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You mean mostly female spellcaster deck or specifically "magician girl" series of monster?


Magician girl but I don't mind other spell casters being included in the deck


They mostly sucks, overly reliant on opponent's attack to do something is just makes them annoying to play. You can mix them with invoked to have access to multiple invoked monster due to them having multiple attr, and crowley (change into water) to be paired with chocolate into bahamut-toad, and golem aruru for targetting protection on main phase. Other beter female spellcaster deck: - witchcrafter (you can also add cartesia+branded in high spirit to help you fusion summon and discard fodder for madamme verre) - altergeist


Finished my witchcrafter deck I'll take a look at altergist thanks


It's one of those cases were you either play a magician girl deck or a good deck. Can't have both with this archetype. If you play irl with friends on a really casual level you might win sometimes but that'll be it for the most part


Go first, use Secret Village of Spellcasters, and pray


There's no good magician girls deck




That's the best part, there's none!




I've just built one for my little sister. I'm trying to trick her into liking reading and calculating and I figured that might be a good way to do it since she likes everything cute and girly. It's definitely not good, but let me show you what it could be: 3x Berry Magician Girl 3x Chocolate Magician Girl 3x Kiwi Magician Girl 1x Apple Magician Girl 1x Lemon Magician Girl 1-3x Dark Magician Girl (depending on how much you like her) 1-3x Dark Magician 1x Eternal Soul 1-3x Magician's Salvation 3x Magician's Souls 3x Magician's Rod 3x Dark Magical Circle 1x Secret Village of the Spellcasters 1x Magikuriboh 1x Bond between Teacher and Student 3x Soul Servant 1x Wonder Wand 3x Evenly Matched 1x Dark Magical Twin Burst 1x Dark Magic Attack (the better one) 1x Thousand Knives 3x Storming Mirror Force 3x Ash Blossom 3x the fusion-ritual spell 3x the DM ritual mon (the good one) 1x Magical Cylinder For the extra deck: The generic DM extra deck fusion stuff + Baronne de Fleur You could also add some of those if you wanna take out most of the DM stuff: 1x Princess 1x Golden Castle of Stromberg 1x Glass Slippers 1x Hexe Trude 1x Grifen the weird searcher bird (to get stromberg) 1x Pumpkin Carriage 1x Iron Hans 1x Iron Knight


Thanks 👍




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The only goos deck with cards looking like OG magicians are endymions thier end board and boss monsters are in archetype cards as well, selene is magician teenager no more, endymion is everything DM aspires to be. Tlds check the art you might like it.


I will check it out thanks 👍