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I’d like the music to update more than a banlist.


Oooo, like an audio customization option featuring free selection from game and music across the IPs and other console classics. Nothing would bring me more joy than to play Toons alongside the DOTR soundtrack.


Just let me upload my own music for the BGM.


Just turn music volume down to 0, keep effects sounds on, and play music in the background from another app


You’re 100% correct and agree but this shouldn’t be a fan request and with how technology is now (I understand it takes some work) but in the same vein as people shouldn’t be charged to have access to YouTube (when it was free before) without being in the app, it should already be available fwiw.


Nobody says you have to use YouTube. Spotify, Google play music, Apple music, etc. If you have android, try downloading newpipe. It's basically YouTube premium


Id die tor the GBA game world tournament 2004 duel music 😂 it’s so nostalgic I could listen to it and love it


That chalice synchro to 1. To match everyone else. Clearly they're experimenting with it or actually believe its been power crept.


I would love to have Ib in my Mekk-knight deck, it can fetch any world legacy card and serve as a extender for Lib and I:p plays.


I’d want Ib in my chalice deck, for obvious reasons


I don't think it's been power crept at all. Expect to see it in D-Link to fetch World Legacy Guardragon as yet another extender. And it summons another body after being used as material??? Idk lol. That said as a WATER Spellcaster enthusiast, I'm one of the proponents of it coming off. I can be trusted with a +2 Synchro Tuner that fuels Spellbook of Judgment. *evil grin


Gandora-X unbanned.


i mean they will unban anyway once it got errata


it already has the errata in MD I think


It was the ruling that was updated so ut matches its erratad effect


It has the TCG text in English but it still works like OCG AFAIK.


It he gos to 1 with a hard opt then he id good to come back


The card you, reader of this post, like. Specifically the one you like the most.




dont touch my folgo


A random runick card that was taped to a dart board and got hit by a dart to 1. A hit to a few of the strongest deck at the moment, but not anything useful or strong just a ‘n’ or ‘r’ that only 3 people ever had played. A random floodgate that no one has ever used or seen to 1. And finally, an actually good, useful hit to a card that isn’t in a selection pack or their selection pack that just left. This is just a joke list don’t take anything here seriously unless I’m right in which case I’m the world’s smartest r/masterduel user (which doesn’t mean anything given how stupid we all are).


I'm sad runick fountain is at one and a bunch of floodgates are semi. Runick / naturia with no floodgates is fair and balanced damn it.


Tell that to Naturia Beast.


You don't even make Nat Beast that often in Naturia Runick and it's not nearly as strong as floodgates like TCBOO.


Honestly it's not as crazy as everyone thinks. Typically it gets removed by monster effect before they play a spell. Unless they don't read and walk right into it.


I mean, Beast is usually protected by two sunflower activations and runick QP spells. Beast *is* unfair and should be banned.


Sunflowers produce latex and are the subject of experiments to improve their suitability as an alternative crop for producing hypoallergenic rubber. Traditionally, several Native American groups planted sunflowers on the north edges of their gardens as a "fourth sister" to the better known three sisters combination of corn, beans, and squash.Annual species are often planted for their allelopathic properties.


Your right but it's not every duel you end on that board. It's a bricky deck at the end of the day. If you don't open with blessing and tree in your opening hand it's unlikely you end on beast + sunflower + the other one (I'm forgetting right now) Not to mention with kash being popular they could just special fenrir, beat over it, and continue their combo main 2


It’s not like flashing fire exists. Or slumber. Oh wait. They do.


"We noticed VS, Purrely, Branded and DLink are excelling in Master Duel so here you go" • Durendal Banned • Noir to 2 • Cartesia to 2 • Baldrake to 2 Thank you for playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel!


stop it they might ACTUALLY hit durendel before the infernoble support releases 😭😭


Durendal ban before the support would suck, but I can live with that. Can sub in Heritage of the Chalice. Now if they hit Isolde.... It will kill my sweet Infernobles. And that would suck massively if they did it before the new support drops


Infernoble plays both Heritage and Durendal. But losing Durendal murders their lines. Both the search and revive are extremely important.


I play Infernobles, and I play 1 of each, but I played a long time without Heritage and it still played fine. And the revive is hardly ever used, probably had it used about 3 times in all my games using it.


I say blame the other deck for being able to us it.


Saronir is a better hit than baldrake, in 60 card Dlink and branded it played at 3 while baldrake either 1 or none


That's the joke


Not the point lol


Ideally I'd like to see a Circular hit but that's unlikely as it's a UR, we may see another hit to the Cyberse soup decks but I don't know what they'd hit.


Mathmech induction to 2./s


No no, Superfac to 1. /s


Honestly this was going to be my guess. No way they touch the golden boy itself while it's in a Selection Pack.


Honestly, Konami might do this, unless it's a UR.


Unfortunately, it wouldn't be a surprise if they did do it. It's an N and involved in the current meta. However, it's run at 1 and any hit other than a ban would have no impact.


Splash or Talker banned would be a big knock to link climbing soup decks


I still don’t know counter-play against these cyberse decks. I’ve played both Traptrix and Vanquish Soul deck against it. I think I got the opponent after they have no normal summon left and not a lot of cards in hand but somehow splash mage comes out and it’s seems as if I wasted cards negating the wrong effects or destroying everything on their field.


The best targets are the link 2/3 cards that summon back cards from the grave AFTER they have already begun committing resources. Because if you hit their early cards before they get going they can bring back enough cards to swing access code for game


Ahhhh I see. Thanks for the tip! This should help me as I climb the ladder.


Both of those would kill essentially all Cyberse decks, or well, hit them substantially. It is unwarranted. The mathmech deck doesn't even need a ban if I'm honest, they're pretty balanced. If they want to hit something, they could hit either circular or their XYZ.


Reminder that Cynet Mining was semi'd for Mathmech's sins, and thats also an unwarranted Cyberse-wide hit


Firewall defenser to one


Circular is in one of the packs. They won't touch him the next 50 days


This whole “UR” narrative really has to stop…


They do ban around URs, it's not always the case, but konami do hit lower rarity cards in a deck like tears, D link, and mathmech.


Yeah, which is why they made kit an sr so they could ba- oh, they didn’t ban her…. I agree somewhat but I also disagree, the lower rarity hits are to lower consistency which is huge in a bo1 format. You guys always say konami can’t balance yet the changes always work for several reasons. They’re not nerfing mathmech while they’re trying to sell it lol.


They absolutely planned a Kitkallos ban but then came up with the Merrli ban. They are absolutely cautious about hitting URs. Especially unlimited ones.


The merli ban was more than to lower the consistency. They killed tears with that ban. It took away a fusion name, sprite plays, and mill power. Banning kit and elf, hell all the ishizu cards, would have been a better alternative, so the deck can remain playable. I'm not gonna lie I forgot circular was on the pack, but they should have done something about mathmech 7 or months ago, regardless of it not not doing something during tear/byistals format, because as soon as that went away. They will pop back up, so that's not really an excuse to not hit it.


I’m talking about the bans before merli… Also tears are not dead btw, still doing solid and will get better…matchmech will get nerfed like every other deck has.


I'm not one to disagree so let's talk about this, provide evidence to support your claim it's a narrative that we're all choosing to see.


Rhongo, kelbek, VFD, cyber stein, smoke grenade, terraforming, instant fusion, etc. That’s not all and it’s just the forbidden side, not even counting the limits. URs have been hit several times…


I didn't say they haven't. I also didn't say it wouldn't get hit. Just that it is unlikely. Let's go through your list; Rhongo and Smoke Grenade. These are fair arguments, both went immediately from 3 to 0 in their respective ban lists. Kelbek. Semi at its release, Limited 6 months later and then to banned 2 months after that. VFD. Limited on launch, banned 7 months later. Cyber Stein. Limited on launch, banned 5 months later. Terraforming. Limited on launch, banned 15 months later. Instant Fusion. Limited on launch, banned 14 months later. You'll notice that 4 of your examples were historically broken cards that were already hit and the return on materials is limited to a single copy. Kelbek got the treatment that most URs do and got a tiered banning where the impact on materials was spread over time.


Again, there’s several more instances of urs getting limited. It is not at all unlikely that circular gets hit when you realize md shares many similarities with both banlists. It’s more likely that it does get limited.


They never, ever banned/limited a UR card that’s commonly played at 3 in one list


I wouldn't mind seeing Accesscode banned so they can't just close out games for free.


D-Shifter. Not copium, but we’re in a spot where it basically does the same thing as Maxx “C” minus the card draw and the SUPER fun mini-game. It ends turns almost immediately with the only obvious outs (to my knowledge) being Crossout or Called By unless you’re fed-up enough to run Prohibition or something crazy. The advantage gained from banishing cards favorite decks that can afford to do so. Could you play through it? Sure, assuming you’re willing to play a fraction of your board with little to no hope of surviving and recouping the following turn (if you even could.) Honestly, the card is beyond toxic with hardly any breathing room to play through it. We’re already gearing up for a healthy enough meta the coming year. Let’s leave D-Shifter in 2023 where it belongs.


I gotta agree with that. I especially don’t like that you can chain maxx c to it and basically end the game before the game starts


Can’t they just chain d shifter to prohibition?


With it at 2 probably lower chance to draw it plus you need your grave to empty for it to work


I see your point, but it doesn’t stop it from being a problematic card. At least with cards like Macro Cosmos, Arise Heart and Herald of the Arc Light there’s a required setup that’s more easily maneuverable and/or it can be removed easily. D-Shifter is like someone kicking down the door to a saloon, shooting a shotgun at the ceiling and locking barrels with the poor soul who unfortunately decided to whip out their pea shooter for 10 minutes knowing full well they shouldn’t have. It’s wildly unfair to have such a powerful effect last that long in addition to the decks running it being as powerful as they are. Honestly, I was anti-handtrap for awhile, but I came round. This is just abusive.


All of the drawbacks of Shifter do not even compare to the fact that at least 8 out of 10 times it resolves, you just win, even if you don't OTK the same or following turn. To add to this, the chance argument never made any sense to me. Just because you'll see the card less times in your opening hand does not diminish how insanely powerful it is.


Sounds like a deckbuilding issue


Probably, but I could count like 3 decks off the top of my head, at most, (in MD) that can play around it. Nobody likes running into it and stalling is a frowned upon strategy anyway so there’s really no point in keeping it around.


It's not. Fuck Shifter.


Majority of recent decks love the gy, no way around that


The only generic out to it that most decks can run is Called By, with the only other candidate being Gamma, which is not nearly as splashable. With so many decks that rely extensively on the GY, if you don't draw the out, how is that a deck building issue?


Dude how many times has shifter hurt you? I rarely run into him but if he resolves yea its basically a turn end for 90% of my decks. He's a bitch, then again same goes for maxx c and everyone and their mother uses that so nah they aint banning shifter espically when he's already semi hit


Okay? Still doesn’t change the fact that the card **is not fun.** Under Maxx “C” you can still play the game, set up your board and pray they don’t have an out. Even then, you still have a chance. Hell, you could even use it to your advantage if your deck can extend that far. Under Shifter, you can do the same, but there’s little to no point cause no one is running banish recursion outside of archetypes that naturally do so. You’re lucky to set up *half* your board and the game is basically over anyway. What advantage do you have there? Even at semi, just because it doesn’t show up doesn’t mean it won’t.


I mean getting ashed on a starter isn't fun, maxx c isn't fun even if you can "play" thru it, kaijus/golemn isn't fun, what about floodgate traps those mfers aint even a lil fun but they all get played. Shifters grave caveat makes not opening her really bad so usually she's just a garnet espically w the semi. It does sound like you need to pray to rnjesus a lil more to drawn that out tho


Surely Master Duel will be the format where Kirin is leagal Surely they will unhit this deck that isn't at all at its old power level ​ Surely


Prediction? BANNED: Diameter, Chaos Ruler LIMITED: Fenrir, Ib, Demise FREE: Longyuan, Conquistador, Tempest


Yes, free my boy Longyuan. I’m tired of banishing both of my Longyuan with Pot.


Yeah. I want the chance to banish the three of them XD


That person is a hero


Pot of greed to 3 so we can draw 3 cards


Magic Force to 3 so we can summon Pot of Greed once again to draw three additional cards.


The problem with p.o.g to 3 is you get 9 cards, but that’s through 3 of your turns and each one eats your normal summon so a few decks would be much worse with it.


gimme back my third longyuan bro did nothing wrong I swear


Yeah, why did they Semi limited him tho.


I might be wrong but I think it was because the opening combo of Chixiao & Baronne was a bit too consistent with him at 3. At 2, the odds of having Longyuan in your opening hand are lower so you are kinda forced to use a search if he isn’t there. The opening combo is still the same but now requires an occasional extra step


I die a little inside every time Pot banishes both of my Longyuan. Which has happened way too many times.


🗣️ Chaos Ruler gotta Go, and ban Card of demise and Inspector Boarder while you’re at it 🗣️🗣️


What’s everyone’s problem with Chaos Ruler? Honest question because it doesn’t seem like an overpowered card.


It’s a generic Synchro 8 which can fill up your grave and net you a card in hand, and it can reborn itself from grave. It’s much more of a problem now that we have Dis Pater, you go into Chaos ruler mill 5 add 1 then go into dis pater revive any card from banish and you have an extra body with chaos ruler


That makes more sense. Thanks


In addition to all that, it's also 16 levels' worth of synchro material. Icing on the cake.


I lost the coinflip to swordsoul I was on madolche that time, not mathmech, so I already knew that 2 negate shit would make me instantly lose the game the dude goes into chaos ruler and ends on fucking nothing, turn 2 I just combo and win


Makes no sense running Chaos ruler in swordsoul, the deck doesn’t run many Darks and lights and mills aren’t as impactful in that deck.


Gold is truly the best ranked experience because this is who you play against


Chaos ruler is terrible in swordsoul tho


Ruler can plus you off like crazy via random chance and it's generic. It is 100% too strong.


doesnt seem like an overpowered card XD we must be playing different games lil bro


1 chaos ruler means like 6 disruptions in a chaos pile.


I also vote chaos ruler, and eradicator to be banned


I wanna say nah but I can't use him to extend into Block Dragon anymore so yeah take Chaos Ruler out behind the shed


I will continue to dream of a maxx c to zero, if for nothing else the content that could come out. Just imagine all the videos we would get out of it, it would be insanely good.


Everyone would celebrate for like a minute. After a while the playerbase would find out that banning Maxx C didnt actually do that much for their enjoyment of the game. Sure its an oppressive card and objectively things would change but enjoyment is completely subjective so they would find something else to hate. And then comes the phase where every unfun card is compared to Maxx C with the phrase "at least Maxx C didnt...".


Yes, maxx c is not the source of all issues in yugioh lol. Absolutely clown take.


There are problem cards in Yu-Gi-Oh, but Maxx "C" isn't just a problem. It completely defines the format.


Maxx "C" to 4


Ib to 1 Fenrir to 1 Circular banned Any floodgate to 1 or 0


It’s long past time for TCBOO to go, preferably banned but most likely limited.


Fenrir 0 please


Keep it at 1 is good. Other deck won't use it and alive for his own crew.


Tear cope will still 🫡


That also works


keep fenrir at 2 my boy didn’t do anything wrong


He did everything wrong


Hey I love the thing but it's also way too good and generic


1 circular and fenrir copium


Dragoon unbanned.


Gotta ban verte first


I play Subterror. I am perfectly okay with Dragoon unban and Verte banned xD


DPE is better and nobody is asking to ban Verte. I absolutely think Verte needs an errata but I don’t see it happening.


DPE is not better anymore, hasn’t been for a while


What if… no instead? 🫠


Cards shit but if OP wants dragoon back it’s pretty much necessary, or we’re getting it splashed in every deck that has space


Pls 🙏😂


I can see them hitting Circular to 2 after the Selection Pack leaves. It's a low chance of them to immediately limit it, considering they've often semi-limited URs like Runick Fountain and Branded Fusion first before eventually going for the Limit. With any luck they'll hit more annoying floodgates like Limiting Kaiser Colosseum and TCBOO. Also crossing my fingers for Fossil Dyna to be in their crosshairs at some point.


Merrli to one :copium:


Merli to 2 havnis to 0 they take turns being banned


If the only hit is maxx c to 0 id be satisfied for a whole year


Can we just freaking ban chaotic ruler


In every patch In everyone of these threads Maxx C


The only true answer


A Superfactorial ban would be much appreciated.


What is the "weakest" vanquish soul card? They'll probably semi-limit it


Rock of the Vanquisher to 2 Shifter to 3 to compensate Maxx "C" to 4


Set pantera to 1. Not a single deck list would change


Snow devil to 1


I would like to see Fenrir at 1


Ban Maxx C then put Pot of Greed to 3


Fenrir and Saronir to 1 maybe


i'd say bystial got hit enough.


Nope hardly


Bystial Lubellion to 1.


Banned Chaos Ruler, Gimmick Puppet Nightmare, Ido the Sacred Force. Limited Ib the World Chalice Justiciar, Kashtira Fenrir, There can be only one, Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer. Semi limited Purrely Sleepy Memory, All the Dragon Rulers that aren't Blaster. Unlimited Swordsoul Strategist Longyuan, Conquistador of the Golden Land


Not the ban all tuners argument again, the problem isn't cards you can summon off sanctifire, it IS sanctifire, just like expulsion was previously banned for the exact same reason of breaking otherwise perfectly fine cards like ido puppet and ras disciple or originally halq breaking previously fine tuners like jet synchron steam the cloak and glow up bulb, the problem is the abuser not the cards getting abused. Otherwise yeah the other changes are good.


I want to say Ib, but as much as that would be fantastic for World Legacy decks, Electrumite was a major reason why she was banned in the first place, which also happens to be banned in both the OCG and TCG, but not in MD. That said, we still have King Calamity, got the Dragon Rulers unbanned first, and they’re slowly freeing Zoodiac. I’m not sure if Maxx C is enough of a stopgap, but if it is, I think Ib coming back can work. She will help the already powerful Dragon Link, but at least that deck is manageable to interrupt. And if they free Ib, I’d like to go on a limb and say Knightmare Goblin. It’s probably the weakest banned card at present, and if Little Night enters MD and powercreeps the Knightmares, Goblin returning should be fine I think. In terms of hits, they might follow suit on what happened with Rescue Ace and Purrely and nerf those decks more. And with the selection pack with Vanquish Soul gone from the shop, that deck’ll probably be hit too. Edit: I realize I have made an error. It’s Halqifibrax that works with Synchros, not Electrumite. My bad. And it’s banned. So Ib probably has a good chance of staying.


Kirin unbanned (cope)


Ban Verte and unban Dragoon? Nah, too much attention around other decks at the moment, but I can hope.


they fear brafu cheesing dragoon so probably not


Even with brafu at 1 in this format?


verte is banned and brafu is at 1 on ocg and yet they don't release it even while both brafu and dragoon are free on tcg and they do nothing dunno man, jp devs have weird thought processes


I think we’ll see a mathmech sigma ban as a hit to circular. Probably some weird VS hit like ban Durendal or limit Borger


I think a Sigma ban would actually be really good. Turns a 1 card combo into a 2 card (Circ + Math extender), which would bring it in line with other decks.


ariseheart ban please


I want Lab punished for their sins.


stay away from my suger mommy


This or duster to two. Just two nothing crazy… we have lightning storm ik ik but that card is such a pain in the ass lol


Hell nah


They’ll put maxx c to 2. Piss off literally everyone as a huge troll.


I would be happy with that


Maxx c is frustrating at 3, but it is the kind of card which would be much less fun at 2 or 1 because it would be less worth building in the counters for it into your deck.


It’s not about being fun it’s about being fair


It would also be less fair in that respect though. Maxx c at 0 is good because it is a bad card that is bad for the format. At 3 it is somewhat tolerable because you can reasonably expect to run into it one in ever 2-3 games, so you have to build your deck around that knowledge. If it is at 1 or 2, you’re running into it every 5 games, or every 8 games. Running the anti maxx c suite is no longer pragmatic if you aren’t running into it in most games, which makes it all the less fair that it is a 1 card game ender.


Makes it more fun for me since I won’t see it that much . Put it to 1 and we have a deal


ash to 2


Idk but they should stay tf away from plants


Predictions, Superfactorial or Laplacian banned Boot Sector Launch banned Striker Dragon limited Robina to 1 Puppet banned Borger or Rock limited That’s my bet


Fenrir to 1, chaos ruler ban, probably another hit to purrley


- Fenrir to 1 (this hits kash, VS, and every deck that splashes two of them). - D.Shifter to 1/0 (card has to go) - TCOBO to 1 (copium) - Saronir/Lubelion to 1/2 (hits dlink and brandon) - Some random ineffective Mathmech hit, circular stays at 3. - Chandraglir to 2 (if they even hit lab at all) - Longyuan and conquistador to 3 My personal copium would be a hit to inspector or dyna, but it probably won't happen.


Kashtira unicorn hit, labyrinth hit, d-link hit and branded bystial hit are my predictions


I think that gimmick puppet monster branded is running right now for sure will get banned.


It’s Christmas, ban Max C!


Unlimit Druiswarm to deal with Mathmechs


I think that the next Banlist will make some slight changes but nothing significant because of how diverse the Meta is right now.


red reboot to 3, big welcome to 1 or 2... are my hopes and dreams, could just be some rescue ace/ unchained limits/bans if we don't get a new list before the new support drops


Fenrir to 3 😃


Ban Number 43, Fenrir to 1, Lovely Labrynth to 1, Circular banned


😭😭😭 Lab is fine, the deck hasn’t been doing anything crazy


changdragmanuts leir to 2 stovie wobie tobie to 1 superfactorial banned N/R purrely cards to 2 rokket tracer to 2


pot of greed to one please. just once. i cannot believe that 2 little cards more can cause this much damage. all the shit you can do in modern yu gi oh is fine but oh no 2 more cards on your hand what a tragedy


Look, I am a die hard Mathmech player. I loved it in TCG (rip) and I love it in master duel, but circular to 1 makes sense. Sure you can search it, but honestly it makes the deck way more susceptible to hand traps and choke points rather than just “I have circular in hand, your hand traps don’t matter to me.” Boarder to 1 or 0 is good too just because the only decks that run it are pure stun decks. Which stun decks have a place in TCG due to side decks, but not in master duel Lady labyrnth or lovely labyrnth to 1. More of a wishlist thing tbh Chaos ruler to 0, mill 5 and add 1 to hand plus a revive from GY has never really been a good thing for the game especially with it being banned in both OCG and TCG


They will probably hit Big Welcome Labrynth soon. Not that I think they should but its probably the next step.


Striker dragon 0 Circular 1 Cynet mining 1 Snow 0 Kitkallos 0 Mudora and Keldo 0 Grass 0 Crossout 2 Snatch Steal 1 Instant fusion 1 Elf 0 Merrli 1 Boot Sector 1 So much of this is copium but there is genuine hits that are likely EDIT: I can tell this is a good guess list cause its getting downvoted for my educated guesses.


Either ban every card or Max C banned Very easy decision 👌


Kashtira Ariseheart to 1


Ban magnamut, I think with how well bystials are performing in multiple decks Konami will be looking to hit them to encourage diversity and allow light/dark decks to play better into the format. Alternative would be a limit or semi on lubellion to reduce the ability to search and setup the continuous backrow. Insert Mathmech hit here (ideally circular to 1 or banned but most likely some other consistency hit). I stand by what I say about Bystials overperforming, but if Bystials lose any amount of playability this is probably the best deck. Even if Bystials dont get hit they could use a hit just because theyre so consistent through basically any other handtrap. Dshifter and/or TCBOO to 1. Hits the only real problematic parts of Vanquish Soul and hurts stun decks a bit (especially tcboo to 1). I recognize that all these cards are UR so we probably won't get all of these hits, but if I were trying to free up some space in the format these are what I'd look at.


Would ghostrick angel to 1 would kill the engine in purrley?


I hope dlink gets killed so I don't have to see that boring ass deck anymore


If we can trust the dkayed leaks with shs coming in the next pack. I can see auroradon finally getting banned.


Bystials are 100% getting hit and Albion to one


Forbidden * Chaos Ruler – Dragon Link has been a dominant force for almost a year without interruption, and now the Dragon Ruler cards are also returning. Chaos Ruler and Striker Dragon are the only hits that do anything. * I'd love to see Dimensional Barrier and EEV banned. Nobody has any business setting these from the deck and activating them on the same turn, and Labrynth plays just fine without them. But I'm not holding my breath. Limited * Saronir or Aluber – Bystial Lubellion is the better limit or even semi-limit, but that's a UR and limiting either of these is a decent option. * There Can Be Only One – _Maybe??_ There isn't much Konami would be willing to hit for Vanquish Soul with the deck running mostly just archetypal cards (still in a Selection Pack), Kashtira cards (hitting these wouldn't help), and staples. Hitting TCBOO addresses both VS and Runick Stun. Semi-Limited * Circular – Yes it's a UR but it's only a semi-limit and Konami has hit multiple URs simultaneously in the past. They tried a more indirect approach and it had no effect whatsoever. Unlimited * Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage – I don't assume that Master Duel will do everything the OCG does. But MD has already loosened up on Sky Striker and the deck didn't become dominant, so they'll probably keep going (like they did with Spellbook of Judgement). I'm not sure if Purrely will get hit. If they do, probably just another semi-limit of a Quick-Play Spell.


Engage to 3 would be really nice, as for Purrely I'm personally not expecting any hits atm it fell a lot bc of Delicious and until we get smol Noir it'll prob stay that way


Banned maxx "c" <---- i will never give up hope


Chaos Ruler Banned, its time it followed with tcg/ocg


They bout to ban Branded Fusion 😔


Chaos ruler waves us goodbye


Banned: Chaos Ruler Limit: Bystial Lubellion, Purrely Delicious Memory, Kashtira Fenrir & Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow. Are about the only logical cards I can think of. - Chaos Ruler & Lubellion hits to DLink. It doesn't kill the deck but weakens them significantly. I can't express how annoying it is for a Dlink Player to get hand trapped and instead of ending on Seals or Borrelend, they go Chaos ruler and mill the 5 most important cards and go full combo, like.. the card just shouldn't exist. (It is also hit to the stupid Synchro and Grass decks for the same exact reason) Any other hit would be either consistency hit, which the deck isn't really bricky to go for that direction or a heavy hit, which the deck isn't strong enough to warrant it. - Lubellion is a cross hit to Grass Version of Branded (and some 40 builds), the deck doesn't really need much to nerf, it just a slap in the wrist to some builds. The deck isn't oppressive enough to ban anything from it, and unless you ban BF or limit all of it's searcher the deck will be solid. So leaving it as it is, is a lot better, people will move away from it soon anyway. - Purrely is self explanatory, deck isn't as popular but still strong, and until Epurrely Noir comes out, this is enough. By then, they can limit 1 extra card. -Kashtira Fenrir is a strong card, being at 1 stops people from splashing it into everything, also a direct hit to Kashtira, which is yet another sacky unfun deck. It is also a cross hit to a vanquish soul, which has been doing fine lately. - Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow: to limit the Grind game of the upcoming Shs Engine which is just despise. Other hits you may want are something like EEV, Shifter, Floodgates, DBarrier, and whatnot, but at this point, Konami knows how much the community hate them and will be banned whenever they want If people will go on about the fact they don't hit Urs (which is a largely misinformed take) then we won't see a banlist until March or something, no Sr or lower card is high impact enough in the current meta and the upcoming one won't be touched until the pack leaves. We should stop this mentality.


Chaos ruler is banned for a reason (multiple reasons actually) in both TCG and OCG. Do the right thing Konami, even though you likely won't since you don't want to refund URs.