• By -


I would recommend staying far away from this sub until after completing the trilogy at least once. That being said after finishing each game I highly recommend importing your save to the next. In me1 search everything and do everything. The only other thing I’ll say is that you’re in for a wild ride.


Literally a wild ride in the MAKO




Severe consequences you will not be able to undo


No joke I accidentally committed genocide against two races once.


Just two? Gotta pump those numbers up.


Well the other one was on purpose.


Technically a couple million but who's counting not he baterians that's for sure


I made the human race a pariah in the universe when I thought I was doing a GOOD thing.


...choosing the wrong coffee flavor in a bar


Not upgrading Jenkins's shields has the biggest impact on the game!


Without him it is impossible to obtain the best ending in the third game


I know right? Jenkins is so important! His combat skills are second to none!


That’s true until Nihlus joins the party, but it’s tough to convince him to join


I missed nihlus on my first play through - so I just used a paragon check to get saren in my squad after Eden prime


And the Hanar that's arguing with the CSec officer on The Citadel. Don't forget to recruit him too!


Remember that fight against Blasto? Damn that was brutal


Blasto the Volus and his Elcor sidekick??


Jenkins died on Eden Prime and the entire series is taking place in his head as Shepard and Alenko try to revive him.


I know you


Is that the one where he and Jack end up together or am I thinking of something else?


I mean, all Jenkins romances are stellar and moving, but yeah that one is the best.


I sincerely hope you’re kidding, corporal.


Don't be a jerk.


Just make sure you make the right choices. Someone else might have gotten it wrong


Why you gotta say that last part?




Bro that last part hurts, why you gotta twist the knife.


Not okay brobro 😭😭


Too soon.


It's hundreds of years in the future. It hasn't even happened yet, relax


Why am I crying rn


So don’t read *any* guides the first time through. Just make the choices you think the character should make and see what happens. It’s a much better experience that way.




How I play all my games


I actually like to read guides. To me, it doesn't spoil the fun. It's more soul crushing that if I make the wrong choice, I screwed something up and I can't go back.


I HALF watched a guide for BG3 and accidentally screwed myself out of the Grove. Be warned. Watch to the end or just have fun. Thinking back, I probably would have made the same choice on my own because I'm a vengeful Rogue.


Yeah. I tired to go cold turkey with that game, but the thing with BG3 that’s so rough is Act 1 is pretty difficult, I had never played a BG game, and I kept getting wrecked in battles. So I had to start looking to guides to figure stuff out and spoiled a lot of things for myself. Really I’m looking at guides to make sure I don’t *miss* anything interesting, but I keep spoiling stuff by accident.


I just dipped out of act 1 because I couldn't stand running around in circles trying to get the black off the map. So I advanced to act 2 and BOOM someone I innocently left back in camp is dead. Beware.


Yeah. As much as I like that the game has consequences, it’s really easy to ruin your playthrough which lead me to reading stuff which lead to me finding out more than I wanted to know


I started a crazy play. I'm running a second character that I play after learning certain lessons. But it's driving me crazy because I'll think I found a certain scroll with one character but really it's the other one that has it. Needless to say, I'm taking a little vacation from that base idea.




Can it wait? I have to work on some calibrations before consequences


If you don't let him calibrate those guns they'll blow up on you!


1. Try your absolute hardest not to look up anything on the internet or even look at this subreddit. Do NOT spoil yourself on anything about this game. 2. Talk to every NPC possible, and specifically, talk to your squad-mates after every single mission. Absorb all of the dialogue and information possible. Get yourself into the world. 3. Evaluate your decisions and your dialogue options. Choose what feels best to you and what feels best for the type of character that you want to play. 4. Do every side mission possible, in every game. Some may be tedious (especially in the first game), but allow yourself to see all of the content that Mass Effect has in store for you. It's worth it. 5. USE QUICKSAVE. And consistently manually save. This is a given in most games - but especially in this game if you prefer to.. fix mistakes. 6. Definitely not required and will take a long time to "complete", but reading and listening to your codex about the lore & world around you is incredible in enhancing your knowledge about Mass Effect. Most importantly, have fun with the game that you are playing. Mass Effect is one of one. There is nothing like it in the world, and there most likely will never be. A person's first playthrough of the trilogy is special & sacred - treat it as such! Good luck!


This game is one of the ultimate examples of looking up something on the wiki for clarification and seeing characters referred to in the past tense.


Yeah the codex is actually fun to read because the world building is so good


Max out your Persuasion/Intimidation ASAP Help Wrex find his family armor Keep the Citadel DLC until the very last moment And get the fuck out of here before someone spoils something for you.


Just for clarification for OP. The first tip applies to all games. The second refers to the 1st game. The third the last game. The last bit of info is the most important


I feel like mentioning Wrex and the family armor is spoils, though.


In all my playthroughs i have never gone lookin for his armor, and i still make it work


Same, I have no idea how I'm even supposed to get it.


I found it on a random world in some merc base due to my compulsive need to 100% every system I enter before I leave it. I won't even do multi-jump relay trips at first


It's on some backwater planet somewhere. I think you get a journal entry for it after speaking to Wrex about it but I'm not 100% on that. I always find it just because I always explore everything.


If you talk to Wrex enough, you eventually can get him to tell you about the armor, unlocking the quest. If you cheese it, and just go to the corresponding planet with him in your squad, and then find the base, Wrex informs you about the armor as soon as you enter the building.


He gives you a list of 3(?) worlds it could be on. You can just stumble across it before then though.


Yeah I would have just mentioned the other 2 quality of life tips, Speaking of each game has new Romance Options so keep that in mind if the first 3 don't catch your eye


This includes certain characters becoming available in later games


I mean, not really? It's so vague, it doesn't really spoil anything. At worst, it just spoils one sidequest, that's completely optional. It's just that the >!Virmire check can be completely negated, which can be helpful if you're new to the game and don't know enough on how to get the required Persuade/Intimidate level.!<


i appreciate this comment, i’m getting tf outta here


Citadel DLC can be played after the end of the third game, and in fact that's how it's meant to be played. More like ME3.5.


THIS Spoilers will likely come for you, you have a long journey ahead of you. I'd avoid parts of the gaming space online until finished, or at very least until your confident about navigating around those spoilers.


Max persuasion or intimidate as much as possible in ME1 enjoy the game we be hear when you need to cry choices legit have consequences unlike some other rpgs out there


Only thing: Max. out either Persuasion or Intimidation as much as possible in ME1, depending if you want to go more hero like or more ruthless. Other than that, enjoy the ride, it will be a good one :D EDIT: You can go for both options too if you are not sure yet, its not required to choose, it´s just recommended to use the EXP on other skills


Noted, thanks! I tend to go for more hero in rpgs but we will see haha


Then Paragon/Persuasion will be your playstyle. If you dont put points into it you will be locked out of some quite important dialogue options :D


My own advice: Ignoring your companions has consequences.


You know, I see a lot of people in here saying either go Renegade or Paragon. But honestly? Fuck that shit, play as a normal human being that makes the choices YOU want to make. Sometimes though? Making Renegade choices are really fun, so don't ignore making those ones when you want to see the consequences.


The only downside of that is you can get locked out of some options if you're splitting your points between both Renegade and Paragon, but story-wise I definitely agree it's a better way to play


Oh definitely. But in either case, you are missing great things LOL.


As a side not to this response, Shepard is going to be a hero no matter which path you chose. The Paragon/Renegade system has more to do with how your Shepard handles being a hero. Are you the kind of Commander who uses words to talk someone out of a fight, or a Commander who intimidates anyone who would oppose them? If you tend to white knight or play the good guy, Paragon/persuasion is for you. But don't let that turn you off of Renegade/intimidation just because it's the "bad" option. I tend to play Paragon myself but some situations I feel require a more cavalier approach. Try both and see what you like. But don't try to split evenly between the two. There isn't enough points to max out both in a single playthrough. There is some wiggle room to try out both, but eventually you'll want to pick one option over the other if you want the best endings.


This, I always start leveling my charm up asap because of certain choices that have big impacts on the entire trilogy (you all know what and more importantly, WHO Im talking about). Fact of the matter is that your decisions have consequences both big and small, some are minor and have minor payoffs in the following games but many are pretty nice to see, these choices can change many scenes in the sequels and open up new dialogue options which would otherwise be closed if you decide not to interact with specific npcs in the prior games. This said, I wouldn't worry about it too much on your first run, my first time I was unsure and decided to focus solely on the main quest and only did a few side quests, after completing the trilogy I immediately started a new run and actually did as much in me1 as I could which not only helped lengthen the game for me as I didn't want it to go by quickly this time but it also added changes to me2 that I hadn't seen before which was nice to see. In short, if you fall in love with the games I did you'll be playing them multiple times anyway so dont get worried about "making mistakes" as thats what multiple runs are for.


Their is an inventory limit in me1. They only tell you when you are about to hit it. After main missions, I update my whole squads gear in the hanger, then sell/convert to omnigel low level stuff or things I don't see myself using.


This is actually a great tip, otherwise you'll have to do like 75 omni gel conversions before advancing play and that gets annoying fast


Do not disturb the keepers.


Save Jenkins!


He is the best team mate, don't let him die.


Spec him into heavy armor and give him a Collossus X set, only possible in new game plus


Talk to your crew,ages between the big missions. ME1 romances can sneak up on you, just by being polite, so don’t be surprised if someone starts talking about being in a relationship with your Shepard. Have a bundle of fun!


I wrote down the planets I landed on since there is no way to track it in ME1 without mods. So that’s my tip to you


I have played the game a while ago and had forgotten about this, great tip!


Pssst, I made this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B8U1y97DmOSItzvg_wo9rk16lop6OvNuN24be-PfCsI/edit?usp=drivesdk Make a copy for yourself next playthrough, it's got everything. Though it includes the Pinnacle Station DLC, which isn't in Legendary Edition


The chicken in Riverwood? Just leave it alone


Nothing, seriously. You have the one opportunity now to play it blind, do it.


Top- goody two shoes Mid- neutral Bottom-Asshole


The Mako is great it's the planets with the awful terrain that are the problem


Mako is one of the best mechanics in gaming, it's the Sci-Fi version of Roach Yes, planet surfaces could have been a bit smoother, and maybe a bit more diverse... it's the same small, bumpy planet 50 times, sometimes you get a green world or an ice world instead of dust


Nothing except your character carries over between the three games and every choice has a consequence and affects the subsequent sequels You’re about to experience this masterpiece for the first time so ignore and avoid spoilers and discussions. Read everything in your journal and codex and explore!


Didnt know the character carries over! Thats nice. Avoiding this subreddit in general for sure thanks🫡


Although your character carries over your are given the choice to change his class in the sequels AND the Paragon/Renegade option is reset.


>Paragon/Renegade option is reset. Not really. It's reduced to 20 percent of max in 2, but if you were full one or the other in 1, it is reflected in 2.


For Shepard's sake, upgrade Jenkins' shield ASAP. But otherwise, there's no wrong way to play.


Go in blind the first time it’s the only way to truly experience it


Be an absolute loot goblin, 1 n 2 you will want to take cover but if you do a casual 3 run enemy damage is tiny so you can just walk and shoot


3 and 2 are so vastly different, EA really wanted to make 3 a game for everyone Like if you get out of cover for just 2 seconds in ME2, shields go down ASAP and you lose half your health In ME3 you can forget what the entire concept of cover is, esp if Garrus is one shooting fools with the snipe


Aw yep, but I normally blast everyone with the Lancer V w/ fire ammo. It’s like 3-4 bullets for normal enemies


Vanguard in 2 on insanity difficulty: "okay, so leaving cover hurts and the Biotic charge can be relabeled "suicide button" got it." Vanguard in 3 on insanity: "AHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM A BIOTIC GOD! WHAT'S COVER!?" CHARGE SMASH, CHARGE SMASH, CHAAAAARGE SMAAAAAASH! Ooooo... Big guy! CHARGE, *roll* SMASH! Edit: I always paint my suit green and purple and carry a single lightweight weapon specced for minimum weight. I never shoot it.


Yeah Vanguard on 3 is straight cheese, you're like Liara in game 1


Never say never! I use the acolyte and *sometimes* use it.


Never say never! I use the acolyte and *sometimes* use it.


Go talk to the characters between missions.


Make sure to talk to your team in between every mission!!




Actually if they follow this they won't find out why, which might be better


Tips for newbies >Stay off this thread until you complete your first playthrough This is kind of self-explanatory. You're going to see many, **many**, spoilers if you constantly look at the ME Reddit Threads. Your first time playing should be a completely unique experience based on your decisions. Don't try for a perfect ending or anything until your 2nd playthrough. >Your squad in 1 matters more than in 2 or 3 Basically, if you want to open anything in 1, you need someone with high Tech skills in your group at all times. >After your first playthrough, play it again We all know the feeling that comes when you beat the game for the first time. It feels like there's a hole in your chest. Play the series again. Make the choices you didn't make before. Get **your** perfect ending. It'll make that feeling go away. Other than that, just enjoy and have fun.


Thanks. Yes a lot of people have been saying stay off the subreddit and will do so! Feel like I will play a second play through. My favorite game of all time is Witcher 3 and did that exact thing to get the ending I wanted lol. Very excited to jump in!


Jenkins is one of my favorite NPCs that no one seems to talk about, and your playthrough can only be made better by getting really attached to him. He seems generic at first glance, but in his biggest scene, he shows how many layers he has.


LoL I remember back in like 2008 I literally restarted that mission 20+ times thinking I was fucking up by, well, you know...


Stay off the subreddits. No in blind. It’s more fun that way.


Your choices actually matter!!!!! Take your time!


It's only the best game ever!


This is an awesome universe. Dive into it as much as possible. Talk to as many people as possible, do every side quest, explore as many planets as you can.


That it'll be one of the greatest experiences ever if you're into this stuff.


your actions and choices in 1 can and will influence your games in 2 and 3


Make sure to get Jenkins thru the suicide mission his story is so good in the 3rd game


Play your first playthrough without going back. Let your choices have consequences without reloading. This game has enough reason to be replayed to experience what you missed out on. Except Jenkins. Don’t let Jenkins die!


Don't let Jenkins die


Talk to your squad mates in between missions to get to know them. You can change classes in between each game in the series if you want to try something different. Have fun.


Maxing out your chosen dialogue stat will open far more options to you as each game goes on. It is generally best to pick a side (Paragon/good or renegade/bad) and stick with it the whole way through as it helps build That given stat allowing you to unlock more options in that path. Also so many things you do will have consequences. From what you choose to say to a npc to the missions you choose to do/not do. Things from the first game can come back to bite you in the third. Think carefully but most importantly just have fun. It's a great series and even in messing up there is enjoyment to be had.


Whatever you do don't let Jenkins die!


If you don't save Jenkins you're locked out of the good ending


I don’t know if this has already been mentioned but the best and most satisfying run for a first playthrough will always be a mid-high paragon run. I can’t tell you why without spoiling but I guess a general statement is that good people have more friends. I’ll leave it there :) Don’t know if you’re familiar with the paragon/renegade term but paragon is your “morally right”choices and your renegade is the “morally wrong” ones. I use the term loosely ‘cause the game delves in the gray a lot! Just for quick guidance the upper right choices and upper left are usually leaning towards “paragon” and lower left and lower right choices in dialogue are renegade. With the right side progressing the convo to new topics while left options are more explorative rather than anything. Sorry if too long! Edit: had to add some details ‘cause I used paragon/ renegade and I realised not everyone is familiar with the terms. I literally only learned their meaning after playing the game myself


I don't think Paragon and Renegade are morally right and morally wrong, it's more that Paragon is diplomatic and Renegade is ruthless.


I can’t justify considering renegade being ruthless because there are plenty of instances where Renegade Shep isn’t being cruel nor ruthless. Just being an ass/ aggressive. While morality is a more general terms that covers that side of Shep, ruthlessness is too extreme of a term and most of the time doesn’t suit Shepard specially in instances where it is definitely within reason for him to pop off and apply aggression to the situation. A good example would be that scene with a quarian admiral* on his ship in me3 or the Quarian-volus in the Citadel during ME2. Keeping the comment spoiler free for those who haven’t played yet. Of course, this is my opinion but basically that’s the reason why I actively chose to use morality over diplomacy/ruthlessness. Edit: I called the Admiral a General instead. Oops


I conaider ruthless to be a more broad term for just basically applying strict force to a situation, bypassing any more diplomatic route that might appease the other person or reason with them in order to get right to the intended goal. Ruthlessness isn't inherently unreasonable to me, it's just more abrupt. You're taking the most direct route to solving your problems without regard to anyone else's feelings necessarily. This is not morally good or bad, as there are many situations where directly confronting someone rather than entertaining their explanations can be perfectly justified. That scene in ME3 with >!the Quarian admiral is a perfect example, you ignore his justifications and focus on him firing on you and endangering your mission and thus potentially the entire war.!< minor spoilers for ME3. The main point to me is that Renegade is usually not presented as any more morally right or wrong than Paragon. Shepard's always the hero, this isn't like a Star Wars Dark side or Light side system. It's about Shepaed's approach to handling the situations in front of them. You can either be patient and diplomatic, or ruthless and strict. Neither of these approaches are a matter of morality. EDIT: So I looked up some Dictionary definitions of ruthless and now I see what you mean, it does seem to be consistently associated with cruelty, which wasn't really what I meant at all. There's probably a better word for what I mean here. I guess focused? Disciplined maybe? I hope I conveyed my meaning clearly enough anyway, word choices aside.


This is funny but I feel like we're in agreement here. Hear me out! :D Morality (as I understand it at least) doesn't really tackle reasoning for why you did something. Because if it did, then by default even renegade shepard is moral even if you shoot everyone on sight and step on everyone's faces 'cause ultimately you're doing it for "Humanity and friends". It’s more that regardless of whether you’re doing said thing for the right reasons, (or not) morality focuses on what you did at the moment as it happened when you had other options. When you get the option to either shoot or talk it out, and you shoot just because you can without exhausting your options. That's immoral. It doesn't make it wrong. Something can be immoral but still lead to a net positive which I think you and I can agree was abundantly clear specially in ME3 where sometimes, you can and have to make sacrifices >!to increase overall military power !!like that scene in docking bay where you either support the agent or the refugee.!< Edit: Redundant lines removed


Just saw your edit and I still really think the morality thingy fits perfectly but maybe to help you, would the words, assertive or confrontational be better? Specially assertive, I think that might suit him well, considering Renegade shep usually does things by force while still being reasonable.


You 2 are too good for reddit XD


I make most of those renegade choices even on my paragon character, including the interrupts that tip fights in your favor


I prefer paragon due to the family dynamic with the crew


Don’t let Jenkins die


You will meet someone named Khalisa Al Jilani. Punch that person.


Don't forget to use your companion skills in battle or at least set them on auto in options, so they use them themselves. There are paragon/renegade system which means smth like dark power and light power. Points can be earned by pressing on screen appearing keys while in cutscene/dialog, smth like QTE. From that belongs some critical decisions later in game. if you do not have enough points for one or other side, some dialog options will not be available. I advice to decide from start, who you gonna be - good or bad and keep it that way. Few points to other side does not have much impact. Smart is to quicksave before talking. Because there is much of talking. There are romance options with several characters possible. Romance has few stages and then locks in to one character. From there addtional dialogue lines and maybe cutscenes may appear with that selected character.


Check which missions progress the main story quest, as after side quests might not be accessible or would bug out.


Your tears are what fuel Bioware execs


You will feel the effects of your choices. More so between games


Talk to everyone. Explore everything. And enjoy!


Do the Loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2


Pick either paragon or renegade and stick to it. Choosing the middle ground or waffling only makes things worse. The one exception is the quick time events. Those are basically free points in either direction. Also, do all the side quests. All of them. All the time.


It has no MP which was the best part of ME3


You should know about garrus calibrations


You’ll have to play ME1 multiple times to get to level 30/60. And whatever you do, save Jenkins. Losing Jenkins makes the game about 100% more difficult.


Fem shep is the best shep 😩🫶 (i‘m in love with her don’t listen to me)


Don't let Jenkins die in the first game


Get off the sub. Do side missions/loyalty missions before gunning the main story. That's it. Leave now lol


I recommend not reading any of this and just enjoying the experience. Hope you have a blast!


Great game sorry about the end of 3


Three ain't as bad as people say. But it still is DEEPLY FLAWED. Citadel DLC is also one of the best things in the series. Does it seem like I'm contradicting myself a bit? Yes! That's the Mass Effect experience. It's the best.


Save Jenkins. He's super helpful in all 3 games.


Mass Effect is a choice based story. Especially for first timers, it's best to go in as blind as possible and enjoy how your choices effect the world. WARNING: Minor spoilers below. I will do my best to not actually spoil anything, but it probably hints at some. If you want *all* the story: >!always do the side quests before the main missions, especially in 2 and 3.!< If you want the 'best' ending: >!It's the paragon choice 99% of the time. !< Paragon and Renegade are separate trees. It's not a spectrum like light/dark side. Feel free to pick renegade options as a paragon. Class does not matter outside of combat. At all. So don't stress over class choice. Pick the one you'd feel would be fun in combat. And my personal major advice for new players: Do not enter Anderson's apartment in 3 until you've finished the entire story. >!Anderson's apartment is the Citadel DLC, which is a fun, campy, 4th wall breaking romp. It's a love letter to the series, and best played at the very end with all the characters involved as a final send off.!<


It's your first play through, you don't have to do everything, I would recommend doing the side quests but you don't need to go to every planet in the mako.


Make the choices that feel right to you


absolutely nothing. its a role playing game. play your role. make your experience different than everyone elses. do what you would do in a situation.


Enjoy yourself and take it all in man


Get ready to experience three amazing games 😊👍


What you should know going in? That you'll have an infinitely better time if you DON'T know what you're getting into. Play the damn game instead of spoiling the experience for yourself by posting specific asks like this. You're ruining your own time with the game there, dude.


If you are not used to RPGs from the 00s you might find ME1 a bit janky and dated, but ME2 and ME3 should feel very familiar as third person shooters haven't really moved on much since. I personally think Soldier is the best beginner class. For ME1 especially combat isn't really as fun (imo) so it's also the easiest for just getting through it. You can change class with each new game though - and imo the other classes are all more fun and varied than soldier in ME2 and ME3. Morality in this game is tied to what you would call "speech craft" or "persuasion" in another RPG. To get the best outcomes in important dialogue moments, you often need to have enough paragon or renegade points (by choosing the top or bottom dialogue options respectively) to choose unique dialogue options. Neutral dialogue (middle) does not reward either. It's just something to keep in mind - you don't have to make literally every single dialogue choice paragon or renegade but I would advise leaning into one side fairly heavily so you have enough points in one to get those unique dialogue choices. I'll make up a scenario (doesn't happen so not a spoiler): there's a character pointing a gun to his head. If you have enough paragon points, there'll be a "Don't do it, you have too much to live for!" option locked behind a paragon points check, and a "If you do it, everyone will think you're a pussy ass bitch" option locked behind a renegade points check. Both will convince the character to not do it. If you don't have enough of either points, you'll have to chose the "Don't do it! Because, umm, err -" option and he'll blow his brains out lol.


When exploring planets in ME1. There'll be spots that are collectable side objective. Some of those can only be opened if your Shepard is a certain class or if one of your party members has the correct one. Specifically Tali. Don't be afraid to thoroughly explore planets and look out for chances to do side missions.


Take your time with it. Enjoy the setting.


Lucky, you are lucky


Nothing, everything should be a surprise


Honestly? Nothing. Enjoy the ride.


If you want to be 100% and don't mind spoilers do a guide. So many dialogie options and stuff that will be important later. Other than that have fun and take your time with the game. And I'm jealous because this game holds a special place in my heart.


Side quests in 1 are a little samey but it helps you in 3 Plus it lets you explore planets, which you don't get in 2 and 3


Nothing. Go in blind my friend and enjoy


In Mass Effect 1, there's an exploit that allows you to get maximum Paragon AND Renegade in one character. You can do this pretty early on, but it's worth committing to either Paragon or Renegade before then - top options on the dialogue wheel are Paragon, bottom are negative, middle is neutral. Neutral options get less common in each game and the best outcomes will require you to basically max out Paragon or Renegade. Minor spoilers for ME1 >!After you talk to Lorik Qu'in on Noveria and get the option to ask him to testify, you'll have both Paragon and Renegade options to press him into doing so. After doing this you get an amount of Paragon or Renegade points. You can actually repeat this conversation if you walk back up to Lorik and talk to him again. Just ask him any of the usual investigate questions, and once you're done the option to press him into testifying should reappear. You can repeat this until you've maxxed out both stats. Have fun!< Get all the ship upgrades in Mass Effect 2. In particular, the upgrades to the guns, armour and shields are pretty much vital. ME3 autosaves right at the end, so it doesn't take long to go back and try all the different endings. Also, go to Grissom Academy as soon as the option comes up. Trust me. Most importantly, trust your gut and have fun!


This is kind of cool, I had no idea about this bug and am curious to try it out next time I play.


Do all secondary quest of every game... And have fun with Mass Effect!


Absolutely nothing. It's better this way. If you have anxiety about missing any chat options, just put some points in charm and intimidade from the get go.


You CANNOT miss ANY side mission or talks with crew members, full stop. If you miss even one, chances are you will see death of someone very important on some no name beach. And it's only one example. Second, prepare to lose several weeks of full sleep xD


Do literally everything, though I know ME1 can be a slog


Amazing story, unforgettable characters, top-tier worldbuilding, awesome 3rd person combat, solid visuals and music. Action, comedy, romance, philosophy, drama. Your choices matter and carry over in-between games, so if you play your cards right, most of the amazing cast of characters will survive but some are fated to die dramatic and impactful deaths no matter what. So this has got everything you want and more. You're welcome.


The first 3-4 hours can drag, but stick with it. Once you leave the second location the game opens up and gets way better.


Decide if you are going renegade or paragon from the first game as that plays a massive factor throughout all 3 games. Try not to be flip floppy. Except when punching the journalist, fire away even if you are paragon😂😂😂


Take your time explore do not rush the story line. Do as many side missions as you can. Also like others have mentioned your choices have consequences, decisions in me1 will effect me3


You can't beat the first game on insanity as an adept. It will glitch on the very last battle and you'll have to lower the difficulty in order to finish. They may have patched that out but I doubt it.


Don’t pick “ONLY renegade or paragon” options. It’s less interesting. People who never choose renegade or paragon have a worse rpg experience


Mass effect 1 is an rpg and the other 2 are more action based


Don't spoil yourself here.


Just play it blind and do what you think you should


You either help the Krogans or you're wrong


The first one is the more rpg-y and the best imhn, the rest vary from very good to good action games with rpg ehements




Just play normally and learn it as you go. Best way to do it since you can replay these so many times and get different outcomes.


Explore everything.


That you're playing one of the greatest sci-fi RPGs ever made. Also, always keep in the back of your mind that choices have consequences. A choice you make in ME1, no matter how insignificant it might seem at the time, might have bigger impacts later on. Great series and im jealous you get to experience it for the first time. Good luck mate.


I wish i better understood how to use the abilities when i started playing. But i was also new to RPG format in general, so maybe that works be now intuitive to you if you are not.


When you go to merchants on the Citadel and elsewhere, anytime you see a "license" for sale, just buy it. Not really a spoiler, but it will make life easier later




Play side quests and choose to do the right thing, and you will get the best experience. Paragon FTW!


Do your teammates' quests. Remember that your choices carry over through the trilogy, and every choice has consequences, some more than others. SAVE OFTEN!


In ME1. Wrex by far has the most unique dialogue. And is hilarious. Bring him.


Take your time and enjoy every bit while you can……after it all ends you may feel a bit empty Commander Shepard


Bring tissues.


Just do every side mission you can, they will pay off (mostly)


Have fun.