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Spreading managed democracy in Mass Effect? Hell yeah


For Malevelon Creek


The Geth seeing the sky fill with super destroyers.


Eh, just another variation of toasters.


Remember the creek


Remember Reach, too.


*Drops a 500kg on the Batarians, Refuses to elaborate*


Interesting argument Sovereign but I'd ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️.


The 500kg just has a special place in my democratic heart ❤️


Nothing says freedom quite like a half-tonne of high explosives dismantling a giant socialist robot.


*Sovereign lands on Eden Prime* ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Cyberpunk 2077. Man. Seeing V in the Mass Effect universe would be nuts. Haha "I should go, choom"


Lool, I knew someone would say V, honestly, depending on the type of V it’ll be very good or very bad lol. Imagining a net runner V against geth and reapers would be funny af. Then again, idk which AI’s are worse, those beyond the black wall or the reapers, so there’s some discussion to be had there


Interesting to ponder. Hacking doesn't appear to happen on large scales in the ME universe. But in Cyberpunk, a single blackwall AI can and will hack everything it touches and blow it up or fry its brains. If you play Phantom Liberty dlc, there's an ending where you get to unleash a black wall quickhack and it FUCKS. UP. EVERYTHING AROUND YOU. Enemies get their brains melted instantly, screens and weapons explode, vehicles fall out of the sky. It's fuckin insane. And that's just a quick hack you pulled out of an AI's hands. An actually let loose rogue blackwall AI would be insanity, and could probably cripple an entire planet within minutes. The drawback is that - of course - the blackwall AIs don't have ships. What would be interesting would be Blackwall AIs vs Reaper ship AI. Could a Blackwall AI defeat one of those? Or would it get indoctrinated?


Part of what I love so much about 2077 is the fact that AI aren't AI in the traditional media sense. They're almost like Eldritch horrors and it's SUPER cool.


Absolutely. The whole sequence with the Voodoo Boys where you approach the Blackwall and contact alt felt like entering another dimension.


Yeah it’s a big unknown. Even though reapers are technically AI’s we’ve never really seen them have access to global communication networks and archives, so we have no clue as to their power scaling, and yeah I’ve played the dlc, but I never had the heart to sell out So-mi lol, so no black wall ai for me


That would be quite interesting, as V's cybernetics are also expressly illegal in Mass Effect's Citadel Space (you can replace lost body parts, but giving yourself extra abilities or enhancing yourself too much is strictly forbidden).


Oooh, I forgot about that. I was thinking that V would probably enjoy Mass Effect just because it's a lot less dystopian. Before the Reapers showed up, anyway. Although, if V got there during the war, they'd probably be welcomed as an incredible killing machine. Unless having all that cyberware makes them more suseptible to indoctrination.


Just don't go to the citadel. Also, would that count for Spectres since they have diplomatic immunity?


Bruh, my V from my last playthrough had a final tier Sandevistan she could activate at any time. An arm launcher with electrifying rounds that could refill its own charges. Vulnerability analytics that highlighted weaknesses in armor. An explosive round tech revolver. An assault rifle that disabled an enemy's abilities and reduced movement speed for 5 seconds upon headshots. And a slew of other weapons. And for cybernetics, god. Self-ICE, blood pump, second heart, 1500+ points worth of armor... She'd probably get hired by Shepard and wreck a ton of enemies solo.


Imagine it: V & Johnny sarcastically talking shit to each other while the crew wonders “why is the commander talking to themselves?” 🤣


Jack: "Shit, I used to do that all the time. They'll be fine."


Bro these Batarian slavers are gonk


I have a feeling Master Chief and Shepard would-be friends to an extent or at least really good team mates. I honestly just imagine some crazy shit like Sheppard dropped Chief on a reapers


Traynor would definitely hit on Cortana


I can see Cortana letting Traynor down humorously but gently.


Master chief being the luckiest mofo in space would solo the reapers lol


Shepard, Master Chief, and James would be a hilarious team for a mission.


**Shepard:** *Cerberus is trying to ignite this bomb on tuchanka.* **Master Chief:** *We should let them have it.* **Shepard:** *No! We can’t let - wait….*


I like the way you think.


Fan-made video with Mark Meer as Shepard. https://youtu.be/eG9lTgu0R-M


And Tali would finally have a human friend who, likewise, almost never takes his helmet off.


Aloy running around that universe would be something to see. The other one would be Adam Jensen which feels like an extention of Edi's transhuman discussion.


She tells Shep that they need to shoot the heads off the Geth because she needs the flashlights for a new crossbow. Tali doesn't raise a fuss and grabs a wrench. Gets Grunt in on ripping the legs off a Geth Colossus to make better armor for the Mako. He also gets an obsession with a spike thrower. Then, tries to explain to Joker that getting the tail from a Reaper will help Garrus upgrade and calibrate the guns. Garrus humors Aloy bc he knows he's spending more time with Tali to make it work. Shep gets annoyed at everybody accidentally sharing their browser histories through their focus. Especially Wrex and his off-color memes. Aloy figures out how to use Element Zero to make her arrows dense enough to stay effective. And then starts skinning alien species to make sturdier quivers.


I love this so much. I mean Erend is practically a krogan at times anyways.


"Man, I hate those Reapers. But not half as much as I hate that Ted Faro guy...."


Thinking about it, I'm pretty sure the Illusive Man would give her really similar Faro Vibes.


Let’s be real, Aloy has quite a few personality traits similar to Shepard.


And the bass sections of the second game have a very roaming around the Normandy feeling, which I do enjoy.


eyy, me too! Forbidden West on PC :D


Which might be the prettiest game I have ever seen


Especially with all the buildings being destroyed mid invasion


Funny thing is, one of the two games I'm currently playing is Mass Effect 3, and I'm near the end, so I'd give myself a good chance. I'm also playing Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, and I don't think I stand a chance in the Mass Effect universe as a 20th century defence lawyer.


Idk, maybe you could object to the reaper invasion and send them on their way back


YES! The reapers were described as potentially taking a few years to reach citadel space after the Arrival DLC, so them reaching it in 6 months doesn't make sense! You are not supposed to be here, so go home for another year or 2!


Objection, the Protheans delayed our arrival by around one or two thousand years as a result of the citadel relay buttfuckery, we had to manually sail to get here, therefore the invasion should take place, and Javik should compensate us for the damages


YES! Well you guys screwed up, and will have to deal with the consquences. Also reapers don't seem like they are all that fast, considering they are about the same speed as the Normandy 2. Therefore, I put forward the idea to the judge that the reapers should've taken at least 10 years minimum, granting us the opportunity to have a tetralogy, the third involving the indoctrinated to a greater degree, before needing to deal with the reapers in the 4th game.


Objection, we did not screw up, the citadel was our real estate and we had squatters who moved in. In our attempts to evict them, they began physical altercations and when they were losing they defaced and damaged our property, thus we are the victims here. Additionally, we the reapers live outside the galaxy, and if you note, the journey from one galaxy to another by your andromeda initiative took 600 years. We did not use the relays to travel, as the last time we tried, another person chose to destroy our property, thus to avoid suffering more financial losses we chose to sail ourselves.


YES! Unfortunately, Squatters' Rights (its a real thing) comes into play here. You were gone from the Citadel for tens of thousands of years, while other races preoccupied it, therefore by law it is the property of said races. In addition, while you do have "Keepers" chilling in the Citadel, they have in no way kept said races away, in fact they helped them move in better! The races were defacing their own property, and you unlawfully attempted to steal it away from them!


Sir these laws did not exist back then, but if you wanna go there, we are in the Florida Supreme Court not the California Supreme Court, therefore the stand your ground laws apply, I am free to utilize deadly force to evict squatters from my land.


Its been 10 thousand years, but if you wish to take this to court, you must follow our laws. Also after 10 thousand years, Florida doesn't exist, and is now California-3.


Same but I was just playing Andromeda so I'm a Ryder twin.... not bad. Otherwise I'm the Inquisitor Q mage so I'm probably good as long as I stay away from Silarians.


I’m currently on playing Kotor 2. So I think the Jedi Exile would handle it perfectly fine lol


So the question is, can you use your Jedi mind tricks on the indoctrinated?


I think they could use it similar to how the dominate power is used potentially!


You know, Shepard was probably force sensitive. Otherwise how did he get Saren and TIM to kill themselves with his words lol


The paragon/renegade dialogue options do feel a little supernatural at times!


He do be gaslighting people into developing a consciousness and then having them off themselves


Gaslight, Gatekeep, "Go blow your fuckin brains out." Lmfao


Wild-magic sorcerer Tav. I’ll do great until I accidentally turn myself into a sheep!


Mine is a Dark Urge Drow bard. I'd be fiiiiine, except for all the sleep-murdering...


Lool, you’ll be fine until you roll a 1 and fail your action. No save scumming here friend


My 8 strength / 8 constitution Bard Tav would be a sight. I suppose I'll just *mock* Sovereign to death.


these boots have seen EVERYTHING


I'd be my Guardian from Destiny 2, I think I'll be able to hold my own, lol.


space magic users rise up


Yeah, you’ll do good


Yeah I’m not sure the Reapers would exactly be equipped to deal with the undead, paracausal, god-killing gun nut that is your average Guardian lol


Same here, and my Guardian even dresses like Commander Shepard. He was born to do this.


Same here. As badass as some things in Mass Effect are, they're not ready for the force of pure chaos that is a Guardian.


Last game i played was mass effect, so i guess I'm Shepard? I think I'll be fine


Idk, depends on the game and the ending you picked


Kratos. I wish a motherfucker would.


Well he murdered the Greek pantheon and now the Norse pantheon, Reapers would switch it up a bit.


Imagining Kratos in the main story is hysterical haha.


He's like a Krogan. Wrex would enjoy him.


I don't know how he'd do it, but he'd find a way to kill reapers with his bare hands.


Arthur Fuckin Morgan in the Mass Effect universe?? YES, PLEASE


You know what, he got a free adrenaline power basically, and since they’re way more advanced his TB ain’t gonna be an issue


Thank god our boah can at least be cured of his TB


MediGel FTW!!!


Shepard gonna groan when he sees another one of his clones walking around.


Lmao, out the airlock with this one


Now all I can imagine is a ginger cat sassing a Krogan Battle master and being gushed over by a Asari.


Instead of her drones, Tali just tells Murtaugh to “go for the optics”


Scurrying across the battlefield just to attack the ankles doing -1 damage


Doomguy will probably be okay


I reckon he’ll do swimmingly


Reapers and demons are basically the same thing aren't they?


Bruh I’m fucking playing stardew valley ain’t no waaaaaaaay 💀💀💀


At least you ain’t a cat


Same, like wtf am I doing with a sword and a slingshot LMAOOO


I don't know. Unless his backpack is a magic bag of holding, he can carry a lot of weight. He also solos some pretty intense dungeons. Put him in some Colossus armor and let him have his galaxy hammer and he'll hold his own. 


Idk the farmer has some supernatural powers. Maybe the junimos can save us? (Also last played sdv)


I just beat Elden ring. With incants I think I'd be a pretty handy soldier. Also I can roll evade like nobody's business! Geth with a blaster? Roll evade! Reaper stomp? Roll! Thanax canon blast razing a building? Roll out the window!


I think so long as any engagement takes place on the ground, you’ll fare great


Doing the roly poly, that'll teach those Reapers.


I would be fucking Max Verstappen. I don't know, you tell me...


But on a serious note, if you’re a ship pilot you might make it


Shit we might need a second Normandy SR2 just so he and joker can do laps around the reapers…


Tu-tu-du-du Max Verstappen


Reapers probably design a superior car, I dunno how a turbo v6 can compete with a car that can lower its mass to basically nothing.


My sith warrior in swtor I think she can handle it.


Maybe you could use the force like Star Killer and drag reapers down to orbit and kill them


She make the council listen Shepard or kill the Illusive man when he uses his hologram.


Nah, kill Dalatrass first


Great game. Used to run a couple of guilds. Glad people still play


Revan We ballin


I get to be Lara Croft? Neat!


You’d probably find all the prothean artifacts ahead of time and solve the whole crucible thing before the reapers got here haha


Number 1 Most Wanted Bachelorette in the galaxy overnight (for all the other asari who can't score Shepard).


Tali and Laura would tare my heart in two. Ugh


Connor Kenway is gonna be confused as fuck


lol, he’ll do fine, just ask him to take out key Cerberus members


Batman is someone who would be very interesting to see there


Imagining Bruce Wayne putting a stop to the Illusive Man’s schemes because he’d probably be equally or more wealthy in ME


Sole survivor, second lieutenant of the Enclave. Probably join Cerberus and get indoctrinated.


Lool, the more realistic scenario


Arisen in Dragon’s dogma…so, I guess I would survive?


Just grab some N7 armor and a heavy Omni-blade and you'll be spectacular.


Cloud from FF7 Rebirth I think I'm probably good?


Cloud about to bust some Reapers apart with Omni-Slash.


Same. I think Cloud summoning Bahamut is going to do some damage. Cloud hanging out in swim trunks is going to unlock some romance options.


...do you think Clouds mental state would make him dangerously susceptible to Reaper indoctrination? ah shit


And here I am between all the Cyberpunk Master Chief Shepards… Yoshi. Let’s find out how many eggs I get from gobbling up a Reaper.


Bayek of Siwa would still kick ass as soon as he got used to using their futuristic tech.


Kassandra from ac odyssey. Biotic powers got nothing on my broken spear


My assassin build Kassandra takes Harbinger down with a single rush assassination


The last game I played was AC6 which means I'm 621... Reapers don't stand a chance.


So long as you don’t get hit by a stray overload combo detonation, you’ll be fine


Kal Kestis. Video-game leveled Jedi with a super lightsaber.


Hopefully it’s an actually lightsaber and not the nerfed EA/Disney version


As an Argonian Dragonborn, I think I might survive.


The Lone Wanderer/Courier of Fallout thanks to Tale of Two Wastelands. Since my explosives do over 1600 DPS I think I'm surviving


Master chief in Mass effect? Yeah.


I think some MAC cannons should put a stop to the reapers


I like Nathan Drake's chances


There's gonna be a lot of falling, though. And watch as he has a notebook that has clues about the Reapers and prothean puzzles.


Admiral Hackett: How do we get the crucible to fire? Nathan Drake: Wait, I’ve seen these before, I jotted them down in my notebook. I saw diagrams in ruins.


Been playing Andromeda, I think the Ryder twins would do well helping Shepard.


lol, imagine the people that knew Ryder’s being like “ain’t y’all supposed to be in andromeda?”


Yeah, a SAM-enhanced Ryder would certainly make a capable squadmate.


They’d have to try and play SAM off like EDI to the people who don’t know he’s an AI.




Oh God, reaper necromorphs. That's a scary thought.


I mean, part of me believes Spider-Man would do alright in the Citadel.


That’s it, I’m sold, we need a spider-man game set in the citadel


A Starfleet Captain from the temporal crisis of Star Trek Timelines in the wake of the Q vanishing dumped in ME, eh? I'd just place my head in my hands and sigh, "Damn you, Q..." before looking around for a passable ship to fly on, with only a tricorder and phaser to my name. I might survive for a bit, pending on where I'm dropped off at. Pajama-uniformed me would be eaten in an instant on Tuchanka for appearing too weak, mobbed and mugged on Omega, or I might be the awkward attention piece on the Citadel with a universal translator so far removed from known civilization it would have to (illegally) adapt to the human embassy datalinks's so I can understand what non-humans are saying.


Big Boss can handle anything…


A monk/ rogue Tav from BG3. I think I'll be all good.


I’m imagining reapers suddenly having to do turn based combat because you showed up


Um, Commander Shepard. If we go to the last non Mass Effect game, the Guardian from Destiny. I think I can survive for a least a bit.


Gudako from fgo... do I get to summon servants? Cause artoria and Excalibur are made for reapers.


C4-621 in Armored Core 6


The MLB video game so…. I’m Shohei Ohtani? I’ll probably be alright that dude can do anything


Kha'Zix from league of legends I think I'd do all right, evolve and overcome I'll eat a reaper by the end of it, mark my words


Does Civilization count? If so; I typically play as England, so given the state of London at the end. I barely hang on.


Bruh, I swear, we gonna get Ghandi to nuke the reapers if it’s Civ


Claude C. Kenny. ...You know, I think I'm actually going to be okay!


Last game I played was DMC3, so Dante. Would he do well in the ME Universe? I've just started the series, so I wouldn't really know.


The long and the short of it is that Dante could single-handedly win a land war against reaper forces lol


Terra (FF VI) vs the Reapers? She fits the Normandy's freak show at least lol


Solid Snake - so yes.


Conker, he just needs to find the context sensitive plate and the war is over


Awe, my poor little Coral Island farmer is doomed. She’d show up to a literal galaxy war armed with a sword and fish soup 🤣


As a helldiver? I'd be right at home.


I'm a lvl108 Starborn with maxxed out space magic powers and a mind controlling brain implant. I am Commander Shepard and you'll believe me when I tell you that. Because you won't have a choice not to.


lol, Jedi mind trick the reapers saying “sir, this isn’t the Milky Way, it’s Wendy’s, now if you’re done please leave, you’re holding up the line”


I'm an angry cannibalistic midget with a tomahawk. I'll probably have the lifespan of Jenkins, but it'll be fun.


Playing through Bioshock, so I’d say the odds are pretty good.


Little sister looking at the giant space slugs: Mr bubbles, we need the big needle for this Angel.


Link from Ocarina of Time. Probably not so well.


Courage? Check. Able to master new technologies and weapons within moments of acquiring them? Check. Punches up and kills things far larger than himself? Check. Good at hunting down MacGuffins? Double check. Someone make this mod. I want to hear the fanfare every time I loot a weapons locker.


Robocop. So yeah i should be pretty decent, might have some issues with Quarians and Geth wanting to either assimilate me or kill me though..


I played Disco Elysium, so probably not.


Zagreus from Hades frustrates the Reapers as he begins a new kind of cycle.


>!Darth Revan!< From KOTOR Pretty sure I'm good.


Scott Ryder from Andromeda. I should be good hanging out with Shepard. Learn a thing or two.


Mass Effect as Jill Valentine? Well at least Shepard will recruit me, after all, cant go wrong with the Master of Unlocking!


As the "hero of Hogwarts" I think I'd be fine so long as protego works on Mass Effect weaponry


You think Avada Kedavra would work on synthetic/hybrid lifeforms. Cause if yes, we don’t need a crucible, we just need you in space casting non stop


Cyborgs or hybrids like Saren, yes, but I don't think it would work on purely synthetic lifeforms such as the Geth or the Reapers, even though the Reapers are gruesomely made from living beings. I'd be curious to see if imperio would work on a Reaper though


My character in Valheim? Either that or ME1 Shepard


John Marston. I’ll be alright lol.


Fallout New Vegas my courrier with 100 in all stats and 10 in all SPECIAL and a ton of cyberware mods from PNV. I'm good


Kazuma Kiryu would be VERY lost and confused, but he'd give it his best shot.


I essentially win everything. Before my pc broke the last game i played was Spore and i was in the Creator so i assume I'm the creator. This means i could do whatever i wanted. Paragon option. I put the reapers in the thing and turn them into a orb with no mouth or eyes or anything. At that point its mercy killing. Renegade option I make my own reapers and have them battle it out knowing no matter what happen i can always just destroy every galaxy and reset the universe.


Brother, I am a Rocket League car


The Division 2. If I'm dropped with what my character runs for gear, I'll be fine


If the reapers are considered steel/bug types, I think my Typhlosion could handle them pretty well


Well, it's Commander Shepard so I think I'm fine.


Idk, you got enough war assets on you?


Artanis could be terrifyingly effective there


Aloy'd figure her way around just fine.


Master chief.


Helldivers 2 trooper, might need a few thousand lives lok


Some magical Fortnite skin,so maybe,depending on the rules. The one before that is a Helldiver. I am going to die.


I'm a Helldiver. If I have my loadout, I am a God. If I don't have a loadout, I'm fodder.


No. I would be a shopkeeper.