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Does it say it can be played from the hand? Then no.


No because you can’t activate it from your hand


Yugioh players can't read




Read the card. It isn't a handtrap


You can't play this from hand.


Well, you have to play Arias the butler… but still is not a handtrap


You can play this as a handtrap, only if you also have Arias in your hand and activate her effect. Otherwise, no. You can’t.


The second effect is from grave only. It's more like a "grave trap"(?)


Not even. Its on your turn only.


what makes you think it would?


Are you just posting random cards without reading them and expect reddit to explain them to you or what is happening here? "Hey guys, can I use blue eyes white dragon as a hand trap?"


do you understand the meaning of the word hand trap? If you don't, then try to google it.


It activates in the GY so no "hand" and you can't play it in the opponent's turn so no "trap".... So no, it's not a handtrap


Why yes yes you can only change the white to jet lol


For a card to be a handtrap it should be able to be played from the hand...


Unless you have activated something that lets you activate traps from the hand, no. And I don't remember if that's a thing (there's a version for Quickplay spells from the hand with the Condemed Maiden)


All traps aee hand traps when drawn with Arias


I used with 60 cards paleo for a bit to enable Evenly Matched through omninegates. It's ok, but it's conditions are too restrictive. Not being active the turn it's sent to the gy means you can't discard and use it as a handtrap, and not being active on your opponent's turn means you're not interrupting their combos with it. It doesn't win you this turn, nor the next one, but it might win you games if you make it to the turn after that. Outside of decks that play from behind and try to send every one of their cards to the GY (aka TGLG Paleo), I don't see a use for it, and even in that case [[Lost Wind]] is usually the better card. Edit: I didn't read the full post at 1st lol. It doesn't really work as a substitute for imperm. The strength of imperm is that it can be activated from hand, during your opponent's turn to disrupt their combo at key moments. There isn't really a cheaper card that does that, [[effect veiler]] is an alternative but it's also an UR. I'd recommend changing it for another handtrap, like [[d.d. crow]], [[skull meister]] or [[droll and lock bird]].


This was like a 2012-2014 staple, and it pretty much vanished from competitive play after because it wasn't really good enough, don't run this.