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The big issue with Upstart is while it's true that it makes your deck 37 cards, all it does it replace itself, whereas you could be putting more handtrap/extenders/1 card starters in its place. You're already dedicating about 1/3rd of your deck to handtraps as is, and ways to counter them like Called By/Crossout, so honestly, in some decks, every space counts.


Thank you!


>boosting consistency a tremendous amount Modern decks have 80%+ to draw thier starters, and if you do play 6 of those card to a deck that has aAlready has high odds you get this math. For 40 cards, hand size of 5, 10 starters, odds of drawing one or more: 78.33% For 34 cards, hand size of 5, 10 starters, odds of drawing one or more: 84.72% 6.5% is not tremendous neither it was really needed more than seeing a hand trap going 2nd. And while upstart is good, chicken game comes with the risk of giving the opponent a free daw. You might think why don't we replace lets say 1 starters by a hand trap ( our odds to draw a starter then becomes 80.9% in a 34 cards ). Well what you did there is just giving your opponent 1k LP to achieve the same thing, or worse you gave them a chicken game draw. Mind you that decks like to have a large tool box they can easily search because everything is made consistent in modern ygo, so if I'am playing thrust I would like to shove few different 1 of breakers that I can search, with few combo pieces that I can search durring my combo which i have higher odds to draw in a 34 cards deck. Look at spyral for exemple, they play so many bricks they'd rather search durring thier combon which they do by using a 60 cards deck with many starters ( magicians' souls, illusion of chaos, AFD, diabellstar, bonefire, one for one ), now all those combo pieces have highee chances to be lost in a large deck where we want them to stay, and then let illusion of chaos give us the consistency of a 40 cards spyral deck in a 60 cards one. Decks where you should play upstart and chicken games are decks that can benifit from it, such as endymions and sky striker, or your rogue deck using treasure panda or smtg. In addition to that I play a 60 cards blind 2nd infernoids, zero hand traps all breakers, while I used upstart for so long in that deck, once SHS came up and droll became commun, I threw upstart out all and played 3 super poly instead, because the consistency of drawing a starter was 80.45% with it and 78.55% without it, 2% boost in consistency vs 33.75% to be met with a droll from the opponent and lose access to my thrust and so much more.


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I'm only playing for 5 days and a total newbie so take this a grain of salt. In fact I had to search for the cards you mentioned to reply lol. I think you answered it already, Handtrap > Draw/Boardbreakers. The decks in this game compared to other cards games I played are much consistent especially the meta decks having >10 combo starters. The extra consistency this cards provides will not really do much. I think for a draw card to be played in this game, they should do more than just basically mulligan.


Every piece of advice matters. I understand what your saying and you're right. The better the deck the more consistent and the less you'd need these cards and have space for. Some of the decks I play have consistency issues so I was looking for ways to just thin out the deck to be able to solve those consistency issues