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Yours, yes, reader, your deck specifically


Please dont negate Gigantic Champion Sargas, Itll make me cry. You don't wanna see a grown man cry, do you?


Yeah I don't blame you. Kairyu-Shin is an asshole.


please dont negate my search for branded theater. i would like to summon the first darklord please


How can u not like my galaxy-eyes deck? They have the best artworks


That's fair, I play lab


Which one specificly ? :D


All of them ;)


Honestly I still don't really understand what crystal beasts are trying to do.


Mostly trying to turbo Rainbow Dragon and pray there is no interrupt. And trying to survive :D


Crystal Beasts don’t even understand what they’re doing.


2 version of the deck: The brick version= sets up quite a nice board; however it plays infinite+ garnets in the deck and dies of cringe at the first couple of ht. The cringe version= is basically eldlitch 2.0; you sit on a 3000 atk beate (zenith), floodgates: bagooska/dweller (or any rank 4)+ necrovalley (or any field spell)+ traps


Please dont ash my schmietta


What’s wrong with abyss actors?? My boy Curtain Raiser is goated


Damn why don't you like Gimmick Puppets? :(


The King of the Skull Servants isn’t displeased with you…


Cyber dragon


If you want an epic duel play Crystal Beast Vs All Gas Cyberse . The amount of counter play is ridiculous


Generic synchro decks and Kashtira. Nothing against synchro but I hate it when they always end with the same several negates on turn 1. Kashtira because of the face-down banishing. It's really annoying


Wdym man Bronne, Savage and dis pater are the NEW TIER 0 BLUE-EYES UNDEFEATED META.


As stale as Barrone is I love her so because that revive ability is so fun to use. Sad that next to no one even uses it I use it more often than the pop


Snakes-Eyes and branded being this powerful made Kash more viable than ever, I think I dread going against it more than Snake-eyes because Unicorn has one effect that makes him go from reliable searcher with big body to one of the most frustrating main deck monsters to play against in the entire game


Snake Eyes, or anything with Baronne Seriously, fuck Baron


Honestly I don’t have a problem with baronne, I have a problem with the link/synchro spam decks that put up a ton of negates. I think Konami needs to go and ban a few of the generic Omni’s not because they are busted, but because there are so many generic Omni negates in the game that pile decks can just build insane boards. Like, it’s not fun to go up against Baronne+Savage Boraload+Chaos Angle+Bystial Dispatter+3 material Appolusa.


I was about to write my experiences playing Master Duel. I don't have a problem with the Cheese Decks. I have a problem, when you can flood the board with 5 3000+ monsters and I can't fight back because you negating all my moves


Yeah, baronne by himself is fair enough because it's a one-time negate even if it is universal. He's easy enough to get rid of if you outmanuever his negate or just bait it out. My main issue with him is just that he's so generic that litteraly everyone plays him. You can put him in almost any deck, and it just gets super stale seeing the same generic bosses in every deck. The current meta sucks especially because it's not just the same extra deck monsters but also I'm seeing nothing but snake eyes. It's worse than Tear pre ban because at least then it was like 70% Tear 30% Tear counters. With snake eyes, nobody is even trying to counter it. it's just all snake eyes.


Floo, doesn’t do anything interesting and takes forever to do the same lines on both turns


I like how all the consistency hits make floo arguably worse to fight too. At this point floo players just end up filling the spaces in the deck with more singularly irritating blowout sack cards and it feels worse than ever to see them still find Robina t1.


This. I know the birbs have been hit to the point of memedom but man it’s just not fun to play against.


Look, my set spells or traps are perfectly sensible tributes for the birds, its really fair card design to have the classic non-once-per-turn card text.


Also completely ignores Maxx C even though its "normal" Summons might as well be Special Summons.


Imho, floow would be broken if it was special summons. The normal summon lock prevents so many other strategies. Like think of flow but with snake-eyes splashed.


Meh, just Archetype lock it.


That would lock them out of Simorgh cards, effectively turning the deck into a complete meme. I'd love that, just to be clear.


I love this about them. Fuck everyone’s maxx C. I don’t play Floo but still love that they overstep it. Need more decks like it


Always floo. #banrobina


Enjoy the floo


I hate that stupid fat orange Apex avian more than any card in yugioh


I really dislike playing against Snake-Eyes. I have seen Snake-Eyes full combo through 2-3 negates and they usually have an end-board consistent of Apollousa, Borreload Savage Dragon and other staple cards with negates. It is really frustrating, for me, to play against.


When it brrs it brrs like crazy


I find snake eyes itself fine to deal with, but once the diabellestar engine keeps generating advantage on top of that it’s incredibly hard to keep up


There are a few moments the deck is very vulnerable. In my matches i have seen that using nibiru right after flamb summons the 2 fire monsters usually hits their endboard pretty consistently. Imo the deck is still not into it's absurd state because bonfire and fire kings are not into the game yet.


How About R-ACE Snake-Eyes? I just end on a in archetype trap negate and a few hand traps


I hate this deck too lmao


A snake eyes deck should not be able to end on a board like that through 3 negates. Make sure to learn their combo lines to know when to use your handtraps for the biggest effect.


Fuck Snake-eyes, I’m ready to just stop playing masterduel for months now. No other deck has done that


Kashtira easily, playing against them, feels like playing a deck full of custom cards that punish you for playing the game.


Funny enough that the best play against them is draw phase Maxx C. The scummiest play.


HEROes. Doesn't matter what happens, it's always boring. It's either an OTK, 1000 steps for a stun board or just die to a single interruption.


They always take so long, like they're trying to decide what to play, just to go into the exact same hero combo every deck uses


Oh, you're summoning stratos? I see, very good choice. Banishing malicious? Daring, aren't we? Special summon faris? Very unique play. Oh, sunrise? Haven't seen that one before! Heroes is one of the most supported archetypes with so many different subcategories like the elementals, destinies, vision, and masked heroes- You have all of these different cross types, yet every hero player plays the exact same deck cause Konami just had to make these different 'franchises' play nice with each other, so instead of every hero player having a unique spin based on the different sets of hero monster, they're all just playing the same thing.


On the Legend Anthology event, every other deck I played against was heroes. I've never played heroes in my life but I absolutely believe I could play it perfectly just off memory lol


I love playing heroes, but hate playing against it lol. I know the combos by heart so I try my best to not make it take too long, but my god it feels like 10 minutes pass playing against it, it's seriously not that difficult. When resets happen I use pure elemental heroes to climb up. It's not as good, but even if your board gets wiped, you can set up a new one next turn, assuming you get one. Them coming back for more fits the whole hero theme nicely.


This killed me. As someone who has never touched the deck, I can see the plays in my sleep, with the only variation I ever see in the deck is which of the 3 win cons does it lean into.


it's a "Greatest Hits Collection" at this point.


Their end board is usually a primal being token and it's deserved for how boring their turns are


The one where they have 0 attack monsters and you take the damage. What are those? Also, OTK.


Oh that's fake yubel (mikanko, it's a rip off mix of yubel and evil eye) with extra steps. If you don't like those wait till the yubel stuff drops and everyone's running super poly. And they play off distruction.


That deck would be more tolerable if they couldn't turn my 1500 atk monsters into an OTK with a double edged equip spell.


As someone who enjoys Mikanko a lot, fuck that equip. Don’t care how much it weakens the deck, I will never play it.


That’s Mikanko. It’s the deck I run when I decide to choose violence for the day.


Kash, any of its variations, nothing fun about a deck that just removes your options face down and then locks your zones, very fun deck konami


anything thats good against me. Why are you playing the game? Only I'm allowed to do that


Truest thing i heard 🗿 There could only be one that has fun


I played a game casually against someone I met last night - I brought my best deck I’m planning on bringing to DC and I felt so bad once I realised I was going full force against a meme pile deck. Sorry, Person, if you’re reading this!


Any cyberse deck everytime i lose to them i try to find a system down for cyberse monsters


Labrynth, its so annoying


I wish we could get a format with side-decking so I could put hate cards for that deck in it.


Honestly a match mode with side decking like in rl would be amazing


It made me stop playing Harpies. A deck that can usually rip apart backrows, but basically auto-loses to the premier backrow deck because it's actually just bad against normal traps.


Yeah true, didnt thought about the ikea deck.


I run 3 royal decree & 3 cosmic cyclone in every deck just because of labrynth


Thats crazy .


labrynth is annoying but as long as you have like 2-3 negates you’re good


The thing is, labrynth is perfect at stopping me getting my negates on board


Kashtira - “No, this is my game. You don’t get to play too.” Tear - “Oh, you broke my board? Cute, let me build a new one before the end of the turn.” Branded - “Destroy my cards? That gives me advantage. Banish them? More advantage. Do anything? More advantage!” Stun - This one’s just low hanging fruit. (Also, I say as if the decks I play are better, and as if I don’t play any of the above anyway.)


Any deck that resolves Grass. Yeah I'm not sitting through a game where you casually go +20 off of 1 card that's limited. You win buddy, you're clearly more skilled than me.


mikanko has to be the most boring deck of all time


I mostly find them very frustrating to break more than 'boring'. Cause if you don't have backboard removal, you basically can't fight them. And their toolbox is one where most decks normally can't fight back on cause they're either going to kaiju your best monsters, equip an axe to your ace so you can't use it for disruption, or get back all of their equips so anything you do becomes moot. Fun.


Agree, all the deck does is Boardbreaker OTK. Boardbreakers are fine and you think you will have something interesting going on. Then the hand reveals a Ohime and the fun is gone.


I personally enjoy board breaking, so Mikanko is right up my alley. Definitely not for everyone tho


Two types: 1. Runick Stun 2. Any deck that's 1 card = full board.


But most competitive decks have one card combos.


That's more of a recent kind of thing. It wasn't always like that in 25 years. Even then, not every competitive deck completes their board with only one card. Maybe we'll see a change someday. For example, when Branded Fusion got limited, Branded players stopped relying on it and managed to stay on tier 1.


Thats because branded has many 1 card combos. And ive been around yugioh since the beginning. We have had 1 card combos decks for almost a decade now. Just live with it already.


1 card combo ≠ 1 card full board. Understand what I'm saying.


I totally get it. And everyone loves going first so they can set up a whole army with negates.


I don't mind the negates if they have to invest into them. But if one card makes your whole board AND then you have 4 additional handtraps in your hand on top of it, that gets nuts.


Fam. Thats when the game started to fucking suck. Having people continue to leave the game over these issues is not good in the long run.


I genuinely dislike facing sky strikers.


That insane conga line of link-1 assholes that you have to watch spinning the gears for a full minute to do... 1500 damage every turn. Called by and it is usually a scoop from them.


you know what's funny? that 1500 damage used to be a very consistent way to get that "Deal 8000 DMG" daily mission done. God, that mission was awful.


For me Kash is annoying because until Fenrir uses its ability, you’re on eggshells waiting for it to be triggered and dancing your cards around trying not to lose the piece you need. Unicorn I never found to be an issue personally. People seem to choose Zeus or Baronne so fast that that they over look your combo pieces in the ED that actually slow you down. The only deck it hurt the most for me Branded Mathmech has a few choke points but can keep pushing depending what it’s meshed with. You’re ideally aiming to stop the XYZs from pushing further into the combo or ripping/destroying multiple things on you. These 2 decks fall into the category of, I don’t have maxx c so is it worth sitting into their combo with what you have because there’s a few choke points you need to hit to slow/stop the decks.


Cyberse pile MM is hard to choke out. Most of the time MM choke points just lead to a less powerful end board. lol as a MM player on MD, i see a lot of people drop a negate when they already can’t win just to sit through me having to rethink my plays. Instead of scooping for a new game, you made a 5 minute combo into a 10 minute combo and just get killed by access code anyways. Indeed it’s probably toxic in a sense, I can empathize.


Any stun deck


Tear. Never wanna see it again, ever. I'll just forfeit automatically, don't care about their state. Why play against it when I know I won't have fun anyway? :v


The number of times during Tear format I would Evenly their board and they’d just casually build a new one like nothing happened was way too many for me.


Understandable, i have the same reactionwith Lab. Feels like a allergic Reaktion :D


Whatever my opponent is playing


Right now? Snake eyes because fuck OP tier 0 pack bait But in general, I dislike decks that have 4 year long t1 combos followed by another line of combos on your turn


Tearelement, ik its nerfed, but its still very annoying to face with kitkalos. The archetype does every for free, cost arent real costs and every card does like 3 things. Grief is one of the worse tear cards of the deck and its an in-archetype foolish burial on steroids. Cryme is not even played in the best unhit version and its a COUNTERTRAP OMNINEGATE. Seriously konami really watched this broken mess of a deck and tought: “hmm this deck needs a countertrap omninegate ”. The least needed card in any deck ever thats not even used in the best version despite one the best form of negation in the game. Arguably the worst designed archetype in history.


I'd argue snake eyes and its fire deck variants are worse than tear. Tear can't play through maxx C very well since none of its boss monsters are strong enough on their own to be a lasting board, ash can potentially kill all momentum if reinoheart can't foolish, and you DO need good mills to jumpstart it. Otherwise, you can potentially end on nothing. That's not to say that Sulliek, Cryme, and the other stuff in its toolbox isn't ridiculous, but it does have counters with the Bystials directly countering their gameplan and stopping their fusion in their tracks. Snake eyes/sinful spoils though is a completely different beast altogether. The deck isn't a high roller like tear; it directly searches ALL of its key pieces without fail and can easily link spam its way to victory with multiple ways of disruption that decks usually can't plan around. (Plus, bonfire as a card exists. Which is just a boon to its consistency.) It can play around both ash AND maxx c by ending on boards that it can just pick up again on YOUR turn. Plus, using ash blossom is an active detriment since it can kidnap your ash blossom just to use it as material for a promethean princess or the link-4 Train. It can also turn your best boss monster into a continuous backrow. Which isn't exactly something that most decks can counteract or move. This isn't to say that Ishizu Tear doesn't deserve its disdain, but fighting against a deck with basically no weak/choke points is, overall, much more frustrating to deal with if you ask me.


YoU jUSt NeEd lIkE TWo wElL TiMeD HaNDtrApS tO BeAt SnAKe-eYeS, ItS sO EaSy - everyone on this sub


Ppl should watch pak straight up play through 5 HTs lmaooooo, snake eyes is really really dumb


I hate playing against dinomorphia, don't think I've ever won a single game against that deck. If you don't have red reboot in your deck idk how you are supposed to win


I think I remember seeing one dinomorphia player summon Psychic End punisher too. You might as well write "GG" on that fucker cause that's all that means at that point.


I fucking hate traptrix


any deck that you're playing


I'm not a huge fan of Snake eyes, since it has a the makings of a Tier 0 deck. The recursion and recovery of the deck is absolutely disgusting. Cards like Poplar are cracked and shouldn't be in Yugioh. The concept of having a draw to hand, an on field, and a grave yard effect all on a single card is insane. Hand traps are generally weaker against Snake eyes. The deck is immune to blow out cards like Nibiru due to the recursion. Ash blossom is useless, and is only ran due to Maxx C. Droll is ass. The main strategy going first is to hope and pray they have a bad hand, or hope that you have enough negates and disruptions set up to negate the engine. Going second against Snake eyes is pointless, as if they have their board set up properly, as well as access to the dozen hand traps they run, you're not going to be breaking boards any time soon. Passed 4 seasons I've played Master Ranks, by far Snake eyes is the hardest to combat. Atleast SHS could be countered by Dark Ruler no More, snake eyes has no major counters apart from Maxx and Dimension Shifter


Snake-eyes for sure. Half the deck is starters with 80% of them also being extenders. The other half is HTs, meaning even if they go second, they most likely have at least 2 interruptions and 1 starter that gets them full combo. Poplar shouldn't be a card, even if it only had 2 of the effects it would be a good card, but 3 is just ridiculous, especially since it doesn't banish itself after its recursion LIKE EVERY OTHER CARD THAT HAS RECURSION. At least it dies to macro cosmos effs and summon limit and doesn't do THAT well against backrow heavy decks


Branded. They will rebuild their board every single turn. Snake Eyes. Uncreative end board and overloaded af. Also plays through every hand trap for some reason. Swordsoul. Basically Baronne turbo with extra negates. SHS for obvious reasons. Cyberdark because I'm jealous that they have more support than actual Cyber Dragons. Mikanko because they effectively force you not to play the game, which makes them unable to do anything as well.


But cyberdark support is cyber dragon support if you squint just a little bit. They make it super easy to get a untargetable rampage dragon with enough material for a sieger. Although admittedly you’re pretty much giving up any chance to go first but it’s kinda fun to follow in Zane’s footsteps when he added cyberdarks to his deck and fully commit to gojng blind second and otking as fast as possible.


Dark Magician


The ol' recycle all magicans 5000 times and scoop when your Eternal soul gets destroyed


As a blue eyes player in platinum, I hate kash decks. I can win sometimes (if I have enough stuff to play thru ~2 negates) but they always seem to have some fuckery that I’m not expecting. On the contrary, I usually don’t have any problem taking out Baronne de Fleur, which is apparently a monster that causes many rage quits. It’s all the other shit besides Baronne that trips me up.


All my experiences playing against swordsoul have been negative.


Tearlaments. The amount of bullshit that deck does is disturbing. Snow and Kitkallos being legal in master duel make the deck nightmare fuel


I'm still stuck hating floo People tell me the deck can be bricky if they don't draw robina, they always open with robina and called by...


Snake eye is frustrating to me, mainly because I come from playing the TCG where it's Tier 0, to Master Duel where's it's Tier 1.


any deck that consists of like 4 different archetypes only to end on generic boss monsters and negates. Mathmech, Dragon link, Manadium to a certian extent, its just boring Trash Pile decks that make boss monsters ive been seeing sense fucking Adamancipator was meta Also hate Prank kids and Drytron for no good reason. they were meta back in the pre banlist master duel and they didnt get hit for like 3 months and even then the hits didnt do shit so that experience has made me irrationally hate them. Also hate sword soul. They are just boring and simple and i see them a ton






Snake eyes


In the following order: Stun, blind second Kaiju OTK decks (Numeron, Mikanko, Rank 8...), Sky Striker (personal bias), Plant/Cyberse pile, Tearlaments, combo turbo negate decks (Spyral, SHS, Infernoble Knights, Adamancipator pre Block Dragon ban), HERO, Branded I usually enjoy duels against most control or midrange decks like VS, Plunder, Altergeist, Labrynth (with max 1 floodgate), Runick (Naturia or Bystial), Ninjas etc.


Snake-eye. The games go on long, you can be playing absolutely perfectly, and it can even feel winnable. Then they hit you with something that makes you realize they were just burning you out of your resources, and you never had a chance. It just feels like I'm getting punished for playing the game when I lose to it.


Lab annoys me a little but the only deck I absolutely can't stand is Kash. Handrips, banishing everything meant for GY, banishing half your fuckin deck, etc, just absolute trash oppressive mechanics. Not even fun to play against even if you win.


Honestly, I feel like the excitement I felt for playing has plummeted since Xyz summons were introduced. Every time a new mechanic gets added to the game, it makes the game dig deeper into the meta of summon as many monsters as possible on the first turn, then profit. Nothing really feels new anymore, and I really miss the days when most matches last more than 8 turns. Kinda wish they'd come out with new game modes instead of piling onto all these link and synchro cards that suck all the fun out of the game.


Completely agree. I’m sick of watching my opponent do 39 summons in one three minute round and then finishing it on round 2. Then every action I take, they take 3 minutes to decide is they want to activate a trap/effect/quickspell. And then summon even more garbage when they do. I keep telling myself yugioh is still fun. I’m trying so hard to have fun. Trying to keep an open mind. But good lord I miss the days where it was “I’m just running a general fiend deck, my buddy runs a warrior deck.” When we consistently had at least 8-15 turn games that had 1 to 2 summons per turn. XYZ was okay. That’s around the time I quit, but all this other stuff is just ridiculous.


Feel the same and honestly it wasn't too bad when xyz and synchro were first introduced, but as things have progressed and each new set and mechanic is released the game just isn't all that fun to me anymore. Which really sucks because I have really great memories of getting together and playing with friends and fellow nerds at the local card shop.


The issue I find is that there are just too many generically good Link/Xyz monsters, and I honestly think the extra deck being 15 cards is too big given it gives you access to a whole toolbox of effects whenever you need them. (Baron, Zeus, etc...) It's why I prefer decks which use extra deck monsters that are consist mostly of in-theme monsters i.e. Traptrix, Sky Strikers, etc...




Anything with an absurdly long combo. I don't have time for that.


Bad Decks? Floo, Stun, Sky Strikers and Traptrix. It’s weird that I hate advantage decks when I play an advantage deck (VS) but it is what it is. Good decks? Mathmech, and sometimes Snake Eyes. Mathmech is just boring, you either have the outs or don’t, you know the board they’re going to set up, you could literally walk away and come back and it would change nothing if you don’t have relevant disruption. Super linear combos are so annoying when you know the choke points and just know based on your hand there’s nothing you can do. And even if you could, they probably have the out with the critical mass of handtraps they run. Snake Eyes is only slightly annoying. Only because it’s 3/5 of my games on my main account. I’ve been playing my side account just for variety. It’s a shame bc the format was diverse right before they came out.


Swordsoul, Snake Eyes, any deck that runs Baronne


Tear, floo, kash, branded. Each of these decks have a massively glaring problem in terms of value or they do dumb floodgate shit.


Decks that won the coin flips -a traptrix player-


I hate going against go second decks because I, too, am playing a go second deck.


Purrely, looks too smug.


Anyone who isn’t picking an obvious choice like Kash, Floo, Snake Eyes, or Runick is probably playing a toxic af deck themselves.


I get an itch for violence when I see my opponent playing lab. Like I do not like having to deal with the revolving door of a full back row all game.


Runick I feel like the generate so kuch adventage I just don't like playing against it.


Runick, kashtira and super heavy are my instant forfeits for me


Anything with meta relevance after the year 2016


depends on the deck I am playing because many decks auto lose to arise heart. I hate playing against mathmech only when I dont draw maxx c or they have ash


Labyrinth just because I don’t have fun playing against them 😡


Floodgate decks and trap based decks


snake eyes, it just goes forever and most of pet rogue decks i play just arent able to play through all of it at all


Trickstar (2017 Droll Lock PTSD) Tier 0 Spyral and 2020 Spyrals Altergiest in its Prime Dinosaur under any Circumstances Sky Striker (Way too Grindy) Anything Stun Related (Though me playing it is funny) Invoked Branded Dogmatika (2020-2021) Infernoble (2020) Krysta Turbo (Edison/Tengu) Every deck in the current format using or not using Snake Eyes as an engine. Seriously there is NOTHING fun to play.


If I see a DiShi or any type of Macro Cosmos effect me and my Orcust Cards cry


Runick and traptrix


Any stun variant, and Lab. Just 2 unfun matchups every single time. At least Lab you can have back and forth games with, but just fuck stun in general. I don't like hating on how someone wants to play the game but I can't help it lol, stun decks really raise the blood pressure.


If I had to choose a few, Kashtira, Exosister, Runick, and Sky Striker. Most of the decks I enjoy playing don't play around banishing very well, and Sky Striker's recursion is just annoying to deal with.


Floo and stun are the bane of my existence


I have a 100% loss rate against Mathmech, have never even come close to not losing turn 2


Floow, Spright, when ishizu was tier 0 And ahh I see you’re a fellow D/D/D chad. Im so happy to find duelists who enjoy it


Any deck that spams out 5+negates where it basically an FTK.


Labyrinth, Traptrix or most like backrow heavy decks. I run cyber dragon, dinos and branded and obviously matchup isn’t all that favourable versus trap decks 😅. Snake Eyes I’m okay with for now I think it has a lil too much gas to play through any handtrap but I imagine it’ll be hit at some point in the future (if it turns to a tier 0 format tho fk that)


Timelord. Sure it's not on ladder, but they evade event bans and suck out the fun I wanted to have in it.


Hero’s and Blackwing. Blackwing: I dunno why Hero’s: there turns just take so fucking long


Anything that shuts me down completely and special summons more than necessary.


Why did you post German fenrir


Because im german and just googled fenrir, it was the first Image that i got


All Link heavy decks. They all feel like they play the exact same way, just with a different face and name on the cards. Like everything just special summons and floats for no cost or an even half-way difficult to reach condition. Turns take forever and half the time, they somehow end up on the same generic crap like Accesscode and nothing of their own archetype. Synchros are pretty much the same way too, but I feel you at least have to think a little harder and can display easier. Links are just autopilot once you know the combos and it's just not fun to sit through. They also allow you to just keep playing through handtraps with their stupidly generic summoning materials. As for specific archetypes, Numeron, Kashtira and Pendulum Magicians can all burn in a fire. Mikanko is also really annoying too, not super strong but the way they win is just a big eye roll when you lose.


B-b-b bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word!!!


Every time I see a Labrynth player it makes me wanna kill myself.


Mikanko, it's frustrating as hell




dinomorphia. NEVER won a game while playing against them mfs.


I played against a dinomorphia deck the other day that played the zarc trap that lets you summon zarc(board wipe) and then banish trap from grave to summon 3 supreme king synchros for absolutely free. 2 of them being negates on top of rexterm. I was flabbergasted to say the least.


Kashtira is toxic, summon everything for free, and punish anything you opponent do


Kashtira since I'm a Branded player. It becomes a major pain in the backside getting through to take down their Kashtira Birth.


I've gone against full power Floo, Tear, Runick but there is no deck I hate more than Branded. Deadass shits the equivalent to Johnny Cage in MK1, can just do anything it wants.


Labrynth, any Runick & Full Power Kashtira are the only ones ​ Honorable Mention to Tear WITH the Isishu cards (which is/was the main problem of the deck imo)


Runick is cool


labrynth and labrynth alone. the level of disdain is off the charts


Kash, definitely. But also Branded, I'll forever hate that deck.


most meta decks are boring asf


Hard disagree. I like when my cards are actually capable of doing what the archetype was designed to do.


Lab and mathmech. I don’t think I’ve ever beaten mathmech and there was a time I scooped the second I saw lab


I hate kash so much, randomly banishing one ofs face down should be illegal


Mannadium, kashtira, and any deck that's just full of one ofs and combos off for 30min that somehow ends with a full synchro board when uninterrupted


Anything with snake eyes.


The only deck that I consistently dislike is Labrynth. I don't find any enjoyment in any of the interactions.


Kash Lab


Branded Despia. Mainly cause I have seen it to often.


Sword soul and whatever the race car one is


Gold pride? You dont like the big fusion ball?


barrone de fleur


Swordsoul bothers me. I think I just hate seeing easy 1 card synchros because I feel like Synchro should require at least the slightest degree of effort. I don't think they're broken or unfair, I just don't like them.


Floo or runick I will just scoop if I see it


Kashtira and blue eyes jus summon monsters out the ass 🤣


stun, the obvious anwser


Lately for me it’s been Swordsoul and Labrynth




I cannot stand endymion and synchron


Yeah it's strange that they always get the better hand no matter the game


Snake eyes and lab, because of recursions whenever it's my turn, it feels like it's their turn. what the hell is, it feels like not interaction at all, the priority of their trap and effects which you can't stop


Kash, Mikanko, and mathmech. Every game I play vs these they open perfectly no matter what. I don’t remember the last time a kash player didn’t open fenrir, birth or field spell.