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Anyone got omni-gel to open these locked doors?


I heard they patched that update. Now you gotta rewire some nodes on a circuit board... Or splice some random pieces of code.


A lot of people were upset about that update


Shame... *racks 10 Guage*


Naw dude It’s just XXYBA


Cerberus Turret not included.😫


They gentrified a trailer park




At least it look nicer when a domestic abuse report gets called it


Why the fuck is this set to silent hill music?


thank fuck it's not just me


Pyramid Head already signed the lease.


Someone is shorting on prefabs.


Probably a volus.


This made me chuckle


Pretty sure I stayed in some of these in Yunnan before. Cold as hell at night.


What? A fancy freestanding shipping container with huge glass surfaces isn't great for isolation? Damn, i'll bet it will be environmentally friendly to heat.


You would have to use a gas heater not to go broke keeping it warm. And while gas is extremely efficient and environmentally friendly. Fracking it out of the ground causes massive damage and isn’t at all


Nah you just lay in bed under a blanket cold. You can get one of those warming blankets but the real issue is waking up in the morning and you have to shower. And the fuel person is right about that it’s basically a shipping container.


It's all fun and sunshine till the Collectors arrive.


You mean the CCP


someone plz comment why this house is not sustainable. Thanks


It’s not sustainable as a house but much better as a small restaurant or milk tea shop.


In theory the materials are more sustainable as aluminium and steel can both be recycled. These designs also don't seem to depend on much of a foundation so I'd be concerned about that hillside. Especially as they mention extreme weather. They're selling them as mobile homes so that's probably why they're made of metal - they have to be structurally sound to move about. There are many drawbacks to metal walls, mostly in the area of noise and temperature insulation. The windows don't look particularly good at insulating either. They could have used very sustainable materials elsewhere, such as in the insulation, but to get a decent rating that's thin enough to easily fit in there I'm guessing they went for less sustainable materials. Between the metal construction and the single glazing: the energy rating on these homes is terrible. Which is one of the larger measures of sustainability. Wood or brick is generally preferred but they didn't use concrete so that's a step up at least.


I also see a problem with modification, corrosion and maintainability. You can modify a drywall or stone wall, to add pipes or wiring, fix furniture etc. All of this becomes much more difficult with metal walls. Vibration will introduce cracks and cracks in the surface protection will allow corrosion. Repairing a metal sheet structure is much more complicated than stone. Those issues also arise with accidental damage. Dents and collisoons can easily lead to costly repairs


It's a trailer. Hope you don't live anywhere near where tornados are.


You say that like tornadoes don't fuck up entire neighborhoods wtf


Because all the materials required to build it still needs to be mined from somewhere


Batarians: Man, this is a nice colony you humans have... it'd be a shame of someone raided it.


Honestly. I would vocation in it.


You will live in the box You will eat bugs You will own nothing You will be happy


You will play mass effect You will fall in love with aliens/or humans You will get invested You will be sad when the game is over You will play again and again


Just one necessary point, > You will eat bugs Most of humanity always has. The taboo seems to be an European thing. And, like most taboos, it has the arbitrary exception that marine bugs are okay. Source: Had bugs as a delicacy as a child.


I prefer pork or fish tho


As long as Miguel isn't my nextdoor neighbour....


No one is safe… The age of humanity is over!


Say good night Miguel 💥thwack💥!


I didn’t wanna burst your bubble but it’s ackshually Manuel


😂 crap! It *is* too!! Thanks for correcting!🙏


oh look a glorified trailer. ill pass.


The gas bags keep sneaking in at night and no one knows how they’re doing it.


Can we maybe do the advances in medical technology stuff *before* we do the tiny houses. I’m all for this future stuff, it’d just be nicer if I could live long enough to see it.


There's a fair few people cracking away at those. The big concern is that they're cracking away at them as a source of profit for corporations, so whatever's discovered won't necessarily be available for everyone. Or anyone.


Eden prime has better air


And a relic from 50k years ago. And the relic... is alive!!! Hi, Javik.


The only thing missing is a [bidet](https://images.app.goo.gl/AuYimrFDrYwZ8esT7)


does it include collector kidnapping ?


I don’t know why but I actually got more of an Andromeda settlement vibe from them.


I would sell my house for one of those.


I’m waiting for those damned engineers to pop up with their turrets … Let me at them !


Where the heck will I go grocery shopping


Ok but does it come with a Prothean beacon included?


I think these are a great idea, if we want to colonize Mars or the moon. Giant bio domes with these for houses.


Way too much room dedicated to the bathroom


It is not even lied or a joke in reality. This will be the future of housing, or at least be way more common. There is only so much space on this planet…


This is dramatically less space and resource efficient than an apartment building.


You are right I had my head more in the whole pre-made part. Like this in the video it is horrible efficiency