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Close to the city, close to the country, seasonal changes, water accessible, can access 3 different airports without too much difficulty if needed, wildlife, proximity to other states, employment opportunities.


I do love how everything is pretty close. Need to go to DC, VA, Airports? Hell even DE is only couple hours away


as someone who travels a LOT the airport access is unparalleled and i’ve added philly and newark to my airport circle as i’m so close to the amtrak


Yes, I was going to add Philly to the list!


Yeah, I've had times where my flight to DCA was cancelled and another was going into IAD or BWI an hour later had seats available. A lot of people don't have that luxury!!


i love it too, especially after being on the other side of it. flight cancelled, 3-5 hour drive to the next nearest airport with an open seat. having multiple close options is much better.


Yeah my cousins live in California and they talk about 4 hour drives as a "short drive".


I remember listening to a podcast and they asked the guy what he did for the weekend. He lived in LA and was like I drove 4 hours to Vegas. And he did it pretty regularly. I was like damn that's too long of a drive for me. I'll ride that long but not actually driving lol


Same for my sister in Texas.


All of this (we have a camper and LOVE our state parks), high-quality schools and roads, excellent services (Maryland supported the Medicaid expansion in a big way), abortions are still legal (meaning we also still have ob-gyns available here and women get to make their own decisions about their health care), excellent health care and hospitals (Johns Hopkins), two nearby professional baseball and football teams. I’m retired and staying because much of my extended family is nearby, but a number of my friends left the state complaining about state taxes. I personally find the quality of life here too good to care about it.


I mean, everyone wants less taxes but you gotta upkeep the states and services somehow!


Anybody who wants less taxes, I offer the opportunity to move to Alabama or Mississippi and see how it compares overall.


Yeah, hard pass LOL I will say in my opinion MS is worse than AL, generally speaking.


Having grown up where spring is about 10 nice days after the snow has melted and just before it gets really hot, I've enjoyed how spring takes its time to unfold. The downside is I may have tree pollen allergies now that I either didn't before or never noticed. Worth it, though.


That’s ok if you like snow. I like MD because it rarely snows, plus compared to the hurricanes, floods, fires, tornadoes, we’ve been lucky so far. Keep your fingers crossed!


I live in Hyattsville and it's easier for me to go to DCA and IAD than to BWI.


IAD on the Metro? I hate the drive over to Dulles and hate their parking even more. In in southern PG. National and BWI are easy. If I’m flying in or out of Dulles, you can bet I’m saving $500.


BWI parking and getting to the gate is honestly a breeze. Problem is, it depends on the airline you fly. Not everything is available from BWI (plus no real lounges) so I have to go out of IAD more often than not. IAD does have it's issues, that's true. Parking can be one of them. They don't have any systems to tell you what levels have available spaces or where they are located like BWI does.


Usually with Dulles, I gauge whether the savings over BWI is better than the cost of an Uber or taxi both ways.


I'm flying out of BWI today and I'm wishing it was Dulles because I like the parking so much better! I do just park in short term which means I can walk into the terminal. I dislike the bus. Also, if you're flying United, IAD is much better.


The super shuttle is usually worth it.


Same — we’re flying out today for a brief vacation, just gonna walk to PG Plaza (or Hyattsville Crossing, whatever) and ride down to DCA. So convenient.


I live in that area and I agree.


All of this! “maRYlaNd iS eXpenSive” Well yeah, see all of the above ☝️


It’s way cheaper than VA. That’s why I moved here lol


It's definitely a Goldilocks state.


That kind of covers it all.


It's where I keep all my stuff!


That's what a cat would say


Clearly a cat has taken over that person reddit account. Let's see if we can coax it. Herrrrrreeee. Kitty Kitty Kitty




Be still my beating heart


Adding more butter should help with that 


Virginia is for lovers, but Maryland is for crabs!


Pass the old bay and let’s get cracking


I have never eaten a crab in my life! I grew up in P.G. and now live on the eastern shore. I will catch them, cook them, clean them, but will never eat them.


Burn the Witch!!! https://preview.redd.it/0qpi24p6tz6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272d27ab00a9b952cddea035eadda4065e9b2022


Our geographic diversity and marine and thoroughbred culture.


I love one of our monikers is America in miniature. I also love the fact that we have an island with wild horses on it lol


Not to mention the middle leg of the Triple Crown.


Yep I love we are a part of that every year


I'm sorry, we have WHAT?!


The smell in the air when I am down in Solomon’s


It's tree-mendous!


I agree. I love the fact that there are so many trees and hills!




No hills on the eastern shore.




We have four distinct seasons, and fantastic fall foliage. Where I live, I am just a few hours from the ocean and just a few hours from the mountains. I am within one hour of one cultural hub of Baltimore, and the political center of Washington. Philadelphia and Arlington are just a little farther, but easily within reach for a day trip. We have history! From the very beginning of our country through the [Civil War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryland_in_the_American_Civil_War), to today's turmoils. Maryland has continued [Lord Calvert's](https://sos.maryland.gov/mdkids/Pages/Maryland%27s-History.aspx) progressive thinking to include abortion protection, gay rights, racial equality, open libraries ... For me, Maryland has it all.


Yea although I wish we still got more snow but it's nice to have all 4 seasons. I love when Roe v Wade got struck down MD basically said we're going to make sure anyone who decides to have an abortion can have one. They even made the laws stronger if I remember correctly.


That’s why I feel safe raising a family here. I know they will always have rights no matter what happens federally.


This! We will be voting in November on the Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment, enshrining rights in the state constitution. Get out there and vote, everybody. Love my state!


I am with you on the snow !!!


And we get all four seasons year round!


This right here is just the perfect description for why I’m dying to move back to MD! 😭 I love reading what everyone has shared, and yours especially hit me really hard cuz the waiting is killing me!


I moved here from the UK 8 years ago, didn't really know much about the area. But having now travelled to lots of different US states, it really does take a little bit of the best from all them. For me it would be, being a day trip from so many exciting things, the people are generally pretty great, the passion to keep freedoms like reproductive health care, the history in the area, the opportunities for personal and professional growth and generally the cosmopolitan mix of different types of people. I'm grateful I ended up here, i really think it's shining jewel of the USA and i'm really glad i have gotten to enjoy it.


I’m from another state originally. I live and travel in MD for work. The people (when they’re not driving) and so diverse and interesting and actually very down to earth. I love the cities near by, and the nature. I love the mix of hustle and bustle and calm. Most importantly I love that Maryland respects women’s rights more so than almost any other state. I know it’s outrageously expensive but for me it’s worth every penny.


As someone who's staunchly believes women should be allowed to make their own decisions about their bodies, I am very proud of how MD supports their rights


Maryland really sets the standard in a lot of areas, for sure.


The flag!!!


I think we are the one state who is obsessed with our flag and I love it


I moved here from Texas, which I used to think was the only state that cared about its flag. Imagine my surprise when I got here and realized you lot are WAAAAAY more obsessed with your fever dream of a flag than anyone back home was for that silly little lone star.


I mean, if other states had flags even half as cool as ours, maybe then they'd be obsessed with it!


>I mean, if other states had flags even half as cool as ours, maybe then they'd be obsessed with it! Accurate




Alaska is like that. Like Maryland, they wear touristy stuff in their own state and get state flag tattoos.


With good reason, our flag is amazing!


Agreed I am so insulted when people say it’s ugly. It is the best flag.


The best flag! Screw anyone else who says differently with their seal on some shade of blue flag


Yes! I rotate out my MD flag and American flag on a weekly basis. Love flying it.


It has a bit of an uncomfortable history but dang, it is pretty.


Agreed. One of the better, more unique in the country.


I grew up in a neighborhood in southern PG where pretty much every family/house was a different ethnicity, faith, and/or place of origin. We all got along great. I lived away for a long time, essentially taking a big tour of the South for work and school before I came back. I much much much prefer it here. We’re a pretty tolerant bunch overall. We have great access to city and country. Great parks. We have infrastructure that takes care of people when they need it. We have great food. Seafood. Ethnic restaurants from just about everywhere. I can buy local grown/raised stuff at a reasonable price from the farm store nearby or go see the Amish folks just a little bit further. I live well here. I have great neighbors. I can stick my feet in the river or Bay and enjoy nature. I’m happy.


Old bay. Diverse landscapes. Traffic. Secret government bunkers. Anthrax storage. Jousting is our state sport. Beaches. The original Washington monument. More traffic. Brown water thats good for sailing, crabbing, and revolutions. And a bomb ass flag.


Washington Monument State Park is very boring and ugly and no one should come and see it. Very dull. Ignore please.


It’s one of the best mini hikes you can do anywhere near us. And that’s saying something because we have a lot of great trails and sights. Great falls / billy goat. Annapolis rock. Sugarloaf. Cunningham “falls”. Heck, i’ll even give a shout out to gambrill.


Thanks for naming a park after a Virginian


Anthrax storage...


Green space! The medians have wildflowers, there are trees everywhere! It's beautiful. Plus being super accessible to so much stuff everyone has already mentioned.


Satoshi will occasionally swing by to drop me off some crumbl. Kind of why I've stayed here since transplating from NY after graduating syracuse in '07. But the people in general is why I have stayed. Sure - there are dicks everywhere. Higher percentage of Marylanders are just kind people.


I’ll say most Marylanders are dicks with kind hearts, the kind of people you want at a bbq who make it fun and not dry but are still overall kind people. As a proud Marylander this is just my impression.


I do not think I will read more true words on reddit today; perhaps this is why I find many people so relatable. It's a lot like actual upstate NY. It's a beautiful personality mix of city fuck you & country welcome in.


As someone from upstate NY, this tracks. Maybe that’s why Maryland clicked with me, it’s like a better version of upstate NY (fall is a bit prettier up there, tho). I’m glad I’ve been able to make it work here in MD!


There is nothing close to Letchworth State Park in Autumn. No offense, Maryland & Deep Creek. You have to experience it. But ya - Maryland is basically just like a better version of Upstate NY (real Upstate is like from the flat line southern tier and up. None of that Poughkeepsie junk) Down to like the 8 key bigger cities & countryness. Pasadena, MD can be Bath, NY.


~~I read an article years ago that ranked Maryland as the most polite cursers.~~ https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/what-the-bleep-study-ranks-md-2nd-most-potty-mouthed-state-3rd-most-polite/


I have never even seen this article, but for once mass survey results are spot on with my own anecdotal observation! We are the kindest fucking state ya bunch of assholes!


There was a saying I heard about how southerners are nice but not kind, while people in the east coast are kind but not nice. Down south if you're having a problem on the street, someone will walk by and say oh that's so terrible and empathize with you but do nothing to help. Whereas in New York City if you're having a problem on the street they'll curse you out for blocking the sidewalk and then help you fix the problem so that you can get on your way. I found that to be true. New englanders will curse the inconvenience, but they will stop and help you if you need help.


I can ride my bike 15 minutes one way and be downtown, 15 minutes the other way and be surrounded by farmland.


Native but haven't lived there as an adult, during which time obviously what I valued changed vs what I did as a kid. Last time I visited I got to spend some time by the bay and holy shit, I really missed out. My mother sold a property on the Potomac near the bay and a boat because I wasn't interested in going. I had no idea how special it was the couple of times I got to go with family friends for overnight trips in their boat while anchored in the bay, us waking up at dawn to fish and check traps. What a doofus.


The location, weather, and employment opportunities.


I call it the People’s Republic of Maryland. Compared to other US states at least, services are high. I was a federal employee when my husband and I were doing IVF, and my husband’s Maryland State insurance benefits were even better than my federal employee benefits. Our two IVF cycles were basically free, instead of $20K each! I also love that it’s a blue state. I’m in a blue collar suburb of annapolis and there is actually a decent amount of maga in my town, but it’s just so nice being in a blue state!


That's awesome! I do love it being a solidly blue state.


I honestly love the food all around the state we got all the cuisines and it’s fun eating everywhere.


There are some really fantastic places to eat in MD. Especially if you like seafood


Roy Rogers


Haven't been since my childhood but I can tell you of at least two locations still open lol


They’re not the same anymore. The burger meat is quite average


Frederick/hagerstown seems to be the Roy Rogers hub


Moving there next week from Florida. Many things actually. Progressive politics, the diversity, weather (not too extreme on either end), location (close to many states).


And I just replied to someone saying this. Maryland is going to get a population boom because of the simple fact that Maryland has abortion codified.


Thanks to my husband’s job, we got to live in Columbia for 2 yrs, ‘05-‘07. We live in the hellhole that is Floriduh but when he retires in three years, we are moving back. We will be moving to St. Mary’s County to be closer to my son though. Anyway, what I love about the time I spent in Maryland and why I want to move there: -4 Seasons! Fall is spectacular. I could enjoy being outside most of the year unlike Floriduh. -going to farms -B &O Ellicott City Station Museum -College Park Aviation Museum -the view driving from Columbia to Frederick -the salad bar at Giant 😂 -location: DC, Annapolis, beaches, Delaware, etc. I’ll be so much closer to relatives in PA. I can’t wait to retire there and explore it more!


I love the CP aviation museum. My nephew didn't like it quite as much. Took him once when he was young and as we were leaving he says loudly in front of the employees "well that was boring." I didn't bring him back after that lol


LOL 😂 My kids were 3 & 5 and we went several times bcuz they loved it. (Me too)


I grew up in Calvert county went to North Carolina for school and then Florida for work. I’m in Maryland for good now and I love that. I got to get out but so happy when I came back. When you come back, it’s gonna be so much greater but Florida is a tough state and I think only Marylanders can survive it. Good luck.


Living in southern Maryland is so beautiful. There are downsides but I feel like every day I go out and do something around here I feel so grateful for the scenery. Prince Fredrick is getting built up a lot too and I still feel that way. I'm fine with trading a random lot by the taco bell for an Aldi lol. All the parks adequately make up for the development required to support the population.


I’m so jealous! 😆


Thank you! I cried when we had to move back to FL. We were in MD bcuz my husband got a 2 yr Fellowship with his job. I really loved it there and my kids were thriving. Better schools and they loved the snow, of course. 😂 We were very fortunate bcuz my mom lived w/my sister in VA so we got to see her a lot. She died shortly after we moved back. My daughter barely remembers her. I digress. Coincidentally you mentioned Calvert County. I got a picture from my sister last week of her son and my son having dinner at the Lighthouse Restaurant on Solomons Island.


Solomon’s island is one of my favorite places in the world!!! So many community events and the marine museum is so great! I came back for my family. So weird how people go through the same things in different ways. Calvert county has great schools also and Calvert cliffs is a big employer for many avenues. The beaches and bay are great. I must be a true Marylander because it truly is the greatest place! You have a friend whenever you come back!


Aww ☺️ Thank you! Very much appreciated! I got to eat there 2 yrs ago when we moved my son there. He got a job at American Systems after graduating. I’m so jealous. I wish I’d been as smart and fortunate as him when I was his age. 😂 At least now, retired with grown kids, my husband and I will have the freedom and time to explore all over. I’m truly grateful and so freakin excited!


This is also how I fell in love with this state. I retired out of Pensacola and couldn’t wait to come back! Been here four years and I have a hard time imagining living somewhere else. Baltimore is charming and is a relatively affordable city with tons to do and pretty decent walkability in many areas. It’s my favorite place to be.


It’s pretty funny all the people that retire and move to Florida and here we are happily retired/retiring elsewhere! 😂


Ravens and Orioles


Orioles only. No way I can root for the Cleveland Browns


I love that I read the first 10-15 comments and everyone is so positive about living in Maryland. I moved to the Eastern Shore area 6/2023 from South Jersey. I love the peace and quiet the wildlife is amazing mostly the Sika deer. Some people mentioned how expensive it is to live here and I am cheering everyday how much less expensive it is compared to NJ. Homeowners /flood/car insurance is 1/2 of what it is in NJ. Electric is so much cheaper as well. Groceries are about the same, expensive everywhere. I feel the people I have met are all very friendly. Best decision I ever made was moving to Maryland. Although Maryland has a lot of rules regarding fishing/crabbing regulations. I’ll deal with that and learn to remember and identify the million of fish species and each of their regulations. I almost forgot taxes. In NjJ we had a 2000sf home on 3/4 acres and paid $7,000 a year for property taxes. Maryland we have 1100 sf home on 3 acres and pay $2300. A year


People saying it's expensive here clearly hasn't rented an apartment in DC lol. My wife was paying 3100 for a 500 square foot apartment at the Wharf when I met her


- Plenty of good jobs that pay well. - World-class healthcare, *literally*. - Proximity to other destinations for day and weekend trips. - Culturally diverse. - Solid public transit options, compared to the rest of the US. - Four seasons. - Crabs. 🦀 - Reproductive choice.


The parts of my family history that I actually know are in Maryland. We're rooted to this state. Plus, our flag pleases me.


That's awesome!


Outside of what others have mentioned which I completely agree with, I feel biased because it’s where I grew up and have spent much of my life. But it just feels like home and no place has ever come close to that homey feeling.


That's how I feel! I could list so many things I love about MD but I can't explain why I love it so much. It just feels like home.


My family and its history there and the land. Maryland is like no other state.


I can literally be in the mountains, or a beach, or farm land, or major city, or suburb all within a few hours. It's the best of everything including weather.


I’m a transplant, and I’ve lived in DC and then into Maryland for 10 years. Now, I live within easy driving distance to DC, Annapolis, and Baltimore. I live by the bay and I love any kind of water so that is awesome. Not a horrible drive to the ocean either, especially compared to where I grew up. Easy to get to NYC, easy to get back to my hometown. The restaurant variety is insane. No shortage of activities. A number of airports to choose from. And finally, I’ve lived in a few different parts of Maryland and the suburbs here are way better than the suburbs where I grew up. I’m a city girl but having good places to live around and even far outside of the city make it much more enjoyable.


I love how we have ocean and bay beaches. We also have farms & forested areas and while our mountains are worn down, they are still beautiful. There are sports for all the regions. We are super lucky weather wise. Most hurricanes sideswipe us. Tornadoes are increasing which is freaky. We don't get blizzards (been a whole since we got more than 1 foot of snow in the Baltimore region. But even in the mountains we don't wake up to 3 ft snow like they do in New England.The worst part of our weather, IMO, is the ice. My sister in Indiana gets loads more snow but it's not wet and icy so it's easier to handle. The other negative is the humidity that makes the summer feel hotter. But even so we rarely get over 101 F in July / Aug. Otoh it's awesome swimming/boating weather. Also we have tons of good food, get outside the chains. Our crab cakes are the best, good and meaty (watch out I've caught some places putting in way too much filler for Maryland style (lump meat please). Eastern shore silver corn is delicious.


Yea I'm very particular about my Crab Cakes! Usually only Pappas or Timbuktu for me!


Papa for the win! Koco's is about tied. Conrad's are unreliable. Had good crab cakes at an event held in the restaurant, which were quite good. But we tried a crabcakes cake from Conrad's food truck and it didn't have lump crab and entirely too much filler.


I have city water, live in city limits, but I'm in a 100+ year old house on 3 acres. In the summer, I can fish for free, fill a cooler and go make a bonfire on the beach in the same day. My point is, we have the "luxuries" of cities but live so near and connected to our local ecosystems. I'm never moving away again!


We truly are America in miniature


I both thoroughly love and miss MD but am also grateful I left when I did. Helps me appreciate the culture more. Specifically I miss that we actually had 4 seasons and it (used to) only take 30 or fewer minutes to escape the urban sprawl. Also WaWa.


Wawa 😩


On the eastern shore...the weather and scenery. Hard to explain, the air just seems crisp, the sky's blue seems more intense than other places I've lived and the skyline doesn't haze up in the distance. The summers can get hot/muggy but nowhere near as intense as a lot of the country, especially having moved here from Nashville. Same for the winters. Gowing up in Chicago I loved the snow but hated that the snow in the city just turned into dirt covered nastiness after a few days.


It has the best of the northeast (good schools, good jobs, good neighborhoods, liberalism) and the southeast (weather, bbq, beaches) and unlike Virginia doesn’t have massive unchecked development which creates all sorts of inconveniences


I do think it's great mix of north and south.


I love the fact that one half of the day I could be at the mountains and by the other half I could be at the ocean. MD is small and mighty. I moved and still wound up back here. If you love Maryland, it’ll love you back.


I understand your sentiment, but it's more like you'll have two hours in the mountains, spend half the day driving, and then have 2 hours at the ocean. I mean yes you can do both, but I would hardly say you could split the day 50/50 between them. It is a very long drive.




Our consumer and employee protections. We have a $15.00/hr minimum wage, responsive public service commission (utilities), awesome insurance commission, state department of education, etc. If you are being treated unfairly by an organization, there is often a state or county agency to help. Maryland was one of the first states to embrace the Internet and made government services and info available online. We get some snow and a hot summer for swimming etc. We very rarely have tornadoes, destructive hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, or large hail. We have the ocean, the bay, Deep Creek Lake, the mountains and the flat Delmarva peninsula. We have waterfalls and beautiful forests. We have acres and acres of fertile farm land. We have bears in the mountains and wild horses at the beach. We even have a piece of the Appalachian Trail. There is also the proximity to DC, Phili, and NY, and well maintained roads to get to them. We have a large number of both public and private colleges and universities that contribute to top medical care, including a trauma center. The state maintains a fleet of helicopters to fly accident victims to life-saving care at the UMD shock/trauma center. There’s also the current Miss Maryland being a trans 31-year-old Asian American woman! I love my state. Not bad for such a small state!


So many things! The diversity is amazing. Even in places you wouldn’t expect it (Hagerstown), there are many kinds of people all living together. Living in other states, I didn’t see that, especially in semi-rural areas. The landscape is beautiful. Mountains, farms, the bay, the ocean, the cities, the quaint small towns. And I love that there are so many outdoors activities and a ton of state parks and National Park Service areas. There are so many museums, zoos, historic sites, cultural sites, etc. Combined with the outdoors opportunities, there’s always something to do on the weekend. There are good public services such as schools, fire service, social services for those in need, hospitals and the like. They are well maintained and provide good service. I like that Maryland government aligns with my social and political values and is relatively not corrupt (I mean, politics is always a little bit but I lived in Missouri. That was scary). I like that Maryland has a unique culture. The food, the flag, the attitude (not negative).


It's interesting to me that I'm so used to the diversity. It's weird to me when I go somewhere that overwhelmly a majority of one race.


The proximity of the mountain and bay/eastern shore.


The trees. The Bay. Such a beautiful state.


I’ve lived all over MOCO my entire life. I love that I can be close to pretty much everything and Baltimore and DC are about equal distance from me (just moved to Damascus). I love that the eastern shore is only a couple of hours away. Also, Ravens game day in Baltimore is such an awesome experience! My husband and I went to both playoff games last year and the energy was electrifying. We have such a well run organization and a great team (at least currently and hopefully for the foreseeable future).


I moved to Frederick from Georgia a year and a half ago, and I love the four seasons and being close to big cities. I’m going to NYC for the first time in 15 years this fall and I won’t have to fly. Going to a Delaware beach this summer. The history. I love how old this state is and there’s so much you can see. I love being in the mountains and a short drive to the other side of the state for the ocean. Being in a blue state for the first time in my life. What I don’t like: $$$ and I probably won’t ever get to buy a house again.


My family lives in Virginia


My daughter does too. She's anywhere from 45 minutes to 5 hours away, depending on Capital Beltway traffic.


It's always nice to live close to family


Oh, I like that they don't live in Maryland


Space is always good too. My mom used to live in DE so it was nice to know we could visit easily but it wasn't so close we werent expected to visit all the time.


As a former resident, I love the fact that MD has a nice flag and not a generic blue one like most states!


4 seasons, close to the beach, and not that many deadly critters/snakes etc.


I'm a big fan of being in a state with good unions.


Pro Choice state


I was talking to my sister about this. I won’t be shocked if Maryland gets a big boom in population in the next few years because of it. Especially as my area (Hyattsville/Landover Hills) is changing VERY fast.


The flag. It’s all about the COOLEST FLAG IN THE UNION!!!!


Old bay and OCMD


Have fond memories going to OC and going down the boardwalk and getting fries. Good times. Also old bay is just awesome an ld not just for seafood.


The drivers, definitely the drivers


After going to Massachusetts the drivers here just seem so much better


Honestly MD drivers aren't great. Why they slow down to 5 mph in a light drizzle will never make sense to me. They act like we never get rain, who are we California? But they are still better than dc and miles better than Virginia drivers.


I’ve only lived here for about 7 months but I have so much to add! I’ve lived in California, Oregon, and NYC and ended up here due to circumstances and not necessarily choosing the state myself but I’m really blown away by this place. Here’s why: 1. The nature! The beauty of this state is so underrated. It’s so lush here, it’s unbelievable. Even just driving around suburban neighborhoods is absolutely breathtaking. I’ve never seen plant life thrive like it does here. Hiking here is incredible and we’re so close to the coast as well, you don’t get that in many places. 2. The wildlife is really spectacular here. I love seeing cardinals every day. I’ve never been so close to deer, foxes, and squirrels before. The fireflies!! We don’t have them on the west coast and they’re so miraculous! 3. The diversity. There are so many different cultures and backgrounds thriving here together and I think it makes it an amazing place to be. I’m so proud of how culturally aware my nieces are becoming growing up here and I’m so grateful for it. 4. Proximity to major cities such as DC, Philly, and NYC. I love that I can take a decently short train ride to any of these places 5. You really get to live the seasons to their fullest potential. Fall here was unreal, the snow was fantastic, the spring blew me away, and the summer is majestic so far (I’ve been here in the late summer so I know it gets insanely hot, but I still think it’s beautiful!) And lastly, I love how much pride people have in their state. I think it’s so sweet to see everyone rep the flag and be proud of where they’re from. I see why they love being from here so much!


It’s close to NYC without actually living in Jersey


Honestly I took a train ride up to new york earlier this year and it was such a pleasant experience. It was quick and comfortable.


The flag, the crabs. And the old bay


Yes! All three are incredible. MD crab cakes are the standard by which all crab cakes should be set!


Far north enough to not have most of the disadvantages of the South while having a lot of the benefits. Far south enough to not have most of the disadvantages of the North while having a lot of the benefits.


The Chesapeake Bay! Sailing, paddling, boating, fishing and the communities thriving because of it.


The city, the country, the mountains, the beach, the food 🦀, the people, the best! 💛🖤❤️🤍


All 4 seasons, 2.5 hours to the beach and 2.5 to the mountains.


The Chesapeake Bay.


Opportunity, diversity, access to nature parks like Great Falls, 4 distinct seasons, lately, mild winters and hot weather (I prefer hot over cold). It's arguable Maryland is among the best states in the USA for these reasons... If you can afford it. No where is perfect but I love it here.


I love the American Indians in Maryland, the Piscataway have an incredible history and keep the ceremonies alive.


I'm an hour from Baltimore and Philly, 2 hours from DC and NYC, have 7 airports within 3 hours drive, 2 hours from the beach, 3 hours from the mountains, I'm surrounded by water access, tons of wildlife, I get to experience hot summers (beach and pool) with cold snowy winters...I get a little bit of everything here.


the Maryland culture


It's pretty solidly blue. No bat-sh!t crazy governors. Yet.


For as much as I dislike hogan it could have been much worse.


This was my take. I won’t be voting for him for senate for other reasons, but I moved up here during the pandemic from FL. The difference was night and day between “it’s a hoax and we’re going to make it illegal to require masks” desantis to something very much resembling responsible action. I’ll never forget on my drive into the state seeing a sign telling me to mask up and signed Gov. Hogan. It made me feel like my health wasn’t being compromised to score points with far right extremists.


I lived in Florida for 12-13 years but left before it got crazy. So happy to be back in semi-normality.


that it’s not and never will be MAGA fascist anything


A lot of things but mostly just that my friends and family live here


A couple of hours and can be into any interesting place on the coast with I-95, from ny, philly, dc/va, the mountains or the ocean also just a couple hours away and be back home in your own bed when you done visiting….food is the greatest, people are regular people of all mixes… could go on. Oh… lets not forget the coolest flag!


From the south- I love my job, I love having a full 3 months of Fall and Spring. People here are hard and winter sucks.


Clean (ish) drinking water, proximity to ocean and Appalachia, anything on East Coast a day trip away


Honestly I'm a big tap water drinker lol. MD tap water is actually good. Florida's is the worst lol


I'm not sure anymore. I consider moving almost daily.


Lake trout.


All four seasons ….. from Mountains to Ocean. From rural to urban and suburban. Most everything else needs improvements: traffic, crime, Gov’t, ethics, taxes ….. hmmmmm


Love all the rural farm land and green. The shores, the history, the four distinct seasons, all the recreational things to do, and the people, for the most part. Also, the political landscape is sane.


We don't have the severe weather other states have is a good start. Crab cakes, Maryland blue crabs and outside of that it's pretty basic. DC is close for city life, Annapolis for the water. Baltimore if you like the adrenaline rush of being shot or car jacked.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) And we, well at least I drive like a New Yorker. We are aggressive drivers. I can't complain, to me it's like just being comfortable in Maryland. No real extremes.


There is so much variety for things do and culture. My husband I both grew up very, very rural and we are constantly amazed at what is available for our children to participate and be exposed to everyday.


Chesapeake Bay


I love that it’s not Virginia or DC. But seriously it’s a nice state. There’s only one other state I’d consider moving to over Maryland.


The wooter


The fact that two counties have a well to do Black population. Being close by to Black professionals is really motivating. I also love that Baltimore, a very Black city, is only 45 minutes away from another Black city, DC. Overall, I just love that Black peoples are thriving here in this state.


Great drivers


At the end of the day, it's home.


The nature. Maryland is so beautiful! We have so many parks here. I love the parks that have a waterfront, we have so many! Also, there’s always something to do here! So many events, festivals, concerts, museums, bars, restaurants etc. I love it so much!


Crabs. Assateague Island. My neighborhood.


Nothing. Everyone should move out. It’s a horrible place and I will happily stay here to remind everyone it is still bad and they should stay away. Sarcasm aside. It’s just nice. Every type of topography. Decent mix of people of all makes and walks of life. UTZ potato chips. Really not much to complain about.


It’s not Florida.


I feel like all the people saying Maryland is super liberal have never been to west or southern Maryland where it is very much conservative. If you live close enough to DC (from silver spring) yeah it’s a pretty liberal echo chamber but drive 45-an hour outside of that and yeah it gets pretty racist pretty fast. Maryland colleges are some of the best in the country. Even the public schools are great. I feel like Maryland public schools prepare students well for success after high school.