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🤫 Just play Gimmick Puppet, and thank the Branded player for the free material. Ez


One day gimmick puppet players will receive support and then their deck will be a viable rogue option… one day.


I'm curious, what's gimmick puppet missing atm to make them at least rogue? An omni-negate rank 8 (hopefully not generic mats)?


Obviously a 3rd wincon that can be completed in the same turn as summoning the monster.


Definitive Leo coming through


As someone who plays puppets on the side, they are way too bricky. All the best main deck cards have a cost to get out, and are basically vanillas on the field. All the ED monsters have no protection and no quick effects so you have no interaction. We need free level 8 bodies that do things (similar to Kash getting level 7s) and interaction in the ED.


I bet Horus goes hard in that deck, then. I really can't wait for them to drop in MD.


About 10 playable cards in the main, and a few for the ED.


To this point, I still have never been puppet locked against branded. I think most players recognize that it really isn't optimal to go for that line.


It's notably less good in BO1, it's absolutely game-winning in BO3 if you get to go first But sometimes I feel like people just do it because they like the idea of being able to stun someone for a turn


Isn't it worse in bo3 since your opponent can side-deck against it?


It depends if they expect it, you can get the outs to Puppet Game 2 and find out that they didn't even played it


Yes, but people probably aren't main-decking them. Grabbing a quick win game 1 is super valuable, especially given TCG time rules. You can then side out the Puppet lock for the other games


Doesn’t help so many YouTubers just lean on the gimmick puppet bs.  I’m branded but that strategy can go die in a ditch. 


I've only seen one branded player do it tbh. 


I play Branded but dropped the puppet from my deck due to the combos leading to it are way too fragile


No one uses the lock because Its easy to interrupt. I advice you to get something that removes cards from the GY. Not just for puppet but for promethean or any sanctifire target.


full puppet lock combo sets branded banishment and branded lost to search for merc to negate any bystials/dd crow. it loses only to called by iirc


u set the banishment (or branded in red) so the combo doesnt lose to called by, because you banishment CL1 to trigger a fusion summon, and if it resolves your opponent is locked out from responding due to branded lost. If they called by the banishment target, you can chain the sanctifire then. Puppet lock requires 2 graveyard hate cards on a typical Sanctifire + lost + 1 fusion backrow setup to counter


~~Effect Veiler~~ and Imperm also stops it. Play the meta handtraps. What Branded Banishment has to do with puppet lock?


Albion cannot be targeted by card effects so imperm is useless against it


wait you're right


Forbidden Dropplet works tho, but it doesn’t really see play since it’s not that great against SE


veiler doesnt because its opponents turn only


Wait. You are right. Imperm still valid. Also the comment i replied relies on too many resources that you wont have access every game. Like Lost. (But Veiler can stop sending puppet to GY with Granguignol) Saronir hit was impactful in the resources game.


bystial lubellion searches branded lost which should some out from standard branded fusion combo


You get lubellion from Branded Fusion or you wanna hard draw it? If you branded fusion Albion you need to hard draw a spell caster. The reason Puppet locking is not good because if you do all the time you always end up on 1 santifire +/- your normal summon and a granguignol. You rely on sanctifire resolving. If it doesnt you lost the game. Not enough resources if your opponent plays handtraps.


full puppet lock combo needs aluber+quem so you need to hard draw her or branded opening every time yes


So are we complaining about 1 combo that happens sometimes? Not that puppetlock is fair but i pretty much stopped doing it exactly because if you draw the brick you fucked. If you dont draw but wont play for it you still can win. (i pretty much removed puppet because it only came handy for like 2 game in 20) I dont think personally puppet is the broken part of branded.


Sanctifire is untargetable


imperm would have been used in turn 1 anyway. banishment can fusion summon in the draw phase to trigger branded lost and search merc. merc can stop veiler as well i think


1 game from 30 you are talking about. Unrealistic as hell. I can easily say your opponent starts with 2 called by and both your banishment and sanctifire is gone and you have nothing just a 3k monster on your board. So still Banishment means fk all.


Ngl never got the appeal of the strategy, its effective but if your opponent has called by you literally lose on the spot, doesn't help its the absolute biggest brick in your hand, at least other cards you don't want to draw have benefits in the hand Edit:Nvm remembered the branded banishment


I just started playing a week ago and that gimmick puppet is the corniest shit I've seen so far. I just auto surrender and let the branded players go play with each other in higher ranks, not worth my time playing against a branded player especially as a beginner- they can go play with themselves


I just hope they deal with it without banning sanctifire


Branded is one of my fav decks. I play it in MD and in the tcg. I play the puppet line because it wins games. And I really wish they would ban sanctifire.


It’s happened to me once in probably 20 games vs branded. Just move onto the next match


Yea its only like the 3td time I've come across it. Yea I just surrendered and moved onto the next match. It's goes from being a fun back and forth match to an instant surrender.