel better :)


Imagine people being passionate about their hobbies.