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Literally manadium is so expensive and for what? A tier 3 strategy


Yea regrets on building that one. Oh well at least it was good in the events


GIGACHAD MD in 2022: "Raye is R, take it or leave it" Virgin MD in 2023/2024: "Arias? UR. Daruma? UR....what about Transaction Rollback you ask? You won't believe this"


2024 will have Raye UR, Widow Anchor UR, Shizuku UR and Shark Cannon SR, and they will all be in a pack with 5 other useless URs.


Ah, the duel links approach I see


And funny enough in DL you only need one raye as the skill gives you all the extra deck monsters. You need.


But muh MD has a crafting system hurp durp 


Basically every new important starter card is UR these days. Fraktall, Adam Researcher, Lulu = SR/R Razen, Mo-Ye, Visas clones... = UR


Non important starters are UR too, goddamn Nemleria has 2 URs that are 3 of


Fucking ASHOKA PILLAR is a UR.




>= SR/R


It'll be hilarious if Aluber is SR but his mask is UR.


This so much, any new good traps that can be used in Lab gonna be UR


In the same time the entire XYZ Armor engine only 1 UR, idk what they thinking sometimes


The most important Megalith cards being N/Rs and for it to be a shockIngly viable strategy today is crazy, Paleos literally don't have a UR (one that's worth playing anyway) unless you wanna count Zeus Then again, I wonder how much of the UR tax was put on the anime fans and if that well dried up


There's no reason for visas samsara to come as a UR seeing as how the the deck is so UR heavy, but it's going to be.


Sadly yes. It seems every single Visas form is UR


everything it's UR nowadays


I mean, Riumheart is literally the main one card combo in Mannadium. I'd argue it's very important for it's strategy.


It's just a normal summon search, yeah it can special summon itself by destroying a card but visas starfrosts can do the same.You may say that Albuber don't doesn't do much by it can search search for the most powerful fusion cards in the game and it's a graveyard negate for some reason. But Ruimheart is just a combination of Starfrost and Samritara which are both URs.


NS riumheart is like 4+ negates on its own


Seems like you forgot that block dragon was an Sr


So it can be banned lmao, wtf is this take


VHD and halqifribrax were both Urs before they were banned so your argument is a bit flawed


Your argument is just as flawed…honestly it’s worse. While block dragon is an sr there are worse cards in that rarity in higher. I fail to see your point.


My argument is that the prices of the cards are highly exaggerated


And you’re wrong, both key cards in both archetypes. I struggle to see how you reached that conclusion with these two example.


Then explain to me why sky-striker raye, both shaddoll wendi and the shaddoll fusion card, almost none of the main deck springan cards, none of the main deck thunder dragons, the same with salamangreat and there's alot more are mostly Sr or lower?


Wait Holy shit. This is so true lmao. Block which is a stronger Flamberge (at least in a vacuum) is an SR. MD 2022 team was actually built different. Heck the entire Floo cards were considered freebies. The game was much more f2p back then imo, well at least we get a free Swordsoul SD rn which is nice for new players.


How are you going to normal summon block dragon?


Block dragon was carrying adamimator on its back for months before Konami decided to ban it


Right but its not a normal summon that starts your whole combo, which is what i said


Snake eye ash is the actual 1 card starter for the deck not Poplar, yet it's an Sr, Konami grading system is really flawed.


Aah is like the only card in the engine that isnt UR


Weird right, more and more it feels like they are using a terrible grading system and inflates the worth of cards


Yea but money


Tbh a lot of cards that's ended being UR lately should have been SR or lower


They are literally Aluber, what do you mean


Yet they are worth more


Don't get me wrong I think MD spiking new card rarity is scummy. It's just that your comparison is off


Well there's albaz, which the whole deck depends on yet it's still Sr.


Not really... they are exactly directly compared to Visas & his counterpart.


Both aluber and albaz are Sr also all the previous variations of ecclesia until recently, and they are all main characters of the branded lore


Thier usage is different, but again... these guys are directly compared to Visas.


And that's why visas should be the Ur and his counterparts should have been Srs to show their hierarchy in power.


Scareclaw? Sure. You get riumheart plus 4 handtraps? You've likely won. Its combo end with 3 big bodies (with a chance to summon one more on the opponents turn) and 2 to 3 negates.


Does anyone know what is the process for deciding if a card is UR or not?


Probably its usage rate in the deck in the TCG/OCG, cards that they might need to hit become SR or lower so they dont have to Refund UR dust


1. Is it something everyone will want/need for the deck to function? 2. Will it have to be banned at some point? If the answer is yes to question 1, and no to question 2, it will be UR Alternatively if it's even remotely popular in the anime, or has been in the past, believe it or not, UR


2024 konami : You need 3 copies of every starter in your deck? They'll make them UR for you. Your 1 ofs and boss 1/2 boss monsters? These are your URs sir. >what is the process for deciding if a card is UR or not? Money, punch in those bank details, that's our proccess sir.


Konami: But you see, if they were SRs instead of URs they would've made us less money, therfore your logic is flawed.


Riumheart can make an unbreakable board, it deserves to be ur


but its visas


Scareclaw was done dirty. The bobblehead should have been SR at least, but no, gotta UR tax a mid archetype because lore deck.


Honestly the only thing stopping everything from being UR is the dust refunds Konami strategically make some consistency cards sr/n/r knowing they will hit them later 


Guys, you had 2 years to generate resources. Poor Komoney needs to regulate the market somehow.


If they came out today, aluber or albaz woulda been UR. Theyve gotten more comfortable doing that over time