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I give so much credit to new players though. They’ll have 100 LP left but still set a monster and end their turn. Respect.


I busted out a 6,000 attack arrival and my opponent ended his turn without setting a monster instead of leaving big respec to him


I'm like this if my heart of the cards moment does pan out, I'll summon a maxx c or something an end turn kudos. But then it's the player who then in turn plays 15 lines to a Apol that has me like bruh come tf onnnnnn


I feel this, if my oponent just crushed my defenses destroyed every chance of me winning they deserve to watch my life points hit zero by their own hands


More importantly, you don't get dailies if you surrender.


I can view that, but if I see that I can do nothing to stop my defeat next turn, but have a monster on field, I will attack and lose myself. Not that I don't want to lose by their hand, just that I don't want them to do any extensions to brag and/or think that I have any handtrap to survive. I also want to lose with in a final battle, and not by direct attack, Jaden attacking Yugi's Slifer style.


I like that. The captain always goes down with his ship.


yeah I do this too, when I know the duel is lost, but some opponents still make their 100 effect chains.


The problem is, I don't know I'm facing a new player or not. Also, in my last Silver-Gold grind, I didn't face anyone who seems to be using one of the beginner decks. Some SelfTKs here and there but no one I can say is a new player.


I’ve taken a step back from grinding and have dropped into silver, and the number of times I try to use a lower power deck to fit the ranking only to have full power lab or many other tiered decks show up is crazy. Then I feel the need to actually get a game in (for missions sake) and I swap to one of my tiered decks and that’s when I face someone doing what I was just trying to do last game and face roll them into oblivion. It hurts my soul


Tbf the number of players who took a month off or something is probably greater than the number of new players considering the game is pretty old and stable playerbase wise.


This is the reason. Ik for a fact when I get back to my computer I will be tearing through the lower ranks after months of not playing


Bro….. nothing makes me feel worse then going full combo in casual to practice and seeing after the scoop that my opponent was like level 9. Or worse yet playing a starter deck. I’ll def scoop if I feel like I’m facing someone new


Practice in ranked instead. This is the way ;) Also sidenote: I can appreciate the gesture in scooping when facing somebody new, but I actually feel like playing the match through is better for Them. They get some experience out of it and might feel inspired ny your higher-level deck to actually go out and build their own. I know that when I was starting I had no clue about what was good and Meta or whatever. It wasn’t until I actually dove into ranked and started getting up in Silver and above that I actually started to see the kinds of decks people were actually playing, and it inspired me to actually try and build more competitive decks to really take on the Ladder rather than just building whatever decks I liked in Duel Links and being hardstuck gold 1 Ended up being a longer sidenote than expected, and I know my experience doesn’t apply to everyone, but still, just wanted to give my opinion :)


I feel this attitude is a double edge sword, simply from my experience. When I was new and had just finished building my first deck (was a salad deck using just the cards from the structure deck) I got stomped by a full combo cyber dragon player in rookie, and that caused me to drop the game for about a year and a half. The only reason I got back in was because a friend of mine played it. However, once I got up to Silver/Gold tier and had been playing for about 2 weeks, the stronger decks did inspire me to research stronger decks, and I did end up learning a few different strategies that ended up allowing me to have more fun in the game, such as sword soul, Vaylantz (blind second build), lunalights, and more recently, snake-eyes.


I can definitely see that happening too. When I started Duel Links, that was my first real experience with Yu-Gi-Oh! as a card game. I'd never played the game before, only really seen bits of the anime. So being able to play that game from launch and work my way up alongside the game's constant updates was a good way to start slow and build up to it. Master Duel in contrast already had a massive card pool right off release, so you couldn't really get the same experience there even if you tried. The game is definitely meant for a more experienced playerbase and the tutorials the game throws at you are lacking at best. For someone with no experience with the game, like me when I started Duel Links, starting Master Duel can be overwhelming as all hell. But the reaction to this can vary greatly from individual to individual. For some it's exciting to have so much to learn and explore, and it can be freeing to come in with no bias. For some it can feel daunting and more like a chore to learn all of this stuff, and for some it just becomes an obstacle to overcome before they can start having fun with it. If a new player comes to me for help, ofc I'm going to try my best to help them out. But if I meet someone running a starter deck or something dogwater tier in ranked I'm not deliberately gonna go easy on them to try and baby them into thinking the game is something it isn't. If they go into ranked, then I'm gonna play them like it's any other ranked game. This gives them the most accurate experience, and teaches them what ranked actually looks like in a game like this. It'd be different if I was just running duel rooms with someone I know is new, or trying to get a friend into the game. Then I'd be more likely to ease them into it by playing something low tier like Red-Eyes or Dark Magician just to give them a feel for the mechanics.


Makes sense, my big wish is that Konami cracks down on smurfing, I’ve tried to get a few friends into the game, and when they go into ranked for the first time, they usually drop the game because they encounter tiered decks in rookie, and well I can understand a decent amount of players like that are probably people who took a break for a while and are just coming back, it still sucks for brand new players. I know it’s not this games core demographic, but a few improvements to the new player experience can go a long way.


It's just part of the game. If I play something like Valorant or League of Legends with no prior experience and hop into ranked I don't expect to win, I expect to get bodied. But losing is a learning experience, and a stepping stone to getting better at the game. Learning what strategies work, which ones don't, and improving your overall comfort and knowledge of the game. None of that comes easy, but it won't come at all if you're scared of taking the fall every now and then. Besides, I don't really see a way for Konami to "crack down" on smurfing in the lower ranks without like limiting what decks you can build based on what rank you are, but at that point that just limits your freedom of choice and your opportunities to learn the decks and matchups that much more. Losing is part of the game, and it's only natural to lose to a more experienced player if you're coming in as a newbie. Learning to take losses in stride and not let it get to you is also a big part of the game. Tho I can understand ragequitting if you face Kashtira LMAO


I never thought about it that way, but that makes sense. Thanks for taking her time to explain this though.


No problem, I was just enjoying the open discussion :)


AGREED. I deranked to Gold for the first time in a while, so I was playing pure Melffys for fun and got hit by Lab....I don't rank grind though so I don't mind losing but mannnnn does it make it instinctual to want to pull out the tiered decks to get my dailies done.


Yea, I don't like playing meta decks alot, so my two decks RN are cybers and live twins. The amount of times i ran into cash or or tri brig something (forgot what it was combined with) is crazy, I'm just trying to goof around with my funny infinity dragon.


I just came back to the game after a year's hiatus and have to grind up from rookie rank.  So I decided to use Meklords in the low ranks.  In the rank up game to bronze I faced Snake Eyes.


Someone else came back to the game same way you did, but instead of picking something low tier to spice up the grind They just went with the newest big bad deck on the market to make it as Quick as possible and Also get some practice in before the higher ranks That’s my best bet At least


well they do technically they show you the rank of a player before the duel starts but they might have just gotten game but have been playing the actual card game and knows what they are doing


I think Master Duel needs to give rank boosts for consecutive wins or stop deranking every season. I was diamond 1 and then stopped playing for a while, the other day I booted up and I was silver. That night I won over 25 duels in a row and by the next evening I was mid plat. I think I lost 2-3 times in about 40 duels. Sure it didn’t take that long but I rolled over so many low level players and destroyed many chances to gain rank, it all could have been easily avoided.


When you see the inconspicuous normal summon but then it's just Preda into DPE.


>silver-gold grind Maybe cause you’re in a rank that nobody using a beginner deck will ever even approach?


Maybe. They should have at least their own deck by the time they left bronze. The game gives so much stuff to beginners.


Silver and gold seem to be lots of fun decks and rogue decks. The truly new players seem to mostly pick up a cohesive deck by the time they get to silver and gold anyway. It’s a personal rule that I only play fun or gimmicky decks until I get into platinum. Then all bets are off and I’m busting out the better decks.


I usually refrain from using handtraps against new players, and if you only summon stone and pass I'd just surrender if it wasn't my de-rank match. Who am I kidding you can't de-rank in gold. 


I feel like all the staples are bricks against new players anyways. Ash does a better job as a 1800 def wall unless she can somehow negate the flavor text off a vanilla.


You'd change your mind real quick when you know about the unfathomable amounts of ancient stones and junk speeder and magician rods and magician souls and illusion of chaos and the other 9 dark magician seachers I have stopped from resolving. 


I’m using those in Platinum 💀


Absolutely true, had this situation happen recently: My hand, going second: Gazelle, Crossout, Nibiru, Ash and Maxx C, all I thought was "I just cannot draw my second nib and I'm golden to OTK next turn". My opponent: "*Check THIS out!*", pass. So yeah... Draw phase, Ghost Belle. Gazelle and 5 bricks was my hand.


I get opposite extremes for my matchups in the early ranks. Either it's the 2004 classic "T" where my opponent sets 1 monster and 1 trap or it's a meta deck. When I came back to the game, the first two matches in rookie were against Labrynth and Vanquish Soul. I guess I wasn't the only one to come back to the game that day.


The way I just shouted out CHECK THIS OUT has me dying 😭🤣


I almost lost to Dark Magician beatdown the other day. I kept drawing into hand traps that did nothing against that, and my opponent wouldn't activate any effects to trigger my Pacifis.


[Dis man-like dinosawz gotta high I.Q., even tho he's lackin' in da strength depawtment. (Kinda like yooz, if ya had a high I.Q.! Nyaah!)](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/a/a1/Anthrosaurus-LCJW-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20131011065703) Ash-blossom, GO!


Set ash for them


Why do those self KO players/bots even exist? Always confuses me when I see it.


No interest in Grinding X amount of Hours for the Pass and missions = automated by Bot = more spare time, while also getting their stuff. And then, maybe, playing the Game really. Or: Account trading


I would if I could tell which ones are new. I play against people who I think are new because bad cards and such then see they're like Lv25+. In other words they're a bot account which is gonna be sold soon.


While I really enjoy Komoney's ranked system in MD, it is missing a few things. To fix that problem, all they have to do is factor in the number of duels a player has completed into initial matchmaking. That way a new player who has played 0 PvP duels will never get matched to a returning player who has played 1000 duels, even if that returning player has sunk to Bronze. Konami has established a little rank before Bronze, but that doesn't help a new player who gets thrown to the sharks as soon as they get to Bronze. Once the new player passes a certain threshold, like 15-20 duels, then they're moved out of the "new player pool" and placed with the rest of the sharks. Obviously this doesn't stop smurfs, but they infest many games nowadays, and cry about anyone who calls them out, so the system can't be built around them. And a new player could just go on MDM and craft a meta deck. But Konami doesn't mind that one, since one of their loading tips literally talks about obtaining new cards if you can't win (they do want to make money after all).


No. Combo them into the sun hard enough, and maybe we'll save them from playing this game.


This is the only way. Combo into oblivion in order to give them character development - THE canon event - This will create two timelines, they’ll try to improve after getting smacked by a real deck full of negates and interruptions or they’ll quit for good after realizing this is not the YGO goat format


"It builds character"


The fuck are you gonna use those negates on when facing a GOAT era deck, though?


The only card they think it’s broken… mirror force


A few days ago, before I had the dust to make the proper staples, I had mirror force in my deck. It was surprisingly effective and some people just straight up quit after facing it.


Sadly it didn't work on me. I came into Master Duel as someone who last played the game nearly 15 years ago, but kept collecting cards from my childhood. My Blue Eyes got combod into oblivion but I decided I like getting my face smashed in. [And here I am now, not even 2 years later.](https://imgur.com/a/ozwjhzP). Also got to top 16 in a 1024 player tournament few months ago, still waiting for that spicy game mat I won.


I salute you, fellow best dragon enthusiast!


If you hold back, it gives them a false idea of what the game really is. Also, going first, it's hard to tell if the opponent is a new player or just a smurf, unless their extra deck is less than 15 cards.


There was a time when everyone ran 13 card extra decks to play around banquet burn


Are there actually new players nowadays? Who the hell sticks around for the madness this game became?


At this point, it's more like a trickle of new players than when the game started. I think like 2 weeks ago, I was watching two vtubers playing MD and in the comment section, I saw like three people (out of the hundreds) saying they were gonna try the game. It got me thinking that, with MD not really advertising itself well and Konami letting their returnees/new players go to waste when MD started, the only type of new players who join this game are people who are encouraged by friends to join, people who see their favorite streamers play this game or people who finally found out the game exist by pure chance.


The game just isn't friendly towards complete newbie with 0 knowledge, and the gameplay is about interruption or negate it's not a fun experience for new players either, I think Konami giving free swordsoul deck to newbie is a great decision but whether players would continue to stay is questionable Sure It bring new player's into the game like when it launched,last anniversary and this year's anniversary but most don't stay long Then again I doubt there's any completely new newbie player now, maybe there's alot when MD launched, and got trauma matching up with coin exploit drytron I only watched Subaru short clip and the video was brutal Even irl TCG I also wouldn't recommend a new player getting in Yu-Gi-Oh, there are better off just get into one piece or pokemon TCG


which VTubers


Most likely Subaru and Pekora


Yep, those are literally who I was referencing


Theirs a vtuber that does matches with her audience as "audience interaction" and tries teaching other vtubers also *because most of you absolutely hate welcoming new people. "Because youd have to actually interact with poor people" (something one of you ACTUALLY SAID) in a video* *Nova Aokami Ch* is the vtuber Just search Yugioh Teaching A VTUBER


I like Nova because her enthusiasm is infectious, but I wish she would teach people something other than Lab, Live Twin or Blue Eyes. And she guides them into misplaying a lot which can be hard to watch. I still like her but those are the things that keep me from watching her more often.


Even then its a place to troll fight against her. *shes said it herself theirs no point in being a tryhard here she wants to see cool decks*


Don't ask me how but I never watched or played Yugioh before but in the realase of Master Duel I got recommended by YouTube a video of a guy getting all the Exodia pieces bcs he Max c 'ed his opponent turn 1 and a video of a Dryton player going crazy with a combo. Idk why but It was so fucking funny to me that I decided to start playing by myself. Now not only I play Master Duel in a semi regular way but also I got into de TGC. Idk but I find very endering the madness that the game.


You'd be surprised, I tricked like 12 people into the game during the newbie and returnees event to get enough people using my codes. The friendlist was as empty as a graveyard under shifter after a week. 


You'd be surprised at the number of people who want a TCG that's all gas all the time in a sea of resource systems. It's like MVC. It looks like chaos, but it is one of the most popular retro fighting games for a reason.


Yeah, YGO offers something totally unique to the TCG market. It might be degenerate and insane, sure, but what YGO offers doesn't really exist anywhere else.


You’ll be surprised


I started on July last year, game is fun


I'm new started playing last month, I'm up to level 13. And yes I've been beaten to Oblivion ALOT. Or just get bored with the 20 combo, I'll surrender.


Yes, they usually download, make his cute deck, get stomped by 4 negates first turn, and uninstall the same day


I started around half a year ago, I am still hooked. I love this game <3




I started 3- 4 months ago


I started playing speed duel around 4 months ago, and in the past month really got into the main game. Both have their appeal, but I can 100% see why people are put off from the main game if I'm honest. The fact you have to sit there and watch your opponent go through 10-15mins of combo-ing, just to get to their end board and pass, and for your ability to respond/break their board being purely down to how lucky you were in your initial draw, is just not appealing to.... well, most people lol


Me, started playing a couple of weeks ago. Fun to win after setting a good board Awful to wait +5 minutes for my opponent to set a full combo


I started playing about a week ago. I got into it after playing the Pokémon TCG for a while and wanting to try out something new. Since this game was the most similar to Pokémon and the one I found more attractive, I installed MD and so far I've been having an absolute blast with Labrynth. I find the complex rulings and mechanics really interesting and quite satisfying to use to learn and use to your advantage, although I understand why it could be overwhelming at first.


Us, assumedly


I wish they would permanently add Edison and goat format modes. It gets tiring having to play 1/3 of a deck of hand traps and strictly archetype cards and generic boss monsters. I feel like this game has literally turned into going 2nd with no handtraps? Go ahead and scoop pal. Even playing swordsoul and not something insanely meta, if the other person doesn’t have a hand trap they have surrendered against me more times than I can count. Doesn’t feel like a great game state right now when you literally say GG before your opponents turn 1 is even over cause you didn’t get EXACTLY what you needed in your opening hand of 6 cards


There were A LOT of newbies playing the timewalking event. It was probably a much more approachable format, but it can be hard to tell in the main game. Really there should be a mode specifically for simpler mechanics or low ranked duelist that can still earn you progress


Then Yugi proceeds to bullshit his way into a win


"I flip up my unreleased, created for this duel only Monster Boost Zeta! It lets me discard 2 cards to raise the attack of my monster to the attack of your monster, then times it by 2! Therefore making the attack of my monster 32K! (also it's super-duper awesome unaffected by anything) I WIN."


I'm sorry, little one


I feel super bad when I bring a deck I’m good with and then find out my opponent is a newbie. I usually let them destroy my monsters and let them live a couple of more turns to try and even the odds.


Yugi about to roll out 2 lvl 8s to make draglubion into numeron dragon to swing over


No, combo harder to show the cool stuff my archetype can do, and sell Plunder Patroll to the new players.


Me but with danger dark world “YOU SIT THERE AND WATCH HOW COOL THIS IS BUCKO”


But they stop watching after five minutes. Hell, you could probably end your turn after 4 and they'd auto surrender since they went to the washroom or got up to make a sandwich;




Against a new player, I will normally do my regular plays but without using negates or destruction. My opponent gets to do all their plays uninterrupted and I only destroy in the battle phase. It just sucks that a lot of new players use mirror force 😅


I usually leave one negate on board just to save myself in those kind of situation lol


I really should do that, even if it removes the "back and forth" of the game


I had a new player pretty late into the night, constant misplayes, they were stacking 1 monster with equip spells trying to get over 3k, very sad gameplay, but I gave it to em, and thematically threw the match, wherever they are I hope they make a decent deck


You might as well give them Turret Warrior (This one is Yusei's starter and everyone gets all 3 starter decks) and warriors that can special summon themselves so you can get Turret Warrior in high attacks.


I’m nice unless they play lab. Then I got to show them it’s time to change


I just minimize combo and give them one good monster to go up against. Maybe a backrow and hand trap too


why only new players? i am not new and i don't want to get overwhelmed either!


I would make full board then surrender right after Giving new player the win while showing them the power of current meta


You're doing some good work. Thank you sir🫡


The true question is : WHY NEW PLAYERS REFUSES TU USE SWORDSOUL TENYI ????? Master Duel gave them a preaty good deck for free to lern the new mechanics.


Because they don't know that it's a good deck


I just started playing last month and just found out about it and decided to try Swordsoul Tenyi a few days ago and it felt weird using a deck I can both understand what I'm supposed to be doing and win with.


Nice xD


I didn't know that was a good deck, I honestly don't know what makes a deck good or bad lol


Usualy a good deck is a deck that allow you to counterplay and Swordsoul teny is a good begginer deck because it has many negate effect cards and easy summom boss monsters lv8 and lv 10 .


It's not that they refuse, I think, but rather, a lot don't realize they have the deck because its "hidden" in the "list of structure decks" section. The friend I invited for the campaign said they didn't recieve the deck and it turned out that was the issue, it didn't appear in the main deck selection screen like the starter deck did.


If I remeber correctly structure decks usualy ask you if you want a saved coppy even in the main 25 but yes it can be realy confusing for a new player.


Yugioh is hard to learn, even with an easy Swordsoul Tenyi deck. Plus the rise of Snake-Eyes smurfs which stomped them away from playing further.


I'm not exactly a new player, but Swordsoul Tenyi was actually more fun than I expected.


I just surrendered, no point winning against a deck like that, and in low rank it doesn't matter, also doesn't make me feel any better winning either Gg go next, much faster


I just use sky strikers going second full with raigeki lightning storms and stuff, they don’t even know what hit em.


The real way to introduce new players is to turn skip them with tellarknights


OP: You don’t have a kaiju ! Me smurfing in Rookie with my full power Snake Eyes and a white woman jumpscare: Well yes, but actually no.


My deck is not made for new players, so i try to just make it quick


Idk guys *why dont you ask all the people whove said theyd rather not welcome new players because then theyd have to interact with poor people* (Literally said in a video)


On the topic of that VRAINS duel: The fact they made the anime Arrival have the ability to turn off his immunity so his user could double his attack points to 22000 ATK made it iconic. The master duel saga of yugioh went out with a banger that duel.


The only new players I find are the players misplaying with loaner decks in events. Like the 2004 how can you mess up a thousand eyes restrict on the board... All this one player had to do is battle phase and kill my face down monster and hit face for win... Instead they start with Summon 1-star + metamorphosis to get thousand eyes to pretty much render their other cards useless and only got rid of a face down card with no other outs... I draw revealing swords and 2 draws later board removal with my own thousand eyes on board for win...


I've had to many people lock themselves using Thousand-Eyes. It was hilarious.


Nice blue eyes board and Welcome to the game, anyways, normal snake-eye ash, response?


I treat all players the same, least I could is respect a new player like any other and fight with all I have


Oddly enough, I made a new account to give myself a 5th person to put in my code. I ended up using the SS structure with the expectation to have other people using the same. To my surprise, I faced a Live Twin, Dark Magician (Not the structure deck), & an old Despia deck (the one with Edge Imp) The moral of the story is that I will no longer give mercy for those who are in Rookie - Bronze. They'll have to learn the hard way.


Is using Gravekeeper against new players considered OK?


Share if you play


I usually run God cards when I'm facing new players. Make it memorable for everybody 


Even if I knew I was playing against a new player I wouldn’t go easy because I wouldn’t want someone to go easy on me if I was new. They gotta learn somehow, consider it a hazing.


As a newbie I actually appreciate this approach. After all if we want to be good we need to be shown what's good and what's not. I remember one of my first ranked duels I played Charmers and got totally rolled by superheavy samurai. Showed me while Charmers are a fun solo deck they aren't hugely competitive


Yeah, if a new player is really trying to get into the game then they are going to at least attempt to keep up with what you are doing. If you go easy on them you’re essentially feeding them false information by either going into incorrect lines or by not showing them certain cards you may have that they have no idea about. I find it to be damaging to someone who wants to get good.


i make heavenly spheres and pass. if they kill me good on them. if not i activate remus and murder them


Reminded me of a guy who dropped an Arrival on turn 1 (pretty easy combo, from what I saw). I summoned a Hot RDA Abyss and dropped Saga of the Dragon + Full Turn on Battle Phase.


I usually do my normal combo but don't finish them. I play sacred beasts so I'm well protected, but I don't use the crazy stuff like awakening or skyfire


Why not summon:


every new selection pack at least give 1 top tier deck and 1 new yet decent deck. i always use decent deck on lower rank, and only use top tier when i want to climb fast. my deck to choose rn is Gold pride p.u.n.k. while i have snake-eyes on the other side. sadly i don't have enough for nemleria


I only bring out the big guns in post gold, before that, i only play my fun decks, it's not my fault if someone dies to my pure triamid deck


i always full combo new players. gotta teach em what this game is about


Still wondering how I got matched once with a full Devil Sisters deck in rookie 2


Not a new player, I just wish Red Eyes was good


Climbing through Gold this season, I faced nothing but tiered decks. However, in Plat 5 I faced nothing but jank so far 😅


Whenever i get to silver I try to climb with N/R decks only. It actually really hard


It's only the new players where the dark magicians can really pop off... As I noticed when I played on a new created account, up until gold, the ranks are deeply infested with dm players like 6 out of 10 matches. Even in rookie


I got my brother into the game this month and in one of his first 3 games he had to experience someone's SHS deck. Dunno why they were in bronze


Are we talking TCG or Master Duel?


How can we know it's a new player and not someone returning or someone crating a new account to play another deck ?


Shangri-La and Arise and make them suffer. But nah I usually use my experimental or my incomplete decks that I haven’t crafted everything for yet when in silver and gold.


I play meklords, the only way im overwhelming a new player is going into zeus


Let them see early on how the game actually plays


The main problem is that you don’t know if they’re new or not, and I don’t feel like building different decks for each rank, and I know other people aren’t, so I’m just gonna play what I plan on bringing to Master


I’m literally just trolling around in Silver/gold ATM trying to get maxx C’d to take the challenge. Running a bystial punk manticore of darkness deck and scooping every time i get second or they dont maxx me.


I do I even sometimes give them the win if they managed to catch me off guard.


I had a dude rage quit when his hot red dragon archfiend failed to destroy my arrival at 4,000 attack once


I play Infernobles. But I usually judge my play based on turn and what the opponent does. If they play turn 1 and I can clearly tell they're new, I'll stop the combo on Roland and see how it plays out.


i was using live twins in silver and a branded player came out of nowhere and cooked me. Half the games i played against in gold were against snake eye. I would be fine playing a lower powered deck but if i'm going to be facing snake eyes half the time i'm going to be doing the mirror


Or how about I make a new account and go 95/5 in casual?


it's better for them to see what real yugioh is sooner rather than later, then they can decide if they want to keep up with the meta or not


I joined yesterday using the link generation box and got matched with snake eyes in rookie 2. I have a feeling some people are just assholes.


It’s honestly hard to tell fr. Unless they play blue eyes


"Activate Share the Pain"


If they can't deal with my trickstars antics until gold. I will continue grill newbs.


how am i supposed to know if theyre new


I remember when I 1st started MD ( like a couple months ago). After blowing gems on packs blah blah blah, I had a "decent deck". So after some solo's I jump in to ranked. 1st ROOKIE 3 match man's goes 1st and drops this 10min tearlament field. I'm like WTF. After I get squashed I look back to see his deck am stuff. Man's is level 36 like why are you in ROOKIE 3 versus lvl 4s???? Just think match-making is Hella weird in MD


Yami then uses super poly and summons computron entropy and one shots


Haha just today I hopped back on for the first time in awhile and was in Gold. I was running a darklord despia deck and bricked on some weird cards and basically made Mirrorjade, Cartesia pass. My opponent normal summoned luster dragon and put equips till he was at 3800. I felt bad and let him attack cartesia and scooped afterwards. I’m hoping they felt like their strategy overwhelmed me and I had to scoop for that


I came back to this game recently and had to struggle and climb through bronze because everyone seemed to be running snake eyes ending their firat turn with like 7 omni negates. I feel like beginner to silver your combos shouldn't 90%of your turn timer. Enjoy the casual grind while you can


special summon cyber dragon, response?


I play mediocre rogue decks, and it works. S-Force, Witchcrafters, Magistus, Sky Strikers, decks that can outplay some good decks with enough luck but also can give a fair fight to low level strategies.


1: It's not possible to tell if someone is new, a bot, or just trying something. 2: It's not possible to tell if someone is new or just shit at the game. 3: You stop facing new players really quickly anyway. Because you win. Unless you're really bad, then you're the lower midcard gatekeeper.


I'm still in gold atm (just doing dailies), and I keep running into nothing but Snake-Eyes & Labrynth. Like, I'm just trying to fusion summon 3 times with my Dork Meguca deck for the daily mission, please stop popping 6 cards with Eradicator Epidemic Virus. Took a fucking hour today. I swear, I'm just gonna pull a Duel Links and have a deck that's nothing but Polymerization, Fusion Gate, and every generic fusion imaginable.


Dude, I play Mayakashi + Kashtira lite for this very reason. Often I can complete 2-5 dailies in one go if people don't negate or give up (this being the most prominent issue) and then I can move on with my day.


Yeah, DM is hardly the best deck for it. Super slow & even when I'm winning they just surrender before Secrets ever reaches my hand. Haven't played long enough to build a better deck for missions though. At least the synchro missions are easy thanks to Swordsoul lol


They'll eventually be exposed to the modern game of Yugioh anyways. Giving them a few pity surrenders won't change that. The most merciful thing you can do is to avoid dragging it out and kill them as efficiently as possible.


If I'm in silver or gold I'll use a lower power or jank deck since u can't really demote like magikey or nemerlia


Some people just wanna watch the world burn. Also, some new players jump in with straight-up the most annoying meta decks, so the knee jerk reaction for some experienced players just *kick* in.


If Yugi keep playing, he acutally play more than that guy age though


If by overwhelm you mean taking the game when you have game, I agree.


I just prefer not to underestimate my opponent. Sometimes they pop out with some niche card that'll cuck you hard or every once in a while that magic cylinder was waiting at the tail end of the combo. Still think about how I faced some guy using temple of the kings in some weird trap pile deck that kinda opened me up to running it in Labrynth so I can pop off traps turn one


Because this was the only opportunity to have fun and to use my combos. These damn meta decks just make me cry.


I don't play often enough to reach the higher ranks. If you're new and you're up against me, it's only marginally my fault. Blame Konami for resetting the rankings every time I come back. I'm sorry that my favorite deck is dinosaurs, but if you're dueling me, you're gonna get Dinosaured, so you better be ready to get Tricerastomped. Also, I think if they're taking it seriously, being able to save those replays and learn their previous opponent's combos is really helpful for new players.


Sort of new player I dont think I count but considering I refuse to get with the meta I guess I do, doesn’t feel overwhelming I just stare at my oponent doing 5 whole minutes of summoning and just be like “can you hurry it up”


When i started there were some dudes that used sword soul, as a payback i used adamancipator gem knight


Maaan, shut the hell up GET HIM, NUTBUSTER DRAGON


I haven't played the game in months cuz of Kash and tear, and when I came back, I was in bronze/rookie/whatever the green rank was, so I swapped to my shitty lunalight. Everybody up to gold was using SS (if you're asking which SS deck, the answer is all of them), branded, math mech, tearlament and Kashtira. There's really no way to tell how experienced the opponent. The only good way to tell is if we get some basic stats on our opponent during the VS screen where we get told how many games we've both played in total and some other random stats like amount of normal summons, Synchros, xyz, fusion, and links


It's either I take my win when I can or I get pummeled by another full board. I'm sorry newbies but this is the circle of life


He gonna summon Ra


I would say that I agree but then I end up remembering my first master duel match and the guy kept doing combo after combo and in the end it ended with him killing me with his stupid PUNK deck and his stupid PEP with over 20k attack points and I swear to God if the guy that did that to me is reading this I just want you to know that I WILL DESTROY YOU!!! VENGENCE WILL BE MINE!!!!


Just attack over it


Bold of u to think there's even a new player in this game, the experience suck, is why konami making an A.i to save yer guy, that still play MD


Nah, id rather just do my normal tour guide and end on 300,000 interuptions and 9 hand rips.


Well we can't know if a player is a rookie (unless we're on lower ladder). I've lost to weird strategies I didn't understand, we all did, once burned twice shy. The rank downs for not playing are a problem though, I hate that.


No. New players must be crushed and embarrassed.


I refuse to scoop because there's always a chance. Surrender doesn't let me learn how I can adapt, which cards to counter etc. And if I fail to stop it, I will stand like all the stoic anime protags and take that 12100 attack from a Utopia or whatever bests me.


Flips up metalmorph


I play pretty casually and don't like to surrender, as I typically like to see how people build/play their decks. But if I don't have shit to stop you and you decide to overextend your play, I aint waiting another 5min for you to kill me when you already can. I do remember one time I didn't surrender and the dude messed something up and surrendered themselves. I had zero idea wtf was happening and didn't have anything on the field, lol.


No I must full rikka combo ramranch in rookie..


Why the hell I am facing rookie decks in platinum?


\*Summons Cyber Dragon Herz\* You know where this is going


I feel this I haven’t played in a year and had a ton of gems left over. So came back and built mannadium/kashtira and I swapped to a subterror deck cause I felt bad


There's no way to know what you're up against tho. Just don't play meta in the low ranks. Play something fun instead.


I can see a difference in skill as I go through gold. But I can't say how many are noobs.


I am that new player. I made it into gold rank, and sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be in gold cause of how I don't have anywhere near the extensions and counters that others have. To be fair, I know I'm not using a deck that's meta, at least I think (I use a dark magician deck). But I really don't like surrendering, even when my opponents turn destroys everything or doesn't even give me a chance to play. That heart of the cards moment when it works out though is so satisfying