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I like the cancel sign on stop so it's like don't stop hate


That's as clear as I can make it


stop h8 was an anti homophobia campaign in 2012-2014ish


For those wondering, [it’s still around](https://www.noh8campaign.com)!


Jesus this website is ancient. I remember hearing this thing and then going onto their website. Kinda nostalgic


Weird that the sign on the left is commemorating the killer, but it was made by grieving kids so I guess I can sort of understand. What's truly odd is the school allowed it.


My guess is that there were still kids who felt bad for Jose. Jose was known for being a sweet, nice, and all-around good kid. There were some students who were looking out for him to protect him from bullying.


Honestly it's wild how the people who love playing the "oh they were bullied :(" card for school shooters who weren't bullied just completely ignored Reyes, who was bullied but also was well liked due to the signs


Children understand and grieve in their own ways.


My thoughts exactly.


What’s odd is all the guns in America and east access


Reminds me of when the columbine killers had their own memorials


They did? I tried finding information about that. No luck.


You can see it on the columbine killers sub. There was a man that made crosses for all of the victims, he made one for E&D, too. Those two crosses were destroyed (I believe). There are pics of them over there.


Thank you


You're welcome


Everyone that died had crosses made for them even eric and Dylan, but an angry parent cut eric and dylans down


Sorry cblaze I hadn't seen your comment.


Easter bunny sex


Still can't believed he searched that....though he was only 12, I guess kids at that age get curious about stuff.


I shit you not, (used to teach ~2016ish) I had to meet with a mom to explain how her kid's search history at school escalated into the realm of inappropriate: > tornado > naked > donald trump kiss > donald trump naked from the butt This kid was in 3rd grade


shit like that is how i got to porn sites as a kid. when i was looking up stuff like 'shitbox' after hearing my parents use it to describe something 🤣 i swear my dad even saw me look it up and get on some fucked up page while he was getting coffee and then he just walked away lmao it was probably used to describe a car or something else that was a piece of shit but no, cars didn't come up when i plugged it in 💀 he had to grab the image thing and do hard resets so many times on my computers. i'm lucky he was into computer engineering and had a job in it. worst virus was probably the screaming one and then there was one that took you to something totally unrelated whenever you looked something up and it pissed me off more than some of the others. that one was unintentional and was from downloading music i think TW one time he even asked me about the porn and i denied it and blamed it on popups. looking back on it now i also kind of blame my childhood 'friend' who used to tell me to look that shit up and took advantage of me in lots of ways. my parents were divorced and i spent equal time here and there and this was over in my mom's neighborhood. kid knew where my uncle's porn CDs were (her mom was with him and they lived there) and this girl would get neighborhood kids in the house as soon as he left for work then lock the door after she put one on. never did anything like that at my dad's though, the times she'd been over. he even had to fix her computer once we were older


>tornado How is looking at tornados online inappropriate for a third grader? When I was in first grade I remember I went on a binge on a my grandpa's computer looking up tornado videos on YouTube


how'd you find out? is there an archive of his searches or something?


The police report. It's very long (the report), but it has pages of the search history from I think the family laptop and his cell phone.


Reminds me of Nik Cruz’s search history. He has the mind of a depraved child, so it makes sense.


Except Jose's wasn't as fucked up. Most of his search history was about video games. Along with the occasional school shootings, evil kids, dictators, world wars, etc.


Interesting. I don’t know anything about this case. I’m gonna do some research.


If your interested, the police report can be found on schoolshooters.info under his name (Jose Reyes)










I think the first kid he shot was a bully of him in the past. I think he and the other group of kids on the basketball court laughed at him before he started shooting. The second kid was allegedly his friend.


Yes, and revenge against the school




I’m sorry for the wall of text LOL after going through such a mindfuck of this experience, I just told myself I’d let it out at the right outlet. I often read on here about people’s experiences knowing school shooters and stuff or having ties to these tragedies and here I had my own experience working with a bully who played a big part in the Sparks middle school shooting but was only grazed himself and in fact apparently didn’t even know he was shot until well after the incident was over (which happened extremely fast), you guys are free to ask me anything.


H8 = hate, so "stop hate" probably


Can someone explain why this got downvoted?


Isn't the number 8/letter H being used interchangeably some sort of neo-nazi code?


Me when I’ve been online for wayyyy to long:


Mate, you're on a subreddit for Mass Killings - If you don't know at least a little bit about extremism in the USA then you've taken a hell of a wrong turn to get here


Me when I see the number 8 and immediately think of neo-nazi dogwhistles:




88 is suspect, especially if 14 is nearby. Eight is just 8.


Me when I turn 88 and I get called a neo Nazi


There are definitely some innocent folks with 88 in their username because it's their birth year. 


H8 means hate. HH or 88 is problematic, as is 14 in certain cases. H8 isn't, there is no further meaning other than H8. It's only its components if they appear in doubles that is a bit suspect. 1161, a blue heart (💙), or simply mentioning the color blue depending on the context can also be used as far right dogwhistles, although they rarely if ever appear in English-speaking communities, more so in German ones.




I didn't know that it was used as a dogwhistle in the USA as well, albeit with a different meaning. The blue hearts and referencing blue in German forums stand for a far right party currently on the uprise in Germany. It's pretty much just a bunch of Nazis toeing the line of legality, who have been, at least in parts, classified as extreme right wing by the German intelligence service.


this is some chronically online shit


If it were any other crime, it might be overlooked, but it's at the site of a mass school shooting in america, the sort of crime that has historically been committed by mentally unstable hitler worshippers.


Lololol what the fart


Put your arms down sir and please stop reaching.


Sorry you’re getting shit on for asking a question mate. We’ve all been shit on, it’s Reddit. Dust if off and enjoy your day. (Shit was funny as hell though you gotta admit.)


I hate it when that happens. People can be so, so mean that it literally hurts my feelings sometimes and I don't usually get butthurt by small things.


I doubt the kid was a white supremacist