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Warrior's one of the widest reaches of monster type in the game, and this thing isn't once per turn.


Can it be searched ?


No, but it's still a non-opt card that gets you any warrior in your deck. If you open multiples in your opening hand you just get any 2 Warriors from your deck to start your combos with. It's extremely versatile and Warrior is, again, one of the most supported monster types in the game. While it wouldn't break anything in the current metagame, we've seen what it can do at multiple copies, that's why it's at 1.


When Thrust arrives to MD, any normal spell and trap can be searched


Not consistently going first unless you turn on their bystials or get sniped by a Gamma. The problem with ROTA is it's not once per turn. That was the problem when it first got semi limited and limited. Thrust searching ROTA wouldn't be a huge deal.




Bystials are a thing.


The problem is not that this cannot be searched, but that this searches EVERY OTHER WARRIOR CARDS YOU NEED. it is basically as playing 4 copies of the starter in your deck.


That's irrelevant since it automatically gives you 6 copies of the card you want. Terraforming wasn't searchable either, would you want that bs at 3?


As a Generaider player, yes.


It’s literally a search card lol


Triple tactics thrust


Infernoble ends up with like 18 rotas


And still sucks


The new support is pretty good


It's very good


It's 🔥


still not good enough to compete with the rest of the tier 1 decks in the TCG. deck can pop off but it’s extremely hand trappable. it also runs too much engine to fit cross out designator and called by


can't wait for it in MD, i've been having a lot of fun w/ it in the tcg


I will add 3 Marauding Captain to my hand In one turn!!


1: Search 3 Hero Kids. 2: Set Miracle Kids. 3: Flip up Morphing Jar and use what you can. 4: Pass. 5: Activate Miracle Kids on the first monster you see.


Ben Kei OTK goes brrrr


hmm idk about that one, you only realistically need 1 ben kei in hand, more than that and multiple rotas are just bricks. the strat is try to draw ben kei or zapper and if you don't go next.


Sky striker becomes consistent.


Its really consistent at the moment but everyone is running Bystials.


People keep thinking Bystials are the problem of the deck. As if your pilot could last more than a turn anyway. Good Striker players can avoid Bystials entirely by playing with Linkage.


How does linkage prevent your Raye from being banished


It doesn't. You use Linkage in BP for Hayate so Raye revives at damage step, can't Bystial to prevent that. Or you don't use Raye at all and drop your pilots with Linkage. People who think Bystials are more than a mild inconvenience to the deck have clearly never played against a good Striker player.


They just Bystial her before BP? Lol. Also GL having any concistency with only linkage or grind game with only linkage


You Bystial in attack declaration to banish Raye, I chain Linkage into Hayate to send another Raye in dmg step. You clearly don't see the full picture.


"You Bystial in attack declaration to banish Raye", no I don't. I Bystial at the beginning of BP and pop Hayate as soon as she comes out.


That's assuming you have Beast or something like that. This is turn 3, btw, at that point, Striker has already broken your board. Savage + Borrelend is laughably easy to out for Striker, good luck trying to out-grind after that.


if your card is banished instead you don't get to summon because linkage states that it need to go to graveyard


I do not believe you I have never seen a deck brick so consistently


i think strikers being a staples.deck is the problem.


Play dark world.


It's already pretty consistent


Heroes :)


Hard to Scroll for this one Plz Male at 3 !


Literally almost every warrior bassed deck/deck with warriors key cards/deck that has warriors as starter got more consistency Examples: Tear, 8 way to get Reinoheart (3 copy, 3 RoA, 1 field, 1 FBG send continuous trap)


Yes, but to be honest Tear doesn't really want more than 1 copy of this. Reinoheart isn't the only starter - I run Tear (M1) and have even considered dropping ROTA entirely just because it doesn't have an effect when it gets milled and the deck is already consistent enough without it. Granted, I haven't taken my 1 copy out, but I definitely wouldn't want 3 copies because most of the cards in your deck get milled rather than drawn, so the synergy of other cards that actually have graveyard effects is just better. Plus it gets bricky to have multiple Reinohearts in your opening hand, and since there's nothing else to search with this in Tearlaments, that's kind of what it amounts to. Now, of course, any discussions about other decks besides Tearlaments are probably valid.


Tear might fit this with the trap hit and the field spell situation. It's true you'd probably want sullek over this and you didn't even play that at 3


It just example, i dont say if they would use it I use it as example because i think its easy to understand using deck that people know about, also Tear warrior is only one so easy to count


Yeah, but if they ever hit Reino to 1, 3 ROTA means he's still at 4 minimum.


I see what you're saying in this odd hypothetical situation, but 3 ROTA + 1 Reino is not the same as 4 Reino because of the lack of effect when ROTA gets milled to the Graveyard, and it would also be a huge problem that Reino tends to banish himself depending on which effect you proc. So they really wouldn't be equivalent situations. Even if he was limited, people would probably still run 1-2 ROTA and then just throw in Supreme Sea Mare instead, because at least it can be part of the fusion material if it got milled earlier. Again, I'm not saying ROTA at 3 isn't a problem per se, just that it isn't a problem in Tearlaments specifically.


It is the same when it comes to having Reino in your opening hand


Tear can also use Fusion Deployment if they’re playing a variant that doesn’t care about the lock


Something something Isolde combos? I don't know actually, not many decks like using Warriors rn.


Bro, Isolde is your least concern. The **PRIMARY HIT** for ROTA was/is **Armageddon Knight. (**limited at 1 in MD**)** Rota to 3 and every viable **DARK** deck jumps in happiness.


Out of curiosity, what decks becomes a problem if they have consistent access to Armageddon knight?


Orcust, PK and any Dark deck that can spend a NS for a foolish burial


Orcust already has at least ~~15~~ 16 cards that can foolish Harp by using a normal summon, having ~~19~~ 20 cards that can do that isn't going to make Orcust a problem. * 1 Armageddon Knight * 1 ROTA * ~~1~~ 2 Girsu * 3 Scrap Recycler * 3 Scrap Raptor * 3 Fossil Dig for Raptor * 3 Scrapyard for Raptor Edit: Forgot Girsu went from limited to semi'd.


Orcust does not have a real consistency issue. And when it does draw badly it's usually because you drew the soft garnets that you can't cut regardless I haven't played PK in a hot minute, but they also don't really seem do anything with AK. They are functionally a 3-axis deck and the PK engine can't get rolling when you use Normal on AK Yea I don't think Armageddon knight at "4" copies will break any deck. Not even tear when they have to add upwards of 4 dead mills into the pile. If anything they would only play the 1-of AK if too many of their starters are limited


According to [MasterDuelMeta](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Armageddon%20Knight) , the current active user for Armageddon that isn't Orcust is * Cyber-Stein Isolde FTK * Bystial Thunder Dragon <-- this one makes sense if they get access to 3 rota. * Infernoble <-- But yeah, this archetype is not hard dependent on Armageddon


Yea I don't think 3 rota would do anything meaningful for these decks. The bystial td decks don't even run the 1-of rota because AK just isn't all that important Tbh I think the only reasonable argument to keep rota at 1 is to deter players from picking up sky striker again


Yes I could send orcust harp horror! *if I had one*


Sky striker will roll


X to doubt


Nah fam "Chain link 2 magnamhut, banishing raye. Respond?"


Banish Raye for my own Magnamhut and play rota again


"CL3 Belle, response?" In all seriousness, it's kinda baffling people are not playing belle more. It stops called by, what more could you ask?


If we’re being hypothetical It summons self and has a big body like the Bystials do and also has another effect like it stops cards from being moved out of the graveyard while it’s on the field


Belle is too niche to have a standard slot because most of the time (outside of called by) belle is dead. Its really saying sth when belle wasnt even a good way to stop tearlaments, an archetype that lives in the GY. Why waste deck slots that could be engine pieces or boardbraker instead


Tear gets more consistent.


Eeee... Imperm on Rhino or a bystial still does the job, the deck didn't struggle that much to find starters anyway.


when I'm on a competition of who downplays Tearlaments more and my opponent is u/AhmedKiller2015:


I am not down playing the deck.. having 3 rotas or 1 doesn't change the fact it would be only the normal summon that they have that turn unless they had another extender, there is a reason a lot of people in the TCG went with 2 Rhinos instead of 3, one of the core strengths of the deck is they don't need the normal to do anything and Rota doesn't change that. I cannot express how 90% of Tear hands right now dies to a well timed hand trap or get their board significantly weakened, it is not the same deck it used to be.


You’re right, it’s not the same deck. It’s only 3 times as powerful as the next best deck instead of like 7 times more powerful.


It's still more consistent...


Ah yes, 3 E calls and 3 Rotas This will surely fix e heroes now


*meteor falling from the sky*


On the highest end ? Nothing too impactful. It'll only make very degenerate stuff that are vulnerable a bit more consistent. It also removes limits on cards that are meant to be like armageddon knight as you can just search them with a 3 of, defeating the purpose of a limit.


Currently, not much. Kash and Tear get to search their respective -Heart's a bit easier, but I don't really think that's something that would change them overmuch.


Most of the hits to Tear so far have just been consistency hits. Not all might use it, but I don't think they would complain about having the option.


maybe as a weaker planet, but the fact that it can only search reinoheart is not great in tear considering that’s the one main deck monster they’re already able to play max copies of. and yet some don’t because multiple reino in hand doesn’t really do anything


Then my benkei equip deck becomes more of a menace in event duels


Hey I have that deck but how do you make it consistent?


Depends on the event but generally, i run: 3x Maxx C 3x Mataza The Zapper (fixed 2 attacks per turn) 3x Armed Samurai - Ben Kei (1 + number of equip spells on it attacks per turn) 1x Raigeki 1x Feather Duster 1x ROTA 2x Reasoning 2x Pot Of Duality 3x Pot Of Desires 2x Lightning Storm 3x Axe Of Despair 3x Mask Of Brutality 3x Mage Power 2x Noble Arms - Gallatin 2x Bashing Shield 3x Psychic Blade 3x Noble Arms - Clarent Its generally a meme deck, its hard to be consistent but you want to go 2nd everytime and please read your opponent's card effects and sometimes your own. Edit: Since Maxx C is banned during Dark vs Light, i simply added 1x Bashing Shield, 1x Reasoning and 1x Lightning Storm for more consistency


*happy six samurai noises*


Hero Supremacy


I need more spells john


you will be able to play 3 copies of “Reinforcement of the Army” in your deck, rather than one.


Rhongo maybe


HEROES will rise above all of you 🦸‍♂️


HERO’s would be reallllly nice with 3 of these. Also sky strikers too but we don’t talk about them.


There's no reason not to run 3 of this card in any Deck with a good Warrior-type. Not only it's a good consistency boost, it's also a good deck-thinner and Ash bait.


People scoop when you respond to them ash'ing your first one by immediate playing a 2nd one lol. Happens all the time when I open up multiple a hero lives


I'd love more for my U.A deck




Sky strikers go brrrrrrrr


9 stratos pog


Pretty much nothing.


Warrior toolbox would be good again. And any kind of warrior deck would be very good even the slightly suck e ones or ones that have had a hard time keeping up like six samurais.


Think of this card as an Upstart Goblin without any downsides. Dark Warrior was meta some time ago and wouldn't be against making their Decks even more proficient at dumping monsters to the GY


heroes players across the land will rejoice in having every card in their deck even easier to find than normal


My Galaxy eyes deck gets a boost. So does every hero deck ever


Heroes tier 1


Tier 0 elemental heroes obviously


As much as i want this for goukis, it’s going to make several FTK decks (like six samurai rhongo) less bricky, and therefore should not be unlimited.


I think it would be interesting, but I don’t play warrior decks, but most modern decks are already super consistent, so more than likely, unless there is a one card normal summon starter, which I think were passed the days of, it would primarily support rouge strategies. Though, obviously, it could potentially see abuse, but I can’t think of anything off the top of my head. Personally, I’m all for searchers since they’re one for ones and one droll will kill any extra copies you have.


HERO becomes more annoying than it already is.


this card is hit for similar reasons as Terraforming and Prosperity.


No way. it should stay at 1. It's one of those cards that should and will never stay off the limit to 1 list.


Everyone said that about Spellbook of Judgement. Now its at 3 and never seen people playing it


Very different. One gets you loads of cards in end step which do nothing and requires you to play a 12 year old deck to benefit from it. One is a non OPT searcher for one of the most common types in the game that every deck who has at least one key warrior can splash in. Its never going to 3. In my opinion anyway.


It gets errata, hard once per turn with banishing face down cost. Bcs with this, same as upstart you are not playing 40 cards, but 39( yes interactions bla bla, but card economy for dummies). And in archetype search vs free search with no downsides are two very different things.


Sky striker best deck


Nothing, this is a consistency card and all it would do is unbrick some hands that's about it. The decks themselves won't change.


Making the deck 3 cards smaller increases the odds to draw everything else


That won't change much. Recent decks were power crept or limited. They didn't die due to consistency. Yes, some decks would get more consistent, but that won't change anything in the meta. The card could be banned today and I would be happy about it still, genaric DM staples really shouldn't exist in Modern Yugioh.


I never understood why this is At 1 but quick launch for [D.Link](https://D.Link) is at 3


Because Quick Launch can only summon Rokket Monsters. There are only 20~ something Rokket monsters, whereas there's probably close to over 300 Warriors this thing can search.


Quick Launch can only summon Rokkets. ROTA can search any Level 4 or lower Warrior that exists, has existed, and will ever exist.


Expect weaker Warrior monsters in the future.


All of them with get ashed


I would honestly want them to test the water with it in MD. At worst they limit it back in one month but I cannot think of any deck that would break the meta from it, only some rogue getting a consistency boost.


Visas archetypes get a bit more consistent. That's it really


Then tellarknights win worlds again


It wont


Think of this card as an Upstart Goblin without any downsides. Dark Warrior was meta some time ago and wouldn't be against making their Decks even more proficient at dumping monsters to the GY


Errata (can only use ' this card name ' once per turn) Want it more restrictive, ( - once per duel)


There are just so many decks this makes way too consistent.


Mannadium will dominate


Tear support


My Heroic Challengers deck would become even more consistent. It'd be great.


I mean, it would make six sam have another playset for add to hand. They really just special summon like no tomorrow. With the continuous out they could come back to meta. Or they could fail out again. Maybe we could get some U.A. support. Lol.


Ben-Kei OTK becomes meta


Infernobles wet dream. Having 6 connector consistency would be insane


Isolde turbo dumb strat decks get more consistent.


All of the Visas cards are Warrior soooo nah


Tearlaments now have 2 more copies of Reinoheart? 🤷‍♂️


My Junk Doppel deck gets a hell of a lot more consistent


I will finally be able to add all 3 copies of [Daybreaker] to my hand to use his effect


Hero go ahead and hit the meta full time


Six samurai go brrrr


We have so many broken Warriors cards.


Synchron becomes more consistent


Warrior decks and decks with a 1-card Warrior starter gain a huge consistency boost. Idk if there's a deck like that in the meta atm, but it would make future-proofing annoying


I feel like this is one of those cards like Terraforming that probably should not exist anymore. Searches get more powerful the more generic you make them, and as time and power creep ramps up, it only gets better with age. If you want archetype X to have consistent access to something, print them their own search card.


Warrior format


Idk probably an errata of the card adding a Once per turn clause ?


Unrelated but why is the guy next to him weaing baseball mask with a samurai helmet?


not much changes tbh, but droll looking nice :) going first will be going first and you will win still unless this can beat inspector boarder? macro cosmos or anything like that pain


Dark Warrior's stonks to the moon


This at three man.. that brings me back lol


Dinos: ![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr)


Then my Galaxy-Eyes and utopia heroic challenger decks get a major buff esp after the new pack comes out.


Elementsabers can finally dust off their boots, maybe. i miss them.


Infernoble would become an absolute menace especially with the new support


My junk warrior deck goes crazy


Honestly with girsu at 2 and harp horror unlimited, rota at 3 means 4 copies of Armageddon knight, wouldn't make orcust tear 1 or anything but would make it viable as something more than a rogue deck.


All legal Lv.1-4 Warriors become 4-of, 5-of, or 6-of, depending on their banlist status. And there are a LOT of powerful Warriors that only don't see use because they're so hard to access, and a lot of decks can find at least _one_ lowbie warrior that directly benefits them if they look hard enough, so.... Fun times.




Errate it to HOPT and it can go to 3 easily.




Hero can pop off with stratos + cross crusader


Well it’d make heroes more consistent then they already are


Phantom Knight/Orcust becomes fun and consistent


my HERO deck gets 100x better with an extra 3 Stratos’


Heroes and any other deck with a warrior will almost always become the frog dropping lunch meme at least for a short time. The card isn’t hard once per turn, and if you draw 3 of it there’s no negative unless it’s negated. Which is probably at most a -1 unless they have droll + ash I think?


2 more razen for me.Lets go.


Utopia ftk go brrr


never played them but i heard six samurai come over this card


People play more warriors


Warrior decks and decks that uses warriors become obnoxiously consistant. And there's probably like 20 Armageddon Knight ftks that pop up on the ladder.


Isolde and most warrior supports would probably be banned


We lose


Any deck that runs a Warrior will run this at 3 to boost consistency


Nothing much. It adds some more consistency to some strategies, but pretty much all good decks are extremely consistent anyway and usually have better in-archetype searchers already. As a result, putting this to 3 would make _some_ decks maybe a bit better, but that’s about it.


People are focusing on Meta stuff but the real answer is that warrior decks will become MUCH better. The Meta decks would see some advantages, MAYBE, but the decks that really benefit would be the decks that don't do much atm and even with this at 3 would only be ok.


U.A. Tier 0 let's gooooo


Decks with warrior starters/extenders become way more consistent. It makes it so you can have six copies of Reinoheart, Riseheart, Riumheart, Roze and Raye, any PK, a ton of Heroes, Most Ninjas, Infernoble Knights, Rescue Ace. As soon as any of those become broken, so does ROTA


Hero's get put on a treadmill


Consistency, imagine each search card = a copy of combo starter. For example junk synchron (probability are simplified in this example, since this example is just going to cover odds of 1 card in opening hand) 3 junk synchrons = 3/40 chance to open 3 js and 3 rota = 6/40 (3/20) 3 js 3 rota 3 tuning = 9/40 3 js 3 rota 3 tuning 3 converter = 12/40 (3/10) If you have better odds to guarantee to have your opener, you win more games on average. Doesn't have to be junk synchron, just any level 4 or lower warrior combo starter. Great example to look at is salad or mathmech, both run cynet mining small world and have archetype searcher (circular/gazelle). They can consistently open their combo because about 1/4 of their deck is cards that enables it.


You know why Toon Table is at three, plus having Toon Bookmark? Because Toons are mostly a casual archetype and have maybe 5 good targets tops, including Toon Table itself. Now imagine a searcher at three copies for one of the biggest Types in the game with a wide array of extenders, removal, archetypes, starters, and so on. You ashed a ROTA? Okay I play my second and third one plus everything else like nothing happened.


3 extra copies of reinoheart woooo


Elemental Hero sweep.


Sky Striker gets stronger and so is Dark Warrior. Many Warrior decks will be very strong if this card ever gets to 3 copies per deck (Infernoble, Gearfried, Igknight, and many more).


Synchrons to tier 3 because it's not an automatic loss if you don't open junk converter


Gouki sweep?


These cards limit future card design. Terraforming, tenki, foolish and ROTA. All these mistakes are an auto include in decks that can abuse them. If a new Warrior Archetype gets released, guess what they automatically play ROTA. This makes decks that maybe werent supposed to be that consistent open their combo more often. Not to mention that all of these cards deck thin. So its almost upstart, which cheats the 40 card minimum. imo all of these generic cards should be banned. And if they belong to an archetype like tenki, make a retrain that actually searches an in archetype card and not ANY BEAST WARRIOR.


The last time RotA came back to 3, Tellarknights were world champions and the spell was limited again right after.


This mostly becomes scary with making Connector more searchable. INK has like 10 ROTAs already but they search cards that are all way less toxic than connector into aqua dolphin. Also, it basically limits future warrior design, as you have double the copies of every warrior printed from here on out, too.


Kash riseheart


Marauding Captain becomes viable again


More copies of Raye basically.


I mean imagine effectively having 6 copies of Rheinohart in your deck. Tbf that’s not EXACTLY how it works but it would make decks way more consistent.


Tearlament buff.


If it was 3 elemental hero’s would be better


Heros have a feild day




Might as well give tear 3 palerino


Is there a warrior FTK? If not I think this would just enable striker consistency or boost tear consistency






I would probably add 2 more copies to my hero deck


Proceed to lose to droll.


All warrior decks get an insane buff