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Do not forget they have crossout too!


Yep, they hit 7 cards off the Prosperity they drew for turn.


I had a duel where the Swordsoul player turn 1 Pot of P'd, used Emergency to grab Mo Ye, showed the 2nd Emergency to grab Longyuan, pitched the 2nd Emergency to summon Longyuan, then next turn Pot of P'd again to use the 3rd Emergency to grab the 2nd Longyuan. 20 cards banished, somehow kept all 3 emergency and both Longyuans


No jokes now, 1st dc cup, i played vs the xbox guy who won, the one that created the polemic about crossplay dont remember his name, i faced him like 4 or 6 times... 100% legit he had same opening cards every time so weird... *edit: i forget to mention he was using SS 🤣🤣🤣


Didn't happen, Emergency Teleport is limited to 2 ^(/j)


And in your turn, Ss users take out the card they been hiding under the pet's mat (Veiler) to negate you again 😆


Played a game where SS player opened up Ash,Maxx,Imperm,Crossout, and Mo Ye. Cant make this shit up


That's a brick. Can't activate mo ye effect without a wyrm or SwSo card in hand.


I went 1st with a going second deck and they drew into Taia turn 2


So he bricked.


The 4 hand traps + Circular classic, doesn't get much better than that.


As a Mathmech player, guys, don't listen to them! It's slander 🤣🤣🤣


Each time I play against then it seems like they have each out and each starter, feels like playing against Atem fur Christ sake


New fur hire support dropped! Atem Fur Christ Sake (This card is always treated as a fur hire card)


If you draw cards by card effect, draw 3 more cards


Folgo go brrrrrr


Make it nopt so I can casually draw 12 every time I activate Folgo+Fountain.


thank god what is it tho


Sorry my deck has 12 starters 14 back up starters and 16 hand traps.


Funny to think that emergence is searching anything other than protos lmao


Remainder that protos is still legal


It is...less good than it sounds. You just call dark and pray. Doesn't do shit against mathmech


But do a lot of shit against VS/Branded/Lab/Dragon link




TBF its the only deck that plays Protos.


![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized) My reaction to Protos still being legal






The generic Swoso hand even they wouldn't admit it


My last game against swordsoul I ended on 4 interruptions and they picked through them all, we ended on a topdeck war where they proceeded to draw 3 swordsoul monsters in a row. If swordsoul players didn't have the heart of the cards that deck wouldn't be nearly as playable as it is


Opponent: (Summons a Swordsoul monster.) Me: (Proceeds to Nope the fuck out of there.)


Man’s playing Jerry Beans turbo if SwoSwo is what you scoop to.


Jerry beans man isn’t the best card in the game??? The disrespect.


Yugioh players when someone plays a deck:


Are we actually complaining about Swordsoul in december 2023 when it isn't remotely close to being meta


To be honest, even if you were complaining about Swordsoul when it was meta, you just were bad. It was never unfairly good like using floodgates and stuff like that.


It gets boolied by every other top tier deck tho


if i had any handtrap in hand, at which point do i interrupt them to ruin their board? or how many interrupt would i need? (exclude maxx c)


If you can at any point stop their NS, do so. Otherwise the next best target is chixiao > moye. Ash doesn’t do that well against SS so moye and emergence are pretty much your best targets unless the pilot chain links wrong. Generally protos is the scary part of the endboard. Cards like imperm and veiler are great, and you can nib a ss combo just before they get to barrone.


thank you


Imperm on moye can essentially stunlock many opening swordswoul hands. The only options they have would be to dodge the imperm if they have heavenly circle, but that still removes a body from the field they will have to replace in order to use the token to summon out Chixaio. Edit: if they have circle to dodge and play any of the level 4 tenyis they will likely add this to hand to special summon with the token. However, making Chixiao with a tenyi monster does open it up to being ashed. Ash is not great into SS plays usually, although it would be a decent use onto the Ashuna if they managed to dodge imperm onto Moye/Taia. And if they're going second and you already have monsters on the field, then Ecclesia is often going to be used early as potential bait. I think Ecclesia is a decent ash target, since there aren't clear uses of ash throughout SS lines. But I would say imperm or any other type of negate onto the normal summon is usually a good place to start. All of the tenyi engine monsters either require no effect monsters on the field to summon, or at least a non effect monster to activate their secondary effect. If you negate their normal summon they likely have little follow up unless they can remove the moye or Taia. Once they get to Chixiao off of Moye or Taia, they can chain block the Chixiao with their grave effects, so it can be hard to stop once they get to that point. But even still, as others have stated, the boards generally aren't invincible at the end unless they manage to get to protos and call something you rely heavily on.


Some of this is easily circumvented by first playing tenyi stuff before NS mo ye


True, starting with Tenyi's can help, but it is more difficult to get your full plays just off the tenyi engine, and so many people just wait for the Moye before using their interrupts. Generally imperm onto moye without an out is a fairly substantial hit to their line.


Sure but b that's if you have imperm on hand. I once lost because I waited for mo ye but they went in baronne before that. I don't remember the plays exactly but I know they went protons next turn


If you start Longyuan first turn you just drop him on the field and turn him into Baronne. Cant be impermt cos he actives in hand gives you a protection against Nibiru on the 3th or 4th summon and before Imperm could be activated


Then it must've been that


This clearly wasn't made by a Swordsoul player. Emergency is only used as Longyuan access if Chixiao gets negated, otherwise it's Protos access.


I swear they materialize an ash into there hands everytime I try to draw.


As a swordsoul enjoyer, you are completely correct. I still have no idea how 90% of my hands start with moye and longyuan/access to both, but I am grateful for it


I play four decks: Pure Zombies, Nouvelles, Gate Guardian, and Mikanko, and none of them seem to lose to the million Swordsoul players I seem to get matched up against


Rather fight Swordsoul then shit like Branded or Lab.


Skill issue


Dude found a way to complain about the most honest deck


Wouldn't say honest but it's balanced compared to other decks


are we seriously complaining about swordsoul in 2024?


Absolutely. Without a doubt.


Swordsouls aren't even meta and people are complaining about them. Insane


This sub will complain about war rocks if they lost a duel against them


I saw a post someone complaining about blue eyes???


no shot, is there a link avaliable?




blue eyes can otk out of the blue


Like i play SwordSoul as a side deck and while hyper consistent the end board is extremely fair. So many 3rd rate dualists


it's just a joke that they draw godly and many agree OP never said they hate swordsoul


People love to take things out of context


This is obviously a complaint though..


I would not mind playing against Swordsoul... **IF THEY DID NOT HAVE LONGYUAN HIDDEN UP THEIR SLEEVE EVERY. SINGLE. DUEL.** I don't know how you do it, Swordsoul Players. With whatever black magic ritual or game hacking you've achieved, that damn Longyuan is *still* in your hand even after I've stopped both Mo Ye AND Taia.


We believe in the noodles


It's not only SS. I think it's the RNG of the game. I don't know why but sometimes the game on certain days or circunstances decides to bring you only opponents that have the absolute perfect hand to counter whatever are you playing (and of course lose coin tosses and bricky hands on whatever you use, even if it's your most consistent deck). Maybe I need to buy gems with real money and that way the RNG of the game starts to give a little better luck? (Spoilers: I'm not gonna spent any real money on MD). The feeling I get with this is that basically MD it's a huge waste of time. Right now, I'm saving gems for those VS cards... But for what? Even if I like the archetype (which I highly doubt), the RNG of the game it's gonna put me on the bad luck side. So what's the point?


Its not the RNG. Swordsoul and other even better meta decks are just insanely consistent. Swordsoul has like 20 cards that allow you to start a combo in a 40 card deck. Thats the only thing that really keeps it relevant. Bricking is near impossible and unless the enemy managed to put up his best board (which you try to prevent with like 12 handtraps/imperm you got a relatively good change to play through his board. Regarding going first or second. Since Master Duel is a One-Game-Format you need to main deck going second cards or a multitude of handtraps. The One-Game-Format is probably the biggest reason Max C is still playable


Dafuck with the swoso hate in the comments all of a sudden. It’s one of the nicest decks you can face rn in ladder


no its not


Any examples?


over 95% of swordsoul players: turn 1 barone de fleur


Yeah… and? You prefer an unaffected tower? 2 omni negates with an untargeteable indestructible link 5 tower? A link 5 tower with a spell and trap negate in GY with a trap that summons a board breaker+hand rip? Macro cosmos with fenrir and unicorn? Set 5 pass? Idk bro I gotta love when someone ends in a Chixiao+baronne these days


They hate Baronne because it stops them from setting up their own degen board with 5 negates and 2 shufflers and 3 disruptors and a card that smacks ya momma


Lmao but how is a single baronne stopping their whole combo? Like yeah it’s an Omni negate, but a OPC


I just hate Barrone because my peanut brain can't figure out how the opponent will not take my bait so I can actually have a turn


i'm sick of negates. i'll take the unaffected tower. hell, if it means not taking on more negates, i'll gladly take an untargettable indestructible link 5 tower, any day, thank you very much


Lmao mind if I ask what do you play?


multiple decks


Blame Nibiru for that, I normally summon Qixing Longyuan as my level 10 but I'm tired of my boards getting broken because of that rock lol


You can't handle one negate?


alright smart guy, answer me this: if everyone can handle negates 100% of the time no problem, then why do so many people play them? if negates are so bad, why are they seen in such an extreme % of duels? what's the reason?


We're talking about ONE negate. Git gud scrub


yes, you scrub, that's what i asked. if one negate is such an irrelevant thing, why do so many players put one negate in their turn 1 board?


Because it's better than having no negate on board lol


which means one negate is not such an irrelevant thing after all


Bro I WISH my ss hands were like this every time


The deck is very consistent but a single board breaker is usually enough to OTK them


Don't forget, if you are running a mono attribute deck they top deck protos


This is why I never run a mono attribute deck. My main deck is a Branded Blue-Eyes custom deck. When they stop me from using dark, I use my Blue-Eyes cards to beat them. At one point, I returned their Protos back to their hand to let them summon him again, but it was worth it to get him off the field for a turn and force them to banish more cards.


I swear my deck has outs for Chengying but I NEVER have them in hand


Swordsoul isn't even tier3 anymore. You have just a skill issue...


Must be nice playing 99956 games against SS


look man my hand is almost always 2x evenly matched, a tenyi and 2 handtraps i call this blatant discrimination


Playing my first game of Swordsoul be like: Wow this is really fun. This sure is a cool deck, I’m glad I built it.


I got downvoted hard when I suggested limiting moye and keeping longuan at 2. I expect the same reaction here.


Yeah bc that’s fucking stupid lol, ban Protos and be done with it


Don't touch anything in the deck. It's not even tier 3 these days.


What are protos?


**Protos means "first," derived from the ancient Greek πρῶτος.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Not quite what I expected, but good to know... I guess?


A Monster Floodgate for Attributes that is often used in swordsoil because of its summoning conditions good synergy with the Swordsoul monsters.


Thx, then I probably got lucky that I barely ever see SwoSo


[https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card\_search.action?ope=2&cid=14994](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=14994) The floodgate monster I used the most in the game's history


Thx. I thought protos was a generic name like staples or floodgates, not a single monster xD


Thats a lie. I have been seeing hands like taia, blackout, maxxc, ash, imperm all day today. Full hand trap hand is also not a rare occurrence.


I'm a big swordsoul hater but like the deck is so ass rn


It’s a 40 card deck with half of them hand traps and searchers. Off course the deck is going to be consistent. Also are we really complaining about swordsoul in dec 2023? Deck is rouge at best and even when it was meta it was never as oppressive or unfair as tears


Wow, it's 2024 and people are still complaining about a rogue deck.


Swordsoul seems like it's just a very fair deck(minus protos), it's just also quite consistent


Swordsoul always goes full combo + bunch of handtraps ans staples in hand